On December 24 2010 03:16 Zato-1 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 24 2010 01:39 Mogwai wrote:On December 24 2010 01:24 bN` wrote:On December 24 2010 00:25 BlackPaladin wrote:On December 24 2010 00:00 Advocado wrote: Do yourself a favor and try Rammus with powerball & revive. Holy shit that armadillo is fast out of spawn! Powerball, revive, sivir's ult, zilean's speed boost, galio's gust. ZOOOM at over 5000 movespeed. With boots of mobility, shurelya's reverie and QUADRUPLE TRIFORCE(fuck riot for removing speed on phamtom dancers). they got rid of the dodge, not the speed. It only gives 15% movement now though, used to give 20%. Must have been a LOOONG time ago. I am 99.99% certain that it was 15% before that last change, and hasn't been touched ever since I started playing LoL.
On December 24 2010 01:24 bN` wrote:
E-famous people in my normal games. What's the world coming to. I see xPeke(team Birth) and I'm thinking free ride yippee, then I help with FB and another kill on bottom, later gank mid and kogmaw gets red but somehow it still turns into a 40minute game which a clutch smite on baron to seal it. Also proves how fucked up matchmaking is. Out team had 2.5k wins combined and their kennen was lvl 25 >.<
Um, sounds like matchmaking is working as intended. Their team had just as much chance at winning as yours. Doesn't matter how many games you play or what summoner level you are.
Best path with rammus? Start blue with curl or something sneakier?
On December 31 2010 10:34 DarthThienAn wrote: wraith jack lolol.
This is not a jungle path. This is a 10 character post with no useful information.
On December 31 2010 11:08 oberon wrote:This is not a jungle path. This is a 10 character post with no useful information.
Here is my wraith jacking path with rammus (and almost everyone else)
Practice with bots to get the correct timing of powerballs.
cloth+5 pots Their wraiths (smite)->your wolves->your wraiths->your golems (smite)->ghost->their wraiths May require move speed quints. I forget what I use for rammus.
You have to use powerball sparingly for damage and mobility due to mana loss. If you do this path though you will get to their wraiths within 5 seconds of them spawning and if you do it well, you will get there as they spawn. Unless the other jungler has been waiting for them to pop you will then take the wraiths and get out as they get to the camp. If they have been waiting they will be underleveled. Ping like a frigging madman and try to kill either the jungler or the mid lane who comes to help (because they always do).
Make sure when you come back from purchasing after this that you do your wraiths first. The other jungler will most likely try to take your wraiths as some sort of retribution, but they will be low health and under leveled.. ready to die.
On December 31 2010 12:02 ghen wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2010 11:08 oberon wrote:On December 31 2010 10:34 DarthThienAn wrote: wraith jack lolol. This is not a jungle path. This is a 10 character post with no useful information. Here is my wraith jacking path with rammus (and almost everyone else) Practice with bots to get the correct timing of powerballs. cloth+5 pots Their wraiths (smite)->your wolves->your wraiths->your golems (smite)->ghost->their wraiths May require move speed quints. I forget what I use for rammus. You have to use powerball sparingly for damage and mobility due to mana loss. If you do this path though you will get to their wraiths within 5 seconds of them spawning and if you do it well, you will get there as they spawn. Unless the other jungler has been waiting for them to pop you will then take the wraiths and get out as they get to the camp. If they have been waiting they will be underleveled. Ping like a frigging madman and try to kill either the jungler or the mid lane who comes to help (because they always do). Make sure when you come back from purchasing after this that you do your wraiths first. The other jungler will most likely try to take your wraiths as some sort of retribution, but they will be low health and under leveled.. ready to die.
So you don't actually take ANY buffs with rammus? That's...unexpected, certainly.
On December 31 2010 12:02 ghen wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2010 11:08 oberon wrote:On December 31 2010 10:34 DarthThienAn wrote: wraith jack lolol. This is not a jungle path. This is a 10 character post with no useful information. Make sure when you come back from purchasing after this that you do your wraiths first. The other jungler will most likely try to take your wraiths as some sort of retribution, but they will be low health and under leveled.. ready to die. What if they take your blue/red as some sort of retribution?
On January 01 2011 02:36 JackDino wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2010 12:02 ghen wrote:On December 31 2010 11:08 oberon wrote:On December 31 2010 10:34 DarthThienAn wrote: wraith jack lolol. This is not a jungle path. This is a 10 character post with no useful information. Make sure when you come back from purchasing after this that you do your wraiths first. The other jungler will most likely try to take your wraiths as some sort of retribution, but they will be low health and under leveled.. ready to die. What if they take your blue/red as some sort of retribution?
Don't let them. You have powerball, be everywhere.
if you're afraid of being buff-jacked after you wraith jack, buy a ward big wraith is worth 35, small wraiths are worth 12x3=36, total of 71 gold from wraiths, probably takes about 10 seconds to kill and 8 seconds to bluepill so there's another 20 passive gold-gain, that's enough to afford a ward for your blue. also ghen is right, rammus is soooo mobile he should never get jacked
On December 16 2010 21:55 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: On the topic of Amumu: He's horrible. He does not belong that high. Anyone who thinks he belongs there is playing against baddies. That tier list putting Amumu at tier 2 is waaaaaay off. I haven't seen an Amumu in ranked in like over a month. While I know this is the rammus thread, could you elaborate on this a bit?
he was only really good when everyone was running tanky meleeish champs. When morde/garen/vlad were like guaranteed picks every game, and his crying/ult countered perfectly.
also when people figured out that mumu without blue sucked ass at jungling, and started pressuring him off blue so his earlygame took a nosedive.
OP updated, Runes section. I used to recommend Flat Health Quints and Arpen Marks, but I no longer find that to be optimal. Since the buff to Jungle Monsters in Patch, 3 of your damage sources got weaker: Powerball, damage return from Defensive Ball Curl, and Smite; all of these deal significantly less damage vs. Ancient Golem, Ancient Lizard and small golems. Because of this, Rammus relies more on his autoattack now, and his jungling speed is significantly impacted- unless he changes his runes to compensate, in my experience.
I chose AS runes because they provide the biggest synergy- Rammus already has a lot of AD thanks to his passive, so AD runes aren't particularly good on him, and crit is both bad and unreliable on him. Being able to apply his significant AD value faster is the most powerful option.
I chose Armor quints because they're just really good for jungling; armor mitigates damage taken, and through his Passive it also grants him a good chunk of AD.
Oh, and on a final note...
* Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9 Remember that Rammus nerf on Patch It... uh... didn't actually happen. Get on a practice game and check it out; the CD on his taunt is still 9 seconds.
United States4126 Posts
Maybe the tooltip just didn't change? I haven't tested the actual CD though.
United States37500 Posts
Thanks for updating your OP. I wish more of our writers did the same.
One thing I'd like to ask that in the future, keep your old info in a spoiler and just update the thread with new patch info.
attackspeed marks have always been the norm for rammus even before the patch afaik
i know manyreason used to run movespeed quints (they're just so nice on junglers and only help rammus some more) but with the changes im not sure if armor is necessary as of now in getting you a safer jungle clear
as in, if you really needed it. post patch and all that.
On January 20 2011 11:24 Kinky wrote: Maybe the tooltip just didn't change? I haven't tested the actual CD though. I confirmed that both the tooltip and the actual cooldown are 9 seconds, not 12 like the patch would suggest.
On January 20 2011 15:07 Navi wrote: attackspeed marks have always been the norm for rammus even before the patch afaik
i know manyreason used to run movespeed quints (they're just so nice on junglers and only help rammus some more) but with the changes im not sure if armor is necessary as of now in getting you a safer jungle clear
as in, if you really needed it. post patch and all that. For jungle safety and jungle clearing speed reasons, I find getting those 13 points of armor is 'necessary' now- you can actually survive without them if you can reliably hit all 4 wraiths with your Powerball on your first run, but the extra armor provides enough safety and speed that I wouldn't jungle without them. You could use your Seal slots for that armor bonus (same total armor from 9 flat armor seals as from 3 flat armor quints) instead of your Quint slots; however, freeing up your Seal slots allows you to keep mana5/level seals, which are more valuable, IMO, than any set of Quints you could take if you used up your Seal slots for the bonus armor.
On January 20 2011 11:47 NeoIllusions wrote: One thing I'd like to ask that in the future, keep your old info in a spoiler and just update the thread with new patch info. That's a good idea, I'll probably do that in the future.
another nerf to rammus...
how many more patches would it take to bring rammus down to garen post nerf lvl?
On February 02 2011 18:29 Shizuru~ wrote: another nerf to rammus...
how many more patches would it take to bring rammus down to garen post nerf lvl? Actually, this patch brought the very first nerf to Rammus.
Patch's patch notes said the cooldown on Rammus' taunt had been increased. This was not true; both the in-game tooltip and the actual in-game cooldown remained unchanged.
Now, patch came along, and it brought not only the nerfs you can read in the patch notes, but also the Taunt cooldown nerf that should have been included in the previous patch.
I'm not overly worried about the Powerball nerf; the effects of the nerf are more serious at higher levels of the skill, and I don't level Powerball past level 1 until I hit champion level 14; by when I have Powerball maxed out, if I hit someone with Powerball? Either they flashed away instantly, or they're not getting away from me due to my taunt. This is a nerf to be sure, but it doesn't feel like a big deal.
The Taunt nerf is a lot more painful; your second taunt during a team fight will be significantly delayed, which will definitely be felt in-game.
After these changes, I could see Rammus stepping back down to Tier 2. I don't really see him going below that; Garen was a shitty DPS champion who could be pretty good when built as a tank. With the Sunfire Cape changes and a complete rework to his main damage skill, Riot basically killed the tank build and forced Garen to build as a DPS. Oh, and the changes were also a BIG nerf to his DPS build, which was already pretty bad.
Rammus has a long way to go before getting to Garen-land. He is still an excellent tank, although probably behind Shen overall now.
United States47024 Posts
Chaox just put up a Rammus guide on Solomid. Some interesting differences from what we've got here (e.g. getting 3 ranks of Q before level 6, instead of another W rank or straight jumping into E), so IMO it's worth linking in the OP, and maybe warrants some discussion.