I see what you did there
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I see what you did there | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 31 2012 14:51 Mondeezy wrote: How do you improve decision making? By watching streams and just playing or...? Feel like it's killed me the past couple games (didn't feed, but didn't get far enough ahead to carry my team). Edit: The question sounds kind of dumb and simple, but let me be more specific. Jungling Shyv, put our top way ahead, camped mid a bit, our bot was doing fine. It came to the point where mid kept feeding and I had to sit there instead of farming or counterjungling (played Shyv, they had a J4 jungle). Eventually they just group pushed and we were so far behind that they crushed us with a Trist ghost and I couldn't tank anything. What would have been the proper play, put bot and top more ahead while leaving mid be, stay mid as I did, or just rice and get more g's? Organize your team to steal opposing teams blue is a good strategy. Also help the guy Ward, which is a way to transfer your wealth into his. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On July 31 2012 13:25 sung_moon wrote: Quick question. Don't really follow the pro LoL scene, but after playign a few with my buddies who do, I'm kind of wondering why Lulu support doesn't get played more often. Been using her this past week, and damn she seems soooooooooooooo good. Decent shield, w is a silence/slow, ult is pretty good cc, q seems like good poking/abusable slow. She's no Janna, but she seem's ridiculously solid (and fun). Shield gives magic damage on hit, not flat ad. Flat ad is scalable. Shield has shorter range tHan Janna 's. Ultimate seems to work better on melee Bruisers. Q is really narrow, does not knock up. W doubles as movement steroid and cc, but has long cooldown. | ||
France3460 Posts
On July 31 2012 13:58 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: this is why i dont jungle ;_; i'm never gonna live that vid down D: I've been meaning to bump these for a while now, glad someone did it. I'm dead.. FUCK | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On July 31 2012 14:51 Mondeezy wrote: How do you improve decision making? By watching streams and just playing or...? Feel like it's killed me the past couple games (didn't feed, but didn't get far enough ahead to carry my team). Edit: The question sounds kind of dumb and simple, but let me be more specific. Jungling Shyv, put our top way ahead, camped mid a bit, our bot was doing fine. It came to the point where mid kept feeding and I had to sit there instead of farming or counterjungling (played Shyv, they had a J4 jungle). Eventually they just group pushed and we were so far behind that they crushed us with a Trist ghost and I couldn't tank anything. What would have been the proper play, put bot and top more ahead while leaving mid be, stay mid as I did, or just rice and get more g's? Decision making as a jungle is probably 95% of your early and midgame, because last hitting creeps in jungle is easy and there usually isn't anyone who can just randomly kill you lol. What I'd reccomend is to constantly ask yourself questions about how you should be playing. For the situation you described, I'll give some examples. "If I stop middle from feeding, will we have enough of an advantage to win? Is our AP carry a champion capable of doing well in the lategame? (camping Sion lane might land you some kills if he is doing alright, but if he is failing with an early-game focused champion might be better to just let him be) Do I think the AP carry player is good enough to do well in the lategame even if I stop him from feeding? What about our bottom lane, how good is he? (CS is a particularly good way to measure skill of an AD carry early in the game - not 100%, but probably the best thing you have) If I camp bottom instead of mid, can we deal with their fed AP carry since we have fed top AND bottom? And stuff like that. Make note of what questions you asked yourself, how you answered them, why you answered them how you did and if you were correct. You can even write it down if you think it will help even more but I find it easier just to keep it in your mind, what you write down never changes but what stays in your mind changes constantly as you discover new things and new connections. EDIT: I don't mean to be insulting, but this is probably the worst suggestion you could have possibly given. Playing doesn't actually make your decision making better. Playing without focusing might help you with pure mechanics (last hitting) and skillshots a bit, though it is also better to actively focus on how you aim skillshots, how much you lead, what movement speed does the opponent have etc. But it would take ages to improve your decision making without actively focusing on it so. | ||
Netherlands4730 Posts
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Gabon6219 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
On July 31 2012 22:14 Scip wrote: I didn't mean you shouldn't play, but playing itself isn't going to help you much. That really depends entirely upon you. I've met people who've played thousands of games, but who were very bad at the game. I've also met people who've only played a few hundred games and who've never played an RTS before, let alone a MOBA, who were very good. The difference is entirely attitude, attentiveness to personal performance, and a penchant for seeking advice. Playing the game is the best way to improve because LoL is 80% experience. Blind, thoughtless play obviously won't get you anywhere, but so long as you're thinking and avoiding Dunning-Kruger shenanigans you will improve. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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United States27922 Posts
I'm hoping that by doing so, I'll gain better awareness of what goes on jungle side early/mid game in order to make me a better mid player. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On July 31 2012 19:46 Nikon wrote: Yeah, but a lot of people don't know that. Just yesterday I was pretty fed with Singed, full inventory + elixirs etc. and I'm towerdiving 4 people, no big deal, right? Some guy starts spamming retreat pings on me like it's going out of style. What's up with that? People don't know about Singed, that's what's up. I played Xin as a jungler. Worked out quite alright, co-carried hard with the AD carry ^_~ P.S. Just noticed the Barrier spell. How long has that been there? It's only available in proving grounds. People seem to like it in ARAM but it doesn't seem that ridiculously good. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On July 31 2012 22:44 sylverfyre wrote: It's only available in proving grounds. People seem to like it in ARAM but it doesn't seem that ridiculously good. It's ridiculously good in ARAM because it absorbs as much damage as Heal heals but has half the cooldown or less. | ||
United States60033 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
On July 31 2012 22:25 Seuss wrote: That really depends entirely upon you. I've met people who've played thousands of games, but who were very bad at the game. I've also met people who've only played a few hundred games and who've never played an RTS before, let alone a MOBA, who were very good. The difference is entirely attitude, attentiveness to personal performance, and a penchant for seeking advice. Playing the game is the best way to improve because LoL is 80% experience. Blind, thoughtless play obviously won't get you anywhere, but so long as you're thinking and avoiding Dunning-Kruger shenanigans you will improve. Well, what I mean by that is Autopilot playing is pretty bad for learning anything but pure mechanics, you don't learn that much new, you gotta focus specifically on improving and the way I outlined above I found to be the most effective. It's not really the "playing" part that makes you better, it's the part where you focus on improving while playing. Some people do it better than others so then you get people who suck with 1K+ games and people who are good with only 400 games. Hope I explained myself well enough. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On July 31 2012 23:07 wei2coolman wrote: Man, I just played 2 games with Jayce, god he's so fucking strong. He does ridiculous burst damage, is naturally tanky, has some of the best lane escapes with all his MS, he has almost no bad matchups, because if anything goes wrong, just turns to ranged and can farm pretty safely. Soooooo strong. The only trouble is that I'm not quite sure what to build on him~ I've recently just been doing boots3pot->2dblade->brutalizer->triforce->witsend->blackcleaver->ga~ The thread is short, but pretty good. General opinion (one I share) is that BT is better than TF on him, as he has crazy AD scaling and lacks sustain. From there it kind of varies, but I like FH since you have some sticking issues if you're not constantly switching (dangerous in a teamfight), and you have free resists to take advantage of (building health is good). Bruta's nice, I'd personally rather have Hex/Maw than Wit's (scaling with AD, no real AS incentive), BC is nice if you can use Cannon W to insta-stack it. TF is a sick good item on him, I just prefer BT over it and getting both without any defenses is rough. He really works well with a lot of stuff, you can build most anything and do well with his kit. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On July 31 2012 22:25 Seuss wrote: That really depends entirely upon you. I've met people who've played thousands of games, but who were very bad at the game. I've also met people who've only played a few hundred games and who've never played an RTS before, let alone a MOBA, who were very good. The difference is entirely attitude, attentiveness to personal performance, and a penchant for seeking advice. Playing the game is the best way to improve because LoL is 80% experience. Blind, thoughtless play obviously won't get you anywhere, but so long as you're thinking and avoiding Dunning-Kruger shenanigans you will improve. The advice "play more" to improve something specific is in almost all cases horrible, scip and Teut are 100% on the spot for this. If you somehow feel/think that there is a specific part of your play that lacks behind or would benefit your overall game the most by improving it, find ways to focus on that one task entirely for a couple of games even if it means that you play overall worse. This goes back to "if you're bad at CSing, focus on CSing and ignore harass, if you're bad at harassing ignore CS and focus on harass." - something like this will always net better results more quickly than "Try to harass as much as possible while taking as many CS as possible" for a similar amount of games. Once you're done with those exercises you can throw it all out of the window and just play "normal" again, if you practiced properly the improvements will show. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On July 31 2012 23:13 Requizen wrote: The thread is short, but pretty good. General opinion (one I share) is that BT is better than TF on him, as he has crazy AD scaling and lacks sustain. From there it kind of varies, but I like FH since you have some sticking issues if you're not constantly switching (dangerous in a teamfight), and you have free resists to take advantage of (building health is good). Bruta's nice, I'd personally rather have Hex/Maw than Wit's (scaling with AD, no real AS incentive), BC is nice if you can use Cannon W to insta-stack it. TF is a sick good item on him, I just prefer BT over it and getting both without any defenses is rough. He really works well with a lot of stuff, you can build most anything and do well with his kit. As far as lack of sustain, I agree, I've definitely found myself constantly wishing I could regen up my hp bars up, but usually lack of mana forces me back to base really often, so usually I have mana problems, a lot more than I have with lifesteal problems~ (btw blue buff op'd on laning jayce). I like wit's, mostly because it allows for better overall pushing, it just feels so versatile, not to mention it synergies with his ranged version of W, get that mr procs up really fast. Triforce just feels so damn bursty, I feel like jayces strength is his burst damage, and that though BT is strong, it sort of limits him, and like you said, you can probably only afford to get one or the other. Also, I've tried phage over brut first, it works alright, but I was laning against darius, so the slow was amazing at letting me trail him really hard. Dunno how good it'd work against other champs. I'm seriously calling it, Jayce is gunna be the new kayle imo. | ||
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