[Patch Preseason Balance Update 2] GD - Page 131
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United States13684 Posts
On January 25 2013 16:06 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Lots of pro players have been running 1 red and 1 blue critchance runes in Korea, I've been listening to them while they go over runepages while they wait on the game starts and it's pretty common on adcs that run 21/9/0. Put a crit rune in your ADC rune page T_D says. Its really smart T_D says. And your an idiot the rest of TL says. | ||
United States10531 Posts
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Germany2182 Posts
There is this funny thing in online games, that people go for the extremes. The average becomes terrible and only the truly exemplary are considered good. Everything in between is considered decent on a good day, but most of the time it is also terrible. I wonder if anybody actually ever looked at that from a psychological point. It's a really weird mix of masochism (we are all bad) and hero worship (only he is the one, that truly understands the game). | ||
Bahamas15899 Posts
On January 25 2013 16:55 Amui wrote: I'd look more at KDA, on basically every champ he has sub 3.0 kda. Even when I compare it to people on my friends list(majority are gold-plat) they tend to at least have a couple champs where they do better than average, with 3.5-4.0 over 20+ games. how does kda matter in a game like LoL ? Remember that when you're high elo, youll play against other high elo person, so your kda wont be higher. Unless you make a smurf and crush low elo. But from the few times i watched his stream, hes pretty bad | ||
Russian Federation798 Posts
http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Master_Yi Looking at this that W heals 165 health with a full channel and with just 15 AP that increases to 235. Sure it has 35 second CD but damn that is worth 1 and half HP pots. Yi doesnt really need extra AD or Ar pen from runes for last hitting because he gets free AD anyway. So it should be possible for Yi to max E and farm while sustaining through W. So I am thinking some sort of AD bruiser build, something like Ghost blade or BoTK and Scimitar with some defensive items could work on him. He gets massive AD AS and MS steroids and with some tenacity and QSS it wouldnt be too hard to stick to the carries later on. Not ideal but I guess it could work....... | ||
France45622 Posts
On January 25 2013 16:24 Two_DoWn wrote: Destiny=neograkis and if you kiddies out there dont know who grackis is, ask your grandparents to tell you. Is that a Craton/Roffles summoning? | ||
United States8519 Posts
That being said- I don't think it will work for much longer. A large part of why he succeeded is because meditate is extremely broken (and is likely to get hit by the nerf bat soon) and I expected him to go mid, not top. My team didn't really react to it that well either, which isn't surprising given that I'm at a fairly low elo. I would say just try it and see how it works for you. Before he gets nerfed. :D Edit: BotK does physical damage now? O_o Now I'm really confused why he beat me, because I had like 150 armor. That attack speed. xD | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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France45622 Posts
^ currently PBE says increased base heal on meditate, huge ratio drop (from 4 to 2 or 1.2), and channeling for 3s instead of 5s. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
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Peru1308 Posts
Edit possible upcoming patch notes here http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/01/124-pbe-update-2.html#more | ||
Germany798 Posts
On January 25 2013 19:14 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote: ^In regards to the yi nerf, They're reducing the ap ratio on meditate by half, but increasing the base heal by 60(+10per rank). and decreasing the mana cost at lower levels. I guess it won't be as broken lategame. Edit possible upcoming patch notes here http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/01/124-pbe-update-2.html#more holy hell they destroyed blood boil | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
Locket got a minor nerf, Sunfire and Warmogs got gutted. League of Warmogs -> League of Locket | ||
Germany798 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
Warmogs nerf was way overdone. I think they should have taken the other approach, trying to buff early resistances, as a viable alternative vs warmog rush. EDIT: I wonder if they thought Warmogs nerf was out of the popularity of the item? or they actually think it was op'd, in how it played out in games? Personally, I think there's always going to be a "most cost efficient/slot efficient" item, and sometimes there's just going to be a key item, like Bloodthirster is always going to be core on ADC. That doesn't mean you should just nerf it to the ground. Also, I don't get this whole "nerf tank kat". It's strong, but it hasn't even been played out enough. DC needs a buff soon, all these new high AP items, along with the fairly new AP champs with ridic base damage, and mediocre AP ratios, is phasing out DC almost entirely now. | ||
France45622 Posts
I'm actually a fan of health being the primary defensive stat - mostly because health has severely intrinsic features that resistances don't, that lets it be more easily controlled. For example: 1. Health doesn't reduce the effectiveness of lifesteal type effects - or the secondary effects of an opponent's abilities. 2. Raw health isn't multiplicative with other healing or regeneration effects - allowing it to be effective without drastically multiplying in value with other effects (self heals, shields and the like.) 3. Health is a more obvious indicator of high durability than resistances - just due to how basic UIs work. 4. Because of high health per level gains, the relative effectiveness of health is far more temporary than resistances - This is just a natural fallout of our stat per level gains, not an intrinsic advantage of health. The hell? How is 2. a bad thing? It allows champs to favor one kind of itemization over the other and gives more diversity to builds and stuff if anything. 3. I can get from a user standpoint, but as a designer you shouldn't quote that as a major reason for how you wish to balance the game. Or, you know, you should remove stuff like Poppy because attacks deal less damage to her as she loses health so the UI is deceptive regarding her. Also yeah, why not try to "Nunu gets full buff, ally gets a % of it"? And what does Riot try to achieve, gutting regenerations across the board? The destroyed health regen (mainly by removing it from most items it appeared on) going into s3, are they trying to do the same to mp5 now? | ||
United States4423 Posts
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