What are everyones thoughts on Wukong mid? Been experimenting with it recently and it feels really strong (He has always scaled super well with farm, and like khazix and zed he seems to have better matchups in mid lane).
On May 11 2013 19:56 schmutttt wrote: What are everyones thoughts on Wukong mid? Been experimenting with it recently and it feels really strong (He has always scaled super well with farm, and like khazix and zed he seems to have better matchups in mid lane).
Isn't Wukong horrendous in a 1v2 lane? Who's to say the other team won't do a mid-lane swap?
On May 11 2013 19:56 schmutttt wrote: What are everyones thoughts on Wukong mid? Been experimenting with it recently and it feels really strong (He has always scaled super well with farm, and like khazix and zed he seems to have better matchups in mid lane).
Isn't Wukong horrendous in a 1v2 lane? Who's to say the other team won't do a mid-lane swap?
Lane swap is not really common in solo queue.. IMO Wukong is better mid than top
It's harder to zone him mid than it is on a sidelane.
And Blizzard wanted to do the same thing as Riot's LCS with their WCS... except they fucked up by not locking regions, so Korean players swarmed NA and EU WCS qualifiers for easy spots (and easier money than in Korea).
On May 11 2013 21:15 nyxnyxnyx wrote: please, guys. as long as khazix and jayce are in their current state, there's no point discussing any other AD caster mid
On May 11 2013 19:56 schmutttt wrote: What are everyones thoughts on Wukong mid? Been experimenting with it recently and it feels really strong (He has always scaled super well with farm, and like khazix and zed he seems to have better matchups in mid lane).
I've been playing Wukong mid with a lot of success over the past two months-ish. You still "lose" in lane against a lot of champions but Wukong's roaming is really strong and once teamfights come you're going to be a monster regardless.
On May 11 2013 22:31 TSBspartacus wrote: <Sivir montage> SmashGizmo getting trolled the shit out of at 4:20 lol
At first I was all "Yeah, somebody playing Sivir, maybe I'll be able to take some from it!", then I noticed more than half the clips are from his climb with a smurf. So... yeah, while he's Diamond I and that's pretty good, somebody dunking on Silver/Gold baddies isn't exactly the best indicator. :/ Most of the clips are before he's bought even when fed though, so it's at least better in that regard than all the videos showing a champion one-shot the others because he's 10-0 instead of how he got there.
On May 11 2013 20:15 Alaric wrote: It's harder to zone him mid than it is on a sidelane.
And Blizzard wanted to do the same thing as Riot's LCS with their WCS... except they fucked up by not locking regions, so Korean players swarmed NA and EU WCS qualifiers for easy spots (and easier money than in Korea).
They are locked to regions they compete in. They cannot compete in any other region. So if they decide to be in NA, they will be stuck in NA region, and cannot compete in others. It's an interesting method to bring in better competition to all regions. I don't know if you can call it successful or not though. I think the idea is that it is a lot better to see good games overall than it is to see the weaker regions getting destroyed on the world stage. Even if it doesn't make sense for a Korean player to be qualifying technically as a NA representative. Since these qualifiers are played through their respective region, they have to deal with latency issues as well. Still they are winning.
On May 11 2013 22:27 Capped wrote: Someone just told me that aegis aura stacks on the people that own them.
So if a shen and soraka both own aegis, they get double the effect of the aura if they are in range of eachother.
I seriously doubt it.
This is the case for all aura items. They stack, but only on people that own the item.
As the explanation, this mechanic is to prevent the unintuitive result where upgrading an item would cause you to lose stacks.
WotA's a good example. Pick+Gunblade gives you 65 AP and 12% spellvamp. If auras only ever single stacked, and someone else already built a WotA, then upgrading it would cause you to lose 15 AP and 12% spellvamp, since most of WotA's stats are in the aura itself. Since the design of the game is that every upgrade should be a strict increase in stats*, this doesn't work.
*exceptions: Upgading Warden's Mail to FH when someone else already has a FH, spirit stone to spectral wraith (hp regen -> spellvamp, although on anyone that builds it the spellvamp more than makes up for the hp regen of course)
The more intuitive way to word Aura items, though, would have been the following:
Will of the Ancients +80 AP +20% Spell vamp UNIQUE AURA: Other nearby allied champions gain +30 AP and +20% spell vamp.
Aegis of the Legion +250 Health +30 Armor +35 Magic Resist +10 Health regen per 5 UNIQUE AURA: Other nearby allied units gain +10 Armor, +15 Magic Resist, and +10 Health Regen per 5 (effect increased by 50% on minions)
This way unique auras make sense in that no champion can be affected by two of the same aura at once.
On May 11 2013 22:27 Capped wrote: Someone just told me that aegis aura stacks on the people that own them.
So if a shen and soraka both own aegis, they get double the effect of the aura if they are in range of eachother.
I seriously doubt it.
This is the case for all aura items. They stack, but only on people that own the item.
As the explanation, this mechanic is to prevent the unintuitive result where upgrading an item would cause you to lose stacks.
WotA's a good example. Pick+Gunblade gives you 65 AP and 12% spellvamp. If auras only ever single stacked, and someone else already built a WotA, then upgrading it would cause you to lose 15 AP and 12% spellvamp, since most of WotA's stats are in the aura itself. Since the design of the game is that every upgrade should be a strict increase in stats*, this doesn't work.
This is confusing. If you grab WotA and your ally does, then should the aura work twice on you?