Nah, game that never ends would be 10x Alistar.
[Patch 4.8] RIP Pantheon General Discussion - Page 33
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United States15065 Posts
Nah, game that never ends would be 10x Alistar. | ||
Sweden2360 Posts
Also AS stacking + ult. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On May 27 2014 02:49 johnybravo22 wrote: thats the reason why people are raging on reddit and lol forums right now, the rework failed to fix his problems, not the first time riot tried do something and their change completely backfired tank regar wasnt played at all after batch of nerfs where they olafe;d his W, when rework came tank rengar wasnt a problem for over a year it was the one shot mechanic combined with stealth on glass cannon rengar which riot found problematic and wanted to fix, right now rengar has 18% pickrate in diamond++ and 12% banrate which keeps rising every day are u suggesting this is all ryan choi ? lol you could still go tank rengar just fine after they changed his W. You just couldnt one shot anyone and was basically only good for mowing down towers/split pushing gave the same armor/mr, they lowered the damage and gave you a flat heal that was basically the same as the one before unless you had an absolutely absurd amount of hp On May 27 2014 06:44 Ketara wrote: Nah, game that never ends would be 10x Alistar. i think if every sorakas starcall stacked 10 times eventually you could out damage their heal with Q spam or E spam and win honestly i mean thats like -360 mr or something adding in ap | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
On May 27 2014 06:30 johnybravo22 wrote: i copied meteos elise rune page with AS marks but i kinda hate it even tho I win with her a lot, after game summary always shows i did barely and damage to champions, even in games where i crush and go like 10-1 i still am barely over supports in damage, i remember with pre nerf elise i was always at the top, is it possible that nerfs hit her so hard or its because of the no penetration build ? if so is anyone still using old elise build with success? maybe i need to invest into hybrid pen marks which should give me good balance between clear speed and dmg That runepage is outdated anyway. Hypen marks, 1 hypen quint, and 2 AS quints outstats it after the buff. Obviously, if you don't even build Pen on her you shouldn't expect to do damage. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On May 27 2014 08:31 GolemMadness wrote: Morello + starcall stack = lots of dead Sorakas. If you can even get anyone to below 40%. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
They only have a single target heal after ult, you can get them into hella low mr and silence/starcall them below 40% easily im sure | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On May 27 2014 08:38 Gahlo wrote: That runepage is outdated anyway. Hypen marks, 1 hypen quint, and 2 AS quints outstats it after the buff. Obviously, if you don't even build Pen on her you shouldn't expect to do damage. From a quick look, Svenskeren, Crumbz, Saint, Dexter, Snoopeh and Brokenshard seem to be using attack speed marks. Almost everyone uses 3 AP quints. | ||
United States17713 Posts
you'd be looking at -80 to 130 Mres easily. no one is really going to be above 0 Mres so stall call is going to be hitting for 800-1500 every 2.5 seconds. your looking at 3 starcalls between heals. so after the first two starcalls stack up everyones resists to max debuff, raka will be out damaging what she can heal. | ||
United States35091 Posts
On May 27 2014 08:46 GolemMadness wrote: From a quick look, Svenskeren, Crumbz, Saint, Dexter, Snoopeh and Brokenshard seem to be using attack speed marks. Almost everyone uses 3 AP quints. Which is nice, but that doesn't really hold up with how she is itemized. The Hybrid Pen page is an updated version of what Kakao used pre rune band-aid. | ||
United States18466 Posts
does anyone delete adc faster then this nigga then say leblanc | ||
United States60033 Posts
On May 27 2014 09:20 FinestHour wrote: i bought rengar and my first game i went 28-9 what a hero does anyone delete adc faster then this nigga then say leblanc Draven, Syndra, Annie, Elise (when she builds full offense), Yasuo, Gragas (pre-rework), etc etc | ||
France45622 Posts
If Rengar clicks his resets and Hydra fast enough he'll straight-up kill you under a second. | ||
Canada454 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
are you a rengar main trying to hide the op? it's ok to admit it, we're all family here | ||
United States60033 Posts
On May 27 2014 09:46 Alaric wrote: No, Draven and Syndra are slower due to animations, it's possible to use Heal, Lulu's ult, shields, etc. in the meantime. If Rengar clicks his resets and Hydra fast enough he'll straight-up kill you under a second. Draven can time his ult with his attack animation to hit at the same time. Syndra is true enough I suppose. On May 27 2014 09:51 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: i'm not sure why wei2coolman is such an adamant rengar balance defender are you a rengar main trying to hide the op? it's ok to admit it, we're all family here If I was Rengar main, I would prefer they never reworked him to begin with, but his current iteration is fine. There's one fucking specialist with him, and it's got everyone's panties in the bunch. That's how fucking specialists work. They just play that one champion to a ridiculous degree. It's like people don't seem to understand, that's the fucking risk of playing a squishy. "I want to build big damage without getting blown the fuck up." Well guess fucking what? You fucking can't. (unless you're kayle) The issue with Rengar is less so his kit, and more so with how terrible ADC's are in general (since like end of S2). | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On May 27 2014 09:51 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: i'm not sure why wei2coolman is such an adamant rengar balance defender are you a rengar main trying to hide the op? it's ok to admit it, we're all family here I'ma new-found rengar main, dudes strong. | ||
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