On November 27 2012 16:57 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2012 16:30 Sufficiency wrote: I thought it was impossible to get chat in the replays, due to some sort of oddity. I recall there were some discussion on the lolreplay forum about it. Oh, damn T_T thanks. Show nested quote +On November 27 2012 16:53 wei2coolman wrote: WTF? St.V maxes E first on Lee Sin jungle? I've always thought it was always Q max first. wtf? It's become the norm ever since Chauster started dominating with it. E>W>Q. I still max Q>W>E because the cooldown on Q is the only one that goes down but his method is not bad at all. Hmm, interesting. I'm gunna have to try this out, IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE.
On November 27 2012 12:47 wei2coolman wrote: Wells that's interesting, St.V thinks Link115 is the best AP mid in NA. I haven't really seen that much of link's play, but interesting assessment from St.V.
I'd agree with that, him and Pobelter are the best
ofc as long as Froggen terrorizes NA Solo Q he's da best
whatever happened to Grandjudge?
guys i have limited rune pages and i really cant decide which blues use on my APC mids, im torn between ap/lvl or flat mr, any opinions which ones are overall better?
MR for trading, ap/lvl for clearing/poking.
On November 27 2012 15:19 OutlaW- wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2012 14:38 justiceknight wrote: does any1 has a video tutorial that teaches u how to CS like a boss? I always see progamers' have very good farm like the value of CS is more than the game timer (eg: 200 cs in 20 mins) i really dont understand what part of CSing needs a tutorial, it's simply a mechanic that you need to practice for yourself. If you're talking about farming in general, then try not to miss any waves by pushing your lane into the enemy's turret before doing other stuff like roaming or basing. The reason good mid laners consistently have 200 creeps in 20 minutes is because they take a wraith/wolf camp after pushing the wave. I'm not sure about the numbers exactly but I think like 230~ creeps spawn in 20 minutes, so you're still able to roam a little bit. Just push the wave and farm the jungler while you're not losing anything. Of course, often it's much better to just go gank a lane instead of farming a wraith, which is one of the reasons why you don't always see this numbers in soloq. For top lanerz, it's when they aren't forced to take the other guy's turret or to help their team, so they just stay top lane all day and farm. This isn't always (often actually) the best course of action so I advise comparing creep scores to your opponent, not some random number Also, I can't watch riven because he's only 14. I don't feel when when someone this young is better at the game than me. :x There is a LOT to learn about CSing, it's completely different depending on what lane you're in. Wave control and zoning and harassing are really, really important, more so than just last hitting, and that's all a part of CSing IMO.
hmm i figure some people might be talking about the new stuff in this thread? idk .. i figure i would post what i think about mikael's crucible in here? in spoiler:
+ Show Spoiler +Why is crucible made out of chalice and mana crystal ? O.O
it seems to cross niches very hard. It has an active which seems like the ultimate go-to late game support item, but builds out of a niche mana item for supports ?
I get chalice when i have mana problems as support. having an upgraded chalice seems great idea because i often feel unsavory buying chalice now on live cause i could use that item to get much better use from shurelias, or something like locket.
The builds are very conflicting, If i want mana i get chalice, if i want to protect ADC i want the active. These have two very distinct and different situations. I feel like either im gonna get chalice and not even think about cruicble till late, or just buy crucible straight up late game. its not something like the current emblem of valor --> aegis, where im like "oo i can get a valor to start, keep that armor and HP regen for nice lane phase, then build that later into an aegis, and then keep that till we get into large aoe teamfights and upgrade it again!"
instead its like "oh im sona, i keep running out of mana! ill get a chalice + aegis + mercs to go tanky-sona ! .. oh i guess ill get this crucible since its late game??" or "oh its late game, i need a crucible! i guess ill buy it simply for the active"
As of my recent support games on PBE idk if its cause pbe is bad players = more kills/assists = more gold, or if its cause the new items cost less but ive been ending games with 5-6 items VERY often. I think having a high tier item like cruible built out of high cost things such as maybe a giants belt or a cotex or wardens mail or glacial shroud or something would be pretty cool - not out of a chalice .
i just imagine feeling like **** when i buy this item on alistar or something since im a "protect carry" support yet ali should never run out of mana later game lol >_<.
I can see how that's kind of at cross purposes, because you wouldn't want to buy a niche stat on a hero it doesn't do much for when you're trying to get an item for it's utility. You do run into a problem, though, where if you never put niche stats on major utility items heroes that need those niche stats have restricted access to items with utility. for example, suppose none of the support items involved paying for mana regen. Leona and ali might benefit, but suddenly sona is screwed. Now suppose half of them do, you're just moving the scale back and forth.
If anyone has insight into dota costing I wonder how they deal with this, since generally itemization is a lot better in that game. The utility seems to be extremely dominant over stats on them (for example force staff costs like 2200 but only gives something like 1k worth of int as far as stats as I recall) but I really don't know what the math is like.
TIL silsol is 15 years old what the fuck is with these kids being so good at this game
On November 27 2012 20:46 OutlaW- wrote: TIL silsol is 15 years old what the fuck is with these kids being so good at this game TIL OutlaW- has the most awesome summoner name EU. Would not have argued with you about late game Lee if I had known before. Seriously, I fell in love with it. Wanna duo? <3 <3 <3
Also, SilSols AMA is probably the biggest waste of reddit bandwidth ever. And that says a lot about HOW bad it really is.
actually that somethingoutlaw in LP is an imposter
On November 27 2012 20:35 UniversalSnip wrote: I can see how that's kind of at cross purposes, because you wouldn't want to buy a niche stat on a hero it doesn't do much for when you're trying to get an item for it's utility. You do run into a problem, though, where if you never put niche stats on major utility items heroes that need those niche stats have restricted access to items with utility. for example, suppose none of the support items involved paying for mana regen. Leona and ali might benefit, but suddenly sona is screwed. Now suppose half of them do, you're just moving the scale back and forth.
If anyone has insight into dota costing I wonder how they deal with this, since generally itemization is a lot better in that game. The utility seems to be extremely dominant over stats on them (for example force staff costs like 2200 but only gives something like 1k worth of int as far as stats as I recall) but I really don't know what the math is like.
yea i just think like the active should more accurately correspond with the stats. so like if i was looking to build something out of chalice, i think of something more oriented to spammy type supports.
i wrote this as kinda follow up:
+ Show Spoiler +idk i think it would be cool if the chalice item built into something that rewarded high casting supports, like lulu, soraka, janna, and esp sona [nami?]. maybe something like guinsoo rageblade esque where you cast more and more spells and it stacks up giving you something, even if it was just mana regen or something to synergize with the "chalice" niche.
or even something better like a cast based statikk's shiv, where after like 5 casts or something your next ally targeted spell shoots a healing wave or something. or after 5 casts the next cast is 25% quicker cd. or after casting 10 times you can active the item for a "casting frenzy" where your spells have -10% cd for next 5 sec, like a ghostblade for supports!
i think with the inclusion of like melee only and ranged only items riot wouldnt be against items which proc based on ally targeted spells ?
i understand that riot doesnt want to make oto many "passive interaction" items like auras etc., as they've been moving most support items to active items, but I think they have almost oversaturated it as often i have 4-5 activatable items at the end of a game, i think that an impactful interaction - but not active would be cool, something like a "every x times you do y" or just a "when this condition, this special interaction happens", even if it was like "you get more mana regen if you are around your teammates!"
So you're not the NOTORIOUS Outlaw? FML, that honestly made my pretty shitty day.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On November 27 2012 20:48 Shiv. wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2012 20:46 OutlaW- wrote: TIL silsol is 15 years old what the fuck is with these kids being so good at this game TIL OutlaW- has the most awesome summoner name EU. Would not have argued with you about late game Lee if I had known before. Seriously, I fell in love with it. Wanna duo? <3 <3 <3 Also, SilSols AMA is probably the biggest waste of reddit bandwidth ever. And that says a lot about HOW bad it really is. QFT. Probably one of the least informative AMAs ever done. SilSol answers like 0 questions that are actually useful. Just answers stuff like "Why do people hate you" with "Because I feed".
Well no shit, we all knew that.
lol yall mad he said he go sleep and answer shit tomorrowz besides, reddit is a content aggregator if people didnt want the post to be visible or if they didnt like it, they would downvote so that others wouldnt see it alas people dont share your opinion (i.e. yall in the minority) and so the post is at the front page
On November 27 2012 21:04 OutlaW- wrote: lol yall mad he said he go sleep and answer shit tomorrowz besides, reddit is a content aggregator if people didnt want the post to be visible or if they didnt like it, they would downvote so that others wouldnt see it alas people dont share your opinion (i.e. yall in the minority) and so the post is at the front page Considering how /r/leagueoflegends currently is as big a clusterfuck as GD, I'm really happy to be in the minority.
On November 27 2012 16:27 HazMat wrote: Yo how do I fix not having chat in my replays? Resetting the chatbox .ini file didn't work. I'm talking about the observer replays that are supposed to show All chat, not the first person replays.
There's two basic things you need to do first to get all chat on, first is click the eye at the bottom left and make sure show chat is checked, and the second thing is going to options->more options, one of the options is Show All Chat and make sure that is checked too.
Have you done that yet?
On November 27 2012 20:59 spellsy wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2012 20:35 UniversalSnip wrote: I can see how that's kind of at cross purposes, because you wouldn't want to buy a niche stat on a hero it doesn't do much for when you're trying to get an item for it's utility. You do run into a problem, though, where if you never put niche stats on major utility items heroes that need those niche stats have restricted access to items with utility. for example, suppose none of the support items involved paying for mana regen. Leona and ali might benefit, but suddenly sona is screwed. Now suppose half of them do, you're just moving the scale back and forth.
If anyone has insight into dota costing I wonder how they deal with this, since generally itemization is a lot better in that game. The utility seems to be extremely dominant over stats on them (for example force staff costs like 2200 but only gives something like 1k worth of int as far as stats as I recall) but I really don't know what the math is like. yea i just think like the active should more accurately correspond with the stats. so like if i was looking to build something out of chalice, i think of something more oriented to spammy type supports. i wrote this as kinda follow up: + Show Spoiler +idk i think it would be cool if the chalice item built into something that rewarded high casting supports, like lulu, soraka, janna, and esp sona [nami?]. maybe something like guinsoo rageblade esque where you cast more and more spells and it stacks up giving you something, even if it was just mana regen or something to synergize with the "chalice" niche.
or even something better like a cast based statikk's shiv, where after like 5 casts or something your next ally targeted spell shoots a healing wave or something. or after 5 casts the next cast is 25% quicker cd. or after casting 10 times you can active the item for a "casting frenzy" where your spells have -10% cd for next 5 sec, like a ghostblade for supports!
i think with the inclusion of like melee only and ranged only items riot wouldnt be against items which proc based on ally targeted spells ?
i understand that riot doesnt want to make oto many "passive interaction" items like auras etc., as they've been moving most support items to active items, but I think they have almost oversaturated it as often i have 4-5 activatable items at the end of a game, i think that an impactful interaction - but not active would be cool, something like a "every x times you do y" or just a "when this condition, this special interaction happens", even if it was like "you get more mana regen if you are around your teammates!"
Crucible's active has a 180s cooldown, and it'd be hard to balance such a large active effect with some kind of passive activation condition ("every 25 spell casts, your next ally-targeted spell cleanses"?) It's the perfect kind of active -- it can swing the outcome of a teamfight, but if you don't use it effectively, you're gimped for the next 3 minutes. I imagine they came up with the active first and then thought up of an item to put it on. The real question isn't "what is a better active/passive to put on a chalice upgrade" but rather "what base stats would make more sense to put this active on". And those base stats can't be too good, or else the active is way too overpowered (see: 5x GA teams in s2), and the stats should be something that supports would like, but not other classes.