Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler +If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST |
Important update on the stream thread
The OP is now reformatted, I'm going to add some quicklist on the top of it to quickly see what's online and what's not, but the basic organisation is done.
From now on we're going to roll with 3 categories: "Featured Streams", "TL regulars" and "Others"
This will avoid the streams of regular and notable posters being cluttered with people who rarely post here and/or come, advertise their stream and are never to be seen again. Will this increase stream traffic of major posters in these subforums? Yes, most likely. Have they deserved it? Yes, most likely. Will this be the only list ever created on TL on which Craton, barbsq and gtrsrs will show up at the same time? Yes, most likely.
Currently featured streams: LoCicero, Locodoco, Mogwai aka Smashgizmo.
Streams of TL regulars: 57 Corvette, barbsq, Craton, gtrsrs, Rhavanna, l10f, r.Evo, Southlight, Toolplark, Vlanitak
Others: Aberu, al0kin, Atokad, Dalgalak, Gosu Crew, HyperionDreamer, ImHuko, judochopaction, chubbypants, l3ird, MarxGarza, MistaxLoL, Nachielous, Node, NyxRose, rapidtransit247, SlurpDerp, Solinos, Scrubington, token
Everyone who is in the "TL regular" section is allowed to make their personal stream thread in our LoL forums.
If you are not in that list, please don't make your own thread - it will be closed.
What I'd like to get from you guys
I've already PM'd our featured princesses and some others from the regular list to update their stuff since some of it seems/weird outdated. Everyone else, please make sure it's all up to date and correct.
Also I TOTALLY FORGOT WHO MADE THAT DAMN BLEAP SITE AGAIN, IF YOU REMEMBER WHO IT WAS (he posted here like 2 GDs ago) PLEASE TELL ME OR I HAVE TO GRIND THROUGH LIKE 50 PAGES TO FIND THAT DUDE. Even if you don't like me, that'd be cruel. =S ... twitch.tv links are currently broken. :/ Edit: Got him v0v
Edit: Fuck yes, perfect snipe.
Didn't Craton code some shit for you?
Edit: Top of the page snipe OP
On December 17 2011 21:18 R04R wrote: Didn't Craton code some shit for you?
Edit: Top of the page snipe OP
He offered in case we don't find the bleap guy, but you brought me on the right train. I remembered I had some PMs back and forth with BlackPaladin about this and then remembered that the bleap guys post was pretty distinctive.
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/search.php?q=yoyo shit bleap&t=c&f=-1&u=&gb=date&d=
Best search ever.
All cool. <3
Yay shen, looking forward to playing him top again, all these haters be hating my solotop shen.
On December 17 2011 17:03 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On December 17 2011 16:43 starfries wrote: not to mention he doesn't need to take teleport like other top laners well that's just wrong teleport is even more important than shen on other laners you're implying he doesn't need teleport because of his ult but his ult takes you OUT of lane, doesn't put you in lane you need TP to go back to lane after you save teammates ass
Except that most solo tops who took tele did so explicitly to help with stuff like ganks/counterganks/dragon and not simply to return to lane. Shen's ult already does that so why do you need tele so badly? Yes, leaving their solo top alone isn't the greatest thing in the world. But I don't see how Shen's ulti is different from teleport except that it has a lower cooldown and is easier to use.
Teleport was never about going to a lane faster. It´s about being in the "wrong" lane but showing up to the Teamfight anyway.
If all the Shen buffs go through, he's gonna be so good. I love Shen, he's probbaly the most challenging tank to play in the game.
And to be fair, even when shen was OP as hell, he was still more interessing to play against than Rammus. (_(
United States47024 Posts
On December 17 2011 23:23 phyvo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 17 2011 17:03 gtrsrs wrote:On December 17 2011 16:43 starfries wrote: not to mention he doesn't need to take teleport like other top laners well that's just wrong teleport is even more important than shen on other laners you're implying he doesn't need teleport because of his ult but his ult takes you OUT of lane, doesn't put you in lane you need TP to go back to lane after you save teammates ass Except that most solo tops who took tele did so explicitly to help with stuff like ganks/counterganks/dragon and not simply to return to lane. Shen's ult already does that so why do you need tele so badly? Yes, leaving their solo top alone isn't the greatest thing in the world. But I don't see how Shen's ulti is different from teleport except that it has a lower cooldown and is easier to use. The thing is, in a lot of cases, teleporting is the "wrong" move because it gives up top tower. For example, if you ult to Dragon, and only get the Dragon and no kills, while the enemy top laner takes your tower, that trade isn't worth it because the tower evens out the Dragon gold, and your opponents got to free-farm while your team was killing Dragon, so they came out ahead. Ultimately, this is one of the main weaknesses of Shen top lane which is that if the enemy top laner has both enough pushing power to threaten your tower, and is dangerous enough with free-farm that leaving them alone in lane is a significant problem, they can apply pressure to you and force you to not ult in situations where you want to.
Having both Shen ulti and teleport removes that pressure. You can ult to the objective, clean up a fight/Dragon, and then TP back top without losing your tower. It nullifies one of solo top Shen's major problems, which is that proper lane assignment can limit the amount of pressure his ulti creates. This is also why I felt that, back when he was popular, the NA way of playing Shen bot lane with a semi-roaming support (as opposed to top solo) was the better way to play him, because while you got to level 6 later, you didn't have that concern of immediately losing your tower when you ulted away.
they need to buff teemo!~_~;;
And nerf Sion
Dude those shen buffs would just turn him into a SICK toplane, and he's already not that bad in alot of matchups. I love shen and still play him all the time pretty successfully, can't wait if those changes go down.
Still wonder about the feint change, I mean it'll be handy but still pretty worthless later in the game when survivability isn't really your issue and you really need all the energy for your other skills. I guess if you nail 3 people with the new taunt you can toss in a feint but I rarely ever die after taunt anyway.
This and all his other changes barring the passive buff are really mostly buffs to his laning and not his lategame teamfighting which most people complained about.
regardless he'll still be much stronger. Still the best taunt in the game. Nothing like pulling 3 angry bruisers off of your AD in one dash!
I just used promote for the first time. It doesn't really help anything, but DAMN that big minion is cool
But did you type STEVE HOLT in caps every time you cast it?
On December 18 2011 00:26 sob3k wrote: Dude those shen buffs would just turn him into a SICK toplane, and he's already not that bad in alot of matchups. I love shen and still play him all the time pretty successfully, can't wait if those changes go down.
Still wonder about the feint change, I mean it'll be handy but still pretty worthless later in the game when survivability isn't really your issue and you really need all the energy for your other skills. I guess if you nail 3 people with the new taunt you can toss in a feint but I rarely ever die after taunt anyway.
This and all his other changes barring the passive buff are really mostly buffs to his laning and not his lategame teamfighting which most people complained about.
regardless he'll still be much stronger. Still the best taunt in the game. Nothing like pulling 3 angry bruisers off of your AD in one dash! Well, there ARE only 3 taunts in the game. Though most might consider Galio's better than Shen's.
Edit: I think the change to taunt giving back more energy is pretty big. Shen's problem in teamfights (imo) is that you only have the energy to either taunt OR to q-spam so you have to decide between taunting and damaging. More energy back on taunt means that you can taunt in and still do decent damage.
On December 18 2011 01:07 Haemonculus wrote: But did you type STEVE HOLT in caps every time you cast it?
I didn't get than one. Also, if you want to run promote, just solomid Nunu with it and max Blood Boil first, always push never not push!
fnatic scrimming against.. some team named MyS (?) atm.
slightly off topic
setting up a lol stream, for twitch.tv do they have their own broadcaster or do you need something else like xsplit?
On December 17 2011 23:36 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On December 17 2011 23:23 phyvo wrote:On December 17 2011 17:03 gtrsrs wrote:On December 17 2011 16:43 starfries wrote: not to mention he doesn't need to take teleport like other top laners well that's just wrong teleport is even more important than shen on other laners you're implying he doesn't need teleport because of his ult but his ult takes you OUT of lane, doesn't put you in lane you need TP to go back to lane after you save teammates ass Except that most solo tops who took tele did so explicitly to help with stuff like ganks/counterganks/dragon and not simply to return to lane. Shen's ult already does that so why do you need tele so badly? Yes, leaving their solo top alone isn't the greatest thing in the world. But I don't see how Shen's ulti is different from teleport except that it has a lower cooldown and is easier to use. The thing is, in a lot of cases, teleporting is the "wrong" move because it gives up top tower. For example, if you ult to Dragon, and only get the Dragon and no kills, while the enemy top laner takes your tower, that trade isn't worth it because the tower evens out the Dragon gold, and your opponents got to free-farm while your team was killing Dragon, so they came out ahead. Ultimately, this is one of the main weaknesses of Shen top lane which is that if the enemy top laner has both enough pushing power to threaten your tower, and is dangerous enough with free-farm that leaving them alone in lane is a significant problem, they can apply pressure to you and force you to not ult in situations where you want to. Having both Shen ulti and teleport removes that pressure. You can ult to the objective, clean up a fight/Dragon, and then TP back top without losing your tower. It nullifies one of solo top Shen's major problems, which is that proper lane assignment can limit the amount of pressure his ulti creates. This is also why I felt that, back when he was popular, the NA way of playing Shen bot lane with a semi-roaming support (as opposed to top solo) was the better way to play him, because while you got to level 6 later, you didn't have that concern of immediately losing your tower when you ulted away.
I agree that this will happen if you teleport/ult too early but you're really overstating it. If they're farming all lanes in response to your team threatening dragon there simply isn't a reason to teleport. Realistically they have to respond to your drag attempt by sending at least 4 men to stop you. If they engage you port for a 5v4 and kills + drag in enxchange for turret + freefarm top. If you let your teleport/ult get baited with no real engage then I think that's your own fault for making a bad play going down to a fight that never happened. Tele has been taken recently by top teams in both in scrims and tournaments for solo top and using it for this purpose has been proven to be worthwhile because drag + won teamfight > 1 turret and one enemy getting some free farm.
IMO if anything the problem is that shen ult is such a useful countergank/saving tool and has a lower CD so you want to use it all the time, but one or two kills isn't enough to make losing top turret worth it. You'd have to net kills *and* get a turret/drag afterwards to make the trade worthwhile while defending second top turret. Teleport just sounds like a crutch that makes the decision of whether or not to save someone easier in solo queue because it removes the opportunity cost once every 4.5 minutes.
Maybe teleport on shen is better overall but not for the reasons you stated. Maybe duo lane shen is good but probably because he doesn't need to save ult for drag in the first place.
United States47024 Posts
On December 18 2011 01:56 phyvo wrote: IMO if anything the problem is that shen ult is such a useful countergank/saving tool and has a lower CD so you want to use it all the time, but one or two kills isn't enough to make losing top turret worth it. You'd have to net kills *and* get a turret/drag afterwards to make the trade worthwhile while defending second top turret. Teleport just sounds like a crutch that makes the decision of whether or not to save someone easier in solo queue because it removes the opportunity cost once every 4.5 minutes. How is it a crutch? It opens up the option to expend a summoner spell + ulti to prevent a kill, rather than trading your ult + tower to prevent a kill. It vastly improves the flexibility with which you can properly use your ulti, because you can choose to dump your TP instead of losing your tower. I would hardly call that a "crutch".
On December 18 2011 01:18 Mios wrote: fnatic scrimming against.. some team named MyS (?) atm. God that was annoying to watch. Nothing but "Caitlyn sucks" all game long.
When they lost because of SO MUCH stupid shit...