On December 26 2013 20:48 clickrush wrote:Show nested quote +On December 26 2013 13:59 wei2coolman wrote:On December 26 2013 13:56 Requizen wrote:On December 26 2013 13:55 wei2coolman wrote:On December 26 2013 13:46 Gahlo wrote:On December 26 2013 13:42 wei2coolman wrote:On December 26 2013 12:10 GhandiEAGLE wrote:On December 26 2013 11:58 Gahlo wrote:On December 26 2013 11:54 Requizen wrote: Having not played Yasuo, do you have to have your mouse over the target to fly to them or will you just hit R and go to the nearest one? Considering how short most knockups are, seems kind of annoying. He just zips along the nice robin egg blue arrow. I expect bonus armor pen and dash flow generation nerfs in the future. WTF REALLY 20 GAMES IN STILL THOUGHT YOU HAD TO CLICK ON SOMEONE Things like Gragas or Draven were impossible to ult off of... wtf there goes my old life Also, the description is wrong on the ulti, it's any displacement, not just knock up. So shit like Draven E procs it. I think it's one of those issues where Riot codes something the same way (all temporary terrain is minions, all displacements are counted as knockups or the other way around) and just lets it fly until it becomes an issue. The description is right, how it works is bugged. Well, it's not clear is what I mean. also, Yasuo + Ori sounds like a fun combo. Ball on Yasuo, Yasuo dash + Ori ulti, into Yasuo ulti. Wombo Combo from hell. Add Malphite for lulz I can't wait til Yasuo becomes FotM in pro play, just so we can see the advent of the uber wombo combos. I think Yasuo is a bit of a weak candidate for pro play. He relies too much on raw autoattack power while not having any tank scaling, very situational mobility, situational CC, I mean look at all the melee carries, divide them into two groups: A) reliable and B) non reliable. Just like that. You end up with the following: A) a strong combination of burst, mobility, tank scaling, cc. Think bruisers like Jax, Renekton, Riven or assassins like Zed, Fizz, Kassadin B) a lack of the above and having more autoattack scaling instead. Think Yii, Tryndamere, Fiora. And Yasuo. The second group can only situationally come on top when you either get a patch with them having incredible raw power, or if they really fit into your high CC vs a low CC team. Yes Yasuo's ult is strong and he can sometimes pull it off on carries, but the same is true for alot of other melee carries who also have means to stay alive in fights or deal damage extremely quickly etc. Yasuo will only ever come on top if he has above average offensive base stats + scaling. Right now it looks like he can trade with a lot of champions decently and come on top if played well but he's nothing exceptional. I would be willing to bet that we see him in pro play within a month, his W straight up cancels like half the skills in the game and he doesn't have very many bad matchups mid and his flow shield mechanic is pretty broken in teamfights. When he goes off he aces a team and it's extremely hard to play around when you just get blown up and he's dashing all over the place. I think he's going to be so strong in pro play that he'll change an entire meta.
omfg, haha... ive never won such a lost game that i jsut did... i was straight up feeding this kat with kassadin.. i was like 2-12 or something stupid, unreal bad... we were losing so hard, down 2 inhibs... then the comeback begins and kassadin does what kassadin does best! turns it around, 24-15 and we ace them in our base and just run straight to their nexus towers and win after a long hardfought game.. damn feels good!
On December 26 2013 22:43 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On December 26 2013 20:48 clickrush wrote:On December 26 2013 13:59 wei2coolman wrote:On December 26 2013 13:56 Requizen wrote:On December 26 2013 13:55 wei2coolman wrote:On December 26 2013 13:46 Gahlo wrote:On December 26 2013 13:42 wei2coolman wrote:On December 26 2013 12:10 GhandiEAGLE wrote:On December 26 2013 11:58 Gahlo wrote:On December 26 2013 11:54 Requizen wrote: Having not played Yasuo, do you have to have your mouse over the target to fly to them or will you just hit R and go to the nearest one? Considering how short most knockups are, seems kind of annoying. He just zips along the nice robin egg blue arrow. I expect bonus armor pen and dash flow generation nerfs in the future. WTF REALLY 20 GAMES IN STILL THOUGHT YOU HAD TO CLICK ON SOMEONE Things like Gragas or Draven were impossible to ult off of... wtf there goes my old life Also, the description is wrong on the ulti, it's any displacement, not just knock up. So shit like Draven E procs it. I think it's one of those issues where Riot codes something the same way (all temporary terrain is minions, all displacements are counted as knockups or the other way around) and just lets it fly until it becomes an issue. The description is right, how it works is bugged. Well, it's not clear is what I mean. also, Yasuo + Ori sounds like a fun combo. Ball on Yasuo, Yasuo dash + Ori ulti, into Yasuo ulti. Wombo Combo from hell. Add Malphite for lulz I can't wait til Yasuo becomes FotM in pro play, just so we can see the advent of the uber wombo combos. I think Yasuo is a bit of a weak candidate for pro play. He relies too much on raw autoattack power while not having any tank scaling, very situational mobility, situational CC, I mean look at all the melee carries, divide them into two groups: A) reliable and B) non reliable. Just like that. You end up with the following: A) a strong combination of burst, mobility, tank scaling, cc. Think bruisers like Jax, Renekton, Riven or assassins like Zed, Fizz, Kassadin B) a lack of the above and having more autoattack scaling instead. Think Yii, Tryndamere, Fiora. And Yasuo. The second group can only situationally come on top when you either get a patch with them having incredible raw power, or if they really fit into your high CC vs a low CC team. Yes Yasuo's ult is strong and he can sometimes pull it off on carries, but the same is true for alot of other melee carries who also have means to stay alive in fights or deal damage extremely quickly etc. Yasuo will only ever come on top if he has above average offensive base stats + scaling. Right now it looks like he can trade with a lot of champions decently and come on top if played well but he's nothing exceptional. I would be willing to bet that we see him in pro play within a month, his W straight up cancels like half the skills in the game and he doesn't have very many bad matchups mid and his flow shield mechanic is pretty broken in teamfights. When he goes off he aces a team and it's extremely hard to play around when you just get blown up and he's dashing all over the place. I think he's going to be so strong in pro play that he'll change an entire meta.
or he might get hit with the nerfhammer of doom 
i'm really unsure about him as a champion, so many of his mechanics straight up deny enemy gameplay (wind wall, the dashes with e etc.). He might be super op in the right hands, but I think he'll be similar to Zed, godlike if you can handle him well but dead very fast if you get cc'ed badly.
Still fairly curious how the pros will use him.
I think he is playable as a splitpusher. With 3 damage items he simply cannot be dueled one on one because his R shreds too much armor.
But there are so many good splitpushers and duelists in the game, so why pick Yasuo? It is kind of like asking why Talon when you can play Zed?
I think there is too much risk in buffing Yasuo ever, and there is a need to nerf him if he ever is strong. Like, even now when hes ahead the snowball gets pretty bad. Like, we had this poor Ori get jungle camped (and our jungler might as well have been AFK) and Yasuo got 2 early kills for free basically, and he basically got to zone her in mid while taking her to 1/3 when she tried to CS and forcing her to back (she played well considering, IMO, didnt feed after that). Then the herp derp jungler came finally only to get 1v2d. Then he was like a Tryndamere who could block CC with windwall.
Then like 2 games later the opposite basically happened.
Its like the rework of Yi, he was OP for a patch, then they "fixed" that and he became kinda irrelevant, even though he still can get really powerful if he snowballs.
On December 26 2013 23:44 Sufficiency wrote: I think he is playable as a splitpusher. With 3 damage items he simply cannot be dueled one on one because his R shreds too much armor.
But there are so many good splitpushers and duelists in the game, so why pick Yasuo? It is kind of like asking why Talon when you can play Zed?
I don't think he's a very good splitpusher, because his E is such short range and can't be used on friendlies. His only real options are to E thru DOubles or to WIght , his disengage is too poor.
His viability is largely dependent on how he does vs. the fotm top laners - Mundo, Shyvana, Renekton, Olaf, Rengar. If he can't lane vs. most of them, he will never see pro play. His damage may scale well late but then you're relying on a jungle tank which is unreliable.
you don't have to farm your core top to transition to top once it's complete, when the meta was split push Zed/TF 24/7 he'd aquire his core in mid and then transition.
On December 26 2013 23:44 Sufficiency wrote: I think he is playable as a splitpusher. With 3 damage items he simply cannot be dueled one on one because his R shreds too much armor.
But there are so many good splitpushers and duelists in the game, so why pick Yasuo? It is kind of like asking why Talon when you can play Zed? Because most splitpushers can push up to wave, but the kill potential part for them is very low (mundo/shyv/etc). While Yasuo ends up being a threat + split pusher. Also his ulti with a well coordinated team can significantly reduce the travel time for him to join a fight, making him extremely mobile. I think he also works really well with a pick comp, especially with a Gragas on the team, due to how his ult holds people in place, despite displacement. So if Grags hits his ulti, and Yasuo uses his ulti, the combination ends up like a XinZhao ulti.
The biggest thing I think we (as fans/amateurs) are waiting for is to see how the pros handle/use Yasuo. Will they go for a split push version, a tanky/bruiser version, or try to build a team comp around him to get full advantage of his skills. Like we all admit that any champ with a good knock up skill is great with him, its just a matter of identifying which champs help him achieve that goal of utilizing the ult in a woman combo setting.
I don't know bout you guys, but my Christmas wish has been granted.
Gold V!
Won the last game with Ezreal, who I never play.
My Santa Baron icon makes up for missing out on Victorious Elise.
I think this pretty much was confirmed when Bumblebee said he was gonna play LoL to scout out for TL like 2,3 months ago.
On December 27 2013 04:57 canikizu wrote:I think this pretty much was confirmed when Bumblebee said he was gonna play LoL to scout out for TL like 2,3 months ago.
Then we'll have a North American Dota2 team, mostlly only koreans that are still relevant in sc2 and a european League team :D.
On December 27 2013 04:58 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2013 04:57 canikizu wrote:I think this pretty much was confirmed when Bumblebee said he was gonna play LoL to scout out for TL like 2,3 months ago. Then we'll have a North American Dota2 team, mostlly only koreans that are still relevant in sc2 and a european League team :D. Slowly, Hot_Bid's plan for world domination comes to fruition.
On December 27 2013 04:58 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2013 04:57 canikizu wrote:I think this pretty much was confirmed when Bumblebee said he was gonna play LoL to scout out for TL like 2,3 months ago. Then we'll have a North American Dota2 team, mostlly only koreans that are still relevant in sc2 and a european League team :D. lol I'm not sure they can do that though. Not only they don't have the finance for it, but also they don't have subsidies like EG and [A].
I decided to try playing again. First game : lags galore (70ms ping in game when I was at 10ms a few months ago and my connection is still good), full freezes for everybody.
Will Riot ever fix this piece of a shit of a server they call EUW ?
On December 26 2013 23:44 Sufficiency wrote: I think he is playable as a splitpusher. With 3 damage items he simply cannot be dueled one on one because his R shreds too much armor.
But there are so many good splitpushers and duelists in the game, so why pick Yasuo? It is kind of like asking why Talon when you can play Zed? No, you play him as a teamfighter actually, like a Kat or a Yi who aren't supposed to go in first but sit back and enter at the right moment to ace. The only time I'd really want him splitting is if I didn't have a coordinated team (not a problem in pro play) or if I needed to farm or level up.
On December 27 2013 02:00 beefhamburger wrote: His viability is largely dependent on how he does vs. the fotm top laners - Mundo, Shyvana, Renekton, Olaf, Rengar. If he can't lane vs. most of them, he will never see pro play. His damage may scale well late but then you're relying on a jungle tank which is unreliable. Or you can just put him mid where he counters a lot of matchups and leave top lane to the fotm ones. I imagine we will be seeing a Malphite comeback during this period of time. Unstoppable Force -> Yasuo ult is such a long time to be locked up in the air and quite a huge chunk of damage.
looking to pick up a new mid champion liss/ziggs or maybe syndra I was leaning towards ziggs because my main mid is gragas. any suggestions?
On December 27 2013 05:53 IamPryda wrote: looking to pick up a new mid champion liss/ziggs or maybe syndra I was leaning towards ziggs because my main mid is gragas. any suggestions? Ziggs appears to be complete bullshit currently.
Ziggs is hilarious to play. So I'd go for the little anarchist.