On May 27 2014 10:37 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 10:35 johnybravo22 wrote:On May 27 2014 10:29 wei2coolman wrote:BUT HE'S SO OP'D AND BROKEN. HE JUST DELETES PEOPLE. WAI RIOT NO NERF? u still dont get it dont you? people dont want him nerfed only CHANGED so he doesnt do bullshit he currently does, it was promised with his rework but they obviously failed Yet the word I keep seeing being mentioned is "OP'd"
Only because you ignore the other posts...
On May 27 2014 10:37 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 10:35 johnybravo22 wrote:On May 27 2014 10:29 wei2coolman wrote:BUT HE'S SO OP'D AND BROKEN. HE JUST DELETES PEOPLE. WAI RIOT NO NERF? u still dont get it dont you? people dont want him nerfed only CHANGED so he doesnt do bullshit he currently does, it was promised with his rework but they obviously failed Yet the word I keep seeing being mentioned is "OP'd" you are the one saying it LOL, i never said he was op
Rengar is permaban status at diamond right now
Rengar is what Zed wishes he could be
A champ who can still pop a squishy no matter how far behind he is, and then still do it when building full tank.
Honestly the problem isn't Rengar, it's the way stealth works now. With the extreme limitation on true vision, it's basically impossible to stop him from ripping someone's face off after he ults. Like, you throw down some wards, force the enemy team to use trinkets and then BLAM
Stealth is just an incredibly binary mechanic, either you have enough vision to make it useless, or not enough that it's insanely strong. Then you need to severely gimp a champ in another way by limiting mobility, damage or tankiness, and Rengar just isn't there.
On May 27 2014 10:39 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 10:37 wei2coolman wrote:On May 27 2014 10:35 johnybravo22 wrote:On May 27 2014 10:29 wei2coolman wrote:BUT HE'S SO OP'D AND BROKEN. HE JUST DELETES PEOPLE. WAI RIOT NO NERF? u still dont get it dont you? people dont want him nerfed only CHANGED so he doesnt do bullshit he currently does, it was promised with his rework but they obviously failed Yet the word I keep seeing being mentioned is "OP'd" Only because you ignore the other posts... Wei2antiwhiningwhiningman
I feel LB is one of the assassin champs Riot got right tbh. There's a fair amount of counterplay and really fun to watch.
Rengar is the equivalent of a stealth nuclear submarine
Goes underwater, no one can see him and then next thing you know there's a nuke on its way to a major city.
Actually, I just wish they would put the vision items from ARAM in. Problem solved instantly.
wow this rengar stupid hero, got pwned at top still can 1 shot me with 2 levels below me wtf
On May 27 2014 11:10 KissBlade wrote: I feel LB is one of the assassin champs Riot got right tbh. There's a fair amount of counterplay and really fun to watch. impossible to gank, easy safe wave clear, can still instakill a squishy
sounds right
did someone say fotm safe waveclear ungankable asassin farming teamfighter mid
LB isn't that bad
She has to use her escape as waveclear, and if you can make her burn it for that or for some other reason you can gank her. She also got nerfed pretty hard, no more bursting a 4 item Mundo for 80% of his health.
On May 27 2014 11:05 ticklishmusic wrote: Rengar is what Zed wishes he could be
A champ who can still pop a squishy no matter how far behind he is, and then still do it when building full tank.
Honestly the problem isn't Rengar, it's the way stealth works now. With the extreme limitation on true vision, it's basically impossible to stop him from ripping someone's face off after he ults. Like, you throw down some wards, force the enemy team to use trinkets and then BLAM
Stealth is just an incredibly binary mechanic, either you have enough vision to make it useless, or not enough that it's insanely strong. Then you need to severely gimp a champ in another way by limiting mobility, damage or tankiness, and Rengar just isn't there. Its more that burst is supposed to be binary. either you get far enough ahead to use it to stay ahead of the curve or you fall behind and have to rely on very careful engagements. the stealth just seemingly exacerbates the feeling of the burst with rengar. that and defensive items are very rare on ADCs and too often teams leave their ADC undefended and allow the snowball because proper knowledge of what to do vs a stealth burst character isn't really there yet in league solo queue.
On May 27 2014 11:32 ticklishmusic wrote: LB isn't that bad
She has to use her escape as waveclear, and if you can make her burn it for that or for some other reason you can gank her. She also got nerfed pretty hard, no more bursting a 4 item Mundo for 80% of his health.
well, then she can just R to escape again
i honestly don't think rengar is op, but since the day of his release i have hated him more than any champion in this game
Still hate Shaco the most. He may not be OP or even that good, but that guy actually makes me frustrated while playing.
^ surprise, surprise stealth is broken, every champion with invisibility is a huge problem to balance and nuisance to play against, sad part is i believe latest vision changes which were supposed to fix things made it even worse
I think the biggest oversight with vision changes is that the lvl 9 red trinket doesn't revealed stealth champs, you have to get the upgraded version or carry a pink around with you at all times for any team fight with a stealth champ on the enemy team.
On May 27 2014 12:22 Kinie wrote: I think the biggest oversight with vision changes is that the lvl 9 red trinket doesn't revealed stealth champs, you have to get the upgraded version or carry a pink around with you at all times for any team fight with a stealth champ on the enemy team.
also, on the rengar note, his trinket doesn't grant him vision of invisible units until 20 stacks which is annoying the few times i've played him where i've used my ult to jump on a twitch or something and havent had enough dps to kill him before he goes invis
On May 27 2014 12:08 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: i honestly don't think rengar is op, but since the day of his release i have hated him more than any champion in this game
Feels like this is seeping in for others too. It's the Yorick syndrome, if everyone hates on a champion enough who has "no counterplay" they get nerfed into OBLIVION - Jarraxus
Stealth is currently strong in this meta because of the lack of vision items (which I'm positively sure will be added at some time, who knows when) it's true, but Rengar doesn't do enough to completely unbalance the game, which wei has done a terrible job in convincing people. There's not enough of a positive correlation between Rengars picked and his team having a significantly higher winrate, as evidenced by his winrate at higher tiers of play. Lower tiers I'm sorry but the game can't be balanced at all levels, he truly is OP when facing people who are casually playing and unfamiliar with his possibilities.
Because he COULD use some damage taken away from him, he probably should, but the League of Kneejerk Reactions will then suddenly declare him unfit for the meta and then we wait until an EU team comes out with some new fotm top laner who does something amusing and we forget this ever happened.
Life and death is a cycle, and yours is over. Nasus was onto something there. Most insightful dog NA.
On May 27 2014 12:33 Zdrastochye wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 12:08 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: i honestly don't think rengar is op, but since the day of his release i have hated him more than any champion in this game + Show Spoiler + Feels like this is seeping in for others too. It's the Yorick syndrome, if everyone hates on a champion enough who has "no counterplay" they get nerfed into OBLIVION - Jarraxus
Stealth is currently strong in this meta because of the lack of vision items (which I'm positively sure will be added at some time, who knows when) it's true, but Rengar doesn't do enough to completely unbalance the game, which wei has done a terrible job in convincing people. There's not enough of a positive correlation between Rengars picked and his team having a significantly higher winrate, as evidenced by his winrate at higher tiers of play. Lower tiers I'm sorry but the game can't be balanced at all levels, he truly is OP when facing people who are casually playing and unfamiliar with his possibilities.
Because he COULD use some damage taken away from him, he probably should, but the League of Kneejerk Reactions will then suddenly declare him unfit for the meta and then we wait until an EU team comes out with some new fotm top laner who does something amusing and we forget this ever happened.
Life and death is a cycle, and yours is over. Nasus was onto something there. Most insightful dog NA. Omg is that a Nasus compliment. Call the press I got a front page.
Doesn't the game warn you if Rengar is stealthed nearby and would otherwise be visible? I'm remember them talking about it during the rework discussion.