On May 27 2014 02:04 Zdrastochye wrote: People are just greedy and refuse to build tankiness in solo queue. If they have a Rengar, get a 3rd item armor item, because you could have 500 AD and be useless because you can't do shit when you're dead. Rengar might need to be tweaked, but people are acting as though there's absolutely nothing you can do at all ever. Hyperbole central in TLGD today.
Pretty much this. If nid spears are owning you, you build banshees. But some how GA or randuin's omen is too hard? Also, all of these are of a fed Rengar, who got ahead in laning phase. A fuckton of champions do the same thing when they get ahead like that.
On May 27 2014 02:10 Wolfstan wrote: This is really the first time playing a blatantly OP champ for freelo with Korean Kayle. The thing is I'm starting to get ladder fear because I'm out of normal elo range. Should I keep riding the train higher, or switch roles so I don't ruin other people's games when I'm higher?
korean kayle is hardly free elo.
EDIT: it's extremely silly what happens once you get your core 2 item, but the game is hardly auto win if you do.
On May 26 2014 21:26 Fildun wrote: Ok, now I'm certain. The current state of Rengar completely ignores any sort of skill differential between him and the opposing team. My Silver 5 friend who is legit Silver 5 just stomped a game full of Platinums with him. That should just simply not happen.
I lost yesterday Garen vs Garen in toplane without jungle interventions against a Silver 3. So it happens xD
On May 27 2014 02:00 Sufficiency wrote: Yeah, so I think Rengar CAN be balanced without changing his R. But his other skills, particularly his Q and E, need nerfs.
they need to either change his ult and keep his damage numbers or nerf his damage numbers.
if they changed his ult I wouldn't mind if they removed stealth but increased jump/movement speed or another buff.
stealth is just horribly difficult to balance. im amazed eve is actually balanced at the moment.
These are all nerfs/changes/reworks/fixes they already tried. It just gives you a different, but still unbalanced, Rengar.
On May 27 2014 02:00 Sufficiency wrote: Yeah, so I think Rengar CAN be balanced without changing his R. But his other skills, particularly his Q and E, need nerfs.
they need to either change his ult and keep his damage numbers or nerf his damage numbers.
if they changed his ult I wouldn't mind if they removed stealth but increased jump/movement speed or another buff.
stealth is just horribly difficult to balance. im amazed eve is actually balanced at the moment.
These are all nerfs/changes/reworks/fixes they already tried. It just gives you a different, but still unbalanced, Rengar.
Just curious, what is your definition of unbalanced? cuz this really is a lot of qq for a champ that I don't see being used in proplay in its current iteration, nor overwhelmingly prevalent in solo queue.
famous vid with vasili vs choi vasili had omen but the resoult was always the same xD
that rengar build involves heavy armor pen randuin wont save u, few days ago i played jayce top got fed had 6 items went for randuin and rengar jungle who wasnt even glass cannon could still 1shot me
On May 27 2014 02:22 johnybravo22 wrote: famous vid with vasili vs choi vasili had omen but the resoult was always the same xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNNBXUhdUMs that rengar build involves heavy armor pen randuin wont save u, few days ago i played jayce top got fed had 6 items went for randuin and rengar jungle who wasnt even glass cannon could still 1shot me
Wut. there's no omen there... and vasili was farming wright with no vision....
Just to put this out there for everyone. For the past week, in Ranked Solo Queue, Diamond League, in All Regions (as defined by lolking) (EUW/NA/EUNE/BR). Here are the top winrates. Braum: 55.55% Kayle: 54.96% Shaco: 54.06% Fiddle: 53.75% Talon: 53.71% Fiora: 53.59% Zyra: 53.54% J4: 53.28% Nidalee: 53.21% MF: 53.11%
Even for each isolated region, Rengar doesn't even show up. Hell, in NA, the past week in Diamond, Talon has the highest win rate along with Skarner, Galio, Zilean, and Sion.
On May 27 2014 01:19 turdburgler wrote: i dont see how anyone can possibly defend a situation where any champ can kill another with 0 opportunity to fight back.
Your "opportunity to fight back" was by not being in a place where you can be solo-killed or by not itemizing such that you can be solo-killed.
Not all situations should be "outplay"-able. The game also needs to emphasize awareness and foresight by having those situations where if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, you're dead regardless of what you do.
Now maybe in Rengar's case, these situations come up too often due to how hard it is to keep track of him thanks to the vision changes, but in general the concept of strong solo-killing power is not something that is inherently toxic or bad for the game.
On May 27 2014 02:22 johnybravo22 wrote: famous vid with vasili vs choi vasili had omen but the resoult was always the same xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNNBXUhdUMs that rengar build involves heavy armor pen randuin wont save u, few days ago i played jayce top got fed had 6 items went for randuin and rengar jungle who wasnt even glass cannon could still 1shot me
Wut. there's no omen there... and vasili was farming wright with no vision....
he got it later in that game didnt change much full vid
On May 27 2014 02:22 johnybravo22 wrote: famous vid with vasili vs choi vasili had omen but the resoult was always the same xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNNBXUhdUMs that rengar build involves heavy armor pen randuin wont save u, few days ago i played jayce top got fed had 6 items went for randuin and rengar jungle who wasnt even glass cannon could still 1shot me
The same thing would have happened with any assassin as he had zero vision on the map and couldn't see round the corner.
On May 27 2014 02:22 johnybravo22 wrote: famous vid with vasili vs choi vasili had omen but the resoult was always the same xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNNBXUhdUMs that rengar build involves heavy armor pen randuin wont save u, few days ago i played jayce top got fed had 6 items went for randuin and rengar jungle who wasnt even glass cannon could still 1shot me
The same thing would have happened with any assassin as he had zero vision on the map and couldn't see round the corner.
that was just funny example there are plenty of vids popping up on reddit showing how bullshit rengar can be i posted some of them earlier + Show Spoiler +
On May 27 2014 02:22 johnybravo22 wrote: famous vid with vasili vs choi vasili had omen but the resoult was always the same xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNNBXUhdUMs that rengar build involves heavy armor pen randuin wont save u, few days ago i played jayce top got fed had 6 items went for randuin and rengar jungle who wasnt even glass cannon could still 1shot me
Wut. there's no omen there... and vasili was farming wright with no vision....
Yes, he gets it when Rengar has 15 fucking kills. And gets it after he gets his 3rd item IE. Please, use some logic before you post vids like this as if it's proof that Rengar is broken.
Also, I would say like 90% of those kills on Vasili, was vasili being GROSSLY out positioned on the map, relative to how much map pressure his team was putting out. Like, what the fuck is he doing farming wolves in front of his entire team, when they're getting their poopoo shoved in.
On May 27 2014 02:22 johnybravo22 wrote: famous vid with vasili vs choi vasili had omen but the resoult was always the same xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNNBXUhdUMs that rengar build involves heavy armor pen randuin wont save u, few days ago i played jayce top got fed had 6 items went for randuin and rengar jungle who wasnt even glass cannon could still 1shot me
The same thing would have happened with any assassin as he had zero vision on the map and couldn't see round the corner.
that was just funny example there are plenty of vids popping up on reddit showing how bullshit rengar can be i posted some of them earlier + Show Spoiler +
the point is stealth and 1shot mechanic should not be in this game, whole point of rengar rework was to change that and he is still the same and does that shit again which wasnt supposed to happen.
On May 27 2014 02:04 Zdrastochye wrote: People are just greedy and refuse to build tankiness in solo queue. If they have a Rengar, get a 3rd item armor item, because you could have 500 AD and be useless because you can't do shit when you're dead. Rengar might need to be tweaked, but people are acting as though there's absolutely nothing you can do at all ever. Hyperbole central in TLGD today.
so are you recommending adc's go randuins 3rd item or something?
in this meta when everyone and their mother has armor adc's can't afford to go defensive items till 4th item or even 5th.
and the only options you have are GA/banshee's pretty much.
randuins will not save you from rengar anyways.
Yeah I actually am recommending GA 3rd item vs a Rengar. I'm sorry that you'll do less damage, but I wonder if you'll do less damage overall being alive with 1 less damage item or dead with full damage items.
On May 27 2014 02:35 johnybravo22 wrote: the point is stealth and 1shot mechanic should not be in this game, whole point of rengar rework was to change that and he is still the same and does that shit again which he wasnt supposed to happen.
The only iteration of Rengar that was considered broken in high levels of play was Tank Rengar, and that was broken for whole different reason.
Rengar should be nerfed/reworked since there is no counterplay to getting 1 shot by him.
You cant go third item defensive on ADC and do any damage to the current tanky champions, and by 4th item hes 1 shot you so many times he will kill you regardless.
Also, hes killing people in <1 second, which means you don't even have to arcane shift away, and no hope of any slower movement skills.
The majority of players that are playing Rengar are bad and have no idea how to start the snowball rolling, pulling his winrate down, doesn't mean he isn't broken.
Any champion that has 0 counter play shouldn't be in this game. It's just not fun for the receiving end, and not fun for the team with the Rengar that fed and is now useless. It's just not good for the game.
On May 27 2014 02:37 dae wrote: Rengar should be nerfed/reworked since there is no counterplay to getting 1 shot by him.
You cant go third item defensive on ADC and do any damage to the current tanky champions, and by 4th item hes 1 shot you so many times he will kill you regardless.
What position is this Rengar playing if you don't mind me asking. I thought he's normally a top laner? If so then with the current tanky champs normally in the top lane it should be fine to go a slightly more defensive ADC build
On May 27 2014 02:00 Sufficiency wrote: Yeah, so I think Rengar CAN be balanced without changing his R. But his other skills, particularly his Q and E, need nerfs.
they need to either change his ult and keep his damage numbers or nerf his damage numbers.
if they changed his ult I wouldn't mind if they removed stealth but increased jump/movement speed or another buff.
stealth is just horribly difficult to balance. im amazed eve is actually balanced at the moment.
These are all nerfs/changes/reworks/fixes they already tried. It just gives you a different, but still unbalanced, Rengar.
Just curious, what is your definition of unbalanced? cuz this really is a lot of qq for a champ that I don't see being used in proplay in its current iteration, nor overwhelmingly prevalent in solo queue.
I don't care much about current rengar, he's just snowbally right now. However, this is just the curve that rengar has followed several times now: OP > irrelevant > fringe > OP. I object to his fundamental design because it is incompatible with the rest of LoL. So that.