[Patch Ahri] General Discussion - Page 160
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France45622 Posts
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New Zealand3180 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
![]() And your initiate baited your whole team into malph ult but you were so fed that who gives a fuck. | ||
China26351 Posts
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France8631 Posts
On December 23 2011 20:29 Slayer91 wrote: And your initiate baited your whole team into malph ult but you were so fed that who gives a fuck. In fact, I wanted to bait the opponents into initiating on me, we had Annie so if they all came on me it was bingo... Instead they decided to hesitate and it ended up being a complete slaughter XD | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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England6749 Posts
then he says that both trinity force and frozen mallet are bad because they cost too much money? again i dont see how this can be true. trinity force as an example gives you a ton of damage, your spamming abilities for sheen, movement speed + cripple allows you to run past people and dragonkick them into your team and if you dont like frozen mallet your gonna want the best slow proc you can get. am i just retarded or missing something here? | ||
United States4054 Posts
On December 23 2011 23:08 turdburgler wrote: reading the leesin guide by cruzerthebruzer, i dont understand his logic at all. he advises lvling q as main prio even in jungle? surely leveling e first allows your ganks to be more effective. trading 50 dmg or so for 20%+ more slow seems crazy. then he says that both trinity force and frozen mallet are bad because they cost too much money? again i dont see how this can be true. trinity force as an example gives you a ton of damage, your spamming abilities for sheen, movement speed + cripple allows you to run past people and dragonkick them into your team and if you dont like frozen mallet your gonna want the best slow proc you can get. am i just retarded or missing something here? Q is your main source of damage and burst. Level 5 Q is 100+ damage on BOTH hits over level 1, plus less cooldown, which is much better in ganks than slowing an already-slowed target even more. Triforce and mallet are very rarely seen on jungle Lee precisely because of the cost. Lee Sin is not really an auto-attacker and his damage scales almost exclusively with AD, and is also a bruiser, so you should be building either Dorans -> Brut/Bloodthirst (for damage) or Aegis/Warmog (for tankiness). Lee can't use most of the Triforce stats as effectively as other champs. His Q doesn't proc on hit effects, the slow is redundant with his E (one of the best slows in the game), he has very little use of attack speed and crit, and sheen's mana and AP are completely unused. If you have 4k gold you're usually better off getting Warmog+ part of your Atma. Frozen Mallet is similar reason - if you can buy a giant's belt you should be building warmog instead, and if you can't you should be building aegis. EDIT: This is not to say Triforce is a bad item on Lee; it's just not something you can reasonably rush in most jungle games. You'll be made of paper and your damage won't go up as much as building pure AD items. It would likely be the 7th item, selling your wriggle for it. | ||
United States2503 Posts
On December 23 2011 18:40 mr_tolkien wrote: I LOVE Warwick \o/ http://fr.twitch.tv/mr_tolkien/b/303397761 You NEED to submit that to Protatomonster. That's an amazing clip. You were SO close to dying like 2-3 different times. So amazing. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On December 23 2011 23:08 turdburgler wrote: reading the leesin guide by cruzerthebruzer, i dont understand his logic at all. he advises lvling q as main prio even in jungle? surely leveling e first allows your ganks to be more effective. trading 50 dmg or so for 20%+ more slow seems crazy. Max-rank Q has 140 more damage than max-rank E, AND has shorter cooldown (increasing the likelihood of getting off a second Q). It's way more useful in ganks to have maxed Q than E. Keep in mind also that 30% increased slow is only on the initial slow %, since the E slow tapers off over its duration. On December 23 2011 23:08 turdburgler wrote: then he says that both trinity force and frozen mallet are bad because they cost too much money? again i dont see how this can be true. trinity force as an example gives you a ton of damage, your spamming abilities for sheen, movement speed + cripple allows you to run past people and dragonkick them into your team and if you dont like frozen mallet your gonna want the best slow proc you can get. Triforce is good later if you get fed, but your priority with limited gold from the jungle is building up HP/resists, because you're going to have less levels/farm than laners. Warmog's is naturally the most cost-effective way to get HP, and you can fill out resists with Chain/Negatron which eventually turn into Atmas/FoN if the game goes long. Mallet slow isn't really that necessary on Lee Sin. You already have E (and sometimes red buff), so the incremental gain of having Mallet instead of just keeping Phage isn't that high. Much rather turn a GBelt into Warmog's, though sometimes I'd get Mallet if I got Aegis for the team, need to clear a slot, and don't feel like I'll reasonably finish/charge Warmog's. | ||
England6749 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On December 24 2011 00:14 turdburgler wrote: im not saying rush triforce, but he seems to say its flat out bad. surely when you are limited to 6 item slots getting so much from 1 slot seems too good to throw away. OK, then, it's 6th item after Wriggle's, Merc's, Warmog's, Atma's, FoN. Maybe earlier if you're really fed, but unlikely. Practically speaking, that's a point you should never get to on Lee Sin out of the jungle--there simply isn't enough farm available for you to reasonably get there, so saying you should get it as 6th item, and saying you should never get it are practically the same. | ||
United States33802 Posts
So I got my Prospector's Blade and Merc's, then rushed the "Bloodthirster", the Dom equivalent one, that is. Then I realized I had enough Gold for the Phage/BFS item. Then by the time I went back again, I had enough for an IE. 3 BFS items on her should be outlawed, I 1v3ed pretty effectively and carried the fuck out of my team. No need for even a GA or anything like that when your shield can tank half a Xerath combo. | ||
United States11378 Posts
On December 23 2011 16:46 zer0das wrote: I've only played the matchup a few times, but in general I haven't had problems killing her (way less than most APs). It's only difficult if her jungler intercedes, and then it can be hellish (hi Rammus/Fox taunt straight to hell -_-). I think the key is applying early pressure- keep her way the hell away from the creep wave as soon as you can. The blaze after effect lets you keep her health down, and then you just full combo the jerk if she gets careless. Once she's past 6 it gets a lot harder, so it turns a bit into a farm fest, although you can generally blow her up when she mispositions, or at least send her running. Also, you have to buy a lot of pots. An early revolver/WoTA helps a lot too, because then she can't just outsustain you. Hope that helps. You rush Revolver for sustain? I like to just get an early Catalyst on APs if I need to sustain. | ||
United States4223 Posts
On December 23 2011 20:02 R04R wrote: 45 minute 4v5 WIN with Bly and Craton Pretty entertaining game to watch. GGs + Show Spoiler + Replay: http://www.mediafire.com/?itbkfrrti2ol1ra are you too busy playing with these guys is that why you never play with us cartonz | ||
United States399 Posts
On December 23 2011 23:08 turdburgler wrote: reading the leesin guide by cruzerthebruzer, i dont understand his logic at all. he advises lvling q as main prio even in jungle? surely leveling e first allows your ganks to be more effective. trading 50 dmg or so for 20%+ more slow seems crazy. then he says that both trinity force and frozen mallet are bad because they cost too much money? again i dont see how this can be true. trinity force as an example gives you a ton of damage, your spamming abilities for sheen, movement speed + cripple allows you to run past people and dragonkick them into your team and if you dont like frozen mallet your gonna want the best slow proc you can get. am i just retarded or missing something here? cruzer is essentially a 1-trick pony and is definitely known for his lee, but you have to give the man credit, he is damn good at lee. he's had tons of experienced at the highest level of play owning with lee. i might not trust anything he says on any other champ but his lee advice is pretty solid. if he says no frozen mallet then i wouldn't get frozen mallet. and like yango said, the reasoning is there - in a game where you're not just crushing anyway, it's hard to set aside 4k gold for an item that gives you only 20 damage when you have such sick AD scaling, PLUS you don't really need the mallet to lock someone up thanks to OP E. | ||
United States8519 Posts
On December 23 2011 16:55 Cloud wrote: I laugh every time someone picks brand after i have picked ahri, it happens pretty often too. Pretty easy matchup for ahri imo. Ahri out-harasses brand early because of her range and is more mana efficient when it comes to pushing the wave. After level 6 unless she is dumb and blinks right into your face she becomes impossible to kill. My advice would be, try to harass with e for the first few levels while keeping in mind her orb and maxing w, afterwards ask your jungler for blue and just clear waves and hug turret/gank other lanes. Really? That's odd... I think a lot of APs are pretty meh against her. Which ones do you hate facing? My guess is: Cass, Malz, Zilean... and that's about it. Personally I think the Brand matchup is fine, I might be playing terrible foxes, but usually I can at least force them back off and then gain a farm advantage and be more useful in team fights. On December 24 2011 01:12 Ferrose wrote: You rush Revolver for sustain? I like to just get an early Catalyst on APs if I need to sustain. No... I go catalyst first. But getting it as a third major item is not a bad idea, since fox can wear you down over time pretty easily. | ||
Sexico5880 Posts
Also dislike going vs karthus because he always seems to get fed as hell without making any effort. Like you will be beating him but his kill counter will just steadily be rising until he finally beats you. Zilean is just a weaker version of ryze imo, when it comes to laning. Though its more rare to find them in mid so i havent had much experience with them. Haven't played vs malz but you're a much stronger teamfighter than him and even if you just exchange farm you're gonna win teamfights later for your team. Keeping your charm at high level really helps a ton vs people that try to zone you with point and click nukes, makes ahri pretty hard to zone. | ||
United States33802 Posts
Also, anyone randomly get some free IP/RP? I don't think it was from a refund, since I'm not missing champs/runes. | ||
United States8519 Posts
I think Malz is way more useful in teamfights, and he can push the lane all day. I haven't really seen many Ahris do that great though. Which is weird, because I feel like most APs are at a disadvantage. | ||
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