Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler +If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST |
On December 17 2011 17:07 starfries wrote:Show nested quote +On December 17 2011 17:03 gtrsrs wrote:On December 17 2011 16:43 starfries wrote: not to mention he doesn't need to take teleport like other top laners well that's just wrong teleport is even more important than shen on other laners you're implying he doesn't need teleport because of his ult but his ult takes you OUT of lane, doesn't put you in lane you need TP to go back to lane after you save teammates ass I don't save people lol I afk farm all day and use ult to show up to teamfights if I really have to
then you're playing shen wrong because i can't think of a person in this entire game that i want MORE to be farming early game than shen if he's on teh other team shen is like the least threatening lategame hero ever invented
Don't ever build revolver on Ahri. She doesn't die because of sustain, she dies because of large burst and single target stuns. Your passive sustains you well enough already, there's almost no point to getting WotA over rod/rylais/deathcap early and mid-late you want your abyssal/void staff more than you want spell vamp. I've been shitting ALL OVER Ahris that open hextech at any point during lane phase in norms. I don't know if it's because I'm a boss Ahri or because their builds are terrible, but I'm pretty sure the revolver items are bad on her. Honestly she's a great champion for laning because if you understand some of the more advanced concepts it's very simple to gain a 2-4 level advantage over someone mid. I feel like I really understand the game better after playing her ~5 times just because something clicked about how to force someone out of lane at crucial points and snowball it into a massive advantage.
On December 17 2011 17:09 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On December 17 2011 17:07 starfries wrote:On December 17 2011 17:03 gtrsrs wrote:On December 17 2011 16:43 starfries wrote: not to mention he doesn't need to take teleport like other top laners well that's just wrong teleport is even more important than shen on other laners you're implying he doesn't need teleport because of his ult but his ult takes you OUT of lane, doesn't put you in lane you need TP to go back to lane after you save teammates ass I don't save people lol I afk farm all day and use ult to show up to teamfights if I really have to then you're playing shen wrong because i can't think of a person in this entire game that i want MORE to be farming early game than shen if he's on teh other team shen is like the least threatening lategame hero ever invented I guess I probably should have put a smiley or a huehuehue in there or something
On December 17 2011 08:25 tobi9999 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 17 2011 08:01 JackDino wrote:On December 17 2011 07:58 tobi9999 wrote:On December 17 2011 07:50 JackDino wrote: Early kills on supports are good because you practically get a free gp10 item over the other support. 4 min philo stone real OP. and then if the other support doesn't buy gp5 items and instead opts for boots and pink wards to zone you, you just lost all the lane pressure you could've gained in favor of 30 gold a minute, so you can have 4 more wards than them in 10 minutes The other support isn't gonna buy boots and pink ward with a 300g disadvantage and zone you with a lvl disadvantage. Don't even need boots anyways. um..... It's different in cases where there is no jungler and mid is AD, so I don't know what circumstances you're playing with but from my experience with AD carry/Support Bot, a mobile AP mid, a top with teleport, and a jungler if they pink the brush and you don't pink to remove it, then you can't go past river anymore because anytime you could get raped from the brush without vision. Whoever has more wards wins bot lane, unless jungler are incompetent or if there is a gold gap more than 1k gold. You can't be aggressive anymore + the fact that they can be = free lose lane. EDIT: also the fact that the person with first hit wins encounters if there is no overwhelming advantage, so you can lose a lot of encounters by having to facecheck even if jungle does not gank bot. EDIT2: I would recommend buying boots or pink wards if you get a kill early, because basic boots increases your speed by like 20%, and if you move faster you can escape from ganks easier allowing you to be more aggressive and zone harder, and pink wards deny vision, so while you may not actually have "real" pressure, there is a fake pressure from the simple possibility that the jungler could be the brush, for example, if the enemy does not have CV and you know that they have not warded one of the brushes, they cannot get even close to EXP range until they ward the brush again, and then in that case you can just kill it again with your pink. Overall my point is, buying philo for faster shurelias is useless at 4 minutes because you won't even need shurelias until like 20 minutes and the gold gain from philo is negligible. The only time I would buy gp5 items is when there is absolutely no kill potential (games with soraka in them  ) or when waves are constantly pushed to our tower and we have absolutely no pressure, and are completely focused on farming. If they pinky ward the brush closer to your turret you just push the lane over that brush, gz 125g down the drain enemy support nice zoning. If they ward their own brush with a pinky big fucking deal. I actually run cv so I can somewhat keep track of the jungler, it's not that hard. Unless you meant the river tribrush, then it depends on wether you're blue or purple and there's other places to ward. Some support pinky warded our brush once so we just pushed the lane and it was ok, sure the enemy may have a mobile mid and jungler, your team has those things aswell.
Testing Jungle Shen at the moment on PBE. I just haphazardly threw together some masteries and used an AD Quint/Mark Armor Seal MR Glyph page. He barely dropped below full health, even against buff camps. Didn't have to use any of my potions on my Boots + 3 pots opening.
So I decided to go crazy and bought health per level seals/quints and went back with a build based almost entirely on maxing health. Started with a Ruby Crystal for laughs. It worked, stupidly well. His clear speed isn't the best but he was really pretty safe and secure all the way through.
Dan jungled Shen the other day but pretty sure he was drunk aswell.
Random question:
Has anybody had success running trundle w/o wriggles? I imagine it's probably still the best item early for him (even though I hate it on him for some reason). I'm just curious, if you have, what item route did you go or did you need to change masteries/runes for a little more sustain of some kind?
On December 17 2011 17:49 Seuss wrote: Testing Jungle Shen at the moment on PBE. I just haphazardly threw together some masteries and used an AD Quint/Mark Armor Seal MR Glyph page. He barely dropped below full health, even against buff camps. Didn't have to use any of my potions on my Boots + 3 pots opening.
So I decided to go crazy and bought health per level seals/quints and went back with a build based almost entirely on maxing health. Started with a Ruby Crystal for laughs. It worked, stupidly well. His clear speed isn't the best but he was really pretty safe and secure all the way through.
in that case you should just open longsword
+ Show Spoiler +Summoners!
In addition to the two item changes that are available to test, we'd also like to add changes to Shen and Vladimir. As always these changes are not final! Total changes are:
Vorpal Blade Energy cost changed to 60 from 70/65/60/55/50 Healing effect reduced to 10/16/22/28/34 from 18/26/34/42/50 Healing effect now also heals for 2% of attacker's maximum health per hit Shen gets the heal if he last hits with Vorpal Blade Single target damaging spells can now also trigger Vorpal Blade instead of just attacks Feint Feint now grants 20/25/30/35/40 Armor while it's active Feint duration increased to 3 from 2.5 Cost increased to 50 from 45 Shadow Dash Cooldown changed to 11-9 from 10 Energy cost reduced to 100 from 120-100 Taunt Duration increased to 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 Restores 40 Energy per champion affected, from 50 Energy if you affect one Ki Strike Bonus Damage from Health increased to 12% from 8% Cooldown is now reduced by 0.5 seconds for minion hits in addition to 2 seconds for champion hits
Transfusion Cooldown reduced to 10/8.5/7/5.5/4 from 12/10/8/6/4 Tides of Blood Health cost reduced to 25/35/45/55/65 from 30/40/50/60/75 Crimson Pact AP -> health conversion reduced to 1.4 from 1.8
Ionic Spark
Now purchasable on Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline Chain lightning proc increased to 120 from 110.
Ninja Tabi
+25 Armor UNIQUE Passive: Reduces the damage taken from non-turret basic attacks by 10%. UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement 2
Not sure if this has been posted, ninja tabi back to 25 armour lol, shen buffs looking nice.
I wonder if they're going to buff sword of the divine now that part of its active will be useless.
On December 17 2011 18:49 Chrispy wrote: I wonder if they're going to buff sword of the divine now that part of its active will be useless. Or remove it because Ionic Spark has the same ASpd and a similar passive. And the +APen always was weird since the passive proc is magic damage.
Shen's already pretty solid, just no one plays him. Those buffs will put him over the top. He doesn't carry games very well and you have to rely on your teammates, which isn't optimal in solo queue
On December 17 2011 18:49 Chrispy wrote: I wonder if they're going to buff sword of the divine now that part of its active will be useless. Your basic autoattacks deal 10% increased damage for x seconds huehue.
Has Jiji got his groove back? I've been watching his stream on and off today, here and there, and he seems to be doing really well.
He's making those quick, bold plays with combo casters that I always used to enjoy seeing from him.
Jiji got some nice handwarmers.
Damn...those shen buffs. if they all go through with those numbers i can see shen becoming god tier, especially in arranged.
he could do with buffs for sure, but not that extreme lol.
Just had a game where my mate went 1v1 as Warwick against Riven top. He got owned so badly it's not even funny. What's the best top against Riven right now ? I don't play top lane all that much and when I do it's normals, but I see good Rivens are like godlike.
On December 17 2011 17:14 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Don't ever build revolver on Ahri. She doesn't die because of sustain, she dies because of large burst and single target stuns. Your passive sustains you well enough already, there's almost no point to getting WotA over rod/rylais/deathcap early and mid-late you want your abyssal/void staff more than you want spell vamp. I've been shitting ALL OVER Ahris that open hextech at any point during lane phase in norms. I don't know if it's because I'm a boss Ahri or because their builds are terrible, but I'm pretty sure the revolver items are bad on her. Honestly she's a great champion for laning because if you understand some of the more advanced concepts it's very simple to gain a 2-4 level advantage over someone mid. I feel like I really understand the game better after playing her ~5 times just because something clicked about how to force someone out of lane at crucial points and snowball it into a massive advantage.
Share please what you're talking about exactly. =S
As far as I know 5hit thinks that you can push basically anyone out of lane at any time, so you want to start building up a minion wave before that and make them miss a lot of exp because you either kill them or send them back home.
5hit thinks he's playing ahri but what he really is doing is just nomming everyone on cho with an ahri skin while having a huge minionwave.