[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 274
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Australia2725 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
On January 04 2013 13:55 Eppa! wrote: The point of the strat is to snowball bot not to counterjungle. Yeah, fair enough, I mostly just mentioned it because taking Clarity (for the first time ever in a pro game) is pretty sick dedication to a strategy haha | ||
Finland33997 Posts
What I do is spam W until engage -> try to burst their AD and die, or just don't get a good situation -> watch my team die while I do nothing but spam W ... I feel like it's not efficient. 1v1 fighting and stuff I can do fine but yeah. Really awful teamfighting by me. Oh a tournament game going on, guess that's why(Isn't there a LR thread though?) Awesome, CLG picks Evelynn ^-^ And what the hell, Heimerdingdong? | ||
United States904 Posts
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Sweden4641 Posts
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Czech Republic5053 Posts
I've been playing more Zed recently, which was probably a bad idea. Should have abused khazix before he gets nerfed. I can't really offer much help, however. Everything I do is based off instinct. | ||
United States13754 Posts
On January 04 2013 13:39 Shikyo wrote: So I've been playing with Kha'Zix a little as both mid and top and indeed, if you manage to have a person facecheck you Garen-style or just happen to catch someone walking alone, you can basically instakill them with your full burst. However, I'm having a ton of problems in lategame teamfights and end up just getting focused whenever I try to attack their carry or AP or anything. Should I instead just try to go with the flow and just stay with the team and focus whoever they are focusing? As is I've basically just spammed W for the fight until stuff happens and then either die because I get focused or well... do nothing as my team dies. One game I got fed so there I could just faceroll but I still would like to know how I'm supposed to play lategame teamfights with him, assuming I've had a normal start and am not way ahead. Also any adjustments for items? I've been doing 2 Dorans -> Bruta -> BF -> BC + BT and then GA or LW depending on the need(and after the other the other), and for the last item Mow or Randuins or whatever seems smart. It's not only this, his stupid magic DoT along with Sunfire actually deals a million billion damage and if the fight lasts even a bit longer than like a few seconds your team is going to be hurting a lot. The damage he deals is crazy considering his utility, especially if you get a little bit of mpen. What evolution's are you going? phage first has been pretty standard for what I've seen everyone talk about him and dblades don't give straight lifesteal anymore so they arn't good for kha. getting a QSS is also something to look into if you're going to want to dive on people stright away. Kha really suffers in teamfights for the reasons that you're feeling right now which is most of the reason why he isn't that popular. His lack of an offensive ult means that hes going to have to seriously pick his battles late game and wait near the back line and just jump at the right time if someone gets out of position. Not sure what you mean by BF but I would think that sotd would be better for your small window of opertunity with kha coming out of cloaking. I don't like Maw now that it scales on 1 ad every 2.5% of your health instead of the old 1 per 1% of your health. MS is going to provide you with the ability to last longer and it gives better stats on top of it. BC is really overratted for a kha type where most of your damage is frontloaded like kha and not done over time like the other ad assasins. So yeah sotd LW phage GA is what I ran on him last time I played him. Really hard when you play him I agree in teamfights. I'm not saying I have the answers for him but thats just my take on the new s3 items for him. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
Skill build I max Q first but I'm thinking about maxing W first instead, though the mana's too much and I'm not sure if I should assume I'll get blue every game. Unless I go the manamune build. Oh and on an unrelated note, what's the status on Syndra? Is she considered a shitty pick still? Hidden OP? Good against certain champions? Good for stomping low elo? Or is she just bad and will need more buffs soon? She seems to be the most difficult champion in the game at the moment so that definitely attracts me. | ||
United States8983 Posts
also since when does my boy shiphtur play for TD? didnt know that | ||
United States19143 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
On January 04 2013 14:14 LazyFailKid wrote: What do you guys think of renekton+nami bot lane? Me and a friend theorycrafted for abit (would try it but I don't have renek yet) and it seems like any time the opponent goes for a creep renek just jumps in and uses Q auto W then jumps out for a massive nuke if nami puts her on-hit bonus on him. Ebb and flow heals and provides a short speed boost to minimize the harass renek takes when he goes for a creep. If you want to kill someone just do the combo but make sure W is enraged and just follow renek's stun (1.75 seconds) with nami's (1.25 seconds) and save her on-hit slow for when the target comes down and tries to run. Only weakness I see is a lane that can easily freeze the wave in front of their tower with a strong jungler and stop you from farming or graves just killing you with his Q if you don't stun before he does it. You'd get absolutely wrecked by taric/leona who can allin&kill you very easily if you walk up to auto creeps past level 1. Unless the AD is heavily mispositioned, you'll just have E'd in, gotten stunned and exhausted in melee range of the support and promptly killed. Other ranged supports could probably harass you so hard you'd be forced out of lane, or at least too low to engage. Renekton takes til level 3 with all skills to really begin to be a threat to ranged lanes. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On January 04 2013 14:38 Slusher wrote: q first starts is exactly why it took so long for Kaz'Zix to be discovered, w first is like a different champion. I remember when he was first released and everyone talked about how his W evolution was trash and it was the one everyone skipped. I think everyone really underestimated the ability to apply his passive from range. | ||
United States13754 Posts
anyone try out sotd muramana? Also Jarvan/nami bot lane I'm telling you. rock and roll baby. On January 04 2013 14:42 onlywonderboy wrote: I remember when he was first released and everyone talked about how his W evolution was trash and it was the one everyone skipped. I think everyone really underestimated the ability to apply his passive from range. More-so the Aoe slow that proccing your passive from said range gives you. I still think that the 3 missiles instead of 1 is a stupid idea for an upgrade and doesn't make a difference in 99% of its use's. | ||
United States668 Posts
Her laning phase is already pretty strong IMO, that ult's burst is insane if you use it well. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
by the way am I allowed to give my opinion on the commentary in this thread? | ||
United States23745 Posts
On January 04 2013 14:44 Sermokala wrote: Muramana looks really good but then you realize that it doesn't give you any damage for a long long time and then you're not procing it very much. anyone try out sotd muramana? Also Jarvan/nami bot lane I'm telling you. rock and roll baby. More-so the Aoe slow that proccing your passive from said range gives you. I still think that the 3 missiles instead of 1 is a stupid idea for an upgrade and doesn't make a difference in 99% of its use's. Exactly, everyone saw the three missiles and though "that's not that great" but undervalued the ability to apply his passive slow and extra damage in a large ranged AOE | ||
France45622 Posts
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9109 Posts
On January 04 2013 14:51 onlywonderboy wrote: Exactly, everyone saw the three missiles and though "that's not that great" but undervalued the ability to apply his passive slow and extra damage in a large ranged AOE I was very forcefully arguing that W evolution was the best evolution since Khazix was in PBE. People are just retarded because they don't actually read the ability details. | ||
United States904 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On January 04 2013 14:54 koreasilver wrote: I was very forcefully arguing that W evolution was the best evolution since Khazix was in PBE. People are just retarded because they don't actually read the ability details. To be fair, the ability description didn't really say how awesome the new hitbox is once upgraded. | ||
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