On December 30 2012 09:10 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 09:08 UniversalSnip wrote:On December 30 2012 07:22 arb wrote:On December 30 2012 05:29 onlywonderboy wrote: Man, Ali could use a new model haha. I dont wanna see 10ft tall skinny as fuck preteen Alistar. His model is fine when are they gonna normalize the champ heights? it's ridiculous how tall tf is Soon (tm). I dunno if tf is actually tall, or they're just trying to go for a "new" angle prespective with champions which give it the illusion of tallness; Vayne's dragon slayer skin is pretty tall looking too, now that I think about it.
I started noticing this weird hugeness of champs when brand came out, could go earlier than that. If it's an optical illusion, well, I don' t know what the difference between this make-believe object on my screen appearing to be seven feet tall and it actually being seven feet tall is. Don't matter to me yo
TF won't be tall when they normalize. But seeing how Soraka seems huge, I'm not sure how I'll like the change. Brand comes from Lok'Far (spelling) and isn't as hunched as Olaf, so I guess it's normal for him to appear tall. Plus his model is pretty detailed.
Also, finally found a way to farm as Swain in the mid-late game: wait for waves to be forming to top or mid, win a teamfight and then rush to those juicy cs while pointing to your team how you does no dps to baron. They don't seem to mind. \o/
On December 30 2012 08:51 Slusher wrote: Soraka is playable(and good) probly only with graves and mabye mf tho.
Janna on the otherhand is really undervalued imo shes really good with current boot trends her passive gives a huge advantage, and e max still wins a lot of trades. I just max W and use E on my carry to give him more punch on his harass. W made me finish my first s3 Janna game bootless, and as long as teamfights weren't too drawn out I wouldn't even get strandled despite the W spam. Taric on the other hand... I shoulda rushed boots2, with a GP and captain boots Amumu on the team the MS differential was so amplificated they'd end the teamfights more than a screen away from me (Yi, Kha'Zix and Sona on enemy team didn't help). I was surprised when I noticed I had ~230 AD with nashor buff and level 3 ult active, though. I guess I won't find him as useless late game if I learn to focus on hitting stuff rather than position myself.
Soraka's probably fine with Sivir, Urgot and Ezreal too. Or Corki. Poke/push all day, or be a plain jerk with Urgot.
On December 30 2012 09:08 Slusher wrote: to be honest when sightstone was first revealed I thought I would buy it in solos, esp after the yango pointed out you only need to place 3 wards to break even after sell back, but yet I feel like I prefer being nickel and dimed more than dropping all that gold at once.
anyone else have any thoughts? I'd probably do it in ranked 5s, but in normals or solo I only really buy it on junglers and supports. The mids I currently train suffer too much from a delayed core (RoA on Swain, and asap augment + early-ish NLR on Viktor), and top I haven't yet had a situation where I crush the opponent hard enough than dumping 700 gold will let me continue (though I get at least one ward on each back, and often get a lot of attention from the jungle).
anyone know where to find g-league vods?
Fuck it when someone calls position, it always goes by pick order. I fucking hate it when scrubs in 5th pick think that I'm gunna give up AP mid, or jungle just because he's a faster typist than me. It's even worse when 5th pick scrub tier threaten to "GIMME MID OR FEED"; and people are actually threatened by it. Psh; fuck that. Screenshot lobby convo; if he goes through with it; send in ticket with 2 screenshots with score + lobby convo. Sure I just lost 10-14 elo; but that gigglefuck just got a straight ban.
Does this actually work though? I have my doubts somehow. I never feel like my reports actually do anything. I think Riot would be smart to implement a feature where you can see which reports of yours actually resulted in action (in concert with others of course). Like a link to the tribunal case or something.
TF's model is normalized, so is Soraka.
I don't think Alistar needs a visual rework. If anything, Taric and Sivir need visual rework right now...
Holy shit; finally decided to take a peek in that Hyhy switching to LoL thread; wow TL Dota 2 guys fucking hate LoL. I knew there was animosity; but damn it's like fucking piranhas in there.... And, I'm surprised like half those comments aren't like insta-ban. It's like they pretend there isn't a thriving sub-forum for LoL; and then just shit talk us in a main thread like that. Serious; wtf?
United States37500 Posts
While not official, looks like FeaR is picking up Sycho Sid for Top and Zuna for AD.
United States37500 Posts
On December 30 2012 09:58 wei2coolman wrote: Holy shit; finally decided to take a peek in that Hyhy switching to LoL thread; wow TL Dota 2 guys fucking hate LoL. I knew there was animosity; but damn it's like fucking piranhas in there.... And, I'm surprised like half those comments aren't like insta-ban. It's like they pretend there isn't a thriving sub-forum for LoL; and then just shit talk us in a main thread like that. Serious; wtf?
People are getting warned and banned appropriately. There's a fine line between stating your opinion for something you dislike and flaming. It's being handled.
On December 30 2012 10:03 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 09:58 wei2coolman wrote: Holy shit; finally decided to take a peek in that Hyhy switching to LoL thread; wow TL Dota 2 guys fucking hate LoL. I knew there was animosity; but damn it's like fucking piranhas in there.... And, I'm surprised like half those comments aren't like insta-ban. It's like they pretend there isn't a thriving sub-forum for LoL; and then just shit talk us in a main thread like that. Serious; wtf? People are getting warned and banned appropriately. There's a fine line between stating your opinion for something you dislike and flaming. It's being handled. It's pretty disgusting that there's that much hate on a game by TL DotA community, despite the fact we are all part of the same TL community. Even just one post from heyoka telling people to stop the game comparisons; instantly followed comments saying "lol fan detected". Seriously; we all came here over out love of eSports, and sorta disgusts me how small minded a lot of the community has become.
On December 30 2012 09:58 wei2coolman wrote: Holy shit; finally decided to take a peek in that Hyhy switching to LoL thread; wow TL Dota 2 guys fucking hate LoL. I knew there was animosity; but damn it's like fucking piranhas in there.... And, I'm surprised like half those comments aren't like insta-ban. It's like they pretend there isn't a thriving sub-forum for LoL; and then just shit talk us in a main thread like that. Serious; wtf?
Eh, just let them be all immature and hateful and such. They just mad and feel threatened because LoL is a bigger and more popular game.
I think it especially bothers people that the Koreans are all into LoL. Kind of scares them. Just be the bigger man.
United States37500 Posts
On December 30 2012 10:07 iCanada wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 09:58 wei2coolman wrote: Holy shit; finally decided to take a peek in that Hyhy switching to LoL thread; wow TL Dota 2 guys fucking hate LoL. I knew there was animosity; but damn it's like fucking piranhas in there.... And, I'm surprised like half those comments aren't like insta-ban. It's like they pretend there isn't a thriving sub-forum for LoL; and then just shit talk us in a main thread like that. Serious; wtf? Eh, just let them be all immature and hateful and such. They just mad and feel threatened because LoL is a bigger and more popular game. I think it especially bothers people that the Koreans are all into LoL. Kind of scares them. Just be the bigger man.
Everyone knows Dota takes more skill.
United States15536 Posts
On December 30 2012 10:19 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 10:07 iCanada wrote:On December 30 2012 09:58 wei2coolman wrote: Holy shit; finally decided to take a peek in that Hyhy switching to LoL thread; wow TL Dota 2 guys fucking hate LoL. I knew there was animosity; but damn it's like fucking piranhas in there.... And, I'm surprised like half those comments aren't like insta-ban. It's like they pretend there isn't a thriving sub-forum for LoL; and then just shit talk us in a main thread like that. Serious; wtf? Eh, just let them be all immature and hateful and such. They just mad and feel threatened because LoL is a bigger and more popular game. I think it especially bothers people that the Koreans are all into LoL. Kind of scares them. Just be the bigger man. Everyone knows Dota takes more skill.
On December 30 2012 06:19 barbsq wrote:if some1 is willing to do so, I would like to have some advice on how to improve, since atm i've dropped abt 200 elo, and am pretty confident it's because i'm playing significantly worse for some reason. I want to try to improve, but I can't figure out what I need to do to get better. here's a link to a bunch of my recent replays: http://www54.zippyshare.com/v/40407973/file.html I just watched the first vlad game
Boots homeguard rush (after guise) isn't that great of a build imo especially considering they were not at your inhib yet. I think it overvalues movement speed a bit too much. You didn't often poke the ziggs. You were always lower than him. To me that's a sign not to gank your lane. Your playstyle was very passive so Ziggs did roam. He didn't pick up anything interesting from it but if you faced him a hundred times I think he'd start having an advantage. In the end you won the game due to some good teamfights like the one top where singed initiated with Nunu's shureleya to kill ziggs really fast. Then you guys got a baron. You were never the cause of the winning play though you weren't the cause of the losing ones either. I think you had good focus and were generally safe given the info available. That dragon at the beginning was really risky.
Also who the f keeps pinging everyone to b? Tell me that's not you.
I just wish playing the 1 in lol felt like playing the 1 in dota2. and I don't mean the relative strength of a hard carry so much as literally every ad in league feels like Gyrocopter
Could you elaborate for those of us that never played DotA "competitively" or picked Gyro?
Hey is anyone else getting lag on NA servers tonight? Me and another guy in my ranked 3s team are getting an extra 30 to 50 ping
On December 30 2012 05:14 kainzero wrote: i think karma needs a specific comp around her. i don't think she does enough damage in the mid/late-game, and not many solo queue teams are built around support-style mids like her and zilean and janna.
she's totally a fun character though. wish she got more play. i don't know why they're remaking her, i think minor buffs all around would be awesome. my friends have this botlane cheese with trist-karma where karma pretends to play stupid and gets poked and then rocket jump/shield-burst at level 2, lol.
been trying out some botrk builds... it's really useful, i feel like it's a good item to rush if you're jungling on a carry jungler like Vi or Riven. especially Vi, the active lets you stick to apply your W, and i prefer it over phage now. Interesting, I may have to add it into my Vi build. You have to rush wriggles for the jungle farming OP-ness, would you say get BOTRK after phage or before?
I think most carries in Dota are less of a squishy glass cannon then in LoL, where ADCs don't really carry, instead they are basically artillery. Though my knowledge of Dota is very limited.