[Patch Preseason Balance Update 2] GD - Page 133
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South Africa35471 Posts
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France45622 Posts
Seeing how one "issue" evoked by the people whining about "having" to buy cloth is that it's less gold spent on damage (cue another angry "you won't deal damage if you die because you have no idea how to play without a cloth, smart ass!" rant from me), the fact than Seeker's grant AP while Locket doesn't probably means that Locket isn't perceived as a "viable" AP mid item. Which is dumb, but whatever. (I edited my post at the bottom of the previous page for a tl;dr of my arguments, btw.) | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
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United States15536 Posts
On January 25 2013 23:38 arb wrote: How are you supposed to play Jayce? Just realized how obnoxious Muramana is with his W(cannon) and E(hammer) Do people max Q or E on him? Seems like youre trading good damage vs champs for better waveclear. Not entirely sure, but I think Q is preferred now with the E nerf. Also, I do believe there are some who tout the benefits of W max. + Show Spoiler + | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On January 25 2013 23:49 AsmodeusXI wrote: Not entirely sure, but I think Q is preferred now with the E nerf. Also, I do believe there are some who tout the benefits of W max. + Show Spoiler + Yeah I know i just wanted a faster response tbh. | ||
United States3721 Posts
And you can still buy chain vest on AP mids, just make it into a GA or FH or something On January 25 2013 21:17 clickrush wrote: thoughts on some of the new adc items: - bork deals more damage and steals more life than bt as a first / second item + has some added utility. - hurricane loses about 10-20% (depending if you have IE) single target damage compared to PD but gives 80 - 90% more overall damage if you hit 3 targets with it, 30-40% on 2 targets. - if you combine bork and hurricane you deal more than 50% on each side target because about half the damage from bork is an on-hit effect. - the on-hit from bork scale with attackspeed and arpen, the arpen on-hit from cleaver is applied with every hurricane attack. never tried it but based on guessing i think you can do an adc build with those three items that works very well given the right circumstances. How did you do these calculations? 20% crit chance will give an AD carry vastly more damage than 20% attack speed, mainly because most ADs get something like 50% natural AS from level up and AS increases are only applied to an AD's base level 1 AS. | ||
United States15536 Posts
On January 25 2013 23:52 arb wrote: Yeah I know i just wanted a faster response tbh. Figured. =) + Show Spoiler + laziness 2 stronk | ||
United States3482 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
Pretty much. 2 plats in 1 game, moving up in the ELO. Fuck yeah. | ||
3232 Posts
On January 25 2013 22:55 Alaric wrote: Don't stack them, lose 90 gold for selling one and surviving through laning phase? It's weaker than a chain vest if all you want is defenses, and you get it later. Then you have to stack it to make it worth it. I already spammed quite a bit about it, but cloth wasn't required in any way to survive an AP vs AD/bruiser lane mid, and I really dislike how Riot screwed over the chain vest option just so people could "not feel bad" about getting a cloth and not turning it into anything. Hey, you dislike cloth? Why do you buy doran rings then? You lose even more money when selling them back! Or "oh, no, chain vest doesn't provide AP, I can't buy that item at all, my damage would suffer from it!" but Seeker gives you some AP for a big initial price and then ramp-up time to make it cost-effective, and people think it's a goddamn buff because they'll have less armour but more AP than currently at a given time. So you whine because you can't do without armour, but you call having less armour than usual "a buff"? Fuck you, ignorant masses. i tell mid laners to buy dodge boots, but no one listens nvm, riot just nerfs khazix/talon/insertadcaster anyways, proceed rant edit: yeti changes are buffs to top yeti, gg noobs | ||
United States8519 Posts
On January 25 2013 23:38 arb wrote: How are you supposed to play Jayce? Just realized how obnoxious Muramana is with his W(cannon) and E(hammer) Do people max Q or E on him? Seems like youre trading good damage vs champs for better waveclear. Maxing q first has been pretty normal on Jayce for a while. I also prefer maxing w over e (in most situations), because you get two damaging skills instead of 1, and you get the full benefit of an accelerated shock blast with one level of acceleration gate. The cooldown on hyper charge goes down a lot per level, so if you have a phage/frozen mallet you can latch onto someone and never let go. Also, I think it is fairly normal to completely ignore his ult until the final levels, because what it gives is pretty paltry compared to his other skills. | ||
France45622 Posts
And that was what I meant: FH, GA are options from a chainvest, same as thornmail if you want it, but these are more niche items for AP champs, and their cost is pretty high compared to something like tabi or locket (worst case you sell tabi for 700, making the cost for replacing it with sorcs only 400 gold, for example, while you have to value GA's passive at ~1100 gold for it to be cost-effective, not even talking about how it's less useful for an ult-reliant AP champ if he died after getting said ult off or how armour shredding will reduce its value even further compared to a Locket's HP+shield or tabi's passive). So the cost for buying a chain vest to "pad" your armour is 420 more (while being a bigger opportunity cost because you should already drop 600 into 2 cloth armors for Seeker's), selling back costs you 216 instead of 90 (while dropping more than twice the amount of armour). This makes it harder to rely on chain vest as a "transcient buy", while its upgrades aren't as cost-effective/good as cloth armor's. (Another way to put it is that you upgrade chain vest slot-efficiently rather than cost-efficiently, emphasising the need for the upgrades to appeal to you. But if they did, you shouldn't have any qualms with buying a chain vest in the first place. Zhonya's appeals to most AP champs, the other options not as much (though Galio, Swain, etc. can obviously put FH to good use).) | ||
United States3721 Posts
basically it feels kind of silly that they'd make a stacking item that you could automatically get full stacks by upgrading it | ||
United States4006 Posts
Edit: I really like the new item for Morgana. It fits the niche where you don't have 1600 gold and you don't need a chain vest so you would go double doran's into plate of the warmage or whatever it's called now. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On January 26 2013 01:13 Alaric wrote: 50 armour, and yeah, building Zhonya gives you the 50 armour immediatly compared to building Seeker's, stacking it then converting it to Zhonya's (you can prob buy Zhonya before you get the 30 stacks anyway). You still get the 50 armor if you dont need Zhonyas right away though. That's always pretty nice | ||
France45622 Posts
It can be better overall because it gives AP too, but from a survivability standpoint (the focus of the item), it is worse. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On January 26 2013 01:11 MattBarry wrote: Urgot/Thresh has stupid level of synergy. Urgot ults the enemy carry the hops on a latern into his own personal peeling machine support Edit: I really like the new item for Morgana. It fits the niche where you don't have 1600 gold and you don't need a chain vest so you would go double doran's into plate of the warmage or whatever it's called now. Thresh seems to provide a lot of interesting utility with his lantern. They can greatly nerf his damage if he turns out to be too powerful but it's always going to have the utility of his lantern which is really unique to him. Good thing too. I was getting tired of all the lee sin clones. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On January 25 2013 22:04 Gahlo wrote: Am I missing something here? How is 180 gold "gutted"? Also, Triforce price change intentional. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=33877588#33877588 Yeah I misread the Warmog's change. Not as bad as I thought. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On January 26 2013 02:02 TheYango wrote: Yeah I misread the Warmog's change. Not as bad as I thought. Good, I was worried you were going to drop some crazy knowledge about how having to buy an extra Rejuv Bead makes it trash or something. Triforce change is interesting, wonder if we'll see a resurgence of Jax/Irelia. | ||
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