On December 29 2012 07:51 JBright wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 07:37 discator wrote: I just wanna share my feelings about this of subforum, coming from Reddit as my former primary news scource for LoL. Have benn a daily visitor of TL SC2 forums, but I've only been reading so far (im shy as fuck <.<)
I have been lurking this GD thread from page ~90 and I've already learned more about the game and have read more interesting debates than in more than 4 months of r/LoL. This is a great subforum and I wanna thank you all :>. I gotta say I love this kind of small forums with only a few contributers who know each other kinda well and dont "cirklerjerk" around like the people in all those ~1000 comment threads on Reddit (oh did I mention how much I hate this upvote system they have on reddit? It's so counterproductive and just generally bad for having a discussion IMO) I've only recently picked up LoL (~4 months ago), had a level 12 account back then, as I was primarily playing SC2 beforehand, so this time has been pretty exciting and fun for me ^.^, constantly learning and improving (I'm ~1,3k ELO <.<)
so yeah, thanks and I hope that mouz picks up CLG.EU ^^ Don't let us fool you, we "antijerk" just as hard as reddit circlejerk when we don't like what you're saying since we tend to hivemind a lot in this subforum. Example: Shikyo and PrinceXizor. You'll be safe as long as you don't stray too far from the norm...  Otherwise, glad you're enjoying your stay here. Also,reddit has its purposes (finding news) but it's not really all that useful for proper discussion because of the voting system and how certain topics will always/never reach the top. Most of the news we see here were found over there first. Shikyo still posts doesn't he?
Also Xizor had some horrible theorycraft: double PD Triforce Hecarim (zoom zoom), and FMallet Sej (Which I don't consider that bs). But if you look at the Vayne guide guitar's posts were filled with more BS a few years back. This forum, and especially some of the vets, just doesn't tolerate Xizor's attitude so every time he posts anything there's a big argument. Xizor's later posts weren't even that odd.
Xizor had some really good records that he posted so his builds were working for him too. Like he'd go 5 straight games 22-2.
United States47024 Posts
On December 29 2012 09:25 obesechicken13 wrote: Also Xizor had some horrible theorycraft: double PD Triforce Hecarim (zoom zoom), and FMallet Sej (Which I don't consider that bs). But if you look at the Vayne guide guitar's posts were filled with more BS a few years back. This forum, and especially some of the vets, just doesn't tolerate Xizor's attitude so every time he posts anything there's a big argument. Xizor's later posts weren't even that odd. Those weren't PX.
I'm pretty sure both of those were Sufficiency.
On December 29 2012 08:32 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 08:28 kainzero wrote: the more nami i play, the more underwhelming she feels.
you really need a good hero to take advantage of your ult. her bubble is super hard to hit, like leshrac level 1 split earth. and then it costs a shit ton of mana and has a long cooldown. her heal seems underwhelming in teamfights and her enchantment is only good when chasing someone with no escape.
i feel like janna/lulu are much better options than her at this point. I think Nami is OK, but situational. I played her 4 times in ranked and I won 3 (I also played probably 6-7 times in normal). The one I lost I derped really, REALLY hard. There was one game I played as Nami while streaming and I also derped really hard... my team was behind the whole time.... then I pressed R and won, pretty much. I only played Nami + Draven bot lane though. I don't think she is workable without Draven or possibly MF.
To be quite honest, i don't really see why i would ever want to pick nami. Of course i could be wrong in this, i only played a limited amount of games with her, but so far i just don't see anything she really excels at. She is kind of ok in short trades, and mostly good at chasing down people. The problem here is that she is bad at making anything happen. She does not have long-ranged harrass, and she has no real engage either.
I assume she could work if you coordinate well with your AD, and somehow make fights happen where the enemy would lose, and thus has to run away enabling you to win those fights very hard. The problem i have is that i can not see any situation where i would not rather have Lulu, Sona or Leona as a support.
On December 29 2012 09:28 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 09:25 obesechicken13 wrote: Also Xizor had some horrible theorycraft: double PD Triforce Hecarim (zoom zoom), and FMallet Sej (Which I don't consider that bs). But if you look at the Vayne guide guitar's posts were filled with more BS a few years back. This forum, and especially some of the vets, just doesn't tolerate Xizor's attitude so every time he posts anything there's a big argument. Xizor's later posts weren't even that odd. Those weren't PX. I'm pretty sure both of those were Sufficiency.
Oh you Yango<3 they were both Vaporised.
I just realized snowdown showdown is over and I didn't get baron icon
saddest day of my life
On December 29 2012 09:30 Leonite7 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 09:28 TheYango wrote:On December 29 2012 09:25 obesechicken13 wrote: Also Xizor had some horrible theorycraft: double PD Triforce Hecarim (zoom zoom), and FMallet Sej (Which I don't consider that bs). But if you look at the Vayne guide guitar's posts were filled with more BS a few years back. This forum, and especially some of the vets, just doesn't tolerate Xizor's attitude so every time he posts anything there's a big argument. Xizor's later posts weren't even that odd. Those weren't PX. I'm pretty sure both of those were Sufficiency. Oh you Yango<3 they were both Vaporised. Oh Shi... so then what was PX banned for again?
This thread has really derailed off league strategy.
It was some pretty random trolling if i recall correctly, i think you might find it in the last GD, or the one before it on the first 20 pages or so.
At least when I make shit up it actually ends up kind of almost working. Like AD Malz. And jungle TF.
Still need to see if I can do that in season 3 though. Im kinda thinking it may be impossible.
PX was banned? I'm pretty sure I saw him post in this or the last GD thread. It was just not quite on pre-remake-Eve-top levels, so nobody noticed prolly.
I wish the login music never will be changed.
Vancouver14381 Posts
Lol That totally flew by me in the wake of the TL Grudgematch of Awesome thread shenanigans
AD Malz should be even stronger (not sure about jungle AD Malz, s3 changes and pet additionnal damage and stuff), especially with flask and BC in the game. I'm surprised I haven't encountered one yet.
United States47024 Posts
On December 29 2012 09:30 Leonite7 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 09:28 TheYango wrote:On December 29 2012 09:25 obesechicken13 wrote: Also Xizor had some horrible theorycraft: double PD Triforce Hecarim (zoom zoom), and FMallet Sej (Which I don't consider that bs). But if you look at the Vayne guide guitar's posts were filled with more BS a few years back. This forum, and especially some of the vets, just doesn't tolerate Xizor's attitude so every time he posts anything there's a big argument. Xizor's later posts weren't even that odd. Those weren't PX. I'm pretty sure both of those were Sufficiency. Oh you Yango<3 they were both Vaporised. I'm bad. You're right.
On December 29 2012 09:47 Alaric wrote: AD Malz should be even stronger (not sure about jungle AD Malz, s3 changes and pet additionnal damage and stuff), especially with flask and BC in the game. I'm surprised I haven't encountered one yet.
I think the minions dont stack BC.
I get sad when people dont get me when I say Best ___ NA.
On December 29 2012 09:29 Simberto wrote: To be quite honest, i don't really see why i would ever want to pick nami. Of course i could be wrong in this, i only played a limited amount of games with her, but so far i just don't see anything she really excels at. She is kind of ok in short trades, and mostly good at chasing down people. The problem here is that she is bad at making anything happen. She does not have long-ranged harrass, and she has no real engage either.
I assume she could work if you coordinate well with your AD, and somehow make fights happen where the enemy would lose, and thus has to run away enabling you to win those fights very hard. The problem i have is that i can not see any situation where i would not rather have Lulu, Sona or Leona as a support. I'm not even sure if she's good at short trades, because a lot of times you will win the trade in terms of health but be down in mana, and that could be more important. I've tried going sightstone > chalice and although I have mana, by then Ebb does negligble amounts of damage.
It definitely feels like she's only good for counter-initiating or following up on a primary initiate... I can see Vayne/Nami and Ashe/Nami being decent in lane, but in teamfights she really needs a hard initiate to be able to hit her ult. I did play a game where I caught 3 in Ori's Shockwave and Nami followed up with Tidal and that was the end of the teamfight. But why waste time with Nami's Tidal when you have Sona?
I don't like Nami much either from when I've tried her, but I think the secret is to buff the movement speed on her passive, she would quickly become very interesting imo. what if E was like a mini shurelya's on your tank to initate, what if ult + shurelya was old shurelya? could be cool.
the thing is if you buff Q missle speed which I think is what everyone is asking for, she will become the option, instead of an option.
On December 29 2012 09:01 Slusher wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I don’t know if ggod is still browsing the thread for goat zoo feedback but I just wanted to provide some feedback surrounding the two most talked about games in this thread a) the game vs. team M A R N b) the game vs. FXO although I feel like because the games are broadcast from Plords pov a lot of what has been said has been about plord but it’s all been very general so yes (I’m going to go in on Phantom big surprise) but there were specifics I feel like haven’t been gone into which really bother me. Mainly I’ve been on teams where there a guy, who is valuable to the team for one reason or another can be skill can be connections, can be anything, that nobody is allowed to talk about. I felt this was so glaring in the game vs. Marn that it gave me flashbacks to having people like this on teams I had been on.
It’s really hard to examine what went wrong or what could have gone better in a game when you are being forced to ignore an entire character, the story of the Marncatz game as portrayed on stream was that the sidelanes adapted to a lane swap really well, but then failed to transition that advantage into the later game, a lot of it getting pinned on even as you said on this forum, your positioning. I don’t think it can be ignored, but at the same time when Nancy mentions how big Ahri was and Jax and Phantom shut him down instantly and tell him it’s ONLY Vayne, it makes pisses me off.
I’ve been in that situation where your team knows they have a hothead and they just try to examine and strategize as though he played well every game, and I feel it isn’t only counter-productive but it creates cliques, wouldn’t surprise me if Nancy and vfx for instance have an msn chat off to the side where they are talking about how phantom played last game, and I’m not trying to say they are bad people for it, it just happens in these settings.
So if I was to examine Phantom as a teammate and be constructive I would say it might be time for Phantom to stop playing Karthus I still think he hits predictive qs better than almost anyone I’ve been able to watch PoV of but I just don’t think Karth fits his playstyle at all anymore and this is where the two aforementioned games come into play. First while playing Ahri vs. Navi’s Ori he lements the fact that Navi isn’t interested in skirmishing (which to Navi’s credit isn’t the way to play the match up from his side) so instead he goes and succeeds in making plays in his side lanes. Now in this game Navi just farms like a beast and makes lategame plays while goat zoo didn’t really convert Phantoms early plays into a big enough advantage.
Now we skip to the game vs marn in which Phantom is playing basically the same matchup (strategy wise) but from the opposite side and he opens boots 3 while making a comment about hating people who afk farm mid lane. Well here in lies the problem (and where people may disagree with me) Karthus has been nerfed repeatedly by Riot, but in the spirit of not ruining the theme of the champion I like how riot has let him keep his late game, in return for getting afk farm at best in lane (the last nerf to wall being the nail in the coffin) Karthus makes up for this with global pressure thru his ult, which Phantom all but gives up by not opening RoA, he is literally dealing base damage ults with no spellpen usually into lvl 2 ult because of his build path and even then he goes revolver first ap item i.e. extremely low damage.
And even with this build he’s running aggressive summoners (revive teleport albeit cheese is a playmaking summoner set which has no synergy with his build path). Looking at the Marn game one more time, only this time pretending Phantom afk farms mid vs Ahri and goes RoA there is no way you can walk through a Karthus with damage and get to a Cait with 2v1 farm and live to tell about it, all he had to do was farm and it would have made your job 100x easier. And if that’s not how he wants to play that’s fine too, but then maybe he should play his Ziggs more, maybe go with a top 3 of ZIggs, Ahri and some other assassin, fuck man, I know he wants to be hipster about his champions but Eve is like made for him, a playmaker, who can roam thru wards, who does really good damage without having to farm 100+ minions first.
Anyway he’s been picked on enough I hope this came across as more constructive than just being a dick.
sorry for wall to everyone who isn't ggod .
I thought it was an awesome post, no need to apologize.
edit: spoiler'd long post to prevent annoyance