13.1 = 10 +3.1. 10 from Doran's, 3.1 from level increase
[Patch MidJuly-Zyra] General Discussion - Page 8
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United States15977 Posts
13.1 = 10 +3.1. 10 from Doran's, 3.1 from level increase | ||
United States1471 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:02 bmn wrote: Have people been playing AD malz yet after the voidling AI change? I really really want to see if the AI changes are enough to make him a better choice -- just for soloq messing around, not as a serious ad carry replacement. He already seemed fun before, but erratic voidling targeting made it too hit-and-miss, especially late-game where you can't afford to lose those few seconds of damage output that the other AD carry has over you. I'd think that AD malz could also be a good lane bully if the voidling reliably targets your autoattack target the way it sounds, but I didn't have time to test it yet. it is better but still the pet has a few seconds here and there of derping around. i played 2 ad malz games this morning. 5-0-6 in one win 25 min surrender, and 1-2-4 in the other which we lost, but we had a first time eve and a laggy ww who was 2-6, eve was 1-7. probably would have lost that no matter what i was playing. overall it is a definite improvement. for the record i go ad bot, boots x3 start, tear, brutalizer, cdr boots, bt, manamune, lw. soraka best support to team with. | ||
United States19143 Posts
On July 20 2012 01:58 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: if they can get rid of something stupid in Dominion without affecting Kassadin's niche in arranged 5v5, then it's a very smart change. riot's balance squad has actually done a very good job in the last six months! well that's just it, there appears to be differing opinions on this forum as to if it is significant or not. (on SR) | ||
United States33802 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:09 Feartheguru wrote: Randuins is definitely not situational, it's almost undeniably the go to armor item for bruisers right now. FH not for bruisers, thornmail is garbage so literally anytime you need serious armor as a bruiser (pretty much always) you should be looking at randuins How is FH not for bruisers? Big armor, CDR (which most bruisers love), and the AS debuff aura for diving AD carries. The only thing not great about it is the mana, but even that is somewhat nice considering most bruisers don't get much mp5 if any. The only reason I'd see myself not getting it is really if someone else was building one. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:06 YouGotNothin wrote: While the change may not be huge for SR Kassadin, it is still a change nonetheless and possibly an unwarranted one. I do not like dominion balance coming into SR as it is the only game mode played professionally. They have removed and made unique items for dominion, why can't they do the same with champion changes? This reminds me too much of SC2 where Blizz would balance things for 4v4 but still affect 1v1. To be honest, the change also makes it a lot more meaningful to shut down Kassadin in lane on SR - if he can't get his RoA or similar at a reasonable time, he's less scary now. It was pretty frustrating to deny a Kass pre-6 but make a single mistake against post-6 Kass and have him be instantly back in the game for it. He's less punishing when he's at 0AP now, but if he's doing well then he'll snowball harder. IMO, that's a fine place to put an assassin. | ||
Canada1334 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:15 ticklishmusic wrote: 13.1 = 10 +3.1. 10 from Doran's, 3.1 from level increase For some reason I read 2 dorans just cause I always build 2 lol. Anyways it should be 3.1 x 2 since its level 2. | ||
Canada1334 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:19 sylverfyre wrote: To be honest, the change also makes it a lot more meaningful to shut down Kassadin in lane on SR - if he can't get his RoA or similar at a reasonable time, he's less scary now. It was pretty frustrating to deny a Kass pre-6 but make a single mistake against post-6 Kass and have him be instantly back in the game for it. He's less punishing when he's at 0AP now, but if he's doing well then he'll snowball harder. IMO, that's a fine place to put an assassin. Not true, the base damage has no change at level 6. Getting a RoA late now is not in any way different than before. He's also just as punishing at 0AP, again nothing changed. Unless you mean at level 11 and if he has 0 AP by level 11 I think the game is over anyways. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
10 from Doran's plus 3.1 per levelup. i'm sure he factored in the base + 3.1 in his lvl 1 number | ||
United States60033 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:19 Requizen wrote: How is FH not for bruisers? Big armor, CDR (which most bruisers love), and the AS debuff aura for diving AD carries. The only thing not great about it is the mana, but even that is somewhat nice considering most bruisers don't get much mp5 if any. The only reason I'd see myself not getting it is really if someone else was building one. Fh is much more tank based item imo, like amumu/cho/maokai/malphite, etc etc. There are only a few bruisers I would say, that actually itemizes better than randuins, which is ryze/ww/and maybe a few others. But for most bruisers that dive onto enemy carries, randuins is usually the better choice. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:20 Feartheguru wrote: For some reason I read 2 dorans just cause I always build 2 lol. Anyways it should be 3.1 x 2 since its level 2. There was a hack some time ago (and has supposedly resurfaced recently) that lets you put more than the maximum number of points into a mastery (allowed for stupid shit like 100% summoner cooldown reduction, but it could also be used for a marginally less-obvious +30AD at level 1.) 51+6.2 (3.1/level) +15.3 + 10 is 82.5 - if he used this exploit he would have 112.5 AD. Perhaps this exploit has indeed returned. Edit: wow, I really just need to re-read the patch notes, and actually pay attention this time. That's the second time I completely misread them. | ||
2919 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:15 ticklishmusic wrote: 13.1 = 10 +3.1. 10 from Doran's, 3.1 from level increase That is impossible unless there was a Janna. Not even GP's buff would increase it that much. Do you still have the replay? | ||
Chiharu Harukaze
12112 Posts
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Gabon6219 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:10 ticklishmusic wrote: just wondering, is there a way to hack lol? yesterday i played a game against a mf/graves bot lane. early on, graves got first blood on me. i was a little confused, because i took ~800 damage (blitz w/ 0-21-9 + shield, runes and a heal). i know that it was a kill lane, but i was sure that i would be able to get to safety in time. i checked his stats, and he had 112 atk at lvl 2 with a doran's. by subtracting 13.1, we get 99 atk at lvl 1. given base atk of 51 + 15.3 max from runes plus whatever he has from offensive masteries, i don't think such a number is possible. --- it's interesting about bots. the intermediate bots are actually pretty decent now, but the beginner bots are still absolute crap. the inter bots are probably better than ~80% of normals i play sadly. Actually the max you can get from runes is around 22, not 15.3. You also get 5ad from ignite. Did he have a red pot? Because that number is very possible with a red pot and ignite. | ||
2919 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:10 ticklishmusic wrote: just wondering, is there a way to hack lol? yesterday i played a game against a mf/graves bot lane. early on, graves got first blood on me. i was a little confused, because i took ~800 damage (blitz w/ 0-21-9 + shield, runes and a heal). i know that it was a kill lane, but i was sure that i would be able to get to safety in time. i checked his stats, and he had 112 atk at lvl 2 with a doran's. by subtracting 13.1, we get 99 atk at lvl 1. given base atk of 51 + 15.3 max from runes plus whatever he has from offensive masteries, i don't think such a number is possible. --- it's interesting about bots. the intermediate bots are actually pretty decent now, but the beginner bots are still absolute crap. the inter bots are probably better than ~80% of normals i play sadly. You can get +18 ad from runes and masteries. | ||
2919 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:37 JackDino wrote: Actually the max you can get from runes is around 22, not 15.3. You also get 5ad from ignite. Did he have a red pot? Because that number is very possible with a red pot and ignite. Well, there you go, 106.89 (107) + 5 = 112 But the Janna thing seems unlikely -_- Red Elixir is unlikely since he had Dorans. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:26 wei2coolman wrote: Fh is much more tank based item imo, like amumu/cho/maokai/malphite, etc etc. There are only a few bruisers I would say, that actually itemizes better than randuins, which is ryze/ww/and maybe a few others. But for most bruisers that dive onto enemy carries, randuins is usually the better choice. FFS lets please not get into the whole business of splitting hairs between "what is a bruiser" and "what is a tank" please? | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On July 20 2012 02:43 TheYango wrote: FFS lets please not get into the whole business of splitting hairs between "what is a bruiser" and "what is a tank" please? A bruiser punches people(lee sin, malphite). Only thing that comes close to a tank is rumble. | ||
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