On January 25 2013 19:38 wei2coolman wrote: Sometimes I feel Riot is too nerf happy, rather than trying to buff other items to give it more of an edge, they just tend to over do the nerfs.
Warmogs nerf was way overdone. I think they should have taken the other approach, trying to buff early resistances, as a viable alternative vs warmog rush.
EDIT: I wonder if they thought Warmogs nerf was out of the popularity of the item? or they actually think it was op'd, in how it played out in games? Personally, I think there's always going to be a "most cost efficient/slot efficient" item, and sometimes there's just going to be a key item, like Bloodthirster is always going to be core on ADC. That doesn't mean you should just nerf it to the ground.
Also, I don't get this whole "nerf tank kat". It's strong, but it hasn't even been played out enough.
DC needs a buff soon, all these new high AP items, along with the fairly new AP champs with ridic base damage, and mediocre AP ratios, is phasing out DC almost entirely now. Inb4 Bloodthirster = +23 damage, +5% lifesteal in 2014.
League of funsized.
On January 26 2013 02:07 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2013 02:02 TheYango wrote:On January 25 2013 22:04 Gahlo wrote:On January 25 2013 19:31 TheYango wrote: If that Triforce buff stays, that will be the most ridiculously cost-effective recipe ever, rofl.
Locket got a minor nerf, Sunfire and Warmogs got gutted.
League of Warmogs -> League of Locket Am I missing something here? How is 180 gold "gutted"? Also, Triforce price change intentional. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=33877588#33877588 Yeah I misread the Warmog's change. Not as bad as I thought. Good, I was worried you were going to drop some crazy knowledge about how having to buy an extra Rejuv Bead makes it trash or something. Triforce change is interesting, wonder if we'll see a resurgence of Jax/Irelia. what do u mean resurgence. I still see them all the time
i have question, do many people here use guides from like solomid/lolking/lolpro ? and if so how ? (like read whole guide, or pick champ and look up guide quick for runes/masteries/quickbuild, or look at guides before purchasing champ? etc?)
On January 26 2013 02:39 spellsy wrote: i have question, do many people here use guides from like solomid/lolking/lolpro ? and if so how ? (like read whole guide, or pick champ and look up guide quick for runes/masteries/quickbuild, or look at guides before purchasing champ? etc?) When I was newer to the game, I stuck to solomid guides like they were the end-all be-all. Now I take a quick glance at the guides here, but generally just figure it out myself. I look for strengths/weaknesses, lane matchups, not as much builds or runes/masteries
United States15536 Posts
On January 26 2013 02:39 spellsy wrote: i have question, do many people here use guides from like solomid/lolking/lolpro ? and if so how ? (like read whole guide, or pick champ and look up guide quick for runes/masteries/quickbuild, or look at guides before purchasing champ? etc?)
Usually for Runes/Masteries/Quick Build before the first game I play with a Champ.
I don't use guides.
If it's not 100% apparant from the champ skillset, I sometimes looked up skill orders for new champ, but those are usually 'wrong' too, since nobody played him yet. So I stopped doing even that.
also, am i the only one who thinks varus is sick vs mf ?
On January 26 2013 02:39 spellsy wrote: i have question, do many people here use guides from like solomid/lolking/lolpro ? and if so how ? (like read whole guide, or pick champ and look up guide quick for runes/masteries/quickbuild, or look at guides before purchasing champ? etc?) Rarely use guides. It takes the fun out of the game.
United States23745 Posts
On January 26 2013 02:23 barbsq wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2013 02:07 onlywonderboy wrote:On January 26 2013 02:02 TheYango wrote:On January 25 2013 22:04 Gahlo wrote:On January 25 2013 19:31 TheYango wrote: If that Triforce buff stays, that will be the most ridiculously cost-effective recipe ever, rofl.
Locket got a minor nerf, Sunfire and Warmogs got gutted.
League of Warmogs -> League of Locket Am I missing something here? How is 180 gold "gutted"? Also, Triforce price change intentional. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=33877588#33877588 Yeah I misread the Warmog's change. Not as bad as I thought. Good, I was worried you were going to drop some crazy knowledge about how having to buy an extra Rejuv Bead makes it trash or something. Triforce change is interesting, wonder if we'll see a resurgence of Jax/Irelia. what do u mean resurgence. I still see them all the time I guess I meant in competitive play, they aren't played nearly as much as they were in Season 2.
On January 26 2013 02:39 spellsy wrote: i have question, do many people here use guides from like solomid/lolking/lolpro ? and if so how ? (like read whole guide, or pick champ and look up guide quick for runes/masteries/quickbuild, or look at guides before purchasing champ? etc?)
When I used to look at guides (I haven't looked at a guide since Elise was released) I tended to look at both Solomid and Lolpro and mesh together what seemed to be a better overall build. If a player was known for playing a certain champion, I would also prefer their advice (the only instances I remember were Westrice's Akali guide and Invertedcompser's Singed guide).While I looked at the runes/masteries/items, the explanations were the most important to me to see if they actually had a good reason for building something (more often than not they didn't, but figuring out what was good and what wasn't was not too difficult a task).
Sticked to mobafire like it was a mine of knowledge, now I'd try not to appear full of myself while saying TL's taught me enough to be able to determine that stuff myself, and that I'll still find whatever I can't figure myself in the champion's thread... on TL.
i use guides a lot but mostly from lolking because they seem to have the most updated ones, lolpro ones are clearly just there to get traffic, and all of the solomid ones are old.
On January 26 2013 01:51 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2013 01:11 MattBarry wrote: Urgot/Thresh has stupid level of synergy. Urgot ults the enemy carry the hops on a latern into his own personal peeling machine support
Edit: I really like the new item for Morgana. It fits the niche where you don't have 1600 gold and you don't need a chain vest so you would go double doran's into plate of the warmage or whatever it's called now. Thresh seems to provide a lot of interesting utility with his lantern. They can greatly nerf his damage if he turns out to be too powerful but it's always going to have the utility of his lantern which is really unique to him. Good thing too. I was getting tired of all the lee sin clones. I love Thresh, he makes adcs without escapes more viable. He creates the same problem as Nunu, Nunu fixes Caitlyn because he covers up her only weakness. Thresh covers up some adc's only weakness which is no escapes. And if a champion has no weaknesses that can create problems
yea the reason i ask is i was thinking about doing a "prezi" ( http://prezi.com/ ) that was like a quickguide for each support, with runes, skill order, playstyle, etc type stuff
United States23745 Posts
On January 26 2013 02:43 Dandel Ion wrote: I don't use guides.
If it's not 100% apparant from the champ skillset, I sometimes looked up skill orders for new champ, but those are usually 'wrong' too, since nobody played him yet. So I stopped doing even that. Like with Kha how everyone suggested R->Q->E->W for skills and Q->E->R for the evolutions when he was new.
On January 26 2013 02:39 spellsy wrote: i have question, do many people here use guides from like solomid/lolking/lolpro ? and if so how ? (like read whole guide, or pick champ and look up guide quick for runes/masteries/quickbuild, or look at guides before purchasing champ? etc?)
i dont do that anymore. Only sometimes i have a specific question that someone with lots of experience can answer and would save me tesn of games experimenting. So i either look here for advice from trusted people or i look up who is top tier at the champ and how he answered the question for himself by looking at some videos.
Man. That Rengar W change is sooooo dumb. Heals for the same or more than the % based one
United States15536 Posts
On January 26 2013 02:51 spellsy wrote:yea the reason i ask is i was thinking about doing a "prezi" ( http://prezi.com/ ) that was like a quickguide for each support, with runes, skill order, playstyle, etc type stuff
I still think that would be pretty baller. I doubt the TL opinion of guides is the norm.
Edit: I also fucking love graphs and charts.
United States23745 Posts
On January 26 2013 02:51 spellsy wrote:yea the reason i ask is i was thinking about doing a "prezi" ( http://prezi.com/ ) that was like a quickguide for each support, with runes, skill order, playstyle, etc type stuff Everyone really enjoyed the soloq support guide you did, so I'm sure this would be incredibly useful for some people. Even if it's not useful for everyone here, plenty of people on Reddit could probably use something like this.
On January 26 2013 02:39 spellsy wrote: i have question, do many people here use guides from like solomid/lolking/lolpro ? and if so how ? (like read whole guide, or pick champ and look up guide quick for runes/masteries/quickbuild, or look at guides before purchasing champ? etc?)
I only use guides when it's written by a high Elo player so I can pick at their reasoning. Otherwise I'm confident enough in my game knowledge to build/rune any champion on the fly.
On January 26 2013 02:44 spellsy wrote: also, am i the only one who thinks varus is sick vs mf ?
I think Varus is fairly underrated in general. He's definitely good against MF, as he can very consistently knock her out of her passive from a safe distance. He's also one of the more effective ADs against Taric thanks to his W.
On January 26 2013 02:54 arb wrote: Man. That Rengar W change is sooooo dumb. Heals for the same or more than the % based one
I don't necessarily think it's dumb. The key to this change is that Rengar can no longer rush health items and crush early laning, it's based entirely on levels. So the change nerfs his early laning without screwing him over later.
It also makes building him as an assassin more viable (whether you think that's a good or bad thing is up to you).