[Champion] Urgot - Page 3
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United States3216 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
United States3977 Posts
with W up you have both passives ult already slows q doesn't apply mallet e will be a crappy slow the stats given by both are pretty mediocre Locket -> Randuins or Frozen Heart or BVeil. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
I haven't tried this personally because I haven't been able to play all week, but apparently the Rylai's slow DOES apply from q? For the record, no, I don't advocate a Rylai's or Frozen Mallet. But I still hate Locket. | ||
United States3977 Posts
Locket is good because: 1) It builds from Catalyst. 2) It gives you 10% CDR. 3) Every time you launch a Q you heal 50 health. 4) It gives you enough mana/regen by itself that you should rarely run out of mana (with mp5 b/ys). 5) It's only 2200 gold! | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On December 10 2010 02:14 Tooplark wrote: Q will apply Rylai slow, yes. Locket is good because: 1) It builds from Catalyst. 2) It gives you 10% CDR. 3) Every time you launch a Q you heal 50 health. 4) It gives you enough mana/regen by itself that you should rarely run out of mana (with mp5 b/ys). 5) It's only 2200 gold! I know why locket is SUPPOSED to be good. 1)While catalyst is an excellent laning item and helps you stay in lane longer, Urgot's insane range and harassing ability means I'm usually fine with only 1 potion and Meki until I go back for Manamune/boots/whatever. 2) Bruta/Frozen heart. I usually get one, then the other. 3) This is the only point that I feel applies here, however when it comes to mid/endgame I found the little health it gave me barely mattered anyway. If you get caught as Urgot or focused, you're pretty much done anyway if Flash is down. 4) Manamune > Locket here because it boosts your attack, carrying you further into mid/endgame than you would get otherwise. 5) True, it is a cheap item that offers decent survivability/mana/CDR but I just can't seem to make room for it in my build. I prefer dealing heavy damage upfront and Locket destroys that for me at the price of some CDR I'd be getting anyway and a little extra survivability. I guess I'm just a noob but I don't like locket on Urgot. | ||
United States855 Posts
Ummm.... something like... Meki + 2 HP pots boots hexdrinker heart of gold BF sword upgrade boots BF sword chalice upgrade a BF sword into Black Cleaver randuins omen sell chalice for banshees veil It was fun doing damage was wasn't totally ignorable. ^^ | ||
United States2707 Posts
Manamune + Locket That's it. Everything else is situational. When I asked him why not build more damage at first he just went "wtf dude you're bad why wouldn't you get locket." ![]() | ||
United States5348 Posts
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United States2928 Posts
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United States855 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Urgot Fixed a bug that was causing Urgot's auto-attack to have a slight delay when clicking a unit for the first time Range increased to 425 from 400 Attack damage reduced to 51.6 from 54.1 Attack damage per level increased to 3.6 from 3.1 Acid Hunter Base damage reduced to 15/45/75/105/135 from 30/60/90/120/150 Attack damage ratio increased to 0.85 from 0.7 Terror Capacitor base shield changed to 80/140/200/260/320 from 80/120/160/200/240 Noxian Corrosive Charge Now deals physical damage instead of magic damage Damage changed to 75/130/185/240/295 (+0.6 bonus attack damage) from 100/155/210/265/320 Now reduces 12/14/16/18/20% of the target's armor instead of 10/15/20/25/30 flat armor Updated recommended items okay so i take this as... *AD is more important now? it buffs both damage spells, and the ratio on Q was increased.... wonder if straight AD runes are worth getting now? *E reduces armor by percentage. So we are better at killing tanks but worse at average heroes? not sure how i like that one... but probably answers my first point in that flat armorpen is probably great *LOCKET REMOVED - MANAMUNE 1, LOCKET 0 (lol j/k j/k) *reverie slightly buffed, i like it ^^ Not sure what to make of it, but it makes me wanna value AD items a bit more, so ill have some fun getting AD stuffs and doing damage and things... i think urgots damage after your first big purchase (after a manamune or whatever) will be stronger, with both spells getting +from AD I am thinking maybe if you get bilgewater cutlass, you can get agressive as hell in the 'post-1-purchase' timeframe. with mp5 runes your mana isnt a big issue, so maybe... meki bilgewater cutlass boots manamune long sword upgrade boots (greaves or merc) something for health (reverie got buffed, maybe that?) black cleaver gets you to +181 AD (not including manamune's +from mana), and the cutlass's on use, and more armor reduce at just barely above 10k gold then get something for +aspeed, and become a half potent sniper? or get madreds and become seriously anti-tank? | ||
9871 Posts
Brutalizer BF Swords and Last Whisper should be all you need for damage output | ||
United States855 Posts
im the kind of player that likes deathfires on every caster though, so maybe its just me and my love of the 5th ability lol but it costs the same as a BF sword just about... with some differences... BF sword: 15 more damage cutlass: 15% lifesteal, 150 damage on use with a slow gotta see the new last whisper though, it sounds good on paper ^^ real good ^^ side note: phantom dancer is 500 cheaper now? thats awesome? useful to get if you go black cleaver meebee? | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On December 15 2010 03:57 UniversalSnip wrote: I think he's actually good now, so you probably shouldn't mess around with trash like bilgewater cutlass. Brutalizer BF Swords and Last Whisper should be all you need for damage output Yeah assuming the 40% from LW and the new 20% from E stack, that's 60% AR, so Urgot can still hurt squishies, though just later than he could before. I'm not a big fan of the nerf to his early game, but with the 0.7-->0.85 AD ratio to Q, it equalizes once you hit 100dmg, making it a BUFF once you go over that amount. PLUS now E becomes a slighty better harassment/damage tool lategame due to the AD ratio addition. I haven't had a chance to try him out since the change yet, but I think this could be a good thing for Urgot. I'm going to miss destroying the lane ezpz early game, but with proper play there's no reason you shouldn't be able to do the same with slightly lowered base AD and base damage on Q. (Increase in base AD/lvl means overall buff to Urgot dmg!) As for items, with Q and CDR Urgot has no need for Aspd, so I'm going to grab him damage items to see what he can do and compare it to my old build. So now I'll try MM, Boots, Bruta, LW, BF--> whatever, frozen heart/Hexdrinker maybe? Urgot needs the CDR and since Omen's was nerfed the only good place to get it is Frozen Heart. From MM, Boots, Bruta, Trif/Frozen heart/Banshees. Edit: Cutlass seems like a big waste on Urgot as does Phantom dancer. He doesn't need attack speed and gains little benefit from Lifesteal. Most of his damage should still be coming from Q imoimo | ||
United States1356 Posts
I have arpen marks/quints, mp5/lvl seals, and mres/lvl glyphs. I'm wondering if I should get cdr/lvl glyphs though.. Thoughts? As for items, black cleaver seems overkill. I'm thinking IE/starks or manamaune/bruta/starks. Its going to take a lot of testing though. | ||
United States5348 Posts
new lw seems godly on paper, no idea how it feels ingame, i'll get on it asap, havnt been playing much urgot recently D: i'm pissed as hell that i have no more locket tho, that item was so good on urgot :[ edit: if lw is as good as advertised, however, i'll probably end up dropping bruta for good. Never upraded it and only used it kus it worked wonders with q, but if lw works even better, than it just seems kinda silly and a 1337 gold sink. edit2: @saetzero, problem with cutlass, is that A) a massive amount of of your dmg comes from q, and lifesteal does not work with q, so you are getting a stat that only works with about half of your dmg output. B) you are not going to build a gunblade, and all that cutlass offers is ad, lifesteal, and a VERY short range slow, but you already have a really fucking strong slow. Inevitably, cutlass technically does work on urgot because he is, after all, an ad champ, not to mention his base stats are really strong just from leveling, which means you can technically do whatever the hell you want and he will still feel very similar during several parts of the game (notably early game, and some parts of the midgame). I just feel like that 1850 gold could be better spent elsewhere. edit3: just had a fucking hilarious idea after a night of no sleep. Totally want to see a garen x urgot fanfic, i challenge any aspiring urgot players/tl storywriters to make this happen XD edit4 (so many edits): @ghen, afaik, panth's shield does not block q, and the way that the two interact with each other makes it so that urgot is reaaally fuckin good against panth, which makes mogwai cry every once in awhile ![]() | ||
United States8298 Posts
I proceeded to give up first blood after like 94523452345234 acid hunters + remembeing the hard way that flash doesn't pop projectiles - that last acid hunter flew like 2 screens. Then continued to feed. It was bad. Oh, shield also doesn't block the ult, only blocks the supress effect... which means you just drop him somewhere else when he swaps you. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On December 15 2010 04:26 WaveofShadow wrote: Yeah assuming the 40% from LW and the new 20% from E stack, that's 60% AR, so Urgot can still hurt squishies, though just later than he could before. ... Wouldn't it stack multiplicatively ala Void Staff and Archaic Knowledge, resulting in 52%? | ||
United States5348 Posts
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United States1356 Posts
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