On November 26 2012 22:33 Sermokala wrote: the problem with the relationships of bot lane is that one guy has to be the play maker and the other has to be the guy who follows up on the plays. I think CLG got 2 play makers and its really hurting their chemistry.
Yeah I think that works the best. I remember doing twitch/fiddle with Monte and it was wonderful, follow his lead the whole game and get the free kills because fiddle fear lasts ten years.
United States37500 Posts
With how Bot lane is design, it feels more appropriate to have the Support take the lead and initiate/make calls. Of course there are pairs that are ADC dominate, like aphro/muffin, but for the majority, Support will make the first move.
i dunno, i've watched almost all of their recent games and its been kind of shocking to me how badly loco has done so far as support. mainly a lot of teamfights or exchanges botlane he will not even use his exhaust and/or ult because hes trying to save it for the perfect time isntead of just using it
hes overall a good player so I think he will eventually be good at support but its just kind of surprising how much he has struggled early
Yea I was watching Rhux play and he would do things like instantly use exhaust if it was a tight situation. Loco just doesn't use his spells and it's surprising a guy with less experience can. I dunno loco is just not looking like a good player lately. Hopefully he can pick it up.
It's been a while, but if I remember right Chauster looked out of place on support for only a very short period of time when he first switched to the role, and within months he was dominating. I don't know if Chauster has been coaching loco or not but it really is weird how long it's taking loco to adjust.
Also basic things supportwise seem to be lost on loco so far. Seen him duo with Doublelift earlier and he didnt go aggresive lvl1 with lulu vs a nunu who went bloodboil lvl1... thats basic knowledge for a support if you ask me...
On November 26 2012 22:08 Keniji wrote: Lately I often ended with 2 def items on carries. Usually because I have to get qss or at least a negatron kinda early because mid fed and GA is just too good to not get. In soloQ where everyone dives the carries and nobody protect it feels so strong.
I can kinda relate with some of what you're saying. I've been playing lots of AD lately, and getting a negatron when u sit on BT/IE and zeal/PD isn't the worst of ideas. I usually just end up selling it to get GA later on, because i run cleanse in almost all situations except versus blitz, then i just run heal. Don't get 2 defensive items though, you will have to sacrifice either BT, which is both an offensive and defensive item choice, or IE (assuming you rushed BT -> PD -> LW).
On November 26 2012 23:08 NeoIllusions wrote: With how Bot lane is design, it feels more appropriate to have the Support take the lead and initiate/make calls. Of course there are pairs that are ADC dominate, like aphro/muffin, but for the majority, Support will make the first move.
This seems even more true with the new aggressive supports like Zyra. After seeing one of the Asian teams running Zyra support nonstop I tried it out- it feels amazing, can even start philo/kages into Rylais and DFG along with your build from all the gold you'll be getting with assists and whatnot.
On November 26 2012 23:34 Sandster wrote: It's been a while, but if I remember right Chauster looked out of place on support for only a very short period of time when he first switched to the role, and within months he was dominating. I don't know if Chauster has been coaching loco or not but it really is weird how long it's taking loco to adjust.
nah Chauster never struggled but he had experience since he has always played all the roles. back before the AD/support meta he would play janna or morg bot a lot in the old meta. they struggled a little at first because doublelift just wanted to farm when chauster wanted to play aggressive though
On November 27 2012 00:00 adriftt wrote:Show nested quote +On November 26 2012 23:34 Sandster wrote: It's been a while, but if I remember right Chauster looked out of place on support for only a very short period of time when he first switched to the role, and within months he was dominating. I don't know if Chauster has been coaching loco or not but it really is weird how long it's taking loco to adjust. nah Chauster never struggled but he had experience since he has always played all the roles. back before the AD/support meta he would play janna or morg bot a lot in the old meta. they struggled a little at first because doublelift just wanted to farm when chauster wanted to play aggressive though
I played against a Morg/Blitz kill lane the other day and it was awwwwwful. I'm not the greatest player in history, but fuck, that lane SUCKED.
Talking about bot kill lane, would leona/panth be a viable cheese? I'm thinking panth can stun then turn on his sprinklers, while leona immediately follows up with shield, gap closer, then stun. Not 100% sure but nearing the end of the combo, leona's shield should break on the opponent in time for panth's q after 1-2 aa's.
Yes, Leona+Panth/Jarvan are very scary kill lane combos.
On November 26 2012 23:59 Crownlol wrote:Show nested quote +On November 26 2012 23:08 NeoIllusions wrote: With how Bot lane is design, it feels more appropriate to have the Support take the lead and initiate/make calls. Of course there are pairs that are ADC dominate, like aphro/muffin, but for the majority, Support will make the first move. This seems even more true with the new aggressive supports like Zyra. After seeing one of the Asian teams running Zyra support nonstop I tried it out- it feels amazing, can even start philo/kages into Rylais and DFG along with your build from all the gold you'll be getting with assists and whatnot. If by feels amazing you mean is completely silly... She has more CC than Leona, it's all ranged, and she does way more damage than said Leona. Superior bush control. Ridiculous, someone tell me why she isn't going to get nerfed?
On November 27 2012 00:17 billy5000 wrote: Talking about bot kill lane, would leona/panth be a viable cheese? I'm thinking panth can stun then turn on his sprinklers, while leona immediately follows up with shield, gap closer, then stun. Not 100% sure but nearing the end of the combo, leona's shield should break on the opponent in time for panth's q after 1-2 aa's. Leona/Panth and Leona/Jarvan are pretty standard kill lanes.
In solo queue play, realistically any dual bruiser (or bruiser/tanky support) bot should completely trash a standard AD/Support lane, since most ADs in lower ELOs don't know how to just play passive and farm from a distance. A lot of times they'll try to fight or harass, only to get dunked repeatedly since they don't realize they're not doing any damage to you in lower levels without items. It stops working as AD/Supports get better and they just outfarm/outscale (likely with jungle pressure as well), at which point you don't have an AD.
One of the better ones in that regard is going Jayce/Leona bot lane, playing aggressive bruiser style, and then building him like an AD - BT/IE/TF in whatever order - which he can fill not great, but better than someone like Panth or Jarvan. You really need your support to go along with it, and it kind of fails if you don't get at least a couple kills early, but it's a good cheese if you can pull it off.
On November 26 2012 23:46 nafta wrote:Hello srry for being annoying but do you consider this: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/tribunal/en/case/448423/ warning worthy?5 reports for 5 games(which most of them were like 2 months ago but w/e).Other than the first game I didn't even say anythin fo realzies. You deserve the warning. You called them shit AD and trash. Even if it was only one game, I would still punish since that kind of attitude is so toxic and really not nice for others to have to deal with.
On November 27 2012 00:24 Inschato wrote:Show nested quote +On November 26 2012 23:59 Crownlol wrote:On November 26 2012 23:08 NeoIllusions wrote: With how Bot lane is design, it feels more appropriate to have the Support take the lead and initiate/make calls. Of course there are pairs that are ADC dominate, like aphro/muffin, but for the majority, Support will make the first move. This seems even more true with the new aggressive supports like Zyra. After seeing one of the Asian teams running Zyra support nonstop I tried it out- it feels amazing, can even start philo/kages into Rylais and DFG along with your build from all the gold you'll be getting with assists and whatnot. If by feels amazing you mean is completely silly... She has more CC than Leona, it's all ranged, and she does way more damage than said Leona. Superior bush control. Ridiculous, someone tell me why she isn't going to get nerfed? Riot likes champions playing multiple roles.
+ Show Spoiler +Unless it's a support playing anything but support.
Speaking of which, how do you exactly deal with a kill lane combo in terms of our timing window (as standard adc+support)? I'm usually playing aggressive supports and I've had some bad experience with playing aggressive early on. But usually how long do I have to be passive? I've had a couple of games when I thought we played passively for longer than we should have.
On November 26 2012 23:46 nafta wrote:Hello srry for being annoying but do you consider this: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/tribunal/en/case/448423/ warning worthy?5 reports for 5 games(which most of them were like 2 months ago but w/e).Other than the first game I didn't even say anythin fo realzies. I would have punished for the first two games and it's irrelevant if any other games in the report are punishable or not. A player only needs one punish-worthy game to be punished.