Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler +If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST |
Sometimes you come across the perfect moments in life.
Snoopeh and Dyrus are talking how Dyrus didn't get laid in Korea and Dyrus said:
D:"I didn't have time to" D:"go to clubs" D: "I just hung around the wrong people" implying that otherwise he would have gotten laid 12 times over.
The moment he presses enter the song he has one goes
I almost choked laughing.
Wait, is Feint being changed to give Armor instead of a shield or will it now give both?
On December 18 2011 01:31 NotSorry wrote: slightly off topic
setting up a lol stream, for twitch.tv do they have their own broadcaster or do you need something else like xsplit?
I use xsplit for twitch tv
On December 18 2011 01:09 Treadmill wrote:Show nested quote +On December 18 2011 00:26 sob3k wrote: Dude those shen buffs would just turn him into a SICK toplane, and he's already not that bad in alot of matchups. I love shen and still play him all the time pretty successfully, can't wait if those changes go down.
Still wonder about the feint change, I mean it'll be handy but still pretty worthless later in the game when survivability isn't really your issue and you really need all the energy for your other skills. I guess if you nail 3 people with the new taunt you can toss in a feint but I rarely ever die after taunt anyway.
This and all his other changes barring the passive buff are really mostly buffs to his laning and not his lategame teamfighting which most people complained about.
regardless he'll still be much stronger. Still the best taunt in the game. Nothing like pulling 3 angry bruisers off of your AD in one dash! Well, there ARE only 3 taunts in the game. Though most might consider Galio's better than Shen's. Edit: I think the change to taunt giving back more energy is pretty big. Shen's problem in teamfights (imo) is that you only have the energy to either taunt OR to q-spam so you have to decide between taunting and damaging. More energy back on taunt means that you can taunt in and still do decent damage. Ahri got a taunt like skill too, so it's 4. And it actually says "TAUNTED" when you hit your charm.
Xpecial's Alistar is TRULY a thing of beauty.
So today I learned AutomobileV is a TL'er :D
I know LP is not interested in this stuff cause thereis no US player involved but 4PL is entering interesting stage. i.e. right now exGBT vs Empire starting: Mokatte stream Genja stream
But lots of other good teams playin there. Fnatic already out.
Can anyone explain why ForGG's stream is linked on SoloMid.net? That seems very strange to me.
Sometimes I just sigh at E-sports. TSM acting completly unreasonably, how do hey deal with it? Put everyone on ignore and refuse to talk to them. GG
On December 18 2011 02:03 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On December 18 2011 01:56 phyvo wrote: IMO if anything the problem is that shen ult is such a useful countergank/saving tool and has a lower CD so you want to use it all the time, but one or two kills isn't enough to make losing top turret worth it. You'd have to net kills *and* get a turret/drag afterwards to make the trade worthwhile while defending second top turret. Teleport just sounds like a crutch that makes the decision of whether or not to save someone easier in solo queue because it removes the opportunity cost once every 4.5 minutes. How is it a crutch? It opens up the option to expend a summoner spell + ulti to prevent a kill, rather than trading your ult + tower to prevent a kill. It vastly improves the flexibility with which you can properly use your ulti, because you can choose to dump your TP instead of losing your tower. I would hardly call that a "crutch". Shen ulti+teleport reminds me of old tf running teleport. It just gives a vast amount of map control, makes almost every lane ungankable (unless lane was in REALLY bad position), or it definitely forced them to think twice.
It's pretty viable imo.
Damnnnnn... Trynd, Lee, Yorrick, Karth, Riven. I'd be f***ing terrified of that team!
They've been playing Leesin Yorick bot a lot the past few days.
On December 18 2011 03:51 Haemonculus wrote: Damnnnnn... Trynd, Lee, Yorrick, Karth, Riven. I'd be f***ing terrified of that team! Bot lane vs Sona/Cait? Going to be tough.
Heal Exhaust Sona + Cleanse Ignite Cait... Should switch the Heal and Ignite imo.
Goose screwing with the meta. Karthus + 4 bruisers! Screw ranged AD, screw support.
And is tryndamere REALLY going to jungle :O
On December 18 2011 03:15 Hynda wrote: Sometimes I just sigh at E-sports. TSM acting completly unreasonably, how do hey deal with it? Put everyone on ignore and refuse to talk to them. GG Yeah I didn't like the way Chaox handled the situation with his comments on stream. I guess he meant they didn't practice much by "not trying", but weird he would ignore HS. Not familiar with the other members responses.
Hotlanta been playing a lot of jungle trynd recently.
Is there an alt stream with different casters? This is a real snorefest.
Yorick + Lee sin lane O_O
A small report: Dignitas vs. Goose.
Dignitas - Amumu (jungle), Malphite(top), Ryze (mid), Sona(bot), Cait(bot) Goose - Tryn (jungle), Riven(top), Karthus(mid), Yorick(bot), Karthus(bot)