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On December 20 2011 18:20 Alaric wrote:Random question: what is the most early game fullcomp you could come up with? Like, not simply all-ining, but going balls out 4-pool. I imagine something like Garen/Pantheon top, LB mid, Urgot as an AD carry, since they seem to be the ones that falls off hardest later (Caitlyn revolves around being relatively better than her counterpart rather than objectively powerful, so I'm not sure about her), but I can't come up with a jungler and support to compliment that. I guess no "standard" support truly falls off, perhaps Taric? While we're at support, Nunu+Sivir (with a bit of Trundle from the jungle) has such insane chasing power it's unfair. o_o They could only escape because there was Nidalee, Master Yi, Shen, Akali. And still, Absolute Zero > Shroud.  (and Stand United > Absolute Zero when Shen appears out of nowhere and she comes out of stealth with 100 hp and a tiny bit a shield, QQ).
I remember having almost this exact setup once in solo Q.
Firstpick grabs LB. I'm 2nd and grab Pantheon stating IF THEY ARENT 0-20 WITHIN 15 MINUTES WE'RE DOING IT WRONG. 3rd grabs Urgot. 4th grabs Rammus. 5th Taric.
That game wasn't even funny anymore, pretty much ended with two people going afk at like 10 minutes at 1-15ish stats.
Running stuff like Pantheon/Leona botlane also shines in those type of teamcomps. Ali/Taric are great to combine them with someone like Urgot/Pantheon. For jungle I can see Rammus/Shaco and to some extend Udyr/Skarner work.
Edit: Totally forgot Lee/Xin for jungle, #1 jannaspines always rite.
Urgot Blitz or Urgot Janna? Both you get that combo at level six to supress a guy into the tower and silence or blow him and supress under the turret. Janna gives the AD steroid, while blitz just gets hooks and pop ups. I think Janna might be better, but I mostly play Urgot in a solo lane so I'm not sure who his best supports are.
How about Shaco jungle for faling off late game?
On December 20 2011 23:17 Sabin010 wrote: Urgot Blitz or Urgot Janna? Both you get that combo at level six to supress a guy into the tower and silence or blow him and supress under the turret. Janna gives the AD steroid, while blitz just gets hooks and pop ups. I think Janna might be better, but I mostly play Urgot in a solo lane so I'm not sure who his best supports are.
If someone is good enough at Blitz that he constantly gets hooks I'd rather play Vayne with him tbh. Janna/Urgot is a weird lane imo, since it's rare that Jannas can assist you in hitting your E like Ali/Taric can. If she's good enough to do that (/you're good enough at Urgot to not rely on that at all) I think that lane might rape, too.
However, when I play Urgot solo Q I ask for Taric > Alistar like 100% of the time. Janna/Durpgot takes so much more skill to beat up the other side than those combos imoimo.
OMG. I just saw a ryze go deathcap first(after tear). Like, not even an archangel, a freaking deathcap first. Good thing, he was on the other team. Bad thing, I was laughing so hard that I let him kill me. XD
On December 20 2011 23:20 GeneralStan wrote: How about Shaco jungle for faling off late game?
Not sure, I had a Shaco late game as opponents who focused on killing the ranged AD carry in teamfights, it was incredibly annoying and as a result our damage was incredibly lower than it should've been :/
On December 20 2011 23:37 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: OMG. I just saw a ryze go deathcap first(after tear). Like, not even an archangel, a freaking deathcap first. Good thing, he was on the other team. Bad thing, I was laughing so hard that I let him kill me. XD How would archangel first be any better? :/
2 questions regarding Kennen:
1- 21/0/9 or 9/0/21.
2- MS, Flat AP or Spell Vamp Quints.
I think 9/0/21 and Flat AP.
On December 20 2011 23:23 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 23:17 Sabin010 wrote: Urgot Blitz or Urgot Janna? Both you get that combo at level six to supress a guy into the tower and silence or blow him and supress under the turret. Janna gives the AD steroid, while blitz just gets hooks and pop ups. I think Janna might be better, but I mostly play Urgot in a solo lane so I'm not sure who his best supports are. If someone is good enough at Blitz that he constantly gets hooks I'd rather play Vayne with him tbh. Janna/Urgot is a weird lane imo, since it's rare that Jannas can assist you in hitting your E like Ali/Taric can. If she's good enough to do that (/you're good enough at Urgot to not rely on that at all) I think that lane might rape, too. However, when I play Urgot solo Q I ask for Taric > Alistar like 100% of the time. Janna/Durpgot takes so much more skill to beat up the other side than those combos imoimo.
Soraka wouldn't be bad either cause she can feed you a ton of mana, which turns into a lot of knives. You could even start longsword and one potion and get away with a later tear of the goddess in that lane.
lol, Smash has been laning vs elementz as karma vs galio on elementz's stream.
Elementz in reply to smash bursting down half his hp right after coming back to lane. "God that bitch hurts" lol!
On December 21 2011 00:17 -Kato- wrote: 2 questions regarding Kennen:
1- 21/0/9 or 9/0/21.
2- MS, Flat AP or Spell Vamp Quints.
I think 9/0/21 and Flat AP.
Flat AP for sure, vamp is cute but not as good as AP. I run 21/0/9 , since the Q is spammable as it is for low cost, and you get the max dmg out of it that way
On December 20 2011 20:36 Unentschieden wrote: Remember that the Chrismas Runes are available. T3 for 75% the IP! Which runes do you guys recommend to get first? I have about 9k IP saved up and don't know which ones to get. Preferably 3 of the ones on sale.
MPen, APen, or MS (I already have flat health)
And why 9 utility? Typically Kennen doesn't hog red or blue too much, doesn't use mana, and the rest is pretty bad compared to 9 defense.
On December 21 2011 00:17 -Kato- wrote: 2 questions regarding Kennen:
1- 21/0/9 or 9/0/21.
2- MS, Flat AP or Spell Vamp Quints.
I think 9/0/21 and Flat AP. Most certainly 21/0/9. Depending on your quints, I'd even consider 21/9/0. I'm not a huge fan of the energy regen mastery on him, so if you run MS Quints (my quints of choice, because I don't have spellvamp), I'd go 8 in utility for the MS, otherwise I think the Armor/MRes, HP/lvl and flat 30 HP of defense are too good to skip.
Ego Ignaxio, the most devoted Kennen player out there, states in his guide:
''- Spell vamp quints are just incredible on Kennen. With masteries and runes you can start the game with 9% spell vamp, I was actually able to outlast the burst of Zilean and harass him out of lane with these. Zilean is kind of an asshole, which means these runes are kind of amazing. With just a revolver you have nearly the same spell vamp you'd get with WotA beforehand, and that's pretty amazing. I definitely suggest running these over any other quints by far. With doran's shield start and these spell vamp runes you can last in lane for literally forever against just about anyone if you play it right. ''
''~Why I don't use AP runes~
I don't like AP runes or masteries because all of his "guaranteed damage" abilities (meaning all his abilities aside from Q) have low AP ratios and I feel as though my runes are better for him in 1v1 laning situations. Most of Kennen's early game harass is from W and auto attacks, which AP runes do nothing for.
I get rylai's before death cap because I find that against competent players a 1600 health Kennen is extremely easy to counter even though he does a lot of damage. Due to the lowish AP ratios I was talking about a Wota/rylai's Kennen won't be doing too much less damage than a Wota/death cap Kennen while being about 25-30% more survivable with more utility and the ability to survive burst damage.
How do you think an AP runed death cap rushing Kennen will fare against the mid game burst of say, a veigar, brand, Cassiopeia, Ryze, Annie, Xerath or god forbid a Leblanc or Kassadin? Not very well. I focus a bit more on Kennen's usefulness as a champion rather than playing him as a straight up burst caster. ''
On December 21 2011 01:15 Shiv. wrote:
I'm not a huge fan of the energy regen mastery on him
There is no energy regen mastery, just a flat +10 max energy mastery (which makes utility even worse if you aren't shooting for the Spell Vamp).
On December 21 2011 00:17 -Kato- wrote: 2 questions regarding Kennen:
1- 21/0/9 or 9/0/21.
2- MS, Flat AP or Spell Vamp Quints.
I think 9/0/21 and Flat AP.
I would recommend flat HP quints over AP. Why? You're not going to utilize that AP in lane much, whereas HP makes you even more ungankable. HP is also nice to have when going Hextech -> Deathcap into midgame.
Spell vamp seems really interesting as a way to skip a Hextech all together.
If you're gonna go 21 in offense, go 21/9/0, since only putting 9 points in utility doesn't make sense. I personally run 9/0/21 since reduced cooldown on abilities and summoners > increasing AP.
...refresh page and 10 billion people posted before me ._.
second edit: Many people go WotA -> Rylais on Kennen but I disagree with delaying nuclearbombkilleverything ult for 500HP. The difference your ult makes in a fight when you have a Rylais vs a Deathcap is ridiculous. Hextech/WotA -> DC, Salce style.
So i am trying to set up a new teamcomp, for me and my duo queue partner. It will be Shen jungle (after the next patch cause shen jungle is going to be trolologood), and a mid that can be really annoying with an early bluebuff (Shen doesn't need it at all).
What mid laner will most benifit by level 1 bluebuff?
On December 21 2011 01:38 57 Corvette wrote: So i am trying to set up a new teamcomp, for me and my duo queue partner. It will be Shen jungle (after the next patch cause shen jungle is going to be trolologood), and a mid that can be really annoying with an early bluebuff (Shen doesn't need it at all).
What mid laner will most benifit by level 1 bluebuff? LeBonk. The only thing restraining her from absolutely obliterating every single AP champ mid are mana issues early on.
I have a complete lack of faith in shen jungle when slow junglers are just getting kicked around in the new jungle. Shen can do what he does from jungle while farming a lane and zoning some poor sap in top lane.
You can do the same thing with ree sing and use early ganks to dominate top and bot as well.
On December 21 2011 01:41 Slayer91 wrote: I have a complete lack of faith in shen jungle when slow junglers are just getting kicked around in the new jungle. Shen can do what he does from jungle while farming a lane and zoning some poor sap in top lane.
You can do the same thing with ree sing and use early ganks to dominate top and bot as well.
Well, when the new patch comes I will test him out a bit, haven't tried him since the jungle rework, but with these upcoming buffs he might be worth it.
Oh, and I don't have lee sin, or else I probably would do the same thing.