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United States10531 Posts
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Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
i'm never gonna live that vid down D: | ||
Canada7032 Posts
On July 31 2012 13:25 sung_moon wrote: Quick question. Don't really follow the pro LoL scene, but after playign a few with my buddies who do, I'm kind of wondering why Lulu support doesn't get played more often. Been using her this past week, and damn she seems soooooooooooooo good. Decent shield, w is a silence/slow, ult is pretty good cc, q seems like good poking/abusable slow. She's no Janna, but she seem's ridiculously solid (and fun). Dig ran a bunch of Lulu in the TSM invitational. Other than that I dont remember seeing much of her since she was nerfed. I really want Lulu to be a better support, but I can't think of a situation where I wouldn't rather have Janna instead of Lulu. Janna is faster, escapes ganks easier, and her shield is way better than lulu's. Lulu is a nice provider of CC, but she's squishy and slow. On the plus side, in small skirmishes Lulu really excels and in certain team comps her ult is extremely powerful (e.g. ulting Malphite after a good malphite ult can be a stupid good initiation) | ||
United States1938 Posts
Feel like it's killed me the past couple games (didn't feed, but didn't get far enough ahead to carry my team). Edit: The question sounds kind of dumb and simple, but let me be more specific. Jungling Shyv, put our top way ahead, camped mid a bit, our bot was doing fine. It came to the point where mid kept feeding and I had to sit there instead of farming or counterjungling (played Shyv, they had a J4 jungle). Eventually they just group pushed and we were so far behind that they crushed us with a Trist ghost and I couldn't tank anything. What would have been the proper play, put bot and top more ahead while leaving mid be, stay mid as I did, or just rice and get more g's? | ||
United States89 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On July 31 2012 14:51 Mondeezy wrote: How do you improve decision making? By watching streams and just playing or...? Feel like it's killed me the past couple games (didn't feed, but didn't get far enough ahead to carry my team). by playing. | ||
United States472 Posts
On July 31 2012 12:43 thenexusp wrote: Also, shouldn't you have gotten 4xassist money for that too? The enemy AD would only be at most a pickaxe up, and that's a stretch too This is true, where I got the assist money. I even got to like 7 assists, but its still the fact that he had more kills. Also, I didn't mention this cuz i forgot. Alot of the fights happened when we had a large wave coming MY WAY (of minions), so not only did i not get killing blows, but i missed like 15 cs per engagement at bot lane to assist the gank. I die, get an assist or two, but miss 15 cs and 2 potential kills, while the enemy ad just previously cleared the wave, got all that exp, and got the kill money / exp. So sometimes this puts me a level behind. Now I'm just referencing this from like 2-3 glaring games where this was an issue. More often than not my team is good about sharing kills, or doing good fights / engagements, or the difference is negligible due to how we set up the team fights or how my top or mid did. But still, at this high of elo, anything that can be improved on should be looked at. I saw Xspecial support today, and how he could set up kills for his carry was beautiful. Also monte that game was one I had in mind, but not the one I was talking about. It was actually a game in ranked 5's today with navi's team. | ||
United States472 Posts
Lol no problem, I didn't wanna be like "WELL MR. COMMON POSTER, I'M 2100 FOR TL B HUUURRDDURR, HOW U NOT KNOW THAT?". But was hoping you'd seen my guide XD. Anywho, as AD we don't get much to complain about in games, so I just thought i'd nitpick this issue. | ||
United States472 Posts
On July 31 2012 14:51 Mondeezy wrote: How do you improve decision making? By watching streams and just playing or...? Feel like it's killed me the past couple games (didn't feed, but didn't get far enough ahead to carry my team). Edit: The question sounds kind of dumb and simple, but let me be more specific. Jungling Shyv, put our top way ahead, camped mid a bit, our bot was doing fine. It came to the point where mid kept feeding and I had to sit there instead of farming or counterjungling (played Shyv, they had a J4 jungle). Eventually they just group pushed and we were so far behind that they crushed us with a Trist ghost and I couldn't tank anything. What would have been the proper play, put bot and top more ahead while leaving mid be, stay mid as I did, or just rice and get more g's? Sadly, you just have to play more. Experience is the best way. Just dive into solo Q with the intent of learning or practicing. If it helps, think of Solo Q more as a bunch of people try-harding (so they get elo), rather than a place to get your own elo. This way, you get practice against decent people (ideally) at your level, so you can range how to improve yourself based on performance. The more games = the more situations you encounter = the better you will become through developing evolving builds and better mechanics or jungle paths or w/e. | ||
United States20754 Posts
On July 31 2012 14:51 Mondeezy wrote: How do you improve decision making? By watching streams and just playing or...? Feel like it's killed me the past couple games (didn't feed, but didn't get far enough ahead to carry my team). Edit: The question sounds kind of dumb and simple, but let me be more specific. Jungling Shyv, put our top way ahead, camped mid a bit, our bot was doing fine. It came to the point where mid kept feeding and I had to sit there instead of farming or counterjungling (played Shyv, they had a J4 jungle). Eventually they just group pushed and we were so far behind that they crushed us with a Trist ghost and I couldn't tank anything. What would have been the proper play, put bot and top more ahead while leaving mid be, stay mid as I did, or just rice and get more g's? Living and learning. Just constantly ask yourself "what happens if I go here, how can it go wrong." :D | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On July 31 2012 15:33 jcc wrote: Sadly, you just have to play more. Experience is the best way. Just dive into solo Q with the intent of learning or practicing. If it helps, think of Solo Q more as a bunch of people try-harding (so they get elo), rather than a place to get your own elo. This way, you get practice against decent people (ideally) at your level, so you can range how to improve yourself based on performance. The more games = the more situations you encounter = the better you will become through developing evolving builds and better mechanics or jungle paths or w/e. I like you, you give good advice. Post moar. ^_^ | ||
2602 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
On July 31 2012 13:58 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: this is why i dont jungle ;_; i'm never gonna live that vid down D: Fb forever and always. Csheep's way of life. It feels so weird seeing kass top in that video. And ad corki mid on top of it. The good ol' times man, when junglers didn't 100% camp top lane. | ||
United States472 Posts
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Australia948 Posts
On July 31 2012 16:30 jcc wrote: Sorry, because I post at odd times I try to answer all my replies at once, I'll try to keep em to 1 post, too used to instant message style replies. I don't mind it. I'd rather see a double or triple post worth of quality posts than have a good poster shy away at posting just because of forum etiquette. I'm no mod though lol. | ||
Bulgaria5710 Posts
And the other team has more skins. GG. | ||
France45622 Posts
On July 31 2012 15:42 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Living and learning. Just constantly ask yourself "what happens if I go here, how can it go wrong." :D It's hard when you play Singed. Can never go wrong in any way. Just go. | ||
2602 Posts
On July 31 2012 18:36 Nikon wrote: Lol what, I just landed in a game with Morello. And the other team has more skins. GG. Pick something that people whine about being OP. Feed as fuck. Yell in /all "SEE THIS SHIT AINT OP, NEEDS BUFFS!". Or do the exact opposite. Pick something considered weak, rape face, yell "OMG THIS CHAMP OP NURF PLX". | ||
Bulgaria5710 Posts
On July 31 2012 18:57 Alaric wrote: It's hard when you play Singed. Can never go wrong in any way. Just go. Yeah, but a lot of people don't know that. Just yesterday I was pretty fed with Singed, full inventory + elixirs etc. and I'm towerdiving 4 people, no big deal, right? Some guy starts spamming retreat pings on me like it's going out of style. What's up with that? People don't know about Singed, that's what's up. On July 31 2012 19:00 Celial wrote: Pick something that people whine about being OP. Feed as fuck. Yell in /all "SEE THIS SHIT AINT OP, NEEDS BUFFS!". Or do the exact opposite. Pick something considered weak, rape face, yell "OMG THIS CHAMP OP NURF PLX". I played Xin as a jungler. Worked out quite alright, co-carried hard with the AD carry ^_~ P.S. Just noticed the Barrier spell. How long has that been there? | ||
Sweden480 Posts
On July 31 2012 14:51 Mondeezy wrote: How do you improve decision making? By watching streams and just playing or...? Feel like it's killed me the past couple games (didn't feed, but didn't get far enough ahead to carry my team). Edit: The question sounds kind of dumb and simple, but let me be more specific. Jungling Shyv, put our top way ahead, camped mid a bit, our bot was doing fine. It came to the point where mid kept feeding and I had to sit there instead of farming or counterjungling (played Shyv, they had a J4 jungle). Eventually they just group pushed and we were so far behind that they crushed us with a Trist ghost and I couldn't tank anything. What would have been the proper play, put bot and top more ahead while leaving mid be, stay mid as I did, or just rice and get more g's? If mid is not salvageable I'd maybe help ward it to prevent more feeding, then focus on my own farm and the other lanes. Camping that lane from behind is risky as hell (depending on how well it is warded), because if you´re not careful you might get counterganked and doublekilled since you+your mid are weaker than enemy jungler+enemy mid. So, try and make sure you get strong and your other lanes get strong, then focus the fed mid in fights quick as hell. The job of your mid in that scenario is basically get as much farm as possible while not dying. | ||
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