[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 94
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United States19143 Posts
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United Kingdom50293 Posts
Chaox can't get the visa to EU, looks like he's not on ocelote's team (Now you can pick MrRallez ocelote) http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/99307#history/1235186939 (Check the kassadin match) Looks like the bot is atm samux/dioud. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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United States35092 Posts
On December 24 2013 10:50 cLutZ wrote: Hmm, why don't the Euros want Chaox? Should America be worried? He just can't get a visa for an extended stay becaue Europe hates esports. | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
On December 24 2013 11:04 Gahlo wrote: He just can't get a visa for an extended stay becaue Europe hates esports. It is just good guy government helping ocelote pick a good ad unlike chaox. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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Germany9118 Posts
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United States35092 Posts
On December 24 2013 11:12 LaNague wrote: or they dont want unskilled workers immigrating... I pop culture has taught me anything, getting drunk is a skill. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 24 2013 10:50 cLutZ wrote: Hmm, why don't the Euros want Chaox? Should America be worried? Because they're allergic to Freedom, Eagles, and apple pie. | ||
14521 Posts
On December 24 2013 03:27 Kupon3ss wrote: A popular NA streamer/hightierpubber once noted that gold on KR is about the same as diamond in NA. Bronze KR in SC2 was about the same level as gold in the West as well. There's no reason to believe that a similar gap doesn't exist here. Can I have source for this please? Why not just say who this was? I don't understand the need to call them a "popular NA streamer/hightier pubber" rather than just declare the source directly. I vaguely recall something similar to this, but I don't remember who said it/where this came from. On December 24 2013 09:00 Rooster Cogburn wrote: So I have not posted in a while, or not really at all but I just have to ask your opinion on this guy I had in my game. Hopefully this is the right thread for this.... Well we had a game where our mid dc'ed at the beginning and never came back. The game was over quickly and it wasn't even close. No one had a good time since it was a waste of 20 minutes. We ask them to push down mid and they didn't do anything and waited out the 20 minutes for us to surrender. At the end of the game, I said, "bg, dc". that is when it all started. This guy went on and on, like literally 20 lines of hate coming my way for saying bg (I didn't copy pasta it sorry ![]() Is saying bg at the end of the game that bad of a deal if it wasn't a good game? Wasn't there something on reddit about that? Also, been playing a little bit since season 4, and still have no idea what is the best trinket for who and when to get which trinket in what situation. Like is the red one generally better for jungling and yellow for laning? BG is just a rude thing to say. He was not warranted in his reaction, but you probably should not have said anything anyways. Pretty much the general rule of any game is the following: "if you don't have something nice to say, it's best not to say anything at all" As for trinkets. Everyone starts yellow trinket for the most part. If you are jungle or support, usually they buy yellow, but there are times certain team comps might want red. During mid-game/ roaming, they will sell yellow and buy red trinket(sweeping). Not that many uses of blue trinket in pro play yet. It seems the other two are pretty strong. Mostly, if you see the enemy team has good map control, sell yellow, get red, and sweep your own jungle for wards(In solo queue, this is regardless of your role since it's pretty vital to have map control. Be careful though since there is a cooldown when you sell->buy different kinds of trinkets). Remember also that you can still buy 1 pink ward! | ||
United States23745 Posts
On December 24 2013 11:40 ketchup wrote: Can I have source for this please? Why not just say who this was? I don't understand the need to call them a "popular NA streamer/hightier pubber" rather than just declare the source directly. I vaguely recall something similar to this, but I don't remember who said it/where this came from. BG is just a rude thing to say. He was not warranted in his reaction, but you probably should not have said anything anyways. Pretty much the general rule of any game is the following: "if you don't have something nice to say, it's best not to say anything at all" As for trinkets. Everyone starts yellow trinket for the most part. If you are jungle or support, usually they buy yellow, but there are times certain team comps might want red. During mid-game/ roaming, they will sell yellow and buy red trinket(sweeping). Not that many uses of blue trinket in pro play yet. It seems the other two are pretty strong. Mostly, if you see the enemy team has good map control, sell yellow, get red, and sweep your own jungle for wards(In solo queue, this is regardless of your role since it's pretty vital to have map control. Be careful though since there is a cooldown when you sell->buy different kinds of trinkets). Remember also that you can still buy 1 pink ward! Most likley Bischu's AMA. | ||
14521 Posts
Okay, that explains that. Thanks | ||
United States60033 Posts
Does anyone know how the vlad vs mundo matchup plays out? | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On December 24 2013 09:41 MoonBear wrote: Sorry, will explain a bit further. The thing is Sej requires you to build the team comp much more heavily around her and has more significant drawbacks to picking her in order to take advantage of the power she brings. In contrast, Mundo and Shyv are much safer picks that can slot into many team comps well and fulfil the tanky frontline duty of Sej but with less drawbacks. They may have less CC, but at this point most team comps will have a boatload of CC anyway so having a tank that can also act as a strong threat while providing poke/splitpush duties is pretty good. There's also the issue where that being easy to use in a team comp, being able to draft without revealing too much information, or opening up weaknesses your opponents can then draft to exploit is important. Of course this matters less as you filter down skill levels (and skill + not making mistakes tends to matter far more than theoretical "best" team comps in solo queue) but it's still something to consider. As for her test stats, well, let's say I had the joy of play-testing a ridiculously buffed Sej once. It was glorious. "bg" is often used as a "Well my team sucked wasn't my fault we lost" sort of way. But 4v5s are rough however you look at it. Maybe next time type a full sentence like "Disconnects are never fun. Oh well, gg" or something. I mean, if you're getting crushed you probably don't need to be micro-ing anyway lol. And if someone is going to be unreasonable (like in this case) then just ignore them. Your choice of Trinket kinda depends. If you want to play more controlling then the free wards can give you vision to control and contest jungle objectives, and keep your lanes safe if they're forgetting to ward. (Now, whether they have map awareness to see things in ward vision is another question.) Red is fine if you want to make sure things aren't warded when you gank but since clearing vision is so limited there's no guarantee you walked through something else just outside of sweeper range. There's no real right answer and it comes down to personal preference, but personally I prefer the Ward Trinket since I like the extra control I feel I have from more vision, and I can just lane gank anyway. And you can always swap it out for a sweeper mid-game for controlling big objectives later on. But each to their own. I dont really think Sej needs a teamcomp built around her, aside from maybe needing someone to deal with Splitpushing, but its not exactly like you can't have a top laner that does that. Hell, what top laner doesn't do that? All viable top laners clear waves, duel, escape and in general split push well; if they are lacking in one they typically have the other two in spades. I mean, obviously Sejuani is better in a team that wants to teamfight and is relatively stong early game, but its not like you couldn't throw in Sejuani any time you wanted to pick perfectly legitimate junglers like Zac or Vi. Hell, even Lee Sin and Elise require certain teamcomps to emphasize their strengths. That being said, I do understand the drafting bit. I suppose I never looked at it in that light. Fair point. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On December 24 2013 11:49 wei2coolman wrote: Man. I think I have more fun in LoL when it is 4v5. Since there's no expectations of winning you can just go full HAM. Does anyone know how the vlad vs mundo matchup plays out? Never played that matchup but Mundo really should stomp Vlad. Mundo's very tough to harrass off the lane, can comfortably rush Cowl -> Spirit Visage, Cleaver is perfect against Vladimir, and Vladimir has nothing to get away with after Mundo activates his ultimate. | ||
5061 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On December 24 2013 12:38 Shikyo wrote: Never played that matchup but Mundo really should stomp Vlad. Mundo's very tough to harrass off the lane, can comfortably rush Cowl -> Spirit Visage, Cleaver is perfect against Vladimir, and Vladimir has nothing to get away with after Mundo activates his ultimate. I'm not expecting Vlad to win the match up, but can he at least farm decently in it though? Keep up with in 10 or 20 cs in lane, without dying? | ||
Finland33997 Posts
If Mundo can camp behind the enemy minions and threaten with cleaver, he should be able to deny at least some farm because the cleavers lead into tons of damage and Vlad's harrass does absolutely nothing to Mundo. | ||
Canada5009 Posts
Summoners aside, post-6 I see the lane going like this: -eventually Mundo lands a cleaver -the slow is enough for him to get close to Vlad -Mundo can now start whacking on Vlad, Vlad can fight (he'll lose for sure) or pool to escape -Once pool runs out, Vlad is dead if he gets hit by another cleaver (pretty likely) Not to mention Mundo has no problem at all just rushing Spirit Visage and taking no damage from Vladimir. | ||
United States37500 Posts
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