As the metagame shifts, pure tanks have mostly been phased out by tanky DPS, and Rammus is no exception. Currently, Rammus is best played as a tanky DPS champion, who takes advantage of the large AD bonus from his Passive, the natural toughness of Defensive Ball Curl, and his powerful CC suite in order to display a powerful teamfight presence.
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+ Show Spoiler [Patch Notes] +
+ Show Spoiler [Pre-Season One] +
Base health increased to 420 from 400.
Health per level increased to 86 from 76.
Tremors damage increased to 65/130/195 from 55/110/165.
Fixed an issue that would cause Tremors to be removed by Black Shield and Cleanse.
Puncturing Taunt now displays the "Taunted!" pop up text for enemies.
Fixed a bug in which Rammus' movement speed was slightly too slow during Defensive Ball Curl and Powerball.
Tweaked autoattack animation timing.
Powerball sound now ramps up in pitch to match his increased speed.
Base mana regen increased to 0.75 from 0.5.
Powerball mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130.
Puncturing Taunt mana cost reduced to 50/65/80/95/110 from 50/70/90/110/130.
Attack range increased to 125 from 100.
Mana regeneration per level increased to 0.06 from 0.05.
Powerball cooldown reduced to 11 from 12.
Defensive Ball Curl cooldown reduced to 15 from 18.
Defensive Ball Curl mana cost changed to 50 at all ranks from 40/50/60/70/80.
Tremors mana cost changed to 120 at all ranks from 100/150/200.
Fixed a bug where Powerball could occasionally deal double damage.
Base health increased to 420 from 400.
Health per level increased to 86 from 76.
Tremors damage increased to 65/130/195 from 55/110/165.
Fixed an issue that would cause Tremors to be removed by Black Shield and Cleanse.
Puncturing Taunt now displays the "Taunted!" pop up text for enemies.
Fixed a bug in which Rammus' movement speed was slightly too slow during Defensive Ball Curl and Powerball.
Tweaked autoattack animation timing.
Powerball sound now ramps up in pitch to match his increased speed.
Base mana regen increased to 0.75 from 0.5.
Powerball mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130.
Puncturing Taunt mana cost reduced to 50/65/80/95/110 from 50/70/90/110/130.
Attack range increased to 125 from 100.
Mana regeneration per level increased to 0.06 from 0.05.
Powerball cooldown reduced to 11 from 12.
Defensive Ball Curl cooldown reduced to 15 from 18.
Defensive Ball Curl mana cost changed to 50 at all ranks from 40/50/60/70/80.
Tremors mana cost changed to 120 at all ranks from 100/150/200.
Fixed a bug where Powerball could occasionally deal double damage.
+ Show Spoiler [Season One] +
Fixed a bug causing the Powerball sound to continue after Rammus hit his target.
Fixed timing issues with basic attacks.
Defensive Ball Curl can now be cancelled.
Movement speed increased to 310 from 305.
Base mana regeneration per 5 seconds increased to 4.5 from 3.75.
Powerball cooldown reduced to 10 from 11.
Defensive Ball Curl damage return now scales on 10% of his total armor.
Defensive Ball Curl Cooldown reduced to 14 from 15.
Puncturing Taunt mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110.
Puncturing Taunt: Fixed several bugs with it to make it more responsive.
Defensive Ball Curl base damage return reduced to 22/28/34/40/46 from 26/32/38/44/50.
Defensive Ball Curl: Fixed a bug where the tooltip was not displaying the proper bonus damage return.
Fixed a bug with Puncturing Taunt where the taunt particle sometimes played on targets that blocked the taunt.
Powerball slow reduced to 20/25/30/35/40% from 28/36/44/52/60%.
Powerball slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9.
Powerball speed reduced by about 15%.
Fixed a bug where Defensive Ball Curl Defensive Ball Curl had an ability power ratio.
Fixed a bug causing the Powerball sound to continue after Rammus hit his target.
Fixed timing issues with basic attacks.
Defensive Ball Curl can now be cancelled.
Movement speed increased to 310 from 305.
Base mana regeneration per 5 seconds increased to 4.5 from 3.75.
Powerball cooldown reduced to 10 from 11.
Defensive Ball Curl damage return now scales on 10% of his total armor.
Defensive Ball Curl Cooldown reduced to 14 from 15.
Puncturing Taunt mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110.
Puncturing Taunt: Fixed several bugs with it to make it more responsive.
Defensive Ball Curl base damage return reduced to 22/28/34/40/46 from 26/32/38/44/50.
Defensive Ball Curl: Fixed a bug where the tooltip was not displaying the proper bonus damage return.
Fixed a bug with Puncturing Taunt where the taunt particle sometimes played on targets that blocked the taunt.
Powerball slow reduced to 20/25/30/35/40% from 28/36/44/52/60%.
Powerball slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9.
Powerball speed reduced by about 15%.
Fixed a bug where Defensive Ball Curl Defensive Ball Curl had an ability power ratio.
Attack damage per level increased to 3.5 from 2.75
Rammus can now immediately switch between Defensive Ball Curl and Powerball.
Defensive Ball Curl magic damage return changed to 20/30/40/50/60 from 22/26/32/38/46.
Defensive Ball Curl cast time removed.
Defensive Ball Curl now correctly displays the armor amount in the tooltip when active.
+ Show Spoiler [Stats] +
Health ............. 420 (+86)
Mana .............. 255 (+33)
Damage .......... 55.32 (+3.5)
Attack Speed .. 0.625 (+2.22%)
Range ............ 125
Health Regen .. 5.0 (+0.55)
Mana Regen .... 4.5 (+0.3)
Armor ............. 21 (+3.8)
Magic Res ....... 30 (+0)
Mov. Speed ...... 310
Mana .............. 255 (+33)
Damage .......... 55.32 (+3.5)
Attack Speed .. 0.625 (+2.22%)
Range ............ 125
Health Regen .. 5.0 (+0.55)
Mana Regen .... 4.5 (+0.3)
Armor ............. 21 (+3.8)
Magic Res ....... 30 (+0)
Mov. Speed ...... 310
Rammus is best played as a jungler. The facts that he has no ranged abilities with which to harass in the laning phase, no natural forms of sustenance, no useful gap closer and no burst damage until he has his taunt leveled up and his ultimate, make him quite possibly THE weakest laning champion in the game. On the other hand, Rammus is one of the fastest junglers around thanks to Defensive Ball Curl (which helps him clear out jungle camps quickly) and Powerball (which gets him from camp to camp quickly and also deals some significant damage), and makes for one of the most effective gankers due to his mobility and great crowd control.
As with any champion, you should play to Rammus' strengths whenever possible. Knowing when to be decisive and initiate is an invaluable skill on the armordillo; it's hard for his victims to escape his CC train, as it is hard to escape when he's pursuing you. Rammus doesn't take well to the turret-supported harassment and poking playstyle. His burst damage consists of Powerball, Puncturing Taunt (armor reduction, forces target to attack Rammus), Defensive Ball Curl and Tremors- coupled with the fact that you're crowd-controlling your target and autoattacking, this is quite deadly vs. squishies.
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Akinator knows what makes for a great LoL champion
I like to use a 0/13/17 build, picking up 2/3 Strength of Spirit, Defensive Mastery and Harden Skin from Defense and Awareness, Greed, 2/3 Meditation, Utility Mastery, Quickness and Blink of an Eye from Utility.
I like to take Flat Armor Quints, Mana5/level Seals, MRes/level Glyphs and AS Marks.
Some people like to take ArPen Marks. They are strictly worse than AS marks. Best case scenario (opponent has armor 15), they provide equal DPS to AS marks; realistically, they will typically add less DPS (run the numbers yourself if you don't believe me), and these don't help you proc Madred's Razor / Wriggle's Lantern more often.
Summoner spells:
Smite + Flash. There's really nothing more to say here.
WQQE then R>E>W>Q
Taking Q at level 3 is because it boosts your jungle speed more than W and allows for stronger ganks (50 more damage is significant).
Defensive Ball Curl is great for jungling, as is Powerball. As you start looking around the map for ganking opportunities, however, Puncturing Taunt will be your best friend and you'll want to max it out first. Defensive Ball Curl is critical to your being tanky, so you'll want to get that before maxing out Powerball.
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Cloth Armor + 5 health pots to start off with. You can start with a Vamp Scepter if you take 21 points in offense, thus saving gold on potions- but your jungle will be riskier, it will not be faster, and your ganking opportunities will suffer greatly during the first 6 minutes.
Typically you will clear all your jungle camps once, then portal back home for boots1, a Sight Ward and 3 health potions.
"Standard" item build:
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Replacing your Wriggle's Lantern:
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Adding an endgame DPS item, or an endgame tanky item:
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Other items:
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Sunfire Cape brings earth-shaking midgame power if you choose to buy it. You get a large chunk of health to complement Defensive Ball Curl, Armor in case you want to towerdive someone, and a pretty massive amount of damage (for this point in the game) for a such a tanky and affordable item. The downside? Sunfire Cape is an evolutionary dead end; as far as defensive stats go, it is very inefficient (you barely get anything over the base Giant's Belt + Chain Vest you need to build it), and offensively it falls behind pretty heavily as the MRes and Health scores of your enemies go up. If you're expecting a lot of midgame teamfights, Sunfire Cape is very good; if you're expecting passive play (which is sadly the norm), don't get it.
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You could get Frozen Mallet instead of Warmog's after your Wriggle's. Frozen Mallet + Atma's is also a strong combination, with the obvious added bonus of the slow proc compared to Atmog's. If you do choose to get a Frozen Mallet instead of Warmog's, I recommend going for a Warmog's anyway later on if the game gets that far, as having nothing but a Frozen Mallet as a source for health is insufficient for endgame.
Some Rammus players like gold/10 items on him (Philo Stone + HoG), some are advocates of Randuin's Omen, you could choose a Stark's Fervor to boost your team instead of a Phantom Dancer, or an Aegis of the Legion. Other Rammus players like to build AP on him, but that's pretty much only a troll build.
Final Comments
You should practice and be comfortable with different jungling routes; you can just as well start at small golems, then move on to wraiths then wolves then ancient golem on Rammus. If clearing the Ancient Golem camp doesn't seem safe, start elsewhere!
Call your ganks! If you're going to go gank a lane, type it in chat; if you've started your Powerball, ping your target.
Other Guides:
An "ok" guide by Chaox: OUTDATED
Southlight / Utahime's Rammus guide.
Sarah's Jungle Rammus Guide
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+ Show Spoiler [changelog] +
10/31/2011 - Changed focus of guide, and champion's role from Tank to Tanky DPS; simplified Runes and Summoner Spells sections; completely revamped Items section, including images; changed Final Comments; added a link to Sarah's guide.
9/20/2011 - Added patch notes and changelog sections. Updated some text and added a note at the end of the guide about Rammus' viability.
9/20/2011 - Added patch notes and changelog sections. Updated some text and added a note at the end of the guide about Rammus' viability.