On May 27 2014 15:07 739 wrote: Guys, guys... I've played jungle Maokai yesterday and I have to say, he's still pretty goddamn solid...
Build, runes?
On May 27 2014 15:11 Scip wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 15:07 739 wrote: Guys, guys... I've played jungle Maokai yesterday and I have to say, he's still pretty goddamn solid... So was my stool this morning but that doesn't mean it wasn't shit DAYUM.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
On May 27 2014 15:12 zodde wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 15:07 739 wrote: Guys, guys... I've played jungle Maokai yesterday and I have to say, he's still pretty goddamn solid... Build, runes? Mpen quints, armor seals, mres/lvl glyphs and as marks. Build SotAG, Sunfire, Mobility boots, Banshee's + Gauntlet for chasing potential.
I mean, maybe he fell off later game, but his early game potential is huge. Nice gap closer with W, arcane smash, sapling and a high base attack damage.
Also gotta try support Maokai later today, because it seems awesome on paper.
Isn't as quints and mpen marks more of both? Anyways, sounds like fun, might try him out again. I got haunted maokai as a mystery gift the other day, so now I have a reason to take it for a test run.
I think spectral wraith is way better on Mao'kai (and Sej and naut for that matter) than golem. His ratios aren't terrible so he gets a lot out of it and can clear better. Golem is really underwhelming.
On May 27 2014 14:29 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Actually the real problem is people are banning braum. So riot makes a champion that's only stopped by braum so you stop banning him and start picking him against rengar. Brilliant!
(I don't know if braum does anything against rengar)
Braum is strong against ranged team compositions and weak against melee. He doesn't have any shields, heal, or instant hard cc with which to counter melee enemies and so high burst champions tend to kill his adc before he can do anything. Basically I expect that rengar would burst his adc before Braum had a chance to finish his ult animation.
I suppose braum could exploit his w to suss out rengars location if the "place between" mechanic works on stealthed enemies but I have a feeling it doesn't. If it did then you could w to your ally as soon as you saw the ! And then q in a line away from your ally. But you reaction times would have to be pretty amazing to do that.
On May 27 2014 16:17 Goumindong wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 14:29 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Actually the real problem is people are banning braum. So riot makes a champion that's only stopped by braum so you stop banning him and start picking him against rengar. Brilliant!
(I don't know if braum does anything against rengar) Braum is strong against ranged team compositions and weak against melee. He doesn't have any shields, heal, or instant hard cc with which to counter melee enemies and so high burst champions tend to kill his adc before he can do anything. Basically I expect that rengar would burst his adc before Braum had a chance to finish his ult animation. I suppose braum could exploit his w to suss out rengars location if the "place between" mechanic works on stealthed enemies but I have a feeling it doesn't. If it did then you could w to your ally as soon as you saw the ! And then q in a line away from your ally. But you reaction times would have to be pretty amazing to do that.
Braum W could (probably not lol) save his teammate long enough for ult + q -> passive stun though.
I hope they butcher rengar real hard. Instakill isn't fun, stealth isn't fun. Together, they are a nightmare.
Remember prenerf/postremake evelynn oneshotting adcs with ult dfg from a flank? This is pretty much the same thing but with shittier true vision.
I challenge Scip to a grudge match bo3 1v1 Fiora vs whatever he wants to play. If he accepts and loses he needs to change his sig to "I think non-meta champs are very underrated and I wish more people would accept the greatness of Fiora and Maokai, also Skarner is a shit champ that no one should ever take serious." If he wins he can choose my sig. Should do it today or tomorrow evening if you are up for it.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Edit: what loSleb said.
On May 27 2014 14:06 Ryuu314 wrote: There's also an issue with Hydra/Tiamat. Currently, you can activate Hydra/Tiamat while you're mid-dash, but the damage and effect won't actually go off until you land on your target. This essentially lets players completely circumvent the animation time and get an extra, instant speed nuke.
if that's fixed, Rengar's burst (or at least bursting time) will also go way down. Ah, so that's how Scip did it with Kha'Zix.
That has a lot to do with Rengar's issues atm: you can't react because once he jumps in, unless you're Soraka or Lulu (or WW) and on the ball, your carry's dead. He will jump, use Hydra/empQ/Q in less than a second and deal enough damage to squash people. Remember how people cried when Kha'Zix got nerfed so that he couldn't W mid-jump anymore? Pretending that broke him and he was unplayable. Before that he could EWQauto (and tiamat if he had it) to 100-0 someone sometimes even before the jump landed (after poking because W was absurd at the time too) and keep killing people with E resets thanks to the initial AoE from W, E and Crescent. After the nerf he had to actually do some shit once he landed to finish off his target.
If the way Rengar's abilities or animations work was modified so that he can't deliver his whole burst that fast, there'd actually be some time to react to him as a team. He'd still destroy people 1v1, which is the point of an assassin, but staying grouped (relinquishing some map control in the process) wouldn't be as helpless as now. Take Talon: apart from the fact that he loses his (already weak) escape to deal all of his damage asap, his silence is super short and while it's enough to stop his target from flashing away/cc-ing him during the damage amp., if there's an ally nearby he can react instead to protect the target. You couldn't do that with Kha'Zix, you can barely do that with Rengar.
The fact that even if he builds full damage getting a 3-man W off at level 5 gives him as much resistances as Leona (though Leona will scale with defensive items) makes him a royal pain to burst down too (full damage WW is fine for a coordinated team because a cc to stop his ult's sustain and he gets bopped).
On May 27 2014 12:22 Kinie wrote: I think the biggest oversight with vision changes is that the lvl 9 red trinket doesn't revealed stealth champs, you have to get the upgraded version or carry a pink around with you at all times for any team fight with a stealth champ on the enemy team. On the other hand you can't really give people free true vision, the same way you wouldn't give them free healing reduction, there's a choice to make. But having to wait till level 9 to upgrade it may be annoying.
On May 27 2014 11:19 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 11:10 KissBlade wrote: I feel LB is one of the assassin champs Riot got right tbh. There's a fair amount of counterplay and really fun to watch. impossible to gank, easy safe wave clear, can still instakill a squishy sounds right The idea of tying her ult to its level and not the level of the mimicked skill isn't bad, it gives her a lot of diversity and lets her ult really be used situationally over just QRing everytime for da burst. The issue is that it lets her max W to wave clear without much trouble, and that her damage is still high enough that she dunks kids while rushing Grail.
I'd like to see the level 1 cd on her ult increased, the mana cost make a comeback (same with Kayle's >>) and the base damage on Distorsion being reduced. Maybe move some numbers around so that people are rewarded for hitting full Qs and Es, and using W for damage rather than just gapclosing, So that she can't WQE from 1k range for a big chunk of health every 12s then kill you using her ult when she maxes W and builds utility.
On May 27 2014 17:58 Scip wrote: no #passion
Also that feeling of randomly ending a game out of nowhere with a 5 man ori ult
I want to be an ori main now
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On May 27 2014 18:02 killerdog wrote:#passion Also that feeling of randomly ending a game out of nowhere with a 5 man ori ult I want to be an ori main now I know that feeling, then you throw a match by fumbling an orianna ult and swear to never play orianna again.
On May 27 2014 18:02 killerdog wrote:#passion Also that feeling of randomly ending a game out of nowhere with a 5 man ori ult I want to be an ori main now Well, you could always make a smurf(and let it decay to silver) and go like 24/2/X on something like kassadin, picking up doubles and triples left and right. Not that I might have done something like that in recent history.
Stuff like 3/4/5 man ori ults are awesome though. Full ori combo RWQE once you get some items will absolutely slaughter most squishies, and chunk tankier people for large amounts as well.
On May 27 2014 18:04 Fusilero wrote:Show nested quote +On May 27 2014 18:02 killerdog wrote:On May 27 2014 17:58 Scip wrote: no #passion Also that feeling of randomly ending a game out of nowhere with a 5 man ori ult I want to be an ori main now I know that feeling, then you throw a match by fumbling an orianna ult and swear to never play orianna again. That too. That feeling when you whiff an ulti is the worst.
Scip doesn't have passion for anything but catgirls maybe I should offer a picture of myself with catears if I lose.
On May 27 2014 18:07 loSleb wrote: Scip doesn't have passion for anything but catgirls maybe I should offer a picture of myself with catears if I lose. Doesn't fiora actually lose lane vs jax unless you get like a lvl 3 all in or something?
You seem brave
Why take a late pick like Jax when you can just pick Nunu? Worst case you get the hilarious level 6 finish when you start channeling Absolute Zero as soon as she ults.
Scip would never pick Nunu and there is no reason to use your ult if it doesn't kill him Oo.