didnt even watch yet, but dis gunna be gud.
[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 129
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Germany24009 Posts
didnt even watch yet, but dis gunna be gud. | ||
Zaphod Beeblebrox
Denmark697 Posts
The real trick of Vi jungle is positioning her Q so you hit every monster in the camp, while also setting up for your AA to hit the big monster in a way that E will hit the entire camp. So far I can do it for wraiths from 3 different angles, but golems and buff camps are a pain to do this with. | ||
Germany3357 Posts
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United States20754 Posts
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England1046 Posts
On December 24 2012 03:09 Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote: Wriggles makes Vi a jungle clearing machine of unstoppableness. Thanks to her two AOE abilities she can clear the small monsters in one spell rotation with a little bit of AD, and wriggles makes the big wolf/Wraith go down about as fast as the rest of the camp. I seriously forget to use smite all the time after the first clear, just because she kills things so fast. The real trick of Vi jungle is positioning her Q so you hit every monster in the camp, while also setting up for your AA to hit the big monster in a way that E will hit the entire camp. So far I can do it for wraiths from 3 different angles, but golems and buff camps are a pain to do this with. I like when you Q into the wraith camp, get behind them and they group up right in front for one auto on the big wraith with E to clear the camp in one go. Her W makes golems and bid buffs a piece of cake too. Having trouble getting into team fights with her though, I just get stunned during my ultimate and slowed and kited, or if I try to get away after ultimate I am stuck since the q can't go through champs though. I think building atmogs is one of the best ways to go since her damage is unreliable since you have to really stick to the enemy, and her base DMV is decently high. Her ganks are godlike though, ultimate to start off then Q them back into your laners range for a quick kill. One other great thing I found about her jungle is that if you get the camps low enough and know your Q damage well enough you can Q out of the camp through a wall, finishing off the camp you were in and landing right in front of the next camp, making the clear time really fast. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
On December 24 2012 03:42 GhandiEAGLE wrote: I broke 1400, stayed there for a week, feeling so happy about my 300 elo leap... then 3 afks and 40 points lost every game brought me down to 1250... dammit x.x well can't really take about "breaking an elo milestone" during your placement matches lol. gaining/losing 40elo per match is obviously very volatile and you should only be celebrating milestones after grinding those +12 elo games. | ||
United States33802 Posts
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United States5348 Posts
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United States27922 Posts
On December 24 2012 03:51 barbsq wrote: i feel like i am completely missing some aspect of the game, and won't win games until i figure it out and fix it. you have to kill the enemy nexus | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
HELL YEA Tried building Locket first and Randuins first, Randuins is just so goddamn godlike because your W gives it like 1.2 more seconds when you use it, not to mention you scale really well with the hp and the armor too kinda. Locket is good because Locket OP naturally. Start Machete+5, then Spirit Stone, boots1, Flask. Rammus has godlike initiation and probably the best innate survivability of all champions in the game (120 armor+mres, gl killing that LOL). Haven't tried building all that much damage, probably not the best idea unless you get fed. Most likely sunfire or zeal would be best. | ||
United States2205 Posts
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9871 Posts
On December 24 2012 03:51 barbsq wrote: i feel like i am completely missing some aspect of the game, and won't win games until i figure it out and fix it. Quick checklist as of this patch: are you buying bottle? How many wards have you got down? Does your build include penetration items + lw/void, or sunfire/locket/bulwark if tanky? If you are a ranged autoattacker that doesn't waste 40 ap, have you got gauntlet? | ||
France45622 Posts
On December 24 2012 03:46 TSBspartacus wrote: I like when you Q into the wraith camp, get behind them and they group up right in front for one auto on the big wraith with E to clear the camp in one go. Her W makes golems and bid buffs a piece of cake too. Having trouble getting into team fights with her though, I just get stunned during my ultimate and slowed and kited, or if I try to get away after ultimate I am stuck since the q can't go through champs though. I think building atmogs is one of the best ways to go since her damage is unreliable since you have to really stick to the enemy, and her base DMV is decently high. Her ganks are godlike though, ultimate to start off then Q them back into your laners range for a quick kill. One other great thing I found about her jungle is that if you get the camps low enough and know your Q damage well enough you can Q out of the camp through a wall, finishing off the camp you were in and landing right in front of the next camp, making the clear time really fast. Atmogs too long to farm to get any relevance. Bulwark is a pretty well-rounded item out of the jungle, and randuin's with its mix of HP and armor plus the active is perfect for a champ who wants to dive in, deal with the focus and get out alive. Good MR options are the bulwark and wit's end (Smash made a pretty sensible argument on the ramp-up time of her W, and hexdrinker is low on MR and none of the negatron items really benefit her). Good offensive items are mallet (if you want to use your belt for something else than randuin's, or you have trouble sticking to someone like Vayne, Nidalee, etc. and you lack cdr for more Qs) or BC (your E can apply it to multiple targets, you get some health out of it, some CDR, and you the Armor Reduction/ArPen parts may help you more than AD to get your W procs on bruisers). You need some tankiness because often you'll need to Q->ult on target rather than be able to ult them immediatly, and you'll need some tankiness on top of your shield. I've tried the AS/AD rune page and it makes your clears fast while still retaining some extra damage, but the lack of MS quints makes itself felt pretty hard in long engagements or against mobile champions (chased a Mundo with level 5 Qs but that wasn't enough to compensate his base MS beating mine). Maybe I'll try swifties sometimes, but tabi or mercs are often needed. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
On December 24 2012 04:13 Kouda wrote: I remember ppl theorycrafting about rammus top with pd. was hilarious. Teutonica (Slayer91) was a firm believer in Wriggle/PD/atmogs on Rammus before the nerfs/changes. And I think anyone who actually tried the build would be able to assert its viability. I never saw any theorycrafting of top Rammus though? | ||
Sweden1908 Posts
On December 24 2012 04:45 EquilasH wrote: Teutonica (Slayer91) was a firm believer in Wriggle/PD/atmogs on Rammus before the nerfs/changes. And I think anyone who actually tried the build would be able to assert its viability. I never saw any theorycrafting of top Rammus though? PD is a beast item on anyone with high AD, and rammus gets AD from building tanky. Same deal with Mundo. If you get shitloads of free AD -> build attackspeed and/or crit. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On December 24 2012 04:50 zodde wrote: PD is a beast item on anyone with high AD, and rammus gets AD from building tanky. Same deal with Mundo. If you get shitloads of free AD -> build attackspeed and/or crit. Generally though you're not going to build anything after the PD for damage. If it were PD IE I would agree in a heartbeat, but PD by itself probably adds about the same amount of damage as a wits end with less MR, and a slightly higher cost. On December 24 2012 04:11 Scip wrote: Rammus has godlike initiation and probably the best innate survivability of all champions in the game (120 armor+mres, gl killing that LOL). Haven't tried building all that much damage, probably not the best idea unless you get fed. Most likely sunfire or zeal would be best. Alistar is definitely tankier while his ult is up. And since most Rammus don't max W there's a long period where Rammus can't tank very well. | ||
Canada2822 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On December 24 2012 05:22 XenOmega wrote: Seeing wickd play Zed makes that champ looks like OP -.- I guess you didn't see scarra abusing Zed during the MLG Prizefight (?). | ||
United States47024 Posts
On December 24 2012 04:45 EquilasH wrote: Teutonica (Slayer91) was a firm believer in Wriggle/PD/atmogs on Rammus before the nerfs/changes. And I think anyone who actually tried the build would be able to assert its viability. I never saw any theorycrafting of top Rammus though? PD Rammus was a big thing during S1, when it was much more popular to give junglers the amount of farm necessary to support such a build. You need to finish all the items for the build to really come together, and you need to get them early enough for them to make a difference. It's neither sensible nor sustainable to play such a build on the meager levels of farm that junglers are forced to get in the S2/S3 jungle. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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