[Patch 4.3] Vel'Koz General Discussion - Page 100
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
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United States15536 Posts
On March 12 2014 23:33 Scip wrote: Is this the part of the thread where we criticize TB's PR? That's my favourite thing to do pls no i did not ask 4 this On topic, am I the only one who can't be bothered to test the TeamBuilder because I don't want to play Normals? I just don't DO those anymore. :/ | ||
France45622 Posts
![]() Edit: I'm pretty sure it works better if I put the TL;DR at the top. TL;DR: I'm a picky shitter and am looking for reliable flexible jungler I can pick any game when Vi's banned. Kha'Zix/Elise is yurkFUUUrage so no, Lee often banned too, Wukong often banned plus FotM != reliable by definition, I dislike Nocturne past laning, Maokai/Nautilus are shit now, are Eve/Olaf/Mundo able to fit in any line-up/good in all situations enough or should I look for something I don't know about? Calling out to TL's proverbial wisdom as it looks like I have to train new junglers. I mained Mundo, Maokai, Nautilus in s2, then Vi, Mundo and Nautilus in s3. Nautilus was already far from a top tier pick and took some nerf bats to the teeth, and Vi, well... looks like she's the third champion that ends up permaban status after I picked it up day 1/while noone cared for it, so I can't count on getting her anymore. Meaning I need at least another one so that if the team needs me to jungle I'm not a deadweight playing 2 tiers below my usual level. Few points: - I need a flexible/solid jungler so that it can be a go-to pick (even pre-nerf Nautilus would need your team to make up for your damage; Udyr needs his team to have wave-clear/initiation, etc.) - I'm wary of learning Lee Sin since he's prone to getting banned too. It seems like Wukong is banned a bunch too, plus I'm wary of FotM in general. - Kha'Zix and Elise are no-noes. I just don't like them; you wouldn't suggest learning Fizz to Cheep, would you? Picks I've considered/played in the past: - Rammus/Nautilus/Maokai are either too weak atm or too reliant on their team, I like to be autonomous so even if I like them they don't cut it for a go-to jungler. - I dislike Nocturne because I find his impact too low in teamfights and he falls off hard as a diver if you don't keep building damage while his kit isn't great for peeling. He can't initiate either. - With the new trend of building BotRK/Hexdrinker or straight Randuin's/Banshee on Eve, is she flexible enough to adapt to what the team needs? She used to be so squishy it made me shy away from her. - Same with Pantheon, even though he's in a better place than the "buff&camp" Alistar-style from season 2, isn't he super weak if he's not ahead during midgame? - Mundo needs levels (and some farm) to be useful, so against popular early game junglers who gank a lot or just put pressure it may put my lanes behind since he gets pretty low now. I've got a bunch of experience with him but it looks like you can only pick him if your lanes are strong early on. In the same vein, Olaf looks like Lee without the godlike early game: necessitates a line-up able to force fights/take control during the midgame because he falls off later, plus with mobility buffs for him. I'm concerned that I can't pick them blindly (what made me stop junglig Udyr: team wouldn't pick any clear/pushing capability and as soon as the enemy team would shove during the midgame we'd automatically lost all momentum because I'd only be able to sit under tower and soak poke while looking sad). Are there any other popular/meta-suited junglers that I don't know about and could make good additions to my roster so I have reliable alternatives if Vi remains permabanned? | ||
Spain196 Posts
On March 12 2014 23:32 AsmodeusXI wrote: inb4 TotalBiscuit shows up incredibly confused lol I was thinking the same, "what kind of problems could have TB with LOL?" xDD. Don´t mind too much toxic players, I bet they are the same **** playing LOL, basketball, football (any), etc... always blaming the others. @Alaric Maybe jungle Kayle or Riven? Pantheon is a solid pick. | ||
1594 Posts
On March 12 2014 23:42 Alaric wrote: Like you play at all? ![]() Edit: I'm pretty sure it works better if I put the TL;DR at the top. TL;DR: I'm a picky shitter and am looking for reliable flexible jungler I can pick any game when Vi's banned. Kha'Zix/Elise is yurkFUUUrage so no, Lee often banned too, Wukong often banned plus FotM != reliable by definition, I dislike Nocturne past laning, Maokai/Nautilus are shit now, are Eve/Olaf/Mundo able to fit in any line-up/good in all situations enough or should I look for something I don't know about? you requested a flexible/solid jungler and immediately followed that up by excluding the most flexible/solid ones of the remainder, panth and eve are probably best although i'm not sure why they aren't included under fotm as a general captain obvious note, fotms kind of tend to become fotm because they're the best, most reliable picks at a given time | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
theres no such thing as a perfect jungler to fit every criteria, better to try to become a perfect player | ||
Canada1210 Posts
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Bearded Elder29903 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
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France45622 Posts
I'd play stuff like J4 too but I'm a bit concerned he falls in the same category as other, tankier junglers of "relies on your team to be high damage to keep up past midgame". If people having experience with him in s4 correct me on that point I'll consider him np or others np. FotM tend to be "the best at a given moment" and a prime target for nerfs ('cept when you're called Renekton I guess), seeing how I'm thinking long-term and not just "I'll switch and relearn FotM every 3 weeks to keep abusing the OP w/o ever mastering one" I don't mind not playing the absolute top of the cream so long as my roster is stable. @Teut: when your team picks Ezreal/Sona/Renekton/Nidalee and they have stuff like Lux, Cait, Zed, as Udyr you'd better get your team way ahead or the game's not going to be much fun once they start shoving you (worse teamcomps happened pretty often when I 2nd picked Udyr in s2/3). Vi's much in the same boat, but because she can reliably dive/initiate fights (and she telegraphs it well for your team to follow) it let me make stuff happen regardless for example. @Scip: my main concern with Eve was how squishy she is, and I like tankiness on my junglers to widen my error margin, but it seemed like after the (items/abilities) changes a tankier build was viable too without making her a glorified ult bot/global taunt, so I've been interested in adding her, yeah. Thanks for confirming. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
how much depends on how much damage you do which depends a lot on how and how well you play | ||
1594 Posts
basically overthinking the issue just leads to analysis paralysis, and just picking any goddamn champ and playing the goddamn game is the best way to improve. poppy support can hit challenger | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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1594 Posts
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France45622 Posts
![]() ^ I've got hipster status secured ever since I mained Morgana pre-30 until she got permabanned, don't need that anymore. o/ Had to make sure I had my mandatory hipster cred before I joined TL LoL obv. | ||
Canada12016 Posts
On March 12 2014 23:52 Slayer91 wrote: l2p udyr without relying on you team to babysit for you theres no such thing as a perfect jungler to fit every criteria, better to try to become a perfect player that's deep | ||
Finland33997 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States907 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On March 12 2014 23:33 Scip wrote: Is this the part of the thread where we criticize TB's PR? That's my favourite thing to do Tb had great PR. That is kind of the purpose... | ||
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