In case anyone is curious about the Kassadin change, it is mainly aimed at Manatank Kassadin, a build almost exclusively found at high level Dominion games. I can't seem to find the exact post, but, RiotNome posted in the Dominion forums about how that was the reason behind it.
Essentially, you built Tear, Frozen Heart, Odyn's and Void Staff as your core items using the ridiculous base damage from his ult to do damage while being tanky. And, the fast recall and huge mobility of Kassadin meant you could recall and do it all again over and over.
The build has been crushing Dominion for a long time and was actually made even stronger with Athene's Unholy Grail which fit perfectly into the build. Giving you CDR to stack up faster, sustaining your manapool for longer and the 12% mana for a kill/assist which works so well with your large manapool.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Omg, I just realized I havent shared my wisdom on this patch yet, so here we go: HoG nerfed to socks-full-of-holes level; pretty bad. I have already been gravitating away from HoG on Skarner, on him specifically Kindlegem is so good, more than 10% damage increase. Faster Shurelyas on Skarner is really good too. I predict this change will not nerf most junglers, but actually "buff" them as they experiment with better build paths. Do I real it right that eve has no CC? Pretty weak for ganker, Im thinking she is going to be a tryndamere-like champion, really reliant on farm but with insane scaling. Gankplank buff was necessary, he was really really bad champion for a loooong time, don't know if this will be enough. I guess it will make his harder lanes easier for him, allowing him to last hit from bit of a distance? Im completely unable how Malzahar buff will affect the metagame, pretty sure he is ungankable if your mid laner has no stuns, because that damned ult can burst you 100-0 in no time. Nocturne nerfed, I don't think it was necessary, it was interesting how much mapcontrol he gave, he still obviously will but less so, pity imo tt No idea on Sona, but if the 500 dmg burst at lvl 4 is good math, then maybe she could even run a kill lane haha. She can support ganks nicely too, that's very handy. Idk about twitch, so hard to predict zomg, Im going to post my opinion in a few days. Urgot nerf was uncalled for imo, yes he was strong but he was also stupidly fun and also he built tanky at bottom lane, how many champs can boast ability to do that? Philostone HP5 completely inconsequential lol, if you build philo you will also build Shurelyas, Shur is OP as my knees on snus, they don't nerf it though because it's so fun. Haha!
Well that's about it I guess
ALSO Outlaw why you not online we need you for ranked games, Awful Good is dying without you tt
HoG is still very good on any tanky champion that wants to eventually grab Randuins, and 50hp is a big nerf, but not EXTREMELY huge.
Yeah, Urgot makes me so sad. "Nop you don't have the right to build differently and have a early>late powercurve, fuck you". What stroke me on Malz was the "now Q's damage is also applied around the edges", or something like that, as it happened quite often to me to dodge it by running to one "gate" as soon as they appear and not being hit by the projectiles themselves, while still being in contact with the model of said "gates". It's probably inconsequential tho.
So many ults seeing their cooldowns nerfed... meh. Next one gonna be Malphite, since it's an even better kill switch than Naut's and Noc's (Noc's advantage is bypassing wards, not being a gap closer), I guess. And then you've got all those fun spells that you can cast even less. Sad.
@Plague: it's not about it being a 50 HP nerf, it's about it being a ~70% HP nerf from before. Paying 350 for 20 HP + gp5 component is huge and totally not cost-effective, esp. compared to Kage (5 AP is a 25% stat increase, HoG is barely 11%; philo recipe cost is ridiculously low compared to this; avarice blade doesn't count, it's the ugly duckling from the group).
United States47024 Posts
On July 20 2012 00:54 Plague1503 wrote: HoG is still very good on any tanky champion that wants to eventually grab Randuins, and 50hp is a big nerf, but not EXTREMELY huge. It is when the upgrade only gave 70 HP to begin with.
Honestly, even if I'm building Randuin's I'd build Warden's Mail first at this point. That little extra gold that HoG makes isn't worth the fact that you're getting less than it's worth for 10 minutes.
Well, I got to level 30 so I can finally play ranked. But I'm not really sure how to start since the way I play I've been playing 1 champ for weeks at a time and then switching, so I really don't have experience with other roles other than ad carry or AP mid. Also, I only play blind pick because I really dislike having to pick vs. what the other team is doing and also not getting the role I want. Any tips?
Not knowing every role is fine, just make sure to learn some support too (nobody should try ranked without knowing support, since we're all shoehorned into it at one point or another). Three roles including support is not quite bad to begin with, seeing as top and mid are typically the most craved for. Just make sure to warn your teammates before the picks that you're quite bad at/can't play top/jungle, and if they aren't too picky they'll adapt to it.
Also you can consider draft less as picking vs the other team than not letting them pick vs you. Last time I had 4 seconds to pick an AD because of an indecisive teammate, I ended up picking Ezreal before their AD... hi Graves, wanna make my laning phase hell? :<
Valhalla18444 Posts
seriously if anyone is just sittin there reading this post with the client open and nothing to do... yeah, you. proof of concept on the new sona passive plz, i literally main AD Sona if she's viable
On July 20 2012 00:45 Sicariidae wrote: In case anyone is curious about the Kassadin change, it is mainly aimed at Manatank Kassadin, a build almost exclusively found at high level Dominion games. I can't seem to find the exact post, but, RiotNome posted in the Dominion forums about how that was the reason behind it.
Essentially, you built Tear, Frozen Heart, Odyn's and Void Staff as your core items using the ridiculous base damage from his ult to do damage while being tanky. And, the fast recall and huge mobility of Kassadin meant you could recall and do it all again over and over.
The build has been crushing Dominion for a long time and was actually made even stronger with Athene's Unholy Grail which fit perfectly into the build. Giving you CDR to stack up faster, sustaining your manapool for longer and the 12% mana for a kill/assist which works so well with your large manapool.
Good to know they're making balance changes around Dominion now.......
On July 20 2012 00:58 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 00:54 Plague1503 wrote: HoG is still very good on any tanky champion that wants to eventually grab Randuins, and 50hp is a big nerf, but not EXTREMELY huge. It is when the upgrade only gave 70 HP to begin with. Honestly, even if I'm building Randuin's I'd build Warden's Mail first at this point. That little extra gold that HoG makes isn't worth the fact that you're getting less than it's worth for 10 minutes.
I would agree. As I mainly jungle or top shyvana (when it comes to tanky champs) I'm never hurting for income and the extra 5 every 10 isn't going to help at all. I find Raduins pretty situational as well. The enemy AD carry having a cleaver and/or last whisper would be the main situations I'd even consider it.
On July 20 2012 01:10 Perplex wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 00:45 Sicariidae wrote: In case anyone is curious about the Kassadin change, it is mainly aimed at Manatank Kassadin, a build almost exclusively found at high level Dominion games. I can't seem to find the exact post, but, RiotNome posted in the Dominion forums about how that was the reason behind it.
Essentially, you built Tear, Frozen Heart, Odyn's and Void Staff as your core items using the ridiculous base damage from his ult to do damage while being tanky. And, the fast recall and huge mobility of Kassadin meant you could recall and do it all again over and over.
The build has been crushing Dominion for a long time and was actually made even stronger with Athene's Unholy Grail which fit perfectly into the build. Giving you CDR to stack up faster, sustaining your manapool for longer and the 12% mana for a kill/assist which works so well with your large manapool. Good to know they're making balance changes around Dominion now....... Gotta make that game mode balanced enough so when the pros play their only practice game during MLG it wont be imbalanced!
The Kassadin changes, I think are for dominion. There Kassadin builds like the old Ryze buying all the frozen heart, banshee's, being tanky and dealing tons of damage.
Valhalla18444 Posts
On July 20 2012 01:49 MooMooMugi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 01:10 Perplex wrote:On July 20 2012 00:45 Sicariidae wrote: In case anyone is curious about the Kassadin change, it is mainly aimed at Manatank Kassadin, a build almost exclusively found at high level Dominion games. I can't seem to find the exact post, but, RiotNome posted in the Dominion forums about how that was the reason behind it.
Essentially, you built Tear, Frozen Heart, Odyn's and Void Staff as your core items using the ridiculous base damage from his ult to do damage while being tanky. And, the fast recall and huge mobility of Kassadin meant you could recall and do it all again over and over.
The build has been crushing Dominion for a long time and was actually made even stronger with Athene's Unholy Grail which fit perfectly into the build. Giving you CDR to stack up faster, sustaining your manapool for longer and the 12% mana for a kill/assist which works so well with your large manapool. Good to know they're making balance changes around Dominion now....... Gotta make that game mode balanced enough so when the pros play their only practice game during MLG it wont be imbalanced!
if they can get rid of something stupid in Dominion without affecting Kassadin's niche in arranged 5v5, then it's a very smart change. riot's balance squad has actually done a very good job in the last six months!
Have people been playing AD malz yet after the voidling AI change? I really really want to see if the AI changes are enough to make him a better choice -- just for soloq messing around, not as a serious ad carry replacement.
He already seemed fun before, but erratic voidling targeting made it too hit-and-miss, especially late-game where you can't afford to lose those few seconds of damage output that the other AD carry has over you. I'd think that AD malz could also be a good lane bully if the voidling reliably targets your autoattack target the way it sounds, but I didn't have time to test it yet.
On July 20 2012 01:58 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: if they can get rid of something stupid in Dominion without affecting Kassadin's niche in arranged 5v5, then it's a very smart change. riot's balance squad has actually done a very good job in the last six months!
While the change may not be huge for SR Kassadin, it is still a change nonetheless and possibly an unwarranted one. I do not like dominion balance coming into SR as it is the only game mode played professionally. They have removed and made unique items for dominion, why can't they do the same with champion changes? This reminds me too much of SC2 where Blizz would balance things for 4v4 but still affect 1v1.
On July 20 2012 00:31 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 00:25 sylverfyre wrote:On July 20 2012 00:20 TheYango wrote:On July 20 2012 00:14 sylverfyre wrote:On July 20 2012 00:08 Vlanitak wrote: oh my lovely xin zhao, how good you are atm, I love it and I suspect an incoming hotfix he pretty much kills anything toplane from what I have seen so far. The level 2 jungle ganks he's going to put out only look more scary now. Huh? Very little about the buff seems to apply to his level 2 jungle ganks. If anything, they're weaker because you don't get your sustain naturally and need to get it from having a rank of W. The biggest thing is that his midgame teamfight should be astronomically stronger. Increased range and slow duration on E, small armor shred (more damage from both you & your lanemate), more damage from Q. I find that quite a buff to level 2 jungle ganks. Lack of sustain really doesn't affect level 2 ganking - potions are enough to heal up after taking lizard. You misread the E change. It's range was nerfed, not buffed. oops. Reading comprehension is hard.
On July 20 2012 01:10 NEOtheONE wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 00:58 TheYango wrote:On July 20 2012 00:54 Plague1503 wrote: HoG is still very good on any tanky champion that wants to eventually grab Randuins, and 50hp is a big nerf, but not EXTREMELY huge. It is when the upgrade only gave 70 HP to begin with. Honestly, even if I'm building Randuin's I'd build Warden's Mail first at this point. That little extra gold that HoG makes isn't worth the fact that you're getting less than it's worth for 10 minutes. I would agree. As I mainly jungle or top shyvana (when it comes to tanky champs) I'm never hurting for income and the extra 5 every 10 isn't going to help at all. I find Raduins pretty situational as well. The enemy AD carry having a cleaver and/or last whisper would be the main situations I'd even consider it.
Randuins is definitely not situational, it's almost undeniably the go to armor item for bruisers right now. FH not for bruisers, thornmail is garbage so literally anytime you need serious armor as a bruiser (pretty much always) you should be looking at randuins
just wondering, is there a way to hack lol?
yesterday i played a game against a mf/graves bot lane. early on, graves got first blood on me. i was a little confused, because i took ~800 damage (blitz w/ 0-21-9 + shield, runes and a heal). i know that it was a kill lane, but i was sure that i would be able to get to safety in time.
i checked his stats, and he had 112 atk at lvl 2 with a doran's. by subtracting 13.1, we get 99 atk at lvl 1. given base atk of 51 + 15.3 max from runes plus whatever he has from offensive masteries, i don't think such a number is possible.
--- it's interesting about bots. the intermediate bots are actually pretty decent now, but the beginner bots are still absolute crap. the inter bots are probably better than ~80% of normals i play sadly.
On July 20 2012 00:59 IMoperator wrote: Well, I got to level 30 so I can finally play ranked. But I'm not really sure how to start since the way I play I've been playing 1 champ for weeks at a time and then switching, so I really don't have experience with other roles other than ad carry or AP mid. Also, I only play blind pick because I really dislike having to pick vs. what the other team is doing and also not getting the role I want. Any tips?
AD carry isn't that popular at low elo, call it and you'll get it most of the time. Good luck getting mid though. My best advice, don't even think about playing top lane in the beginning.
On July 20 2012 02:10 ticklishmusic wrote: just wondering, is there a way to hack lol?
yesterday i played a game against a mf/graves bot lane. early on, graves got first blood on me. i was a little confused, because i took ~800 damage (blitz w/ 0-21-9 + shield, runes and a heal). i know that it was a kill lane, but i was sure that i would be able to get to safety in time.
i checked his stats, and he had 112 atk at lvl 2 with a doran's. by subtracting 13.1, we get 99 atk at lvl 1. given base atk of 51 + 15.3 max from runes plus whatever he has from offensive masteries, i don't think such a number is possible.
I don't get what the 13.1 is.