On July 28 2012 07:10 Ferrose wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 06:49 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: what's your problem with it? seems to be effective in controlling her lane strength early game without needing to itemize cdr lategame to be effective That's the point, she doesn't have to itemize it. She gets a Frozen Heart's worth of CDR for free. She doesn't have to spend gold on it, doesn't have to use an item slot, doesn't have to allocate masteries or runes, nothing. No other champion even comes close to that >.>
On July 28 2012 06:34 Requizen wrote: I feel like I'm the only nerd in the world who never got into Magic. My friends and I did WH40k instead.
Not the only one, The Emperor Protects. My knowledge of Magic the Gathering is playing it's first pc game for a week and a ESPN2 Tournament I watched once. *shrug*
I would not really call it "free", since levelling w does not really give any other benefit except a small reduction of cd on plants, which is pretty underwhelming for a skillpoint. Now compare this to ryze, who only gets 10%, but gets them really for free because they are on his main nuke, which you will always skill.
She might or might not be too strong at the moment, but having cdr on her w as a passive is not the problem, levelling a skill should provide some sort of benefit, and without the cdr levelling w would barely do anything at all. Sure, they could have done something else with it, but i don't really see having a lot of free cdr as fundamentally wrong.
On July 28 2012 07:24 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 07:10 Ferrose wrote:On July 28 2012 06:49 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: what's your problem with it? seems to be effective in controlling her lane strength early game without needing to itemize cdr lategame to be effective That's the point, she doesn't have to itemize it. She gets a Frozen Heart's worth of CDR for free. She doesn't have to spend gold on it, doesn't have to use an item slot, doesn't have to allocate masteries or runes, nothing. No other champion even comes close to that >.> heimer tf also gets a free 15% cdr with 15% as and a damage proc too
I have been gone for a long time. What are top ad carries right now?
On July 28 2012 07:12 Vaporized wrote: why is viktor not played in pro games u guys think? he has decent zoning ability with his w and his ult is so strong. a lot of teams go for midgame comps and viktor just owns midgame.
is it because of the augment taking up a spot? getting 30% damage on your strongest spell and 90 ap (i think its 90 at lvl 18) isnt bad.
Minimal utility and no mobility. If you look at the current meta of mid champs, burst mages are seldom played. Viktor has one of the strongest bursts for a mid in the game, his problem is usually trying to get it off. Unless you augment his w, his only form of cc(outside of the half second silence on ult) has pathetic range. Annie outclasses him in the burst+utility purely because of her passive. Flash>ult stun is instant death to a lot of AP mids, and its devastating in a teamfight.
His augment does cause him to be less powerful than most mids come late game. Which augment you take depends on what you're looking for. If you want to kite someone like Garen or Olaf, augmenting q wouldn't be a bad idea. If I don't need to worry about shoving a lane, I will usually take w as my augment for the longer range and CDR. If I find mid to be nothing but a farm matchup (morde, malzahar, bird) then I augment e.
His overall range is pretty bad. Laser is one of the longest range spells in the game, but his q and ult have no range. However, if you do manage to slip in near a carry, you can usually count on killing them, or at the very least, shoving them out of the fight.
Graves, Ezreal, Corki all seem to be quite popular as of late however you still see plenty of Kog'maw and Vayne. This is speaking strictly in scrims/tournies I watch. Not a lot of Trist/Ashe/Miss Fortune at the moment.
Trist may not be good at high elo, but at my elo, 11-1 npnp
Tristana is still very good. That epic M5 vs CLG.EU match was won pretty much purely on Tristana.
On July 28 2012 08:19 101toss wrote: Trist may not be good at high elo, but at my elo, 11-1 npnp
Uh, Trist is super good at high Elo.
Also, Soniv is old.
On July 28 2012 08:23 Seuss wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 08:19 101toss wrote: Trist may not be good at high elo, but at my elo, 11-1 npnp Uh, Trist is super good at high Elo. Also, Soniv is old. Eh, midgame too weak and she get's crushed in lane by Ezreal/Graves/Corki. Pretty much all ADs are the same but Ezreal Graves and Corki all have way too strong lane phases which makes them pick 90% of games.
On July 28 2012 08:22 Sufficiency wrote: Tristana is still very good. That epic M5 vs CLG.EU match was won pretty much purely on Tristana. Anivia's great walling and waveclear contributed a ton I thought.
Happy birthday bbgurl Soniv <3
Oh yeah, happy b-day soniv!
On July 28 2012 08:48 OnceKing wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 08:22 Sufficiency wrote: Tristana is still very good. That epic M5 vs CLG.EU match was won pretty much purely on Tristana. Anivia's great walling and waveclear contributed a ton I thought.
Maybe 'purely' is not the best term, but I still think Tristana was one of the biggest factors in that game.
On July 28 2012 08:14 De4ngus wrote: the dodges.......... lol
does anybody actually like the dodge change
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On July 28 2012 09:04 UniversalSnip wrote:does anybody actually like the dodge change  No. While it may give me the option to dodge a big troll, I absolutely hate the fact that sometimes I'll sit through full picks and bans only to have someone dodge at the last minute. Now rinse and repeat that a few times before a game actually starts.
On July 28 2012 09:16 Roffles wrote:Show nested quote +On July 28 2012 09:04 UniversalSnip wrote:On July 28 2012 08:14 De4ngus wrote: the dodges.......... lol does anybody actually like the dodge change  No. While it may give me the option to dodge a big troll, I absolutely hate the fact that sometimes I'll sit through full picks and bans only to have someone dodge at the last minute. Now rinse and repeat that a few times before a game actually starts.
"I just got counterpicked"
"Better dodge~"
So yea.