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- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST
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On December 14 2011 05:49 BlackPaladin wrote: Vlad, rumble, and kennen were my first thoughts too. Akali kind of needs the flat AP quints for her passive though. :<
You can hit 20 ap with just 1 ap quint, the rest from blues and masteries.
I've been using 2 ms quints on akali, but I might try these spellvamp ones for a while, will definitely help her jungle.
MS and MR are both better than spell vamp in Vlad. I run those more than Ap these days it's just to help him survive the early levels. You get tue vamp from items anyways which you won't even get to farm against aggressive laners.
MR for mid, MS for too lane IMO.
Kennens ratios are really good and AP is the way to go IMO.
Having recently played a ton of games with both Kennen and Vlad I'll say I think that Kennen could definitely use the vamp quints... his ratios are not super great such that early ap makes it a definitively better choice, and it doesn't hurt that like lifesteal, spell vamp is harder to itemize compared to AP. The base dmg on Q is high, energy and cooldown are low, and QW or WQ openings give u plenty of opportunity to harass to utilize the vamp and just be overall annoying as all hell. Ego IG and other high elo kens are also currently running things like hp quints. I run a slightly modified version of his build so I'll be usin vamp quint for sure.
Contrarily, I think Vlad may be forced to stick with AP quints... Early game the cd on his Q is soooooo looonnngggg I sure as hell am not relying on it for the small heal and having it be a slightly larger but still small heal won't do much to help his abysmal early game. I need my Q to have some oomph early game so I can threaten a trade if they are not giving the proper respect, or they will just laugh at you and zone you. I mean I said this a few pages ago last thread. I feel like on Vlad, because W and E are essentially unusable in combat early game, if ur Q hits like a wet noodle, you basically have no abilities. mpen red - hp/lvl yellow - cdr blue - ap quint 21/9/0 heal/ignite open boot 3
edit: yeah I agree with above, I think MR or MS are also better options on Vlad than vamp, altho i still think AP most significantly effects your early game potential
huehuehuehue Morde es #1 tho and I bought the quints immediately. huehuehuehuehue I'm thinking mpen/armor/cdr/vamp 9/21/0 or 0/9/21 ghost/flash + ignite huehuehuehue
I'm curious what the best way to set up runes / masteries on Akali is these days. I've just got my phone at the moment, so I can't do the math, but I wonder if with all the stuff you can get in the offensive tree it might be possible to switch out reds for penetration, or maybe build her in a way to start doran's and max out that early spell vamp / lifesteal. Hmm...
On December 14 2011 05:45 Sabin010 wrote: Mordekaiser is #1 spell vamp quint candidate. Why is everybody leaving Mordekaiser out of this discussion about vamp quints?
His early game nerfs made people forget him. They don't realize that he's still a terror late game if you don't deny him hard in lane. That ult is scary if you're lacking MR o.O
On December 14 2011 04:46 Haemonculus wrote: Perhaps run lifesteal quints on any ranged bot AD champ that plans on laning with janna? Open d-blade, get bonus AD from shield anyway, have 12% leech from the get-go, and just heal yourself up that way?
yea, that's been my conclusion. lifesteal when laning with a non-heal support, otherwise... ???. I'm not a bot lane expert so I'm not sure how much it's worthwhile, but in theory, I see a lot of value to getting them anyway so that you can sit on 1 dblade and sit pretty at 12% lifesteal, easing the need to get a big ticket lifesteal item until after you finish PD (when I do play bot, I frequently feel like I need to go 2-3 dblades or get a vamp scepter before finishing PD just for the sustain, but @ 12% lifesteal on a blade + IE, shit, that seems good enough until you get PD finished). You gotta be comfy last hitting without those AD Quints though.
I think people in general are overestimating 6% lifesteal. They're at best a midgame rune because early on you actually trade better with AD quints, and later the difference between the two is just enough to say "eh" (like 8 hp a hit at 150 average damage a hit). Lifesteal also doesn't work with most AD scaling abilities.
I mean they're not awful but they're not going to revolutionize your game unless you get to auto attack all the time because your opponents won't stop pushing and your laning partner can't heal you because he picked support shaco.
On December 14 2011 05:45 Sabin010 wrote: Mordekaiser is #1 spell vamp quint candidate. Why is everybody leaving Mordekaiser out of this discussion about vamp quints?
His early game nerfs made people forget him. They don't realize that he's still a terror late game if you don't deny him hard in lane. That ult is scary if you're lacking MR o.O
I once had a fed veigar ult me for like 1600 in a <30 minute game. I was support so I had no money for MR T_T
I would have laughed at him wasting his ult on me except that the snowball was rolling so hard at that point it didn't matter what anyone did.
On December 14 2011 05:49 BlackPaladin wrote: Vlad, rumble, and kennen were my first thoughts too. Akali kind of needs the flat AP quints for her passive though. :<
Activating her AP passive is overemphasized. It was a no-brainer before because AP Quints were best whether or not you were activating the passive, and since you were already at 15 AP you might as well go for it. With Spell Vamp quints that's no longer the case.
For reference, at level 1 with AD Marks/Masteries to reach +10 AD you do an extra 3-4 damage with the AP passive. At level 6 it's all of 6 damage. That's not insignificant per se but when you're going to get enough AP for it the first time you go back it's not an absolute must at level 1, except maybe if you're jungling.
On December 14 2011 04:52 Ryuu314 wrote: Or what about lifesteal quints on almost every fuckign top laner in the game? Open dblade, have 12% lifesteal (only 3% less than wriggles) and laugh as you have almost wriggles level sustain at lvl 1.
guessing Ahri not in store yet? :[
I dunno, requires testing. If you stand there and fight each other, AD or ArPen Quints will beat lifesteal Quints, so I need to see how much you feel the lifesteal as opposed to the extra damage. My guess is that if you're the early aggressor in lane, you'll want AD or ArPen Quints, if you're the passive laner, you'll be running lifesteal or resistance quints. Uhg, can't really theorycraft it tbh, need to just go out there and try both.
On December 14 2011 04:46 Haemonculus wrote: Perhaps run lifesteal quints on any ranged bot AD champ that plans on laning with janna? Open d-blade, get bonus AD from shield anyway, have 12% leech from the get-go, and just heal yourself up that way?
yea, that's been my conclusion. lifesteal when laning with a non-heal support, otherwise... ???. I'm not a bot lane expert so I'm not sure how much it's worthwhile, but in theory, I see a lot of value to getting them anyway so that you can sit on 1 dblade and sit pretty at 12% lifesteal, easing the need to get a big ticket lifesteal item until after you finish PD (when I do play bot, I frequently feel like I need to go 2-3 dblades or get a vamp scepter before finishing PD just for the sustain, but @ 12% lifesteal on a blade + IE, shit, that seems good enough until you get PD finished). You gotta be comfy last hitting without those AD Quints though.
With Doublift/Chaox advocating AD reds, last hitting won't be a problem. You basically can go dblade boots IE PD/LW on any carry now with no concern of sustain.
AD Marks are weird, decided to run some numbers on them.
I did damage calculation on increments of 15 AD (starting @ 50) vs. 10 Armor (starting @ 0) If you have 80 AD, ArPen is better between 20-50 Armor If you have 95 AD, ArPen is better between 20-80 Armor If you have 110 AD, ArPen is better between 20-100 Armor If you have 125 AD, ArPen is better between 20-130 Armor If you have 140 AD, ArPen is better between 20-150 Armor If you have 155 AD, ArPen is better between 20-180 Armor If you have 170 AD, ArPen is better between 20-210 Armor If you have 185 AD, ArPen is better between 20-230 Armor If you have 200 AD, ArPen is better between 20-260 Armor If you have 215 AD, ArPen is better between 20-290 Armor If you have 230 AD, ArPen is better between 20-310 Armor
Post LW, it looks like this (started @ 150 AD, as LW before 150 AD seems wrong) If you have 150 AD, ArPen is better between 20-100 Armor If you have 160 AD, ArPen is better between 20-120 Armor If you have 170 AD, ArPen is better between 20-130 Armor If you have 180 AD, ArPen is better between 20-150 Armor If you have 190 AD, ArPen is better between 20-170 Armor If you have 200 AD, ArPen is better between 20-190 Armor If you have 210 AD, ArPen is better between 20-200 Armor If you have 220 AD, ArPen is better between 20-220 Armor If you have 230 AD, ArPen is better between 20-240 Armor If you have 240 AD, ArPen is better between 20-260 Armor If you have 250 AD, ArPen is better between 20-270 Armor If you have 260 AD, ArPen is better between 20-290 Armor If you have 270 AD, ArPen is better between 20-310 Armor
Eh, I see a lot of realistic scenarios where ArPen is noticeably better. The biggest differences are when AD is vs. sub 10 Armor Targets (Last Hitting) and right when all of ArPen starts getting used (around 20 Armor). Pre last whisper, you see pretty big gaps vs. 20-50 armor around 125ish AD and 20-100 armor when you have 200+ AD. This should translate into noticeably less damage vs. assassins, supports and carries in the midgame.
When you add Last Whisper into the picture, it's a similar, but dimished effect. Once your target is past like 150 armor, even at 270 AD, we're only talking about like 2 damage/hit (~ 1.5% more damage). *shrug* I dunno, draw from it what you will, but I think ArPen is better on your reds for the most part.
Akali's reds should still be the same even with the mastery changes. The most AD you can get is still 3, so unless you want to swap out quints or start with no spellvamp you can't get rid of your 7 AD reds. If you want the bonus on-hit damage, then you need full AP blues and 1 AP quint, taking every AP mastery. This leaves 2 quints, 2 reds, and your yellows open for change. Right now, since I'm mostly playing akali in the jungle, I'm taking AS reds and armor yellows. Going to try some spellvamp quints now...
On December 14 2011 05:45 Sabin010 wrote: Mordekaiser is #1 spell vamp quint candidate. Why is everybody leaving Mordekaiser out of this discussion about vamp quints?
Because it was so unquestionable that it didn't even warrant discussion?
On December 14 2011 06:09 seRapH wrote: Akali's reds should still be the same even with the mastery changes. The most AD you can get is still 3, so unless you want to swap out quints or start with no spellvamp you can't get rid of your 7 AD reds. If you want the bonus on-hit damage, then you need full AP blues and 1 AP quint, taking every AP mastery. This leaves 2 quints, 2 reds, and your yellows open for change. Right now, since I'm mostly playing akali in the jungle, I'm taking AS reds and armor yellows. Going to try some spellvamp quints now...
So with lifesteal quints your AD carry can come to lane with a free vamp scepter if you go Dblade first. If you ran that with like Soraka as your support as Kog'Maw or Vayne or something you could just farm all day and never get pushed out of lane. And since those two ADs out scale all of the others...
On December 14 2011 06:16 mordek wrote: SV getting Aegis on every single champ I've seen him jungle with today. I must be doing somethign wrong... lol
Because the midgame build for every ad jungler right now is generic because all fulfill the exact same role lol,only differences is if you will get a wriggles or not and in what order you get mercs,phage,aegis or potentially a wits end. And aegis is the best mid game defensive item you can get for sub 2k gold.
On December 14 2011 06:34 Sabin010 wrote: Aegis is strong on the jungler because it allows for you to give the armour aura to your allies during the gank.
I'd imagine that the +8 AD aura is more important in that situation. And there's also some MR on top of it.
On December 14 2011 05:16 red_ wrote: Where were these hybrid penetration runes when Kayle was so big...
She's still as viable as ever.
Considering that she used to be the unquestioned #1 champ in the game(immediately after first rework) I'm going to go ahead and say no, she's not anywhere close to 'as viable as ever.' Even if you are of the (wrong) view that she is a 'strong' carry right now, 'as viable as ever' implies she is currently at a state that matches her best, which is certainly untrue.
Of course I could've just laughed and pointed out how she's really not in a good place right now, but that's less fun.
I think she's decent, I play as support dps... She has very good aoe dps... Obviously there are better picks, but I wouldn't necessarily say she's not viable.
On December 14 2011 05:16 red_ wrote: Where were these hybrid penetration runes when Kayle was so big...
She's still as viable as ever.
Considering that she used to be the unquestioned #1 champ in the game(immediately after first rework) I'm going to go ahead and say no, she's not anywhere close to 'as viable as ever.' Even if you are of the (wrong) view that she is a 'strong' carry right now, 'as viable as ever' implies she is currently at a state that matches her best, which is certainly untrue.
Of course I could've just laughed and pointed out how she's really not in a good place right now, but that's less fun.
I think she's decent, I play as support dps... She has very good aoe dps... Obviously there are better picks, but I wouldn't necessarily say she's not viable.
Every champion in the game is viable in solo queue