The Champions Feedback ThreadGeneral Warning: Do not caster bash in this thread. If there's something specific you don't like about OGN's casting, use the Feedback thread above for constructive criticism. Otherwise, don't comment about it. ~ Neo, 30.03.12, 20:25 KST |
With Sivir? I can't even remember the last time my minion to minutes ratio was less than 10 and those are progamers with far better farming capabilities.
I think im with puszu one of the best Sivir players in Europe and no that farm is really unlikely partly because you dont want to farm into lategame second you want to be agressive in lane (because Sivir late is one of the worst and her early is really good) And why would it be harder to farm with ez then with sivir just because of q and w? I dont think so every ad has same amount of farming capabilities (in the lategame) because your main farming skill is your autoattack, I dont count Urgot as an AD carry.
edit: I dont say its insanly high or sth which is outstanding but it is by no means low.
So it the OP wrong or am I looking in the wrong place?
What does this Shen do and why is he banned in every single goddamn game I watch?
Does anyone else see Varrus in the champ select between Veigar and Miss Fortune?
On May 02 2012 22:22 nokz88 wrote: What does this Shen do and why is he banned in every single goddamn game I watch?
He can teleport across the map
What does this Shen do and why is he banned in every single goddamn game I watch? Shen has a global teleport with a shield as his ultimate, which makes him an outstanding splitpusher (that is insanly strong lategame because you force some1 to defend the lane and you can help yourteam fight 4v5 then)
On May 02 2012 22:22 nokz88 wrote: What does this Shen do and why is he banned in every single goddamn game I watch?
He still has an unnerfed global ultimate and a pretty strong laning phase while also being a decent jungler. He can 1v1 almost everybody lategame while split pushing that makes him cause trouble from the beginning to the end of a game. 100% instaban worthy if you are not first pick.
Wtf Bo5 indeed, I wonder if Chill is there and will he has the energy to actually watch all 5 games live. @nokz88: Shen is OP with his split push. Late game Shen is really annoying to deal with, just split push all day.
Oh another Sivir, the Koreans really like her I should play her again, but in my opinion shes a bit too weak right now, maybe I was wrong
O jungle olaf ^_^ guess there will be some counter jungling going on.
Xenics Storm Bans: Kennen, Ryze, Mundo MiG Frost Bans: Nocturne, TF, Shen
Xenics Storm Picks: Olaf; Alistar Sivir; Galio Warwick MiG Frost Picks: Graves Sorara; Nyaaahri AMUMUMUMU; Ezrael (again wtf?)
TP on Ezrael as well lol
Really weird MiG went ezreal again O_o, he was pretty useless last game.
Quite a squishy line up for MiG. If this get to late game, Xenic gonna have an upper hand.
Judging just from the picks, I'd give the advantage to Xenics this game.
What a freaking tanky team, Olaf and WW both scale incredibly hard into the later game. In addition, tons of CC to protect their only real squishy: Sivir.
€dit: in addition, MiG is pretty squishy, Galio ults will hurt which is pretty relevant for Galio's lategame.
First blue was intentional, second one was with red buff
Omg this mumu. I feel for that Ahri -_-
On May 02 2012 22:38 Shikyo wrote: First blue was intentional, second one was with red buff Yeah, the casters are so puzzled red buff.
MIG didnt steal it, Xenics got dragon