[Patch Preseason Balance Update 2] GD - Page 163
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United States7572 Posts
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Germany3357 Posts
On January 28 2013 12:14 nafta wrote: Holy shit.It was riot all along.The fucking bastards made solo q even worse.From enjoying a game or 2 once in a while it all went to shit.Every game 2/3 new aditions join my ignore list lol. lol and I was wondering what happened this weekend... wow sick. I probably added 30 new ppl to my ignore list | ||
United States60033 Posts
On January 28 2013 19:06 sob3k wrote: Why do people still never buy Atmas? Its a great item and really really efficient if you already have like a warmogs, which you do, because everyone has warmogs. Cuz, you could build sunfire cape instead. EDIT: the idea of atmas is AD+resist. The point of AD? to do deeps. Sunfire has same end goal as Atma's, except better in split pushing, better defensive stats, cooler looking effect. Also you could look at it in terms of bad slot efficiency. If you want Armor + AD BT+defensive item > 2xhybrid defensive/offensive items. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
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United States2566 Posts
On January 28 2013 19:06 sob3k wrote: Why do people still never buy Atmas? Its a great item and really really efficient if you already have like a warmogs, which you do, because everyone has warmogs. because it used to be good and then got nerfed so obv. it's not good anymore, duh | ||
United States7572 Posts
You can call it nerfed into oblivion or whatever all day long but the math says it is very gold efficiant, and remains very efficient with warmogs even if you completely remove the 750gold worth of crit which people arent crazy about. Meanwhile sunfire cape has you paying almost 500gold for the passive to just hit break even. On this note I dont' understand why people have such a boner for sunfire all of a sudden, especially over randuins. Sunfire has never been a bad call if you synergize with health and need pushing power (shen). But its efficiancy is poor, especially compared to Randuins. Basically you are paying 300 gold on randuins for both the AS/MS slow onhit passive and the absurd active (compared to 500 for sunfire piddly magic damage). Plus if slot efficiency is good then randuins has 50 more health and 25 more armor. | ||
Netherlands4730 Posts
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United Kingdom7236 Posts
I main support / jungle so its not that much of an issue but i always prided myself on being able to do well in other lanes too. I guess to pick champs with a self farm mechanic like morgana for mid is a good option, what champs are there like that viable for ADC or top? not many i guess. Taking the drop from 1600 to 900 the start of S3 (fuck placement matches and trolls to hell) and then getting about half as much CS because of my lag difference makes me feel like a scrub :-( The thing is i can beast-mode jungle / support well enough like i used to, i just find it difficult to CS with the lag delay. Its extremely hard to carry yourself out of this elo as a jungle / support. Jungle doesnt have a big enough solo role on the game, you need your team to be competent enough to take the gank opportunities, and with support its the same thing, you need your ADC to work with you (hell ive fed a fucking ez 3-0 as blitz and he still ragequit on me after 1 death because of his stupid decision to double flash in.) Anyone have tips? :D | ||
United States3359 Posts
On January 28 2013 20:13 Capped wrote: So does anyone have advice for someone running on 230 average ping? My issue basically is its hard to last hit, comparitively from when i had 30-40 ping. Does it just take practice for me to adjust? i find it to be infinitely harder as an ADC compared to a toplaner. I main support / jungle so its not that much of an issue but i always prided myself on being able to do well in other lanes too. I guess to pick champs with a self farm mechanic like morgana for mid is a good option, what champs are there like that viable for ADC or top? not many i guess. Taking the drop from 1600 to 900 the start of S3 (fuck placement matches and trolls to hell) and then getting about half as much CS because of my lag difference makes me feel like a scrub :-( The thing is i can beast-mode jungle / support well enough like i used to, i just find it difficult to CS with the lag delay. Its extremely hard to carry yourself out of this elo as a jungle / support. Jungle doesnt have a big enough solo role on the game, you need your team to be competent enough to take the gank opportunities, and with support its the same thing, you need your ADC to work with you (hell ive fed a fucking ez 3-0 as blitz and he still ragequit on me after 1 death because of his stupid decision to double flash in.) Anyone have tips? :D if you cant last hit minions, try last hitting champs or jungle someone that snowballs well and/or scales well with some gold (lee sin, shaco, vi) | ||
United States7572 Posts
On January 28 2013 20:13 Capped wrote: So does anyone have advice for someone running on 230 average ping? My issue basically is its hard to last hit, comparitively from when i had 30-40 ping. Does it just take practice for me to adjust? i find it to be infinitely harder as an ADC compared to a toplaner. I main support / jungle so its not that much of an issue but i always prided myself on being able to do well in other lanes too. I guess to pick champs with a self farm mechanic like morgana for mid is a good option, what champs are there like that viable for ADC or top? not many i guess. Taking the drop from 1600 to 900 the start of S3 (fuck placement matches and trolls to hell) and then getting about half as much CS because of my lag difference makes me feel like a scrub :-( The thing is i can beast-mode jungle / support well enough like i used to, i just find it difficult to CS with the lag delay. Its extremely hard to carry yourself out of this elo as a jungle / support. Jungle doesnt have a big enough solo role on the game, you need your team to be competent enough to take the gank opportunities, and with support its the same thing, you need your ADC to work with you (hell ive fed a fucking ez 3-0 as blitz and he still ragequit on me after 1 death because of his stupid decision to double flash in.) Anyone have tips? :D get better internet and play carry jungle like Hecarim/Jax/Vi etc. You can carry with a lot of junglers if you farm well and dont waste time. If you can't cs properly though you cant play properly. | ||
United States1898 Posts
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914 Posts
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Denmark2142 Posts
On January 28 2013 20:13 Capped wrote: So does anyone have advice for someone running on 230 average ping? My issue basically is its hard to last hit, comparitively from when i had 30-40 ping. Does it just take practice for me to adjust? i find it to be infinitely harder as an ADC compared to a toplaner. I main support / jungle so its not that much of an issue but i always prided myself on being able to do well in other lanes too. I guess to pick champs with a self farm mechanic like morgana for mid is a good option, what champs are there like that viable for ADC or top? not many i guess. Taking the drop from 1600 to 900 the start of S3 (fuck placement matches and trolls to hell) and then getting about half as much CS because of my lag difference makes me feel like a scrub :-( The thing is i can beast-mode jungle / support well enough like i used to, i just find it difficult to CS with the lag delay. Its extremely hard to carry yourself out of this elo as a jungle / support. Jungle doesnt have a big enough solo role on the game, you need your team to be competent enough to take the gank opportunities, and with support its the same thing, you need your ADC to work with you (hell ive fed a fucking ez 3-0 as blitz and he still ragequit on me after 1 death because of his stupid decision to double flash in.) Anyone have tips? :D In general you will get more used to it, but you will always wish you had better internet every time you die/misplay because of lag. | ||
Brazil5775 Posts
On January 28 2013 20:13 Capped wrote: So does anyone have advice for someone running on 230 average ping? My issue basically is its hard to last hit, comparitively from when i had 30-40 ping. Does it just take practice for me to adjust? i find it to be infinitely harder as an ADC compared to a toplaner. I main support / jungle so its not that much of an issue but i always prided myself on being able to do well in other lanes too. I guess to pick champs with a self farm mechanic like morgana for mid is a good option, what champs are there like that viable for ADC or top? not many i guess. Taking the drop from 1600 to 900 the start of S3 (fuck placement matches and trolls to hell) and then getting about half as much CS because of my lag difference makes me feel like a scrub :-( The thing is i can beast-mode jungle / support well enough like i used to, i just find it difficult to CS with the lag delay. Its extremely hard to carry yourself out of this elo as a jungle / support. Jungle doesnt have a big enough solo role on the game, you need your team to be competent enough to take the gank opportunities, and with support its the same thing, you need your ADC to work with you (hell ive fed a fucking ez 3-0 as blitz and he still ragequit on me after 1 death because of his stupid decision to double flash in.) Anyone have tips? :D In my experience, 250 ms is the limit of playability, but you should still be able to last hit fine. It just takes a bit of practice since you've got to time your clicks a split second earlier. Or, as you say, just play support or jungle. | ||
South Africa35471 Posts
On January 28 2013 20:37 samthesaluki wrote: i have at least 200 ping every game and i cs badly but still most games i have close to or top cs i dont think the ping is a big enough excuse for last hitting it makes much more difference hitting/dodging skillshots I also have 230 ping every game. Have it in Dota, Lol, SC2 everything. Still played highish level in all games(Except lol havne't played enough ![]() Don't pick "easy stuff" just for the sake of it. That way you'll never learn to play with the conditions you have. A lot of it is just about knowing the boundaries so you can then prediction actions a lot easier. | ||
Germany2182 Posts
On January 28 2013 19:04 Dusty wrote: I've had a bit of success recently at around 1800 elo NA copying XJ9's build/masteries/runes http://www.lolking.net/guides/81095 Ok, the runes I use are similar, but I actually have 13/9/9 instead of 21/9/0. I will definitely try this out. | ||
China482 Posts
On January 28 2013 20:13 Capped wrote: So does anyone have advice for someone running on 230 average ping? My issue basically is its hard to last hit, comparitively from when i had 30-40 ping. Does it just take practice for me to adjust? i find it to be infinitely harder as an ADC compared to a toplaner. I main support / jungle so its not that much of an issue but i always prided myself on being able to do well in other lanes too. I guess to pick champs with a self farm mechanic like morgana for mid is a good option, what champs are there like that viable for ADC or top? not many i guess. Taking the drop from 1600 to 900 the start of S3 (fuck placement matches and trolls to hell) and then getting about half as much CS because of my lag difference makes me feel like a scrub :-( The thing is i can beast-mode jungle / support well enough like i used to, i just find it difficult to CS with the lag delay. Its extremely hard to carry yourself out of this elo as a jungle / support. Jungle doesnt have a big enough solo role on the game, you need your team to be competent enough to take the gank opportunities, and with support its the same thing, you need your ADC to work with you (hell ive fed a fucking ez 3-0 as blitz and he still ragequit on me after 1 death because of his stupid decision to double flash in.) Anyone have tips? :D play supports/junglers primarily. if you have to play a champ that's a lane pick someone that can use their abilities to farm. ryze with tear, karthus with tear,singed to an extent, some energy champs(shen). Im at 1850ish right now with about 250ping from china, ive been getting spikes up to 320 though so its so painful, i swear when i go back to canada i could get pretty high with low ping lol | ||
1757 Posts
On January 28 2013 20:13 Capped wrote: So does anyone have advice for someone running on 230 average ping? My issue basically is its hard to last hit, comparitively from when i had 30-40 ping. Does it just take practice for me to adjust? i find it to be infinitely harder as an ADC compared to a toplaner. I main support / jungle so its not that much of an issue but i always prided myself on being able to do well in other lanes too. I guess to pick champs with a self farm mechanic like morgana for mid is a good option, what champs are there like that viable for ADC or top? not many i guess. Taking the drop from 1600 to 900 the start of S3 (fuck placement matches and trolls to hell) and then getting about half as much CS because of my lag difference makes me feel like a scrub :-( The thing is i can beast-mode jungle / support well enough like i used to, i just find it difficult to CS with the lag delay. Its extremely hard to carry yourself out of this elo as a jungle / support. Jungle doesnt have a big enough solo role on the game, you need your team to be competent enough to take the gank opportunities, and with support its the same thing, you need your ADC to work with you (hell ive fed a fucking ez 3-0 as blitz and he still ragequit on me after 1 death because of his stupid decision to double flash in.) Anyone have tips? :D Ask yourself if it's kind of you to force your bad ping onto other players, who are then much more likely to lose, since it's a 5 vs 4½ team game. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
Was positively surprised how I ended up with the most cs and highest level in the game if you farm the wave after a succesful gank or just be there to farm the creeps after one of your mates died to a gank ( this is probably standard but I dont usually play jungler) I ended up being fed most of the games going 10/1-3/xx most of the games. Also nothing better than screaming "FAAAAALCON PUNCH" after you killed someone haha. @1700-1800Elo EUW | ||
Germany11339 Posts
If you got your elo with a 250 ping, that means that with a 250 ping, you play at that level. Maybe you would play at a higher level with a 50 ping, but that does not matter. | ||
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