Updated items somewhat, its a bit less 'zomg u have to do this to win'
Urgot, The Headsman's Pride
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/BEcrZ.jpg)
Cool links (alternative builds or interesting things to note)
I dont know who urgot is!
A new fun build i created, APEN URGOT! <- note kinda outdated due to e change
A very interesting comparison between IE/LW and BC/Starks
First TL Urgot Pentakill (that I know of)
BruiseLeet's guide to urgot (a 2k+ player) <- i agree with the majority of the info in this guide
This is how jiji builds urgot
Urgot is an enjoyable hero, i really enjoy playing him and would totally recommend him to other ppl. Just note however that his AD scaling is awful, in fact its worse than panth's spearshot and the AP scaling on his grenade is pretty lackluster as well (altho ap scaling is pretty decent on his shield, but i didnt notice it thaat much). Between these two, i decided that the strongest way to play him revolves around some early game AD/APEN items, transitioning into tank items, such that you can reasonably maintain presence in the late game.
Ideally i've had most success with:
Reds: Armor Pen
Yellows: Mp5pl
Blues: Mres/lvl (experimenting with cdr as well), Mp5s work here too
Quints: Armor Pen
Optionally, you can run:
Reds: Armor Pen
Yellows: Armor (or dodge, if you REALLY like dodge)
Blues: Mres/lvl
Quints: Armor Pen
If you do this, however, you pretty much have to open meki pendant to be able to sustain your harass
21/x/x Typical solo lane setup, cdr, apen and flat ad are the most important points, everything else is superficial, adjust your masteries in def and util according to how u want to do it, most variations are just fine, i typically use 9 in util kus i really like the xp mastery as well as greed
15/0/15 Optional solo setup, dont sink points into aspeed until you need to (i think its only 1 point), make sure u hit on the 3 mentioned above, this setup is more stable and better if you expect to have some trouble in the lane
0/9/21 I would really only use this for duo lane off-supportgot, i favor sos over dodge, but w/e
Summoner Spells
ghost, flash, cleanse, ignite, exhaust, tele are all solid options, I typically run tele/ghost, but you may prefer ignite and sometimes may need cleanse (I almost always run cleanse vs eve)
Skill Build
tldr, qeqw r>q>w>e
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Optimum skill build for me has been q,e,w then r>q>w>e. Honestly, the e is just for aiming q, its dmg is pathetic and your shield (w) is waaay too awesome not to pick up right after q. If they are stacking armor, slip some extra e's in be4 the end, since the reduction increases with level, but 10 armor reduction should be plenty until the later stages of the game, when they have enough armor for you to actually reduce. Once you hit 6, coordinate with your teammate to use your ult+shield combo to spank someone. Due to the fact that urgot has monstrous earlygame (your e+q can easily wreck most ppl @ lvl 2) and it just gets better until about lvl 9 or so, an r+w (even under tower) into e+q should be quite feasible @ 6.
With some various experimenting, I've found the priority of w over e is very flexible, feel free to wing it based on the game. Against certain champs 1 will be better than the other, so just roll with it.
With some various experimenting, I've found the priority of w over e is very flexible, feel free to wing it based on the game. Against certain champs 1 will be better than the other, so just roll with it.
What items are good
-I now do tear + bruta opening, starting boots now for extra mobility in lane and triple hp pots for better attrition.
-So current item build is boots1 -> tear -> brutalizer -> manamune/mercs (in whatever order) -> banshee's veil or GA -> which ever one you didnt get -> ???. This is my core, with just these 4 items you do shittons of dmg and are really hard to kill.
-New LW is quite sexy on urgot, lack of locket, however sucks ass, i really liked that item, oh well. still no idea if lvl 5 grenade + lw = 60% apen, certainly would be cool. Give me some numbers as to what dmg it should do vs a certain armored target and i'll be happy to test it out. If it does, lw rush might be pretty sweet.
-Bloodthirster is very strong on urgot, but only get it if you are expected to do the majority of AD dmg on the team and you can keep the stacks, i usually end up selling bruta for this at the end
-Atmas is ok, i dont like the crit, since urgot is not really an autoattack hero. If you get it tho, dont bother getting an early frozen heart, the two items don't have much synergy. Probably go for Omen instead, veil + omen + atmas seems pretty solid imo.
-Triforce is pretty good as well. Sheen (and as a result triforce), however, has always kinda turned me off, just because q doesn't proc on-hit effects, which means your sheen proc has to come from your autoattack, whose range is pretty shitty in comparison to a locked-on missile. This has a bit more synergy with an atmas build simply because triforce has crit built into it, and the nature of the triforce means you are gonna be focusing a good bit on autoattack, making crit a bit more valuable stat overall.
-Frozen heart is kinda axed since the nerf, pretty much my sole motivation for the item before was all that nifty cdr that it gave, but now that it gives considerably less, I'm less warm towards it. Still a situational buy tho.
Cleaver-starks build is probably axed now due to the e change, somehow i doubt they synergize now, but oh well, it was mostly a troll build anyways.
What do i do during the game?
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Urgot has 1 special job in this game: to royally fuck over someone in lane. He is the quintessential (up there with malphite) FUCK YOU to your lane opponent, with his insanely strong early game. You pick him because you want to deny the ever-loving pants off of the enemy ashe/mf/panth/whoever or give tasty nom nom feeds to your lane partner in bot. Honestly, the only person who stands any chance against you in lane is malphite, and even then if you play it properly you can easily force a draw, or potentially win there as well. And since malph essentially plays the same role, theres nothing wrong with forcing a draw there.
New opening i've really liked is boots first. Having 3 pots is really good for trading hits, and the extra ms pretty much ensures that i can reliably harass. Your godly harass should easily let you transition into your early items really easily. Then it kinda depends on whether or not you are solo or not. I like urgot in a solo lane most of the time, but if you have to duo, he works really well with physical dmg dealers, since you can really take advantage of the armor reduction on your grenade. Keep in mind, however, that as a bot-laner, you are kinda expected to be in more of a utility role, its similar to the difference between solo mid ie/lw/pdancer ashe and bot lane, cdr-utility ashe.
Standard combo is pop w (for slow) and autoattack them, making e wicked easy to hit, then hover your mouse over the target and q them every 2 secs its up, once you get ult, use as appropriate. Note: with max cdr, you can hit 4 q's instead of 3, this may change your priority of frozen heart vs banshee's veil.
note: pressing ~ makes it so that you can only target champs with mouseover, which makes q even easier to hit, now there is no way you can mess up q lockons by targeting creeps instead (tho this never really happeneed much to begin with).
A final note about his ult. Be very cautious about using it to initiate post ganking phase and once teamfight phase starts, since a poorly timed ult can really fuck you/your team over. In general, i prefer to either save it for when chasing starts or to use it to secure a necessary kill (typically blinkers like ez, corki and kass)
New opening i've really liked is boots first. Having 3 pots is really good for trading hits, and the extra ms pretty much ensures that i can reliably harass. Your godly harass should easily let you transition into your early items really easily. Then it kinda depends on whether or not you are solo or not. I like urgot in a solo lane most of the time, but if you have to duo, he works really well with physical dmg dealers, since you can really take advantage of the armor reduction on your grenade. Keep in mind, however, that as a bot-laner, you are kinda expected to be in more of a utility role, its similar to the difference between solo mid ie/lw/pdancer ashe and bot lane, cdr-utility ashe.
Standard combo is pop w (for slow) and autoattack them, making e wicked easy to hit, then hover your mouse over the target and q them every 2 secs its up, once you get ult, use as appropriate. Note: with max cdr, you can hit 4 q's instead of 3, this may change your priority of frozen heart vs banshee's veil.
note: pressing ~ makes it so that you can only target champs with mouseover, which makes q even easier to hit, now there is no way you can mess up q lockons by targeting creeps instead (tho this never really happeneed much to begin with).
A final note about his ult. Be very cautious about using it to initiate post ganking phase and once teamfight phase starts, since a poorly timed ult can really fuck you/your team over. In general, i prefer to either save it for when chasing starts or to use it to secure a necessary kill (typically blinkers like ez, corki and kass)
Info about certain matchups
I am very confident in saying that given equal player skill, urgot will win in a 1v1 situation vs nearly all of the heroes in League of Legends levels 1-9 (or so), however, naturally there are certain issues with certain match-ups that make things a bit more complicated than your standard 5hitcombo (slow, grenade, q, q, q, lolol, pun totally intended).
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The first issue is crowd control. Good players will wait for your grenade, then boom, silence or stun you effectively halving (or more, depending on what stage of the game you're at) your damage output, since you can get about 1 q in either before or after most hard cc. In the laning phase, this can be particularly pesky since the vast majority of your damage output and effective lane threat comes from your locked-on q's. Luckily, this is limited almost exclusively to silences and stuns, since I think binds allow you to cast q's while bound, and I cant think of any binds that have longer range than a locked-on q.
Naturally, there are various ways around these cc problems, and all depend on the skills of the players involved. The most obvious solution is to bait the cc and follow up with a combo while you're in the clear, but this requires quite a bit of mindgames, meaning you have to be good enough to last-hit, have the mechanics to last hit, and try to screw around with your enemy at the same time, which makes this kinda hard, and you can really only pick it up by playing lots and lots of games against these kinds of heroes. Also, it means that the opponent has to be dumb enough to fall for your bait. Another method is to simply abuse the massive range that you have. Most cc that interrupts q'ing is relatively short ranged, which means that a combination of a well-placed grenade and a lock-on q slow can kite them and keep them from cc'ing you. This method is not reliant on the opponent at all, but requires VERY good distance gauging and a very precise knowledge of both the opponents effective range and how far your lock-on q's go. Dealing with cc is simply something you learn from experiencing these lanes, you just have to practice them alot.
Naturally, there are various ways around these cc problems, and all depend on the skills of the players involved. The most obvious solution is to bait the cc and follow up with a combo while you're in the clear, but this requires quite a bit of mindgames, meaning you have to be good enough to last-hit, have the mechanics to last hit, and try to screw around with your enemy at the same time, which makes this kinda hard, and you can really only pick it up by playing lots and lots of games against these kinds of heroes. Also, it means that the opponent has to be dumb enough to fall for your bait. Another method is to simply abuse the massive range that you have. Most cc that interrupts q'ing is relatively short ranged, which means that a combination of a well-placed grenade and a lock-on q slow can kite them and keep them from cc'ing you. This method is not reliant on the opponent at all, but requires VERY good distance gauging and a very precise knowledge of both the opponents effective range and how far your lock-on q's go. Dealing with cc is simply something you learn from experiencing these lanes, you just have to practice them alot.
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The other somewhat problematic aspect of laning is healing. Luckily for us though, this is limited more to duo lanes than it is to solo lanes. The problem with healing and why its more or less restricted to duo lanes is that by the very nature of the lane, you will remain at lower levels for a longer time. Urgot's q damage in the early game scales very strongly with levels, which is why i recommend maxing it first, however the duo lane forces you to play a game of attrition and start at early levels,with poking and lane posturing at levels 2-3 instead of 5-6, where you really start to peak. Furthermore, you ideally want to be focusing on a more shield-centric skill build instead of a grenade-centric one, simply because being in a duo lane forces you more into a role of tank/support instead of an AD damage dealer, and this reduces your damage output as you level (relative to what a solo lane urgot does).
Really the only way to deal with healing is to get mp5 in some fashion and simply bludgeon the enemy in the face relentlessly. If you run cdr blues, i recommend switching to double mp5 to facilitate this (naturally this is assuming ranked and you can prepare for a heal lane ahead of time). Ideally, the blues should probably be flat mp5s such that they are particularly strong in the early game (again this is a solution specific to being in a duo lane, so we are more concerned with levels too early for mp5pl). Another option is to simply go back early for a tear and come back with assloads of mana and mana regen.
Really the only way to deal with healing is to get mp5 in some fashion and simply bludgeon the enemy in the face relentlessly. If you run cdr blues, i recommend switching to double mp5 to facilitate this (naturally this is assuming ranked and you can prepare for a heal lane ahead of time). Ideally, the blues should probably be flat mp5s such that they are particularly strong in the early game (again this is a solution specific to being in a duo lane, so we are more concerned with levels too early for mp5pl). Another option is to simply go back early for a tear and come back with assloads of mana and mana regen.
Omfg, they picked urgot and I have trouble against him, what do I do
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Tactic #1: Pre-game, you see an enemy urgot picked and chances are you're laning against him, go for defensive masteries and runes, the more you can bulk up on the early game, the better. X-ranged-carry-with-5-hp-bars is a fucking happy meal for urgot.
Tactic #2: Don't be afraid to just fucking pill early and grab tons of hp pots and dshields or potentially other d-items (depending on how hard you're getting your ass kicked). For most typical solo lanes, laning against urgot means you will simply lose at some point, just suck it up early and try to do damage control and prepare for the late game. I can't tell you how many times I've killed morons who have like 1/4 hp and think they can just chill just barely in xp range to eke out some extra levels. Its not fucking worth it.
Tactic #3: This was kinda addressed in the previous section, but if you have a cc skill that interrupts urgot's q, wait for a grenade, and then use it asap, don't just blindly run away from him, you're not gonna escape on just your 2 feet, he has imba slow after all.
Tactic #4: Works best in conjunction with #1, but if you can supplement with bulky runes/masteries, try to open boots first, a lot of my strategy involves opening boots on urgot and abusing the fact that you simply cannot position better than me. Not to mention that i rarely see boots-first openings on urgot, so starting out with that early ms boost means that A) you can actually run out of range of the lock-on, and B) you start with 3 hp pots! This opens up more situations where you can actually trade hits with him and come out ahead.
Tactic #2: Don't be afraid to just fucking pill early and grab tons of hp pots and dshields or potentially other d-items (depending on how hard you're getting your ass kicked). For most typical solo lanes, laning against urgot means you will simply lose at some point, just suck it up early and try to do damage control and prepare for the late game. I can't tell you how many times I've killed morons who have like 1/4 hp and think they can just chill just barely in xp range to eke out some extra levels. Its not fucking worth it.
Tactic #3: This was kinda addressed in the previous section, but if you have a cc skill that interrupts urgot's q, wait for a grenade, and then use it asap, don't just blindly run away from him, you're not gonna escape on just your 2 feet, he has imba slow after all.
Tactic #4: Works best in conjunction with #1, but if you can supplement with bulky runes/masteries, try to open boots first, a lot of my strategy involves opening boots on urgot and abusing the fact that you simply cannot position better than me. Not to mention that i rarely see boots-first openings on urgot, so starting out with that early ms boost means that A) you can actually run out of range of the lock-on, and B) you start with 3 hp pots! This opens up more situations where you can actually trade hits with him and come out ahead.
Now discuss my favorite blob of flesh!
Feel free to copy my formatting for the other champions, I also will post links to any thought provoking posts or alternative guides.
![[image loading]](http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/9254/yoimurgot.png)
-I'll try lvling e at lvl 1, but i suspect i will feel better about q, simply because e is on a 8 (i think?) second cooldown, while q is on a 2 sec, so e is faaar more dependent on me being a genius shot with it than q is, which makes me more comfortable in lvl 1 fights
-Some updates above, notably about items and a quick note about the skillbuild.
-updated to reflect change in itembuild to incorporate early brutalizer, with the cdr from bruta, you dont need cdr boots, so pretty much always go mercs imo. 2/7/11
-updated to reflect my new love of GA, its now my go-to armor item over frozen heart, as well as updating masteries and summoner changed that have occurred recently. 4/2/11