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United States1693 Posts
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United States5710 Posts
On January 04 2013 15:09 sob3k wrote: Ok, wtf HOW DO I LANE VS AP YI? Like, I have no idea what to do. There is no way I can get him out of lane because of meditate, if I just sit and farm then he roams and gets kills and the jungler covers his tower before I can push it down and lategame he probably does more teamfight damage than I do anyway. If I try to set myself up to farm I also have to get a ton of sustain stuff because he is going to be hitting me with alphas and eventually force me out otherwise, and this gimps my damage even more. Is there any way to win this lane without serious jungle help? I'm playing ziggs right now but I can't seem to win with anyone, maybe I get a kill on him early because he's bad but after that he's immovable. With ziggs if I try to push down his tower I get ganked and cant get out because escape is crap and he ignores slows. If you're playing ziggs you don't win. You need someone with massive dueling power and/or massive cc/burst. And even then you arn't shutting down his farm ability all that much. Ryze does fairly well I've found, fought 5 different AP Yi's mid went 4-1. Make sure he can't alpha creeps without eating a full combo, don't stand in your creeps or you are stupid, W doesn't stop meditate but stops him in his tracks like all melee, stand off to the side of the creeps and immediately run in after the animation for alpha goes off. Spam spells into him as he comes back to physical form (you know exactly where hes gonna appear based off his Q) He can't do anything and you just win lategame. | ||
United States20754 Posts
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United States4006 Posts
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United States10796 Posts
On January 04 2013 15:31 onlywonderboy wrote: Fair enough, expanding your champ pool is a respectable task. Don't know who your current pool consists of but there are plenty of other options. I know he's not trash but learning him in his current state certainly isn't easy. Sorry, don't have much in the way of advice lol. I played some Rengar top but don't have jungle advice. At the moment my champ pool: + Show Spoiler + Arhi Akali (Mid/Top/Jungle) Ammu Anivia Annie Ashe Caitlyn Cass Cho (Top/Mid/Jungle) Corki Diana (my main) (Top/Mid/Jungle) Mundo Eve (Mid/Jungle) Ezreal (ADC/Jungle) Fiddle (Support/Mid/Jungle) Gangplank Garen Graves Hecarim Irelia Jax Jayve Karma (Mid/Support) Karthus Kassadin Katarina (Mid/Top) Kha'Zix (Mid/Top/Jungle) Lee Sin (Top/Jungle) Leona (Support/Jungle) Lulu Lux Malphite (jungle) Maokai Master Yi (Mid) Morde (Mid) Nami Naut Nidalee (Top/Mid/Jungle) Nocturne Nunu (Support/Jungle) Olaf (Top/Jungle) Ori Rammus Riven (Top/Mid/Jungle) Shen (Top/Jungle) Shyvanna Skarner Sona Soraka Syndra Talon (Mid) Twisted Fate Twitch (Jungle/ADC) Udyr Viegar Vi (Jungle/Top) Vlad (Mid/Top) Warwick Zed (Mid/Jungle) Ziggs Zyra (Mid/Support) So yea I play a lot of champs, but everytime I hit a wall in my play I just expand it further and have had good results. My main champs atm are (I main jungle, so these are all jungle): Diana (Main Champ) Akali Maokai Nocturne Shyvanna Fiddlesticks (vs Katarina only) So idk just having a bad week of play so focusing on learning vs just grinding out losing games. Although I think I won't spend much more time on Rengar until buffs, that was such a bad experience. Thanks ![]() | ||
United States1693 Posts
On January 04 2013 15:37 GhandiEAGLE wrote: its qual right? Don't see why they would stream a scrim. I might be wrong tho people stream scrims all the time, why not? if you have a lot of viewers no reason not to | ||
United States20754 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
On January 04 2013 15:32 koreasilver wrote: The upgrade gives you a ranged aoe that applies your passive. It really shouldn't have taken everyone so long to realize just how bonkers that is. People are just stupid. Like there was this one guy somewhere on here that was trying to say that he didn't like W evolve because "it doesn't do what Khaz is supposed to do". Like what can you even say to that? "Okay, well that's great, but that doesn't change that it's still the best fucking evolution". I don't remember this? x_x I remember people sayig q sucked and even was the worst evolution. Most people afaik were all about maxing w and evolving e first b/c of how fucking retarded his e's range becomes. And now people changed that to w evolved first, e second. | ||
United States37500 Posts
If yes, abuse E's stupid range and reset. If no, abuse W insane cone range and damage, win lane. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
this item...is like better for ad carries than bloodthirster in every way wtf? its 100g less, and the passive means you do equal dmg as a bloodthirster if they have more than 1500 hp you lose out on lifesteal, but you heal on the passive + a burst heal active ??? why dont you get this over bloodthirster on everyoen without retarded ad scaling? | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
BT also scales better with critical strike and critical damage, which makes it better with any other AD carry items (statikk shiv, IE, PD..). Basically, BotRK is good only on bruisers without ridiculous AD scaling but with need of sustain and who can use the passive and active well... Which is like very very few people. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States1966 Posts
On January 04 2013 16:16 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Blade_of_the_Ruined_King this item...is like better for ad carries than bloodthirster in every way wtf? its 100g less, and the passive means you do equal dmg as a bloodthirster if they have more than 1500 hp you lose out on lifesteal, but you heal on the passive + a burst heal active ??? why dont you get this over bloodthirster on everyoen without retarded ad scaling? half the ad, half the life steal? o_o you also have armor pen, but no magic pen on AD carries...... i'm not getting where you think this item is good >:o | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On January 04 2013 16:20 Scip wrote: BotRK unique passive is current HP, so "more than 1500 hp" is actually not as large a group as you might initially suspect. BT also scales better with critical strike and critical damage, which makes it better with any other AD carry items (statikk shiv, IE, PD..). Basically, BotRK is good only on bruisers without ridiculous AD scaling but with need of sustain and who can use the passive and active well... Which is like very very few people. my bad i misread it hought it was max gg life | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On January 04 2013 16:21 tobi9999 wrote: half the ad, half the life steal? o_o you also have armor pen, but no magic pen on AD carries...... i'm not getting where you think this item is good >:o its phys damage so magic pen is irrelevant im wrong but for different reasons | ||
United States7572 Posts
On January 04 2013 15:56 BlackPaladin wrote: I don't remember this? x_x I remember people sayig q sucked and even was the worst evolution. Most people afaik were all about maxing w and evolving e first b/c of how fucking retarded his e's range becomes. And now people changed that to w evolved first, e second. I still don't go evolve W when I jungle or if I plan to roam alot. Both evolve Q and evolve W are both highly conditional in that many times neither one will do anything more than the base ability. Evolve W will add no damage to a single target if you manage to apply passive with a melee, and the base AOE on it is sufficient to easily hit a whole jungle camp or a wave if you bunch them. As jungle if I cant apply passive without evolve W that gank is going to be trash anyway, and if you can't close the gap with evolved E during a gank you are doing something wrong. Evolved Q is highly usable during ganks or for counter jungling, and great for tower dives as well. | ||
United States5710 Posts
On January 04 2013 16:20 Scip wrote: BotRK unique passive is current HP, so "more than 1500 hp" is actually not as large a group as you might initially suspect. BT also scales better with critical strike and critical damage, which makes it better with any other AD carry items (statikk shiv, IE, PD..). Basically, BotRK is good only on bruisers without ridiculous AD scaling but with need of sustain and who can use the passive and active well... Which is like very very few people. Which is basically just jax. But then hes gonna get a Gunblade anyway for an even 20% lifesteal and 20% spellvamp, this item is just good to rush for a cheap sustain item with a nice active to go in with his combo. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On January 04 2013 16:21 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: my bad i misread it hought it was max gg life The active is also impractical because of how low the range is. Zero clue why they didn't make it 600 range at least. | ||
United States8983 Posts
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6318 Posts
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