On October 29 2012 12:55 foxj wrote: hotshot still in CLG? dude tbh, i heard of that he is unremoveable from the lineup, isnt he?
Considering that he is the founder of CLG, yes, there would have to happen something huge to get him out of the lineup.
Phreak handing out some really really useful information right now on stream lol
Okay, I overreacted to the patch notes. Ezreal still seems to be good after the patch.
That underworld TF skin looks pretty beast.
Locodoco's stream is still listed as locicero. Can someone change that, it's really annoying.
On October 29 2012 13:05 arb wrote: That underworld TF skin looks pretty beast.
After they completely messed up his new look, it better had to be.
11589 Posts
Loco and Double owning up their bot lane this game
On October 29 2012 12:57 Morfildur wrote:
Considering that he is the founder of CLG, yes, there would have to happen something huge to get him out of the lineup.
On October 29 2012 12:56 Amethyst21 wrote:
Not sure if i'm getting trolled, but Hotshot is the owner of CLG, so the only person to remove Hotshot from the team...is going to be Hotshot.
Thanks u guys i got it =) I mean removable in the line-up, not the team ( He is better to be manager or coach imo )
chauster said in an AMA that he trusts hotshot more than voyboy
he also said that if he was to make a 3v3 team it would be him, 2xlift and hotshot
A lot of us seem to think hsgg is bad but in the end it's not our opinion that matters, and it's also not like hsgg is unilaterally keeping himself on the team.
Watch CLG scrim on locodoco's stream, i like how he makes most of the calls already and the others are starting to follow. CLG snowballed nicely that last game, while they were saying it's something they're bad at not so long ago..
Loco looking like a good pickup already, this actually might have been a good move for CLG.
Me and my duo buddy gonna show Chauster and Hotshot how to play Jungle + Top in duo queue.
No apparently the team imploded on itself all by themselves. literaly before all the drama started coming out about the team they just up and split and didn't want anything to do with eachother.
On October 29 2012 13:41 Anakko wrote: Watch CLG scrim on locodoco's stream, i like how he makes most of the calls already and the others are starting to follow. CLG snowballed nicely that last game, while they were saying it's something they're bad at not so long ago..
Loco looking like a good pickup already, this actually might have been a good move for CLG.
Yes, Locodoco is doing a good job calling shots. However, my concern is that this might run into HSGGs ego sooner or later and cause some more drama. He has a completely different gameplay mentality than the rest of CLG.na which can be good for the team but people in general don't like being wrong and being called out on that.
United States23745 Posts
Watching Phreak compile his notes for MLG Dallas is really interesting. Kind of cool to get the behind the scenes look at his prep.
True about the different mentality, duoing with 2lift, he's like corki or graves? 2lift was "my graves less good". So loco goes ok then, graves it is, you need the practice...
2lift was like waaat.... and ended up playing corki rofl
Loco slipping "imba" on stream. Brings me back ;;
Anyone else think teemo is really good on the new treeline since his shrooms can act as ward?
On October 29 2012 13:48 nosliw wrote: who are you playing? blind monk