If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST
I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name.
On December 17 2011 11:57 UniversalSnip wrote: I would be pretty surprised if dorans + vamp/lifesteal quints weren't the standard opening a month from now
I would. You get chunked in lane and you are done. boots+pots just gets you healed back up faster and with less risk.
I think you guys are getting screwed up by the double negative, FYI.
I don't think you'll get chunked, you're up a dorans compared to their boots. If they try to trade with you you just beat the shit out of them. They have to fight you, back off, fight you, back off to get the advantage of their potions, and now you have some sustain so it's not nearly as strong as it would have been before.
Hey guys I've been screwing around with Ahri a bit, I'm just looking for different openings, I've screwed around with 2 dorans rings, Cata, boots. Following up into ROA or Hextech. I'm just curious if anyone has screwed around with anything different and how you have to approach the lane if you're using a different item. From what I've seen the dorans actually doesn't do much because the ap-ratios are pretty low early on. Opening a sapphire isn't too bad but lacks a bit of sustain at level 5-6 [I'm runeless so it's probably way different when you've got full masteries and runes.] Anyways I was just looking for other suggestions.
On December 17 2011 12:36 D u o wrote: Hey guys I've been screwing around with Ahri a bit, I'm just looking for different openings, I've screwed around with 2 dorans rings, Cata, boots. Following up into ROA or Hextech. I'm just curious if anyone has screwed around with anything different and how you have to approach the lane if you're using a different item. From what I've seen the dorans actually doesn't do much because the ap-ratios are pretty low early on. Opening a sapphire isn't too bad but lacks a bit of sustain at level 5-6 [I'm runeless so it's probably way different when you've got full masteries and runes.] Anyways I was just looking for other suggestions.
I like boots 2-3 dorans then straight to Rylai's, I've seen a lot of people do DFG rush as well which seems to work out.
On December 17 2011 12:31 UniversalSnip wrote: I don't think you'll get chunked, you're up a dorans compared to their boots. If they try to trade with you you just beat the shit out of them. They have to fight you, back off, fight you, back off to get the advantage of their potions, and now you have some sustain so it's not nearly as strong as it would have been before.
I dunno, I haven't actually tried it (no ip lol)
Early game AD/AP quints are slightly better than steal/vamp quints in 1 to 1 trades so as long as he pops his first pot fairly early you'll both be low at the same time except that he doesn't have to push the creep wave to regen and 10hp/sec is faster than anything you'll get from vamp quints. Midgame there is a slight difference in trading power in favor of vamp/steal but that's probably not going to matter much.
Moreover in many skillshot based matchups (karthus, cass, brand) boots > doran's start because it makes it so much harder for them to harass you.
The lifesteal quints make me want to use them + dblades on anyone good at early trades, but I'm afraid of dropping 6k IP on quints only to have enemy junglers go "so this level 1 guy has no movespeed, and no on-demand healing--unless he pushes the wave? huehuehue..."
On December 17 2011 12:36 D u o wrote: Hey guys I've been screwing around with Ahri a bit, I'm just looking for different openings, I've screwed around with 2 dorans rings, Cata, boots. Following up into ROA or Hextech. I'm just curious if anyone has screwed around with anything different and how you have to approach the lane if you're using a different item. From what I've seen the dorans actually doesn't do much because the ap-ratios are pretty low early on. Opening a sapphire isn't too bad but lacks a bit of sustain at level 5-6 [I'm runeless so it's probably way different when you've got full masteries and runes.] Anyways I was just looking for other suggestions.
I like boots 2-3 dorans then straight to Rylai's, I've seen a lot of people do DFG rush as well which seems to work out.
Hmmm I've been doing: boots opening, 2-3 dorans, then wota/rylies/dcap.
She's really fun to play. You are soooo strong in 1v1 situations, it's silly. Lvl6 dive erry day. However any CC really ruins your day.
So I just had a 30 or so minute game where everyone in the game had the equivalent of a 1500ms ping, but it doesn't seem like anyone else on the platform had any of it.
On December 17 2011 13:53 Flakes wrote: The lifesteal quints make me want to use them + dblades on anyone good at early trades, but I'm afraid of dropping 6k IP on quints only to have enemy junglers go "so this level 1 guy has no movespeed, and no on-demand healing--unless he pushes the wave? huehuehue..."
why do you think that dblade openings aren't already serviceable without lifesteal quints. in theory, it would just work in conjunction with it. truth be told tho, i get dblade more for hp/ad than for lifesteal, so i still wouldn't use lifesteal quints, but if you really want lifesteal to work, i dont see why it wouldnt.
On December 17 2011 15:08 De4ngus wrote: lol have you people ever clicked on keybindings in settings...
I clicked on it and changed keybindings for the first time ever like 2-3 weeks ago when I first started playing Ryze. Never felt a need to look at it prior to that.
On December 17 2011 11:57 UniversalSnip wrote: I would be pretty surprised if dorans + vamp/lifesteal quints weren't the standard opening a month from now
I would. You get chunked in lane and you are done. boots+pots just gets you healed back up faster and with less risk.
I think you guys are getting screwed up by the double negative, FYI.
So I was staring in horror at my match record today and my eyes fell on the achievements tab that is greyed out and will likely never greyed in because Riot doesnt actually fulfill promises. But that got me thinking. What would be some cool achievements beyond just double, triple, quadra, pentakill?
Some of my thoughts-
"David wins"- Solo someone with 3k hp at the start of you hitting them- no ally help, minions can help. "Dirty dancing"- hit all 5 enemies with Sona ult "Found him!"- Hit all 5 enemies with tibbers "Goliath wins"- 6 stack cho eats teemo for the kill (credit to snapplejax (IGN))