[Patch Ahri] General Discussion - Page 122
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Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler + If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried. - Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST | ||
Canada1214 Posts
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United States1966 Posts
On December 20 2011 14:05 wei2coolman wrote: 5 Support part is the funniest shit in the world. I remember sieging their inhibitor turret for 10 minutes straight, until they finally all died to an ace from us. So much sustain it's broken. I've never actually played 5 support, but I've played with 4 support players on my team while I played master yi. we were down 3-20 in kills, but I had 3 kills, at 20 minute were just like groupgroupgroup. Then we somehow turned it to 20-20 from sieging shit LOL most hilarious stuff ever. | ||
United States441 Posts
On December 20 2011 14:35 eagle wrote: karthus Meh, he's not that fun to me. Anyone else? | ||
United States1471 Posts
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United States8841 Posts
On December 20 2011 14:31 AwayFromLife wrote: So who counts as a sustained damage mage? I've been meaning to learn AP, but don't like the burst-and-run types (like Brand or whatever). I figure Ryze is one, probably Cass and Swain. Who else? Rumble, Vlad, maybe Mordekaiser, Kennen kind of. Mostly just WOTA first champs if you're excluding the ones already listed. | ||
United States6722 Posts
"Kiev - looks like i’ll be subbing for goose on their trip to germany. " | ||
9109 Posts
On December 20 2011 15:03 TwoToneTerran wrote: Rumble, Vlad, maybe Mordekaiser, Kennen kind of. Mostly just WOTA first champs if you're excluding the ones already listed. I think Cass also goes under the vague heading of sustained damage mage. edit: lol already mentioned, this is what I get for not reading further into a tiny quote pyramid. | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
On December 20 2011 15:04 NotSorry wrote: Dyrus posted on his twitter that he will be subbing for someone in Goose and going to Kiev "Kiev - looks like i’ll be subbing for goose on their trip to germany. " Does Dyrus (and NotSorry) think Kiev is in Germany or am I missing something here? | ||
Canada834 Posts
On December 20 2011 15:04 NotSorry wrote: Dyrus posted on his twitter that he will be subbing for someone in Goose and going to Kiev "Kiev - looks like i’ll be subbing for goose on their trip to germany. " When did Germany annex the Ukraine? Edit: Several burst mages can put out surprising sustained damage. Ahri, Orianna, and Xerath actually have decent sustained damage because their nukes are on such short cooldowns. Even Veigar does decent sustained damage with his Q + W if he lands them since they have super short cooldowns. | ||
United States1631 Posts
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United States6722 Posts
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9871 Posts
On December 20 2011 10:31 UniversalSnip wrote: jax beats yorick User was warned for this post Warning for unjustified theorycrafting: this is not theory crafting, this is from watching dyrus crush yorick repeatedly on stream and then laugh about how unfair it is because he gets free dodge procs from the ghouls. What a random warn, I'm pretty sure if loco had said it it would be taken on faith on that he knew what he was talking about but because I said it it's taken on faith that I'm talking out of my ass. Ouch. | ||
1100 Posts
On December 20 2011 15:19 R04R wrote: Isn't Ukraine a city in Germany? I'm not sure whether to take this post seriously or not, but in the off-chance that you were serious: no, Ukraine is not a city in Germany, it's a country in Eastern Europe that was once a part of the Soviet Union. | ||
United States11378 Posts
On December 20 2011 15:21 UniversalSnip wrote: Warning for unjustified theorycrafting: this is not theory crafting, this is from watching dyrus crush yorick repeatedly on stream and then laugh about how unfair it is because he gets free dodge procs from the ghouls. What a random warn, I'm pretty sure if loco had said it it would be taken on faith on that he knew what he was talking about but because I said it it's taken on faith that I'm talking out of my ass. Ouch. Welcome to teamliquid.net. | ||
9871 Posts
I'm not sure whether to take this post seriously or not, but in the off-chance that you were serious: no, Ukraine is not a city in Germany, it's a country in Eastern Europe that was once a part of the Soviet Union. ^--- which is a fascinating country. It's name literally means 'on the border' and it's history is the history of the interface between europe and russia. It shares a common heritage with russia - they both come from the kingdom of Kievan Rus - but it's been historically aligned with europe for centuries. Kiev itself is the origin point of russian history... it's definitely not german. | ||
Hungary4707 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
On December 20 2011 15:21 UniversalSnip wrote: Warning for unjustified theorycrafting: this is not theory crafting, this is from watching dyrus crush yorick repeatedly on stream and then laugh about how unfair it is because he gets free dodge procs from the ghouls. What a random warn, I'm pretty sure if loco had said it it would be taken on faith on that he knew what he was talking about but because I said it it's taken on faith that I'm talking out of my ass. Ouch. Yet I dont get a warning when I say Trynd beats yorick. Either I'm right or its assumed I know what im talking about. Either way, I'm happy. | ||
United States4423 Posts
On December 20 2011 15:21 UniversalSnip wrote: Warning for unjustified theorycrafting: this is not theory crafting, this is from watching dyrus crush yorick repeatedly on stream and then laugh about how unfair it is because he gets free dodge procs from the ghouls. What a random warn, I'm pretty sure if loco had said it it would be taken on faith on that he knew what he was talking about but because I said it it's taken on faith that I'm talking out of my ass. Ouch. I actually never thought of that, jax should rape the shit out of yorick (atleast until they remove dodge). | ||
United States1723 Posts
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United States9908 Posts
On December 20 2011 14:35 eagle wrote: karthus i cant believe you didnt suggest eagle | ||
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