[Champion] Kayle - Page 8
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United States2140 Posts
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United Kingdom488 Posts
I quit playing Kayle after her "fix" (when she was UP, early UP mid, UP late and broken to boot). Small buff + bug fix and a few games show she was still UP compared to the old Kayle. Another small buff, she still feels completely dwarved by her ancestor, however, I am sticking to her now. So far I've decided going 16-0-14 beats the old 9-0-21. Taking a more offensive runepage beats the old AP/Mana regen runepage. Ad reds, Attackspeed yellow, AP/level blues + AP quints. Itemwise she used to be incredibly dependant on the Hybrid items. Now she is more versatile... Id love to hear everyones Kayle itembuilds. I am trying them all, slight change by slight change, game by game. | ||
Canada908 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
Premise of this build is to simply kill everything, then hit R to heal back to full when they focus you (run cleanse to avoid CC if you want). There is also Malady/BC which just lets you shred everything ever on champions and gives you decent AS to boot so your passive stacks to full quickly. Lastly, Tiamats are always fun for super splash (nothing like hitting the guy next to your target for more damage than you hit your target for) | ||
United States13684 Posts
armpen, armor, mr, ad quint 21-0-9, flash ignite, qeqwqr q>e>w. dblade opening, boots, another dblade, cleaver, mallet, wits, then whatever else you need. In lane- abuse your qe- you can literally q, one swing of e, and have the other person down 25% health. Then just keep them back with that threat, farm and kill their entire team lategame. Kayle is an ad carry. Play her like one. | ||
Canada340 Posts
What I have had success with is running gp10 quints pretty much standard support setup (cv and all) in a duo lane, with AS reds, manareg yellow, and cdr blues. Get your gp10 items and then build nashors, eventually getting all the goodies that kayle loves like hextech and GRB. Max heal first and E second as you won't be getting much AP or AD until later. Its basically babysitter transitioning into ult-bot with nice DPS. Another style that I've had success with is rushing malady and wit's end kogmaw style, maxing E. A slight variation on this is rushing Nashor's before building malady and black cleaver, depending on what kind of shred you need most. After that, as usual, the luxury items. This variation of course requires a solo amount of farm. | ||
United States159 Posts
malady -> boots 1 -> mana regen half of nashor's -> boots 2 -> finish nashor's -> Rageblade -> hextech GB -> whatever you want You end up pretty squishy but will tear anything apart if not killed immediately. | ||
United States190 Posts
Regrowth pendant and a pot 1st Philo Stone Berserker Greaves Malady Black Cleaver Banshee's Veil Hextech Gunblade Then if it goes on long enough I sell my philo stone for a blood razor or more defensive items. This is the build I always use on her and as long as someone doesnt feed early she goes into the late game very well. | ||
113 Posts
On September 18 2011 12:50 LeglessPuppy wrote: My item build I normally go on kayle is as follows: Regrowth pendant and a pot 1st Philo Stone Berserker Greaves Malady Black Cleaver Banshee's Veil Hextech Gunblade Then if it goes on long enough I sell my philo stone for a blood razor or more defensive items. This is the build I always use on her and as long as someone doesnt feed early she goes into the late game very well. Thanks a lot for this one, I got kinda clueless about kayle, but this build rekindled my love for kayle :D | ||
United States1183 Posts
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Netherlands284 Posts
masteries dont really matter that much, personally i go 9/0/21. Flash/Teleport or Flash/Exhaust teleport on kayle is strong, you push towers like crazy and you have a lifesaving ult with your TP There are different openings: dorans blade, boots+pots and regrowthpendant+pot itembuilds usually: philostone/dorans stack + serkers + malady + cleaver after that go defensive with either Banshee/FoN or Frozenheart | ||
Ukraine34 Posts
Here are some random thoughts: - She's not really mana hungry any more. Can sustain herself for a very long time on just dring. Can open dblade and do ok too. - Needs attack speed. Pure AP or AD build isn't very strong any more. - Somewhat niche still. Works well in setups that are currently not very popular (split farm bot lane). - Karthus + your ult = pwnage. - Dblade -> boots -> rageblade -> triforce! | ||
Korea (South)2437 Posts
Regrowth Philo Zerkers Malady Wit's End Madreds I have about 2.0 attack speed by now, it's a little hard to see exactly how much damage you do but so many numbers and shit just dies. I use AS marks + Quints, mana regen yellow, MR blue | ||
Israel1818 Posts
On September 20 2011 21:32 ToT)OjKa( wrote: I've been going 9/21/0 lately, she doesn't seem to need util apart from the movement and I find 21 in offence just not necessary. Regrowth Philo Zerkers Malady Wit's End Madreds I have about 2.0 attack speed by now, it's a little hard to see exactly how much damage you do but so many numbers and shit just dies. I use AS marks + Quints, mana regen yellow, MR blue Came into this thread thinking of going 9/21/0 myself, glad to see another Kayle user with the same thing in mind. Also, my ideal item build: Mercury's Treads Guinsoo's Rageblade Nashor's Tooth Hextech Gunblade Wit's End Guardian Angel | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United Kingdom488 Posts
On August 30 2011 05:48 arthur wrote: Kayle was my most played ranked prenerf (when she was UP early and OP late) I quit playing Kayle after her "fix" (when she was UP, early UP mid, UP late and broken to boot). Small buff + bug fix and a few games show she was still UP compared to the old Kayle. Another small buff, she still feels completely dwarved by her ancestor, however, I am sticking to her now. So far I've decided going 16-0-14 beats the old 9-0-21. Taking a more offensive runepage beats the old AP/Mana regen runepage. Ad reds, Attackspeed yellow, AP/level blues + AP quints. Itemwise she used to be incredibly dependant on the Hybrid items. Now she is more versatile... Id love to hear everyones Kayle itembuilds. I am trying them all, slight change by slight change, game by game. So this threads been bumped after 3 weeks, I recommend you jungle Kayle or possibly solo top Kayle. If you jungle go attackspeed red/blues, armour yellow, attackspeed/armour quints. She can clear jungle relatively fast with passive + E splash, she can slow enemy/speed up ally. Her ultimate makes tower diving easy. Basically buy madreds razer then go tanky. You have to throw in hextech gunblade and an eventual upgrade to bloodrazer though. Not ideal for a jungler. If you go solo top you generally want a strong early item (rageblade/malady/blackcleaver), follow up with hextech gunblade, then generally trinity force into counter items. This is pretty much a good reason not to go Kayle. Unlike a lot of solo tops, she is generally useless without certain items. Expensive items. HOWEVER she does provide a lot of useful utility. Her passive increases your allies damage. Her ulti is amazing and she has slow / speedups. She can go mid but she can't compete with... Any AP carry. She can go ad bot but there is no reason to choose her over ad carries, and several reasons to choose them over her. She is the weakest support in the game. Just don't. Basically don't play Kayle, but if you must go jungle or top, and don't try hard. #1 Kayle! | ||
Canada5484 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
AS Red / Armor Yellow / MR Blue / ?? Quints (Armor pen doesn't feel necessary) 9/21/0 (Ardor is so good on kayle...) or a more typical jungle build like 16/0/14 with Mpen / AS / AD and up to movespeed in util? Seems like you want the buff duration too much on kayle to go for 21 defense. EQEW Gank? Can you do a "standard" clear (Blue through to red? At least to twins?) quickly? Cloth/5 -> Wriggles+Boots then go for GRB? GRB seems good for the low-farm situation that a jungler is stuck with. Or maybe Just go for Hextech for the sustainability there and skip the wriggles? (Is bilgewater or Revolver enough to sustain her before the hextech completes?) Going to try this when I get home, first in a custom and then in a real game. | ||
Korea (South)2625 Posts
double dblade - zerks - Black cleaver - starks. Then GA/BT in whatever order you think you need. run cleanse/flash to make her pretty much ungankable in a lane. Farm to your hearts content! R>Q>E>W with 1 level of w at 3 or 4. I personally don't think AP is worth it, the ratio on her E is mediocre, her Q scales equally with AD/AP, and the AP scaling on her W is negligible. As a pure AD carry, I think she has a surprisingly good kit. Slow/scaling nuke/damage amp. Slight heal/ms boost. Low range but built in splash and some magic damage. Her ultimate is obviously a carry's dream, and it also allows a solid amount of time to life leech. | ||
9871 Posts
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