I've played him a few times since last patch and he honestly feel much stronger. Dont know if it's the changes fit my playstyle better or he just in general got stronger, the healing when he ultimates is absolutely rediculous after you get DD.
[Patch 9.9] Aatrox & Tahm Adjustments Discussion - Page 2
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Denmark2771 Posts
I've played him a few times since last patch and he honestly feel much stronger. Dont know if it's the changes fit my playstyle better or he just in general got stronger, the healing when he ultimates is absolutely rediculous after you get DD. | ||
Japan4761 Posts
On May 07 2019 01:40 Jek wrote: What are people's thoughts on Aatrox after the mini-rework? I've played him a few times since last patch and he honestly feel much stronger. Dont know if it's the changes fit my playstyle better or he just in general got stronger, the healing when he ultimates is absolutely rediculous after you get DD. Defs stronger. Not quite at the level of his peak OP-ness after rework but pretty darn close. | ||
Japan4761 Posts
Riot letting people choose a champion update. I think Shyvana has the most potential as an update but Voli needs it the most. | ||
Canada22817 Posts
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Belgium4470 Posts
His Q, supposed to be able to get to priority targets, is laughable. He gets either shredded before he can use it, or gets kited, like make it immune to slows or give it a ramping armor/mr buff to help him out or something, it just feels so bad. Eveything else in his kit I'm fine with. It's just so difficult for him to stick to targets as essentially an auto attack dependent "tank". It's most pronounced when being played in ARAM. You can't engage with your engage tool, ever, because you get blown up before your passive even does something relevant. As it stands he's more of a followup or a punisher of mispositioning, but that's not really a role in itself so what is he exactly? It feels like he should be a tank or a fighter or a juggernaut, but his stats are not really doing him in any favor in that aspect (not like Ornn or Mundo or Maokai (what else is played, I forget)). He's not a fighter because his cooldowns are too long and doesnt have a real skill that aids in that, except for the attack speed steroid (that synergizes with nothing except his ult - from which, btw, people have already kited away from because it has a fucking cast time _self cc_ ) so that leaves him with being a juggernaut, like Darius (who else is classified as a juggernaut, I forget again). He's got one backloaded burst move, which is a magic damage execute, probably worse that Elise's Q. Build magic resist versus Volibear and he'll be useless because he can't build damage items because he'd just melt while he desperately tries to engage on a priority target. If you had to pick a damage item on Voli, which would it be? PS And I even like the fucking champion, lol. He's so brainless - but super bad nonetheless - that it's making the game fun for me again, even though I tend to shoot my team in the foot with it | ||
United States11944 Posts
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Poland9085 Posts
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Denmark2771 Posts
On May 10 2019 01:25 Uldridge wrote: Voli has like nothing going for him at the moment. You need godlike positioning / pathing to make him work. Laning is possible, but only because the enemy laners knows the champ is dogshit and therefor overestimates his own skill lol. His Q, supposed to be able to get to priority targets, is laughable. He gets either shredded before he can use it, or gets kited, like make it immune to slows or give it a ramping armor/mr buff to help him out or something, it just feels so bad. Eveything else in his kit I'm fine with. It's just so difficult for him to stick to targets as essentially an auto attack dependent "tank". It's most pronounced when being played in ARAM. You can't engage with your engage tool, ever, because you get blown up before your passive even does something relevant. As it stands he's more of a followup or a punisher of mispositioning, but that's not really a role in itself so what is he exactly? It feels like he should be a tank or a fighter or a juggernaut, but his stats are not really doing him in any favor in that aspect (not like Ornn or Mundo or Maokai (what else is played, I forget)). He's not a fighter because his cooldowns are too long and doesnt have a real skill that aids in that, except for the attack speed steroid (that synergizes with nothing except his ult - from which, btw, people have already kited away from because it has a fucking cast time _self cc_ ) so that leaves him with being a juggernaut, like Darius (who else is classified as a juggernaut, I forget again). He's got one backloaded burst move, which is a magic damage execute, probably worse that Elise's Q. Build magic resist versus Volibear and he'll be useless because he can't build damage items because he'd just melt while he desperately tries to engage on a priority target. If you had to pick a damage item on Voli, which would it be? PS And I even like the fucking champion, lol. He's so brainless - but super bad nonetheless - that it's making the game fun for me again, even though I tend to shoot my team in the foot with it A damage item on Volibear? Anything with health since his W execute scales off it. Shojin would be pretty dank... With max stacked W he would throw people around, yell at them and go full nom-nom-nom. Personally I hope they do something with Fiddle. Ranged point'n'click hard CC just feels so dated in todays League IMO. And before you ask I wouldn't mind if my favorite Yordle had to actually do something if she wants to turn you into a squirrel instead of just lazily click your champion. The ez-mode hard CC is such a power sink for their kit and dumbs down the champion for no reason at all. | ||
Canada22817 Posts
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Belgium4470 Posts
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United States11944 Posts
On May 10 2019 02:22 Sent. wrote: Why do you like Fiddlesticks? How dare you I'm a dirty Fiddlesticks support and I love every second of it | ||
United States19143 Posts
They once announced they were removing the cast on R, then cancelled it due to him seeing play in LCS, then nerfed his rank 1 q speed To 30% despite being hella conditional and countered by any slow. They’ve nerfed w base damage twice and health scaling once because he was a lane dominator in solo q Then they buffed his e to have the knock back and nerfed it literally the following 2 week later patch because he saw some play because it was effectively a 1s stun Honestly just give him 50% movespeed at rank 1 Q or take away the conditions for the speed (did you know if your opponent walks into a bush you don’t have vision of you lose the movespeed? Because you do) and rework Shyvana imo | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
Gradually increasing tenacity and MS while in combat? | ||
United States19571 Posts
On May 10 2019 04:18 Jek wrote: One of my issues with Volibear is the cooldown on his passive. Once popped he have no passive at all for 2 full minutes. Sure it's decently strong, but it isn't particular hard to burst him down through it. Considering he's basically a demigod of war and thunder it could be something much more interesting. Gradually increasing tenacity and MS while in combat? The passive is a problem for laning if it comes up too often in soloQ. They would need to make it more similar to grey skin somehow to reduce the cooldown. Otherwise everyone will be grumpy. I do think a lot of people are right though. His kit isn't horrible right now. The real issue is the auto attack focus. I've documented before how few autos melee champions get in teamfights before its "decided", that is, if you have an melee auto character, he usually can really snowball a fight you already won, but before that you have to rely on spells. I think he would be pretty good with two minor changes. 1. W slow better at early levels; 2. Implement a secondary effect on his ult's chain lightning. A ministun would work best thematically, although I'm not sure its the best balance option. | ||
United States19143 Posts
Although I will say the massive tower damage buff patch was a rather large stealth volibear nerf because previously he was Elise/Panth tier at tower dive ganks so maybe add reduced tower damage to his passive if you want to get spicy | ||
Poland9085 Posts
On May 10 2019 03:41 chipmonklord17 wrote: I'm a dirty Fiddlesticks support and I love every second of it Y-u an- yo-r f-cki-g cr-ws disg-st m- | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Was just playing a soloqueue game, we were behind 12k gold at 15 minutes, last stand fight at our nexus towers. Get 3 hella shut downs, still behind 8k gold after acing them with one nexus tower left. Soooo far behind... We ran at them like monkeys mid lane and aced them 3 times in a row and won. So dumb. LOL. RE: Volibear, tbh he is one of my favorite champs. But he is kinda awful. He's real disgusting if you get ahead enough to be unkillable, but his kit is kinda unfunctional in modern LoL. I think his passive is pretty awful with the prevalence of execute damage, but it does a good job helping you snowball early. Problem is, any skirmish with more than 2 people in it you pretty much just dont get to play the game. Every game you're trying to get through one of Thresh / Naut / Morg / Raka from sup, and like Lee / J4 / Elise / Rammus / Sej / Amumu / Nunu... let alone whatever CC you have to push through from laners. And thats ignoring that over half the damn pool has jumps, slows, and a higher move speed. Idk, I think like a lightning rush of some sort on his R would fix him. In the very least, his R shouldn't mini stun him, LOL. Idk, maybe like a super Galio E / Vi Q kinda thing. Or maybe lower the R damage by a lot and give it a dota style BKB effect? Idk. I think realistically, another thing that would help is giving his W the Warwick Q treatment, maybe not the lock on part, but make it a micro-dash / auto reset. Or... you know, again, atleast remove the self-mini-stun. E would be nice to not have the self mini-stun too, but the knockback does kind of make up for it. He either needs some sort of sticking power, and perhaps a bit of a nerf to his snowballing. Or just like a totally new kit. | ||
Canada22817 Posts
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