[Patch MidJuly-Zyra] General Discussion - Page 98
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United States6188 Posts
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Chiharu Harukaze
12112 Posts
On July 28 2012 10:14 schmutttt wrote: Do you guys think Graves will ever cop a nerf? I don't play enough AD to know myself but remember reading out of all the ADs played 40% was him, and along with Urgot he seems to be the most popular at pro level. Thankfully, he's been nerfed loads of times already including this patch and last patch. On July 28 2012 10:21 Alzadar wrote: The hell. Ezreal can duel any carry except Vayne. His steroid is slightly weaker than most, but it has constant uptime once charged, where as most are 50-70% uptime. His range is standard. His escape is among the best, with instant cast and good range (Corki and Tristana go further but have cast time). He has good poking. His ultimate will reliably hit 3-5 people, doing huge initial damage. What more do you want? ....?? Ezrael should generally beat Vayne in a duel because Vayne is all auto-attack damage and Ezrael has burst. Ezrael W AS debuff is also pretty crippling. While Vayne can Tumble, the hitbox on W is large enough to still generally hit her if you lead a little bit. E means you shouldn't ever be in a position to be Condemned into a wall. In lane, you have a loner poke range and a greater threat radius. | ||
Netherlands21369 Posts
Well.. its good pr i guess :p | ||
United States5348 Posts
On July 28 2012 10:25 Requizen wrote: Exactly, his dueling against other ADs is fine, which is what gives him a strong midgame. However, lategame is all about teamfights, which he isn't as good as others. Kog does better sustained damage from a safer range. Graves has toughness to survive the fight and good scaling AoE damage. Vayne assassinates and rapes teamfights. Corki's sustained damage is better and his poke is about the same, plus he has true damage modifier for late game armor. Ezreal's kit makes him good as skirmishes and dueling, not big fights, especially once your Qs start getting blocked by everyone other than the target you want to kill. the rest I don't really have a problem with but the bolded section is patently false. Come late game, graves blows up just as easily as any other AD carry. | ||
Canada5009 Posts
On July 28 2012 10:25 Requizen wrote: Exactly, his dueling against other ADs is fine, which is what gives him a strong midgame. However, lategame is all about teamfights, which he isn't as good as others. Kog does better sustained damage from a safer range. Graves has toughness to survive the fight and good scaling AoE damage. Vayne assassinates and rapes teamfights. Corki's sustained damage is better and his poke is about the same, plus he has true damage modifier for late game armor. Ezreal's kit makes him good as skirmishes and dueling, not big fights, especially once your Qs start getting blocked by everyone other than the target you want to kill. Kog is of course one of the late-game kings. Graves is as squishy as everyone else lategame and has shorter range. His Q/R burst is good, but having his steroid locked in to his escape makes it harder for him to make use of it. Vayne is pretty good late-game. Corki's sustained damage is worse than Ezreal's. 50% AS is much better than armor shred once both have Last Whisper (which they will). Ezreal's poke is probably a bit better but whatever. On July 28 2012 10:30 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: Thankfully, he's been nerfed loads of times already including this patch and last patch. ....?? Ezrael should generally beat Vayne in a duel because Vayne is all auto-attack damage and Ezrael has burst. Ezrael W AS debuff is also pretty crippling. While Vayne can Tumble, the hitbox on W is large enough to still generally hit her if you lead a little bit. E means you shouldn't ever be in a position to be Condemned into a wall. In lane, you have a loner poke range and a greater threat radius. It's a skill-based duel. Vayne landing E is a one-hit K.O., Ezreal W nearly guarantees the win. Both should be hard to land against a skilled opponent. Vayne wins if neither land. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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Australia3856 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
much better to consider how well an AD can crush a tank or escape from a diving bruiser or assasin | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 28 2012 11:06 schmutttt wrote: What exactly did they change on rumble last patch? They changed the way his Q works such that now it hits more often when Rumble is moving/rotating. It used to be that when Rumble tries to chase an opponent with his Q he would miss a lot because he would keep changing the direction he was facing; now he doesn't and all of a sudden he becomes OP as hell. The preview says his Q's damage *AND* danger zone bonuses are going to get nerfed. I don't quite understand the danger zone nerf at all, since the danger zone bonus scales with his Q's damage. This seems like a double nerf that tabs directly into Rumble's unique features. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On July 28 2012 11:06 schmutttt wrote: What exactly did they change on rumble last patch? afaik, they changed some bug on his q that was making it do less damage than normal, and now it does the intended amount; so now it does boatloads of dmg, instead of being somewhat reasonable. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On July 28 2012 11:06 schmutttt wrote: What exactly did they change on rumble last patch? They fixed how Flamespitter's damage is output, so you won't randomly miss ticks or just do no damage. So now he consistently does the most possible damage with Flamespitter every time, which is a biiiiig buff. | ||
United States19573 Posts
I love her though because like every third game I get a BT + PD and just clown everything. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 28 2012 11:15 barbsq wrote: afaik, they changed some bug on his q that was making it do less damage than normal, and now it does the intended amount; so now it does boatloads of dmg, instead of being somewhat reasonable. It wasn't doing less damage than normal; against stationary targets it was doing the correct damage. It had to do with chasing moving targets. | ||
721 Posts
On July 28 2012 11:19 Sufficiency wrote: It wasn't doing less damage than normal; against stationary targets it was doing the correct damage. It had to do with chasing moving targets. Well, people don't just stand there and let you land full Q. But yeah, I dislike how they are nerfing Danger Zone. Why not just lower the base damage on all his skills, instead of reducing the reward on being good at managing heat? O.O | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 28 2012 11:21 Qualm wrote: Well, people don't just stand there and let you land full Q. That's not entirely true, especially if your target is CC'ed. | ||
United States8841 Posts
On July 28 2012 10:21 Alzadar wrote: The hell. Ezreal can duel any carry except Vayne. His steroid is slightly weaker than most, but it has constant uptime once charged, where as most are 50-70% uptime. His range is standard. His escape is among the best, with instant cast and good range (Corki and Tristana go further but have cast time). He has good poking. His ultimate will reliably hit 3-5 people, doing huge initial damage. What more do you want? Comparing how ADs duel is probably the least important aspect of lategame scaling. It's all about shredding tanks and surviving assassins/bruisers diving you. Ezreal is alright at the latter (Not as good as people with more range, or knockbacks like vayne/trist, but he's got the best blink), but mediocre to bad at the former. The other biggest lategame scaling factor is if you bring gamechanging CC and utility, like Ashe kiting and Ult, or Graves' stupid fucking op smokescreen that I hate forever. | ||
United States17077 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On July 28 2012 11:18 cLutZ wrote: Vayne is my favorite AD to play, I play her every time she is free. However, I am terrible with Vayne. I can't harass in lane well, cant avoid harass well, and landing a tumble > Condem for a kill is like, impossible against non-idiots. I love her though because like every third game I get a BT + PD and just clown everything. TBH I feel Vayne is really hard to play. X_X Also my understanding is that she currently has one of the worst win % right now. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
ZOMG Diana xD | ||
United States33802 Posts
Rumble and Urgot changes were talked about, but the Cho changes are pretty big. Rupture buff and Vorpal Spikes buff might not be huge, but they'll be really noticeable imo. Edit: Mech Cho'Gath ![]() | ||
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