[Patch 3.07: Nerf Everything Not Nami] General Discussion…
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Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. | ||
United States47024 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
As it is CDR will always be good on supports though. An itemless support would need some sort of characteristic that made CDR less effective... hmm. EDIT: Random thought: A support whose cooldowns increase based on the value of the items they have-- something like every 1k gold in items is an additional X% cooldown. Would encourage you to not go past building sightstone, heh. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Edward to Curse>? | ||
United States20754 Posts
On June 07 2013 13:29 c.Deadly wrote: Saint said (in a reddit AMA I think) that the next ultimate skin was for one of his favorite champions, and that it looks amazing. I think that semi-confirms it's a jungler. Also riot has confirmed that Udyr has had a skin in the works for a long, long time. Oh. Well then I'm betting on http://bromacia.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/tumblr_minmar7ffq1qhunkxo1_500.jpg God I so hope that's a thing | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
On June 07 2013 13:51 TheYango wrote: I don't think a totally itemless support should be the ideal and I have no clue why anyone else believes so. Supports having some minor itemization demand is a good thing. Farm management that allocates resources toward the 5th position should be encouraged. Because variety. If we make Supports completely broken in the early game, I think the game would become much more fun. I'm not saying every support should be like this, but if supports were the most dominant force in the game for the first like 5 levels, I think that would bring a lot of fresh air and depth into the game. Now all we would need to do is make roaming more easier, and suddenly the game would be a lot faster and more exciting. In a game where every role scales, having support as the broken early game but not scaling role would be much more interesting than the halfway "doesn't really scale but at the same time wants items anyway" thing we have now. Variety. We could have like a new champ that works like support pantheon, really strong in lane and strong roamer but becomes useless unless he gets lots of kills and gold and experience. we could have a support with lots of defensive CC that could counter roam and turn ganks really easily, I don't know. Certainly seems more interesting than what we have now. Rest in rip, Taric roam | ||
United States15065 Posts
On June 07 2013 12:55 cLutZ wrote: Kinda like this, he is too snowbally for sure. @ Ketara. Lets not confuse viability with good. Have I won games with Jungle Kat? Yes. Such a thing does not weigh on serious balance discussions. "good" honestly is subjective. How are you going to define good? Does people playing it in professional games define "good"? It's easy to say something is not bad, or viable given the right circumstances, but "good" opens up an entirely different argument. In order for it to be good does it have to be good on its own? What about given other parts of a specific team composition, or given specific lane matchups? When does it become good? A lot of the time what's currently considered to be "good" is just what's popular. There are a lot of things that I would consider to be good that I just don't see in games right now. I think Quinn mid is really good but I've only seen one game ever where somebody other than me is doing it. I do still think she could use some quality of life improvements, her passive is kinda buggy. Not real sure about Katarina jungle though! | ||
United States545 Posts
On June 07 2013 14:03 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Oh. Well then I'm betting on http://bromacia.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/tumblr_minmar7ffq1qhunkxo1_500.jpg God I so hope that's a thing Is that Volibear? I don't remember it too well but I think the AMA was before saint even picked up Voli, plus Volibear just recently got a new skin. I'm 99% sure it's not him | ||
Liechtenstein1356 Posts
On June 07 2013 13:54 ticklishmusic wrote: I think it'd be nice to have some range of supports-- those who can go near-itemless and then those who need items to really be good. Right now the best example I can think of is Sona who scales mostly with CDR, but can get by with really nice ults, and then maybe Leona who really needs items to become tanky to maximize her potential. As it is CDR will always be good on supports though. An itemless support would need some sort of characteristic that made CDR less effective... hmm. EDIT: Random thought: A support whose cooldowns increase based on the value of the items they have-- something like every 1k gold in items is an additional X% cooldown. Would encourage you to not go past building sightstone, heh. I think Nidalee (ap) and Zyra (liandrys) fit well as supports who can build items, of course I wouldn't go as far as to say they are competitive on a tournament level, but for solo queue i've had quite a bit of success with them. | ||
United States5710 Posts
On June 07 2013 14:03 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Oh. Well then I'm betting on http://bromacia.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/tumblr_minmar7ffq1qhunkxo1_500.jpg God I so hope that's a thing That looks beyond badass and it looks like Volibear. | ||
Australia1382 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On June 07 2013 14:10 Ketara wrote: "good" honestly is subjective. How are you going to define good? Does people playing it in professional games define "good"? It's easy to say something is not bad, or viable given the right circumstances, but "good" opens up an entirely different argument. In order for it to be good does it have to be good on its own? What about given other parts of a specific team composition, or given specific lane matchups? When does it become good? A lot of the time what's currently considered to be "good" is just what's popular. There are a lot of things that I would consider to be good that I just don't see in games right now. I think Quinn mid is really good but I've only seen one game ever where somebody other than me is doing it. I do still think she could use some quality of life improvements, her passive is kinda buggy. Not real sure about Katarina jungle though! I would say good is the realm of what is in the pro meta + what SHOULD be in the pro meta. Like, you love you some Quinn. She is unpopular, but we all know that Pro AD Carries are creatures of habit, so you can make an argument for her. She also just got some changes, so you can make arguments for her mid/top. Like personally, I have been playing Jax Jungle and Top to tremendous success lately, and Morgana is my #1 champ, and I dont see that changing. However, I have no reason to think that either is especially good right now, just that I am better at said champion than I am at others. The champ I play a lot and think more people should play is Kog Maw. Both AP and AD. | ||
765 Posts
On June 07 2013 13:54 ticklishmusic wrote: I think it'd be nice to have some range of supports-- those who can go near-itemless and then those who need items to really be good. Right now the best example I can think of is Sona who scales mostly with CDR, but can get by with really nice ults, and then maybe Leona who really needs items to become tanky to maximize her potential. As it is CDR will always be good on supports though. An itemless support would need some sort of characteristic that made CDR less effective... hmm. EDIT: Random thought: A support whose cooldowns increase based on the value of the items they have-- something like every 1k gold in items is an additional X% cooldown. Would encourage you to not go past building sightstone, heh. Build 40% CDR into the kit. You've just made it worthless to itemize CDR on the champ except to jump power before you get it from levels. | ||
United States19573 Posts
There are ways other than bad ratios to make supports not totally dominant in lane (although I would argue the never have been dominant as solo laners) while still giving a support incentives to push the lane after a 2 for 1, or a chance to carry if they get a few early kills. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
On June 07 2013 14:25 SimulatedAnneal wrote: Build 40% CDR into the kit. You've just made it worthless to itemize CDR on the champ except to jump power before you get it from levels. *cough* Zyra *cough* Well not quite! *runs off* | ||
6318 Posts
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United States750 Posts
@34:15 you can hear him ask if Edwards there yet. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
Well crs edward? | ||
Vietnam10817 Posts
On June 07 2013 15:27 kongoline wrote: hows elise after nerfs? is she still good as top/ jungle and support? Just pick her up recently, I only play her in jungle though. She's strong, you don't even need pot for your first clear if you got a good leash at blue. Her gank is good if you can hit that E, just build tank and lol when you chunk down people with no AP at all. Can pull out a lot of play too, only problem is her late game seems somewhat lacking. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
On June 07 2013 16:00 Lmui wrote: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1fufbk/crs_edward_spoiled_on_stream/ Well crs edward? My god. If this works out, Curse will be a power house | ||
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