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United States37500 Posts
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Czech Republic5053 Posts
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Hungary900 Posts
On November 26 2012 11:18 OutlaW- wrote: You have my permission to complain about somebody being imbalanced if A. you're a pro or at least playing with pros, or B. you're able to abuse said imbalance to carry yourself preferably with proof Actually, balancing a game where millions of people play can not be solved by balancing to pro level. LoL is thankfully not that game where everywhere is a wannabe pro, so you have to make the plays enjoyable for them (and i think its successful so far). | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
The only low-level balancing that should be done is making very easy/boring/toxic champs not viable. | ||
Germany2182 Posts
On November 26 2012 18:32 seRapH wrote: What side were you? How you play bot lane differs drastically depending. If you're blue side you can just push shove the lane into tower and go back for doubles, rinse and repeat. Purple side you won't have the luxury of doubles, so it's often safer to not pressure tower (especially against alistar for god's sake). We were purple side, so we couldn't farm golems. On November 26 2012 18:51 LaNague wrote: 1 ward is not enough against the mummy, he can spider from everywhere. you could have asked your jungler to countergank while you were still ahead. Our jungler was busy to argue with Morde, who was mid. He fed a kill on accident during a gank and after that Morde harassed him verbally the entire time. The enemy was winning mid and top, so he basically had the luxury of just camping us, while our rammus was trying to help mid/top. I went exhaust because I wanted to duel Trist, but yeah going exhaust against trist/ali/mumu is borderline retarded, so definitely something to change next time. I also didn't build a QSS... hmmm... Just so that I don't look like a complete idiot. My final score was 17/7, despite my team losing in the end. I was effective later in the teamfights. I just got the feeling, that if I would have managed to shut down Trist in lane somehow, we could have turned it. | ||
England1046 Posts
Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/13rlpl/congratulaions_you_have_proven_to_be_one_of_the/c76tb3y | ||
Sweden238 Posts
On November 26 2012 19:53 BlueSpace wrote: We were purple side, so we couldn't farm golems. Our jungler was busy to argue with Morde, who was mid. He fed a kill on accident during a gank and after that Morde harassed him verbally the entire time. The enemy was winning mid and top, so he basically had the luxury of just camping us, while our rammus was trying to help mid/top. I went exhaust because I wanted to duel Trist, but yeah going exhaust against trist/ali/mumu is borderline retarded, so definitely something to change next time. I also didn't build a QSS... hmmm... Just so that I don't look like a complete idiot. My final score was 17/7, despite my team losing in the end. I was effective later in the teamfights. I just got the feeling, that if I would have managed to shut down Trist in lane somehow, we could have turned it. To be fair Cleanse doesn't really do all that much against Alistar and Tristanas kit. Their knockups and knockbacks are largely unaffected by CC reduction (the only thing you can cleanse is the small 0.5 second stun at the end of Alistars pulverize). Cleanse would still have been useful against Exhaust, Ignite and Amumu however. | ||
Canada1349 Posts
On November 26 2012 19:20 shinarit wrote: Actually, balancing a game where millions of people play can not be solved by balancing to pro level. LoL is thankfully not that game where everywhere is a wannabe pro, so you have to make the plays enjoyable for them (and i think its successful so far). Yeah, that's pretty much the whole point of draft mode. Balance an imbalanced game by letting the players make strategic bans and counterpicks. It's sort of like map picks in Starcraft. | ||
Japan107 Posts
So are there any factors you consider when picking a jungler like 'first pick / last pick / etc.' or overall 'tank/initiating power of your team' in soloq? Is having a tanky bruiser top such as Darius and support Blitz/Leona in your team enough to justify picking an assassin in jungle or should I only pick them when our top laner picks Malph or Cho? Also taking into consideration that I won't go full class cannon and maybe build an early GA (at the 25 minute mark) and/or a hexdrinker unless I'm getting fed. Guess I have to start learning jungle Jax / Rengar, assuming the season 3 jungle revamp won't change anything. ._." | ||
France8631 Posts
On November 26 2012 20:49 xPulsAr wrote: Anybody here who mains squishy junglers / assassins in the jungle such as Diana, Kha'Zix, ...? Every time I pick Shaco or another squishy jungler in soloq someone in my team starts to rage/qq, telling me to pick a tank/initiator. So are there any factors you consider when picking a jungler like 'first pick / last pick / etc.' or overall 'tank/initiating power of your team' in soloq? Is having a tanky bruiser top such as Darius and support Blitz/Leona in your team enough to justify picking an assassin in jungle or should I only pick them when our top laner picks Malph or Cho? Also taking into consideration that I won't go full class cannon and maybe build an early GA (at the 25 minute mark) and/or a hexdrinker unless I'm getting fed. Guess I have to start learning jungle Jax / Rengar, assuming the season 3 jungle revamp won't change anything. ._." Best thing with people whining for stupid things is to /ignore them from the start. | ||
United States9965 Posts
On November 26 2012 20:57 mr_tolkien wrote: Best thing with people whining for stupid things is to /ignore them from the start. Its not really a stupid thing, and ignoring for constructive criticism is really silly. When I have one of the first picks, I elect to play what I want and let the team accommodate that. Later picks I do the same for them and see what's needed from the jungle. I don't think it needs to be a Malph or Cho or a tank type top to play an assassin. I think a big bruiser fits that role to enable you too, or a Leona/Taric/Blitz support. If its a Teemo top, and a lulu support, you'll want to play a big jungler. Basically if your team lacks an initiator then you fill that role from the jungle. | ||
Netherlands1821 Posts
On November 26 2012 21:16 Irave wrote: Its not really a stupid thing, and ignoring for constructive criticism is really silly. When I have one of the first picks, I elect to play what I want and let the team accommodate that. Later picks I do the same for them and see what's needed from the jungle. I don't think it needs to be a Malph or Cho or a tank type top to play an assassin. I think a big bruiser fits that role to enable you too, or a Leona/Taric/Blitz support. If its a Teemo top, and a lulu support, you'll want to play a big jungler. Basically if your team lacks an initiator then you fill that role from the jungle. Completely agree; if you're one of the first picks you have a free range of choice, the later picks will have to pick in a manner that completes the team (unless ofcourse certain late picks were specified ahead of time). | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On November 26 2012 22:08 Keniji wrote: Lately I often ended with 2 def items on carries. Usually because I have to get qss or at least a negatron kinda early because mid fed and GA is just too good to not get. In soloQ where everyone dives the carries and nobody protect it feels so strong. seems like it'd gimp your power in comparison to the other AD who isnt building defense outside of ga | ||
Sweden4641 Posts
On November 26 2012 20:26 Twinmold wrote: To be fair Cleanse doesn't really do all that much against Alistar and Tristanas kit. Their knockups and knockbacks are largely unaffected by CC reduction (the only thing you can cleanse is the small 0.5 second stun at the end of Alistars pulverize). Cleanse would still have been useful against Exhaust, Ignite and Amumu however. It does help vs ignite damage, and force the alistar to commit more in an amumu gank, if amumu hits bandage toss you cleanse that and you get reduced cc from ulti, this helps a ton as Alistar is to squishy to stay close to vayne when its just a 2v2 tug of war. | ||
335 Posts
On November 26 2012 18:21 Caphe wrote: Watching DL and Locodoco practice bot lane is so painful, they want to make the play so much that it backfire them in almost every encounter. DL is bad at decision making but usually blame Loco for it, lol. i think its kinda funny, i like doublelift and think hes great at teamfighting but its even more obvious now how much chauster carried them in laning phase | ||
United States9965 Posts
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United States13738 Posts
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France3460 Posts
On November 26 2012 20:49 xPulsAr wrote: Anybody here who mains squishy junglers / assassins in the jungle such as Diana, Kha'Zix, ...? Every time I pick Shaco or another squishy jungler in soloq someone in my team starts to rage/qq, telling me to pick a tank/initiator. So are there any factors you consider when picking a jungler like 'first pick / last pick / etc.' or overall 'tank/initiating power of your team' in soloq? Is having a tanky bruiser top such as Darius and support Blitz/Leona in your team enough to justify picking an assassin in jungle or should I only pick them when our top laner picks Malph or Cho? Also taking into consideration that I won't go full class cannon and maybe build an early GA (at the 25 minute mark) and/or a hexdrinker unless I'm getting fed. Guess I have to start learning jungle Jax / Rengar, assuming the season 3 jungle revamp won't change anything. ._." ask your support to pick lulu, or/and your mid to pick oriana champions with gapclosers and either of those 2 makes crazy iniciation | ||
Netherlands4730 Posts
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