I guess with this attitude I'll never make it to the top though

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Germany3357 Posts
I guess with this attitude I'll never make it to the top though ![]() | ||
France8650 Posts
On December 30 2012 08:21 Djin)ftw( wrote: Hm. I'll probably be called a pussy who cant handle any pressure, but I just realized I feel WAY more comfortable if I'm in the lower half of the roster. Somehow I assume that the people above me are better than me so as the support I just dont have to srew up, ward and leave the rest to the carries. I guess with this attitude I'll never make it to the top though ![]() You didn't play enough games... First rule of solo ranked : always assume your team is full of retard and you must carry the shit out. And it's easier to carry when you can chose the role you will play. | ||
France45622 Posts
And Vi's burst got nothing on her mobility and sustained dps later on. ![]() | ||
United States5211 Posts
On December 30 2012 06:49 zulu_nation8 wrote: From a jungler's perspective, if I see where you ward, that ward is pretty much useless. I will never come through there to gank unless there's a fight where both sides have committed. If there are multiple wards that make it so that it's impossible for me to gank unless seen, for example if warding purple wraith and top tri brush as blue side, then I will immediately back and get as many pinks as I need to give you enough vision so that you think you're safe, or no vision at all. i don't think it's useless. even if you know where it is, that's still one side that you effectively cannot gank through. and then, making you buy a pink and spending time to plant it and de-ward has its opportunity costs. i would agree that it's less effective, but i wouldn't say it's useless. it's even more annoying in the era of sightstone, if you de-ward it i'll just drop my ward there again and make you waste more time clearing it. | ||
United States1693 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On December 30 2012 08:32 Slaughter wrote: I always feel bad when I take a position that is called by someone. Which leads me to play support a lot because the 4 other positions get called in the 1st .2 seconds of the game by everyone. I swear people think support is anathema to play most of the time. Fuck it when someone calls position, it always goes by pick order. I fucking hate it when scrubs in 5th pick think that I'm gunna give up AP mid, or jungle just because he's a faster typist than me. It's even worse when 5th pick scrub tier threaten to "GIMME MID OR FEED"; and people are actually threatened by it. Psh; fuck that. Screenshot lobby convo; if he goes through with it; send in ticket with 2 screenshots with score + lobby convo. Sure I just lost 10-14 elo; but that gigglefuck just got a straight ban. | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
On December 30 2012 08:32 Slaughter wrote: I always feel bad when I take a position that is called by someone. Which leads me to play support a lot because the 4 other positions get called in the 1st .2 seconds of the game by everyone. I swear people think support is anathema to play most of the time. It's more annoying when last pick has his macro button or paste of "MID OR AFK" and then complains whole game you didn't let him mid. Also I used to prefer to be in lower picks cause I hoped it meant having human beings for teammates but that's not how it works XD. Can't wait for holidays to be over.....The games I've played last week have been some of the worst ever...... | ||
Canada1349 Posts
On December 30 2012 08:30 Perplex wrote: guys i'm in a game with reginald, i made it. Go from supporting for Destiny to playing with Reginald, you really have made it ![]() I too have supported for Destiny (in arranged normals before he was 30 >_>) and I've played with a therainman smurf... almost the same! :p Edit: To be honest for me I hate how often the people who insta "SUPPORT!" in chat are really really bad at support. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On December 30 2012 04:16 Alaric wrote: It's not that Riven is toxic per see, she isn't as broken as she used to be anymore—though part of it certainly has to do with power creep. She has definite losing match-ups, hard match-ups, she still snowballs lanes very hard if given an advantage, esp. with the cost nerf on chain vest. She's flawed in her design because of her passive, E and ult though: she lacks sustain, but she gets to be more resilient through sheer offensive builds (the effect of a BT on her shield... on top of the added damage) and her ult makes her more powerful for building offense (Jax's used to and was only changed because he felt too squishy rather than because he dealt too much damage, though). Of course, that's also the case with AP casters (hence nerfs to AP Janna and stuff), but AD casters have always been fishy from a balance standpoint because enhancing their spells also enhances their autoattacks, which means they aren't as dependent on cooldowns as AP casters are for their damage, and their skirmishing/trading power skyrockets with some items. Riven embodies that flaw because while the idea of combos and mixing spells and autos is enjoyable from a player's standpoint (and as much as I dislike Riven's design, I like the philosophy Xypherous went for), they make her an AD caster whose autoattacks are stronger than almost anybody's in the game, barring a glass cannon crit build (and possibly late game Zed as it doesn't need charges to have bonus AD). So she has a pretty big burst already (720 + 3.7 bonus AD to 1040 + 4.9 bonus AD, all of which is AoE), but she also gets up to 6 charges (7 if her ult can proc it twice, and one more charge per item active used apparently), each adding 0.5 bonus AD to her autoattacks, working for full with lifesteal. She lacks range (though once she gets in there she has mobility) and true gap closers (compared to Kha/Rengar/Talon/Pantheon/Renekton) but even when all her spells are on cooldown and her ult's duration expired, if she still has charges she'll hit hard enough to maul a squishy. The biggest offenders in the AP category, Orianna, Ziggs and TF don't really come close (not sure about Muramana Ryze, and Fizz's DoT is weaker if it doesn't last more than the initial hit). I guess a case could be made for AP Teemo though. Show nested quote + On December 30 2012 02:44 Dan HH wrote: On December 30 2012 02:32 Ketara wrote: Would be nice if the support pool was as varied and reasonable. Support is more varied than ever before. Remember the days of Soraka, Sona and Janna only? I actually haven't seen a Soraka or a Janna for like forever. Taric, Sona, Blitz are those I see the most, followed by Zyra, Lux and Leona. Something feels wrong with that list. I should be seeing way more Lulu in my games, seeing how she's popular and all. Show nested quote + On December 30 2012 03:29 jcarlsoniv wrote: On December 30 2012 03:27 Dandel Ion wrote: And then there's Karma I think part of the issue with Karma (I had this discussion with Smash a while back), is that people don't know how to play WITH a Karma, and thus, the team fails. She is actually quite powerful when built as a tanky mage (because of her passive), but it's hard to get a team to synergize with her. No poke, extremely mana-hungry, benefits from a load of stats (CDR mostly, seeing how it affects Mantra charges and the fact that she needs more rotations to output the same damage as other mages, and mana... but then she also needs some AP, and resists go so well on a team with her)... and still her laning-phase is strong as hell and she can be even more of a juggernaut than Swain during midgame fights near dragon and stuff. I wish I hadn't paid attention to Riot announcing a rework almost a year ago, I had set my views on her but I never even bought her since I was always thinking "she'll change soon, I won't get too enjoy her too much" then every few months Riot went and said "no not now, but still working on it, it'll come!" and it'd start all over again. @_@ The rework has been announced to make her into a support rather than an AP carry, too... I hope they take the Nami approach to the support kit (ie support in their own glossary, not as the current meta role). Janna and Soraka basically need teams built around them now ![]() Who said something about league of sustain? Where is that? | ||
China26351 Posts
On December 30 2012 08:30 kainzero wrote: Show nested quote + On December 30 2012 06:49 zulu_nation8 wrote: From a jungler's perspective, if I see where you ward, that ward is pretty much useless. I will never come through there to gank unless there's a fight where both sides have committed. If there are multiple wards that make it so that it's impossible for me to gank unless seen, for example if warding purple wraith and top tri brush as blue side, then I will immediately back and get as many pinks as I need to give you enough vision so that you think you're safe, or no vision at all. i don't think it's useless. even if you know where it is, that's still one side that you effectively cannot gank through. and then, making you buy a pink and spending time to plant it and de-ward has its opportunity costs. i would agree that it's less effective, but i wouldn't say it's useless. it's even more annoying in the era of sightstone, if you de-ward it i'll just drop my ward there again and make you waste more time clearing it. this is true, i was thinking more of top and bot where people usually don't ward every possible gank route. | ||
United States6188 Posts
Garvey @GarveyNYC @alexpenn @FeaRGnomesayin @TiberiusAudley Another problem is the saturation of tournament venues. S3 will see 3-5 tournys a week. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On December 30 2012 08:40 cLutZ wrote: Show nested quote + On December 30 2012 04:16 Alaric wrote: It's not that Riven is toxic per see, she isn't as broken as she used to be anymore—though part of it certainly has to do with power creep. She has definite losing match-ups, hard match-ups, she still snowballs lanes very hard if given an advantage, esp. with the cost nerf on chain vest. She's flawed in her design because of her passive, E and ult though: she lacks sustain, but she gets to be more resilient through sheer offensive builds (the effect of a BT on her shield... on top of the added damage) and her ult makes her more powerful for building offense (Jax's used to and was only changed because he felt too squishy rather than because he dealt too much damage, though). Of course, that's also the case with AP casters (hence nerfs to AP Janna and stuff), but AD casters have always been fishy from a balance standpoint because enhancing their spells also enhances their autoattacks, which means they aren't as dependent on cooldowns as AP casters are for their damage, and their skirmishing/trading power skyrockets with some items. Riven embodies that flaw because while the idea of combos and mixing spells and autos is enjoyable from a player's standpoint (and as much as I dislike Riven's design, I like the philosophy Xypherous went for), they make her an AD caster whose autoattacks are stronger than almost anybody's in the game, barring a glass cannon crit build (and possibly late game Zed as it doesn't need charges to have bonus AD). So she has a pretty big burst already (720 + 3.7 bonus AD to 1040 + 4.9 bonus AD, all of which is AoE), but she also gets up to 6 charges (7 if her ult can proc it twice, and one more charge per item active used apparently), each adding 0.5 bonus AD to her autoattacks, working for full with lifesteal. She lacks range (though once she gets in there she has mobility) and true gap closers (compared to Kha/Rengar/Talon/Pantheon/Renekton) but even when all her spells are on cooldown and her ult's duration expired, if she still has charges she'll hit hard enough to maul a squishy. The biggest offenders in the AP category, Orianna, Ziggs and TF don't really come close (not sure about Muramana Ryze, and Fizz's DoT is weaker if it doesn't last more than the initial hit). I guess a case could be made for AP Teemo though. On December 30 2012 02:44 Dan HH wrote: On December 30 2012 02:32 Ketara wrote: Would be nice if the support pool was as varied and reasonable. Support is more varied than ever before. Remember the days of Soraka, Sona and Janna only? I actually haven't seen a Soraka or a Janna for like forever. Taric, Sona, Blitz are those I see the most, followed by Zyra, Lux and Leona. Something feels wrong with that list. I should be seeing way more Lulu in my games, seeing how she's popular and all. On December 30 2012 03:29 jcarlsoniv wrote: On December 30 2012 03:27 Dandel Ion wrote: And then there's Karma I think part of the issue with Karma (I had this discussion with Smash a while back), is that people don't know how to play WITH a Karma, and thus, the team fails. She is actually quite powerful when built as a tanky mage (because of her passive), but it's hard to get a team to synergize with her. No poke, extremely mana-hungry, benefits from a load of stats (CDR mostly, seeing how it affects Mantra charges and the fact that she needs more rotations to output the same damage as other mages, and mana... but then she also needs some AP, and resists go so well on a team with her)... and still her laning-phase is strong as hell and she can be even more of a juggernaut than Swain during midgame fights near dragon and stuff. I wish I hadn't paid attention to Riot announcing a rework almost a year ago, I had set my views on her but I never even bought her since I was always thinking "she'll change soon, I won't get too enjoy her too much" then every few months Riot went and said "no not now, but still working on it, it'll come!" and it'd start all over again. @_@ The rework has been announced to make her into a support rather than an AP carry, too... I hope they take the Nami approach to the support kit (ie support in their own glossary, not as the current meta role). Janna and Soraka basically need teams built around them now ![]() Who said something about league of sustain? Where is that? The League of Sustain is probably in reference to the bottle+potions+ward start a lot people are doing these days. On December 30 2012 08:50 nojitosunrise wrote: Interesting tidbit about s3 https://twitter.com/GarveyNYC/status/285163154000973824 Show nested quote + Garvey @GarveyNYC @alexpenn @FeaRGnomesayin @TiberiusAudley Another problem is the saturation of tournament venues. S3 will see 3-5 tournys a week. I figure he means matches, not tournaments. That would be absurd. | ||
United States19143 Posts
Janna on the otherhand is really undervalued imo shes really good with current boot trends her passive gives a huge advantage, and e max still wins a lot of trades. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 30 2012 08:51 Slusher wrote: Soraka is playable(and good) probly only with graves and mabye mf tho. Janna on the otherhand is really undervalued imo shes really good with current boot trends her passive gives a huge advantage, and e max still wins a lot of trades. Soraka is still best in jungle imo. No one expects the damages when you just run from river spamming Q. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On December 30 2012 08:50 onlywonderboy wrote: Show nested quote + On December 30 2012 08:40 cLutZ wrote: On December 30 2012 04:16 Alaric wrote: It's not that Riven is toxic per see, she isn't as broken as she used to be anymore—though part of it certainly has to do with power creep. She has definite losing match-ups, hard match-ups, she still snowballs lanes very hard if given an advantage, esp. with the cost nerf on chain vest. She's flawed in her design because of her passive, E and ult though: she lacks sustain, but she gets to be more resilient through sheer offensive builds (the effect of a BT on her shield... on top of the added damage) and her ult makes her more powerful for building offense (Jax's used to and was only changed because he felt too squishy rather than because he dealt too much damage, though). Of course, that's also the case with AP casters (hence nerfs to AP Janna and stuff), but AD casters have always been fishy from a balance standpoint because enhancing their spells also enhances their autoattacks, which means they aren't as dependent on cooldowns as AP casters are for their damage, and their skirmishing/trading power skyrockets with some items. Riven embodies that flaw because while the idea of combos and mixing spells and autos is enjoyable from a player's standpoint (and as much as I dislike Riven's design, I like the philosophy Xypherous went for), they make her an AD caster whose autoattacks are stronger than almost anybody's in the game, barring a glass cannon crit build (and possibly late game Zed as it doesn't need charges to have bonus AD). So she has a pretty big burst already (720 + 3.7 bonus AD to 1040 + 4.9 bonus AD, all of which is AoE), but she also gets up to 6 charges (7 if her ult can proc it twice, and one more charge per item active used apparently), each adding 0.5 bonus AD to her autoattacks, working for full with lifesteal. She lacks range (though once she gets in there she has mobility) and true gap closers (compared to Kha/Rengar/Talon/Pantheon/Renekton) but even when all her spells are on cooldown and her ult's duration expired, if she still has charges she'll hit hard enough to maul a squishy. The biggest offenders in the AP category, Orianna, Ziggs and TF don't really come close (not sure about Muramana Ryze, and Fizz's DoT is weaker if it doesn't last more than the initial hit). I guess a case could be made for AP Teemo though. On December 30 2012 02:44 Dan HH wrote: On December 30 2012 02:32 Ketara wrote: Would be nice if the support pool was as varied and reasonable. Support is more varied than ever before. Remember the days of Soraka, Sona and Janna only? I actually haven't seen a Soraka or a Janna for like forever. Taric, Sona, Blitz are those I see the most, followed by Zyra, Lux and Leona. Something feels wrong with that list. I should be seeing way more Lulu in my games, seeing how she's popular and all. On December 30 2012 03:29 jcarlsoniv wrote: On December 30 2012 03:27 Dandel Ion wrote: And then there's Karma I think part of the issue with Karma (I had this discussion with Smash a while back), is that people don't know how to play WITH a Karma, and thus, the team fails. She is actually quite powerful when built as a tanky mage (because of her passive), but it's hard to get a team to synergize with her. No poke, extremely mana-hungry, benefits from a load of stats (CDR mostly, seeing how it affects Mantra charges and the fact that she needs more rotations to output the same damage as other mages, and mana... but then she also needs some AP, and resists go so well on a team with her)... and still her laning-phase is strong as hell and she can be even more of a juggernaut than Swain during midgame fights near dragon and stuff. I wish I hadn't paid attention to Riot announcing a rework almost a year ago, I had set my views on her but I never even bought her since I was always thinking "she'll change soon, I won't get too enjoy her too much" then every few months Riot went and said "no not now, but still working on it, it'll come!" and it'd start all over again. @_@ The rework has been announced to make her into a support rather than an AP carry, too... I hope they take the Nami approach to the support kit (ie support in their own glossary, not as the current meta role). Janna and Soraka basically need teams built around them now ![]() Who said something about league of sustain? Where is that? The League of Sustain is probably in reference to the bottle+potions+ward start a lot people are doing these days. Show nested quote + On December 30 2012 08:50 nojitosunrise wrote: Interesting tidbit about s3 https://twitter.com/GarveyNYC/status/285163154000973824 Garvey @GarveyNYC @alexpenn @FeaRGnomesayin @TiberiusAudley Another problem is the saturation of tournament venues. S3 will see 3-5 tournys a week. I figure he means matches, not tournaments. That would be absurd. Well. Its really League of Neutered Jungle. Too many wards, too much Machete. | ||
United States1898 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
anyone else have any thoughts? | ||
9871 Posts
On December 30 2012 07:22 arb wrote: Show nested quote + On December 30 2012 05:29 onlywonderboy wrote: Man, Ali could use a new model haha. I dont wanna see 10ft tall skinny as fuck preteen Alistar. His model is fine when are they gonna normalize the champ heights? it's ridiculous how tall tf is | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 30 2012 09:08 UniversalSnip wrote: Show nested quote + On December 30 2012 07:22 arb wrote: On December 30 2012 05:29 onlywonderboy wrote: Man, Ali could use a new model haha. I dont wanna see 10ft tall skinny as fuck preteen Alistar. His model is fine when are they gonna normalize the champ heights? it's ridiculous how tall tf is Soon (tm). I dunno if tf is actually tall, or they're just trying to go for a "new" angle prespective with champions which give it the illusion of tallness; Vayne's dragon slayer skin is pretty tall looking too, now that I think about it. | ||
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