Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler +If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST |
Maokai ult is stationary, it's better to move out of maokai ult and not take damage as squishy than it is to take advantage of it lol.
If you ult around the squishies it is more often than not that the ult will be completely wasted
"we don't want to lose 4 to lag again that early. So lets just pick a late game comp where we can just farm and not take risks, or just a split push comp so if it lags, only one of us dies."
Real basing strategy around dealing with server lag
v8 obliterating Goose pretty much effortlessly.
that said, it's nearly impossible to keep up with this thread, so i dont really blame you
On December 18 2011 09:19 barbsq wrote:OLD NEWS BRO that said, it's nearly impossible to keep up with this thread, so i dont really blame you
Damn, the one time I don't check the past 3-4 pages...
I haven't gotten a chance to play her since the patch, but if anyone else plays Lux, how do you feel the tweaks affected her? Any real difference?
Also, I think that link about Shen and Vlad has been posted like 3-4 time already, haha.
Argh, I need to keep the hell away of the General league forums. It's disturbing, and I used to browse the WoW forums. Saint makes me want to play Maokai, however screw this support stuff. Carry and kill everybodeh(somehow).
>.< not a single internet problem on any other application. but LoL DCs me from PvP.net after every game now and after that it will just say: undefined when I try to log on. after 10 min it works again. zzz
Lol did Saint really play Maokai. In a recent TSM vs CLG scrim right after TSM killed CLG nexus:
OddOne: INB4 Saint learns Maokai Saint: Maokai sucks
On December 18 2011 08:36 tobi9999 wrote: Maokai ult is stationary, it's better to move out of maokai ult and not take damage as squishy than it is to take advantage of it lol.
If you ult around the squishies it is more often than not that the ult will be completely wasted
"we don't want to lose 4 to lag again that early. So lets just pick a late game comp where we can just farm and not take risks, or just a split push comp so if it lags, only one of us dies."
Real basing strategy around dealing with server lag
in online leagues for dota and hon, teams would also pick based on the ping, since some lineups and characters needed much better reaction time.
Dude I'm trying to watch right now, but quality makes it impossible. I find that I'm trying to support as many TLers on streams as possible and get a feel for how they play in game to compare it with what they talk about in threads and such....
Tried for you Corvette; just couldn't watch, sorry. Good music though.
I like Ahri a lot, great hero. Just bought her, and made 6 game in a row with her. But her skins just sucks, except the first.
I start with will of the Ancient, it's really great with her considering her low CD and the original spell vamp she gets from her passiv.
I just played a game against crs liquid, and it confirmed my suspicions. He's just as bad as he looks from streams.
Good guy v8, takes huge lead and throws it away.
Wowowow. TSM steals baron and aces V8, when they were behind all game.
They still lose a teamfight. guess V8 still going to win.
Hehe, I can say "I jungled Maokai before he was cool" now. ('cept I originally intended him as a duolane bully along with a good poker, but noone let me do it or have solotop, so I jungled) I find it hilarious how many people said "his damage falls off so much", or "his ult is garbage, you just have to pull the fight away from it", and only now do they realize how strong he is utility-wise and how much 20% damage reduction is. Also, trolling Karthus' ult "hey buddies, all of you gather here before that pink thingy gets off".
He's pretty powerful with a triforce as well, that just is so much money once you already invested into shurelya/hog/mercs, and you'd rather go frozen heart if your top/mid doesn't intend to get it anyway.
I think it's because kog'maw is just too good of an AD to pick and not take vayne to counter it. Two best ad's in the game, you can't give one away and not pick the other. That %hp damage is too powerful.
On December 18 2011 11:19 Alaric wrote:Hehe, I can say "I jungled Maokai before he was cool" now.  ('cept I originally intended him as a duolane bully along with a good poker, but noone let me do it or have solotop, so I jungled) I find it hilarious how many people said "his damage falls off so much", or "his ult is garbage, you just have to pull the fight away from it", and only now do they realize how strong he is utility-wise and how much 20% damage reduction is. Also, trolling Karthus' ult "hey buddies, all of you gather here before that pink thingy gets off". He's pretty powerful with a triforce as well, that just is so much money once you already invested into shurelya/hog/mercs, and you'd rather go frozen heart if your top/mid doesn't intend to get it anyway. Maokai is good early. His saplings do 460 damage with no ap. The only problem is his damage isn't bursty, and he's melee, and his cd's are long, making him a terrible ap champion for team fights. If you build him tanky, once you get past the early part of the game where his damage is fucking absurd he falls off.
On December 18 2011 10:45 WaveofShadow wrote:Dude I'm trying to watch right now, but quality makes it impossible. I find that I'm trying to support as many TLers on streams as possible and get a feel for how they play in game to compare it with what they talk about in threads and such.... Tried for you Corvette; just couldn't watch, sorry. Good music though.
Oh wow, i just looked for myself.
Any tips on making it better?
On December 18 2011 10:47 WhiteDog wrote: I like Ahri a lot, great hero. Just bought her, and made 6 game in a row with her. But her skins just sucks, except the first.
I start with will of the Ancient, it's really great with her considering her low CD and the original spell vamp she gets from her passiv.
From what my friend told me (so not confirmed, and I still really doubt this), each hit on her Q counts as single target for the spell vamp which is insane.