On January 15 2014 18:24 739 wrote: So which one on Lee? Madreds? Or Lizard or what? Cause I'm confused. And I'm bad in theorycrafting.
Againg, anything with Conservation on it until the Wriggles upgrade gets patched in. Use your better judgement if you want the HP or AD based on gameflow.
On January 15 2014 18:24 739 wrote: So which one on Lee? Madreds? Or Lizard or what? Cause I'm confused. And I'm bad in theorycrafting.
Againg, anything with Conservation on it until the Wriggles upgrade gets patched in. Use your better judgement if you want the HP or AD based on gameflow.
What wriggles upgrade?
Apparently Wriggles was always intended to have an upgrade in S4, but has been delayed for whatever reason. Sounds like it should be in within the next couple patches.
On January 15 2014 18:24 739 wrote: So which one on Lee? Madreds? Or Lizard or what? Cause I'm confused. And I'm bad in theorycrafting.
Lizard if you snowballing or need more damage. Golem otherwise. Never buy madreds unless you're playing 5s and you guys want to sneak an early dragon. By early I mean like...4 minute dragon. Even if you do get madreds, don't bother upgrading to Wriggles - it's a shit item. Stats are trash, gold generation passive is not worth it especially compared to Conservation passive. If you want wards, get a sightstone.
Tbh, on virtually all junglers, getting golem is never a bad move. When in doubt, Golem.
On January 15 2014 11:46 IamPryda wrote: no nid or ziggs nerfs lol gtfo
Why would Nidalee be nerfed again?
nidalee is like the overpowered hero in league right now among competent players, she ws 100% pick/ban for the longest time in group stage ogn and im not 100% sure on the numbers but i believe she is still the highest pick/ban rate in ogn after semifinals.
edit: 18 out of 21 in bracket stages; main outlier is skt vs kt where 2 out of 3 games did not feature a nidalee, primarily due to ryu/kt not particularly favoring nidalee picks and skt choosing not to ban as a response
nidalee has 35 appearances in group stages
compare with: 11 for Mundo (12 in group stages) 19 for shyvana (25 in group stages) 3 for ziggs (all in ozone/shield series, 0 in group stage) lol yea lets nerf ziggs he's so overpowered fucking idiots 21 for kassadin (19 in group stages)
oh i lied elise is actually the highest with 21/42 in bracket/group
point stands nidalee is a fucking stupid hero and should be deleted
actually all heroes with two sets of abilities should be deleted
On January 15 2014 18:24 739 wrote: So which one on Lee? Madreds? Or Lizard or what? Cause I'm confused. And I'm bad in theorycrafting.
Lizard if you snowballing or need more damage. Golem otherwise. Never buy madreds unless you're playing 5s and you guys want to sneak an early dragon. By early I mean like...4 minute dragon. Even if you do get madreds, don't bother upgrading to Wriggles - it's a shit item. Stats are trash, gold generation passive is not worth it especially compared to Conservation passive. If you want wards, get a sightstone.
Tbh, on virtually all junglers, getting golem is never a bad move. When in doubt, Golem.
Da Fuq? I was always buying Wrigggles on my Jungle Rengar and thought its the item supposed for non-mana champions...now I understand that it was a bad move :-))))))))) Is jungle Rengar even remotely viable now? with W nerfs?
I don't know about you guys, but I love the Anivia buffs. My winrate with her is probably gonna jump from 70 to 80% ^.^ I do see a disadvantage in the faster AA though. For one, you'll have to get used to the new speed for csing, and it's gonna be a bit harder to AA poke your lane opponent without aggroing creeps.
On January 15 2014 19:03 Scip wrote: I personally don't think he was all that strong in the jungle before nerfs anyway, I don't expect him to do well at all after these nerfs though
Absolutely true, Rengar was and maybe still is my main top and overall main champ and this was the only reason I was doing good job jungling with him, I just had very good understanding of how he works and his mechanics. Still, with a lot less knowledge/skills I was doing better with Vi which is my main jungle. I can imagine that people who does not play a lot of Rengar will mostly do horrible in jungle. Still I loved Rango and I was jungling with him from time to time, but after that nerf I am not sure if he is even remotely viable there.
p.s Why do they had to butcher him so hard? I understand the Q, nice glitches there, not fair however so ok nerf it, but nerfing W as well on a champ who was not even so good/playable before season 4 changes and these changes will be fixed anyway, this was too much imo, he can pretty much become the new poppy or smth..
Anyhow i feel that Kassadin nerfs from PBE should have been in this patch. Also i feel Dr.Mundo could have gotten Health per level or base health nerfs. Also darius could have gotten some 50% mana reduction from additional guillotines, since you never do penta with it since you go oom way too quickly.
Overall verdict is that i like the patch and its much more balanced. Although there is few key champions that require nerf.
Wtf Kha´Zix is the most broken champ in all of LoL. I´ve played two game with him and I´m doing nothing but stomping fools around. Why the fuck do you let someone have an ability that does 145 damage at level 1.
I know, right I love Kha so much, in jungle he had a weaker period until like lvl8 actually, you needed a lot of damn pots to farm and stay full hp, but I bet with the new spirit stone you need so few of them, maybe none at all. So much saved gold and pain, I bet he's one of the best junglers atm undisputed
On January 15 2014 19:28 Scip wrote: I know, right I love Kha so much, in jungle he had a weaker period until like lvl8 actually, you needed a lot of damn pots to farm and stay full hp, but I bet with the new spirit stone you need so few of them, maybe none at all. So much saved gold and pain, I bet he's one of the best junglers atm undisputed
I´ve played him one time in the jungle and I really didn´t need any pots after the starting ones. Granted, I was 5/1/0 in as many minutes, so that might have clouded my judgement a bit Second game I had to top, and I don't really play top so I thought, lets try Kha. I just completely wrecked a top main. As a guy who plays top in 1 out of 25 games.
On January 15 2014 19:03 Scip wrote: I personally don't think he was all that strong in the jungle before nerfs anyway, I don't expect him to do well at all after these nerfs though
Absolutely true, Rengar was and maybe still is my main top and overall main champ and this was the only reason I was doing good job jungling with him, I just had very good understanding of how he works and his mechanics. Still, with a lot less knowledge/skills I was doing better with Vi which is my main jungle. I can imagine that people who does not play a lot of Rengar will mostly do horrible in jungle. Still I loved Rango and I was jungling with him from time to time, but after that nerf I am not sure if he is even remotely viable there.
p.s Why do they had to butcher him so hard? I understand the Q, nice glitches there, not fair however so ok nerf it, but nerfing W as well on a champ who was not even so good/playable before season 4 changes and these changes will be fixed anyway, this was too much imo, he can pretty much become the new poppy or smth..
His playstyle in top lane in the latter half of Season 3 and Season 4 was one of the worst things in the game IMO. Wasn't at all healthy for the game. Not at all interesting for opponents or viewers.
Yeah, Kha top lane is rather simple, you have a lot of clear timings when you can just go ham and you have very good means of going ham. You just have to be careful about enemy jungle, because if you go ham and he's there it's really bad for you :3
god i hate nightblue3, now literally everyone and their mom is jungling khazix. Problem is, they are garbage at it and they just end up with no gold and it's practically a 4v5 the whole game.
On January 15 2014 19:03 Scip wrote: I personally don't think he was all that strong in the jungle before nerfs anyway, I don't expect him to do well at all after these nerfs though
Absolutely true, Rengar was and maybe still is my main top and overall main champ and this was the only reason I was doing good job jungling with him, I just had very good understanding of how he works and his mechanics. Still, with a lot less knowledge/skills I was doing better with Vi which is my main jungle. I can imagine that people who does not play a lot of Rengar will mostly do horrible in jungle. Still I loved Rango and I was jungling with him from time to time, but after that nerf I am not sure if he is even remotely viable there.
p.s Why do they had to butcher him so hard? I understand the Q, nice glitches there, not fair however so ok nerf it, but nerfing W as well on a champ who was not even so good/playable before season 4 changes and these changes will be fixed anyway, this was too much imo, he can pretty much become the new poppy or smth..
His playstyle in top lane in the latter half of Season 3 and Season 4 was one of the worst things in the game IMO. Wasn't at all healthy for the game. Not at all interesting for opponents or viewers.
Hopefully the rework comes soon.
Ok, for a rework I can somehow agree, coz if it doesn't fit - it doesn't fit, but to make a champ unplayable because playstyle is ugly...I don't agree with this so much
On January 15 2014 20:45 IMoperator wrote: god i hate nightblue3, now literally everyone and their mom is jungling khazix. Problem is, they are garbage at it and they just end up with no gold and it's practically a 4v5 the whole game.
Strongly disagree, jungling Kha is so easy any asshole can do it so now every game has a kha with 10 kills by 10 minutes.