[Patch MidJuly-Zyra] General Discussion - Page 13
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United States19143 Posts
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United States5710 Posts
On July 20 2012 07:45 SnK-Arcbound wrote: So how long do I need to wait for everyone to get the xin and eve out of their systems. Considering Xin is op, till hes nerfed next patch. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On July 20 2012 07:18 TheYango wrote: Wasn't there an exploit that could determine locations of wards based on the fact that the local client needs to know where wards are placed in order to determine whether to play the ward placement sound? Just some fishy stuff, where i'd just cleared for wards like 10 seconds prior, no one in mid lane, galio heads bot(out of creep and all enemy vision) enemy bot lane just immediatly goes "hi galio" like wtffffffffff. real fishy | ||
United States10531 Posts
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Canada834 Posts
On July 20 2012 07:13 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: what, really? hybrid pen runes are never better than full arpen or full mpen? that makes no sense at all with damage so evenly split between phys and magic. are they that inefficient on a per-slot basis? No, he is wrong. Hybrid runes are 60% as efficient as the pure damage runes. This means that regardless of what percentage of your damage is physical or magical, you will gain 60% of the benefit of what a pure physical or magical damage dealer would get with their respective runes. This means that whenever a champion deals >40% of their damage from the opposite damage source, hybrid penetration runes will be more efficient. Assuming your opponent has equal defensive stats. Realistically, magic resists will be lower than armour, making hybrid marks more efficient for mainly physical damage dealers and less efficient for mostly magical damage dealers. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
On July 20 2012 00:46 Scip wrote: Omg, I just realized I havent shared my wisdom on this patch yet, so here we go: HoG nerfed to socks-full-of-holes level; pretty bad. I have already been gravitating away from HoG on Skarner, on him specifically Kindlegem is so good, more than 10% damage increase. Faster Shurelyas on Skarner is really good too. I predict this change will not nerf most junglers, but actually "buff" them as they experiment with better build paths. Do I real it right that eve has no CC? Pretty weak for ganker, Im thinking she is going to be a tryndamere-like champion, really reliant on farm but with insane scaling. Gankplank buff was necessary, he was really really bad champion for a loooong time, don't know if this will be enough. I guess it will make his harder lanes easier for him, allowing him to last hit from bit of a distance? Im completely unable how Malzahar buff will affect the metagame, pretty sure he is ungankable if your mid laner has no stuns, because that damned ult can burst you 100-0 in no time. Nocturne nerfed, I don't think it was necessary, it was interesting how much mapcontrol he gave, he still obviously will but less so, pity imo tt No idea on Sona, but if the 500 dmg burst at lvl 4 is good math, then maybe she could even run a kill lane haha. She can support ganks nicely too, that's very handy. Idk about twitch, so hard to predict zomg, Im going to post my opinion in a few days. Urgot nerf was uncalled for imo, yes he was strong but he was also stupidly fun and also he built tanky at bottom lane, how many champs can boast ability to do that? Philostone HP5 completely inconsequential lol, if you build philo you will also build Shurelyas, Shur is OP as my knees on snus, they don't nerf it though because it's so fun. Haha! Well that's about it I guess ALSO Outlaw why you not online we need you for ranked games, Awful Good is dying without you tt i told u, bro, im in italy (have been in italy for 2 weeks and at a festival the week before) im getting back the day after tomorrow (late saturday) | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On July 20 2012 07:54 GreenManalishi wrote: No, he is wrong. Hybrid runes are 60% as efficient as the pure damage runes. This means that regardless of what percentage of your damage is physical or magical, you will gain 60% of the benefit of what a pure physical or magical damage dealer would get with their respective runes. This means that whenever a champion deals >40% of their damage from the opposite damage source, hybrid penetration runes will be more efficient. Assuming your opponent has equal defensive stats. Realistically, magic resists will be lower than armour, making hybrid marks more efficient for mainly physical damage dealers and less efficient for mostly magical damage dealers. then it sounds like they're strong on AD Sona. the question is, how strong? What's the damage relationship like between +15 AD and a full set of hybrid pen for that burst combo? | ||
France45622 Posts
It's possible that I missed something in my calculations tho, I don't remember for sure but I think I calculated the damage increase provided by each set on several res thresholds (50, 100 and 200, iirc), and then the damage type balance (which % of total damage is physical/magical) needed for hybrid to beat Arpen and MPen, respectively—as you said it's biaised since MR is generally lower, and ArPen runes have better absolute values than MPen ones. Maybe I should rerun it. Or, more simply put, the method was bad from the beginning. Edit: about the s2 of Lalala Demacia, for added wtf factor (I'll admit I laughed at the way they depicted MF's ult, the guns' movements are so clumsy compared to the hips): | ||
Canada834 Posts
On July 20 2012 08:09 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: then it sounds like they're strong on AD Sona. the question is, how strong? What's the damage relationship like between +15 AD and a full set of hybrid pen for that burst combo? I'm going to use a level 7 Corki with armour seals as your target. He has 56 armour and 30 MR. So With +15 AD you would deal 127 * 2 + 68 physical damage and 200 + 78*2 magic damage in your combo. That means you deal: 322 * (100/156) + 356 * (100/130) = 480.25 With hyPen you gain 12.33 arPen and 7.02 mPen. The damage from your combo would be: 292 * (100/143.67) + 356 * (100/122.98) = 492.71 I'm still not sure if Power Chord + Staccato has any effect on the physical damage component, but I assumed it didn't. If it did, it would be the best on-next-hit effect in the game. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On July 20 2012 05:54 Requizen wrote: Yeah, but it worked like that before, as well. Now it's still better damage at the beginning of a fight, but new R is better than old R if they're low thanks to the additional damage. That's correct in the same sense that saying, "With my new car I can drive all the way to work in first gear!" is correct; while true it's so far from optimal that a meaningful response is difficult. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 20 2012 08:18 Alaric wrote: Well from what I checked in those cases, MPen still superior to hybrid pen (for example) since having 60% of the magic pen doesn't equal having 60% of the damage increase from MPen runes, as flat pen is more effective the lower the affected resistance is. In that case, I came up with MPen performing better, and when magic damage becomes low enough that hybrid is better, ArPen beats hybrid. It's possible that I missed something in my calculations tho, I don't remember for sure but I think I calculated the damage increase provided by each set on several res thresholds (50, 100 and 200, iirc), and then the damage type balance (which % of total damage is physical/magical) needed for hybrid to beat Arpen and MPen, respectively—as you said it's biaised since MR is generally lower, and ArPen runes have better absolute values than MPen ones. Maybe I should rerun it. Or, more simply put, the method was bad from the beginning. Edit: about the s2 of Lalala Demacia, for added wtf factor (I'll admit I laughed at the way they depicted MF's ult, the guns' movements are so clumsy compared to the hips): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS_i7H6txS4 I think they modeled Ahri fine. The MF ult I agree... That being said, they managed to do this in.... 2-3 months? It's pretty good if you ask me. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On July 20 2012 08:29 GreenManalishi wrote: I'm going to use a level 7 Corki with armour seals as your target. He has 56 armour and 30 MR. So With +15 AD you would deal 127 * 2 + 68 physical damage and 200 + 78*2 magic damage in your combo. That means you deal: 322 * (100/156) + 356 * (100/130) = 480.25 With hyPen you gain 12.33 arPen and 7.02 mPen. The damage from your combo would be: 292 * (100/143.67) + 356 * (100/122.98) = 492.71 I'm still not sure if Power Chord + Staccato has any effect on the physical damage component, but I assumed it didn't. If it did, it would be the best on-next-hit effect in the game. mmm yeah through talking about this math i see what you mean. just tested in a bot game, sona dealt 105 damage from 73 ad to the small golem at lvl 1. nuts ![]() oh well, 678 is hot regardless, and this was very educational. thanks GM! 480 damage on an actual target, i am fucking pleased | ||
United States368 Posts
On July 20 2012 07:48 Zooper31 wrote: Considering Xin is op, till hes nerfed next patch. I feel like Xin is not OP, he's a champion who when he dives, he is pretty much 100% committed to trying to kill or die, or at least force an escape. He has no way other than his ult to escape if the jungle comes in, much like Darius, except Darius pulls people to him rather than dive into the other team. Maybe as I see more of him, I will agree, but for the moment I'm putting him around the level of Darius: bully with no good escape. | ||
France45622 Posts
Their Ahri model reminds me of their Cait's one, but I dunno if it's intended. ![]() | ||
721 Posts
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6318 Posts
On July 20 2012 09:03 Qualm wrote: Xin just feels OP now, he's just so strong at every phase of the game. They nerfed his CDR reduction thing to compensate for all the changes but his CDs are so low now that it's essentially the same, if you have max CDR you can keep W up all the time and E after every full Q... It's just insane. standard riot and their "patches" | ||
Germany2073 Posts
I heard he mained xin before the champ became terrible, but this is ridiculous. | ||
United States176 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On July 20 2012 09:10 snow2.0 wrote: haha gman bobs history. I heard he mained xin before the champ became terrible, but this is ridiculous. Screenshot? | ||
Germany2073 Posts
With EU ping, we don't have the patch yet. yay riot. | ||
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