Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler +If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST |
On December 20 2011 12:41 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: who is more of a terror at low elo - akali or shaco?
I can't speak for US or anything, but on EUW shaco is currently permaban between 1400-1800. If he's picked, he wrecks games. So, yeah. Shaco all day. =D
anyone else lagging tonight? just had a game where everyone in it was having 1 sec lag. for myself, the game said i had a 30 ping.
yeah, I had a game with some 3 or so lag spikes for everyone. all of a sudden the chat would just fill with "omg lag wtf"
Is it just me, or is tanky dps too strong in lower levels? Yeah, yeah, I know there's a QQ thread, but at what point do you learn to counter them/deal with it? What tips do you have for 4 tanky dps and one massive nuker or support? Even with a normal team comp, it seems like you can't tear through their health or push them back fast enough to win.
I bad, plz help
On December 20 2011 13:17 Requizen wrote:Is it just me, or is tanky dps too strong in lower levels? Yeah, yeah, I know there's a QQ thread, but at what point do you learn to counter them/deal with it? What tips do you have for 4 tanky dps and one massive nuker or support? Even with a normal team comp, it seems like you can't tear through their health or push them back fast enough to win. I bad, plz help 
You need CCs and you need your AD carry and AP carry to win their lanes. Most ADs beat tanky DPS champs who don't have dashes in lane, so try to lane them against that. Swain/Kennen/Morgana/Rumble can all lane against bruisers just fine and can shit on them during mid and late game as well.
I had a game where the enemy team had 3 dcs at exactly the same time.
On December 20 2011 12:52 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 12:41 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: who is more of a terror at low elo - akali or shaco? I can't speak for US or anything, but on EUW shaco is currently permaban between 1400-1800. If he's picked, he wrecks games. So, yeah. Shaco all day. =D Shaco requires a team who is competent enough to support ganks. Akali can just burst something from 100% hp to 0%, even when they have teammates nearby. All she needs is 1-2 kills (which are basically free for any assassin at low Elo) and she will snowball out of control.
On December 20 2011 13:17 Requizen wrote:Is it just me, or is tanky dps too strong in lower levels? Yeah, yeah, I know there's a QQ thread, but at what point do you learn to counter them/deal with it? What tips do you have for 4 tanky dps and one massive nuker or support? Even with a normal team comp, it seems like you can't tear through their health or push them back fast enough to win. I bad, plz help 
If you pick 5 Tanky DPS, 5 Support, 5 AD carry, or 5 AP carry as your team, in low ELO you will literally win 90% of your games
When you approach 1600+ this tends not to be the case.
Now why is this so you may ask?
because in low ELO a lot of people can only play certain champions, more importantly will not be able to play champs that can counter it
Now say a team picks 5 tanky DPS, if you have Alistar and Vayne you're probably going to win. Simply because Alistar just craps on melee, and Vayne does too much damage. Janna is a free win as well if they're all melee. However, if your team picks LeBlanc, Kassadin, and like Galio obviously you're screwed.
If they pick 5 AP, and you have anyone who is tanky enough to survive that kind of burst you're going to win. This is especially the case if you have like Udyr and Galio. Of course, stacking MR will be huehuehue
Now say they build a 5 AD carry team, malphite and tryndamere will crap on that so hard.
If they pick 5 support, then you just have to pray to god that your team doesn't try to fight them before the 30 minute mark even if you're 20 kills up because somehow 5 support teams always rape in teamfights before 30 minute mark where their base values aren't good enough anymore.
The most important part is not counterpicking yourself
On December 20 2011 13:26 Bwaaaa wrote: I had a game where the enemy team had 3 dcs at exactly the same time.
were they a 3 man premade?
I had half 4 people dc at the same time once, one from my team, 3 from the other. Everyone else suddenly lagged like hell. I guess it was something to do with the server.
I was lagging off and on in game (and in general), but I dunno if it was the servers or just someone in my home who doesn't know how to bandwidth cap bittorrent.
On December 20 2011 13:29 Chairman Ray wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 13:26 Bwaaaa wrote: I had a game where the enemy team had 3 dcs at exactly the same time. were they a 3 man premade? I had half 4 people dc at the same time once, one from my team, 3 from the other. Everyone else suddenly lagged like hell. I guess it was something to do with the server.
The best moment of my life was when I was a level 15~ summoner, and got ganked by 5 people because I was over extending
Then all 5 just stopped in place, and I pentakilled.
haven't gotten that many pentas since ;(
Just had the most one-sided ranked game ever. Our Garen top somehow managed to win his 1v2 lane against irelia vayne (came out 3-1), our mid Sion Screwed over mid Brand (4-0 in lane), and our Ali Trist bot was collectively 7-0. I had nothing to do the whole game as there was no need for ganks (jungling).
Thank you MM
On December 20 2011 13:33 Abenson wrote: Just had the most one-sided ranked game ever. Our Garen top somehow managed to win his 1v2 lane against irelia vayne (came out 3-1), our mid Sion Screwed over mid Brand (4-0 in lane), and our Ali Trist bot was collectively 7-0. I had nothing to do the whole game as there was no need for ganks (jungling).
Thank you MM
That sounds almost too good to be true :p
Dyrus playing on laptop? Crazy beeping into "wtf omg" into dead stream. lol
On December 20 2011 13:29 tobi9999 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 13:17 Requizen wrote:Is it just me, or is tanky dps too strong in lower levels? Yeah, yeah, I know there's a QQ thread, but at what point do you learn to counter them/deal with it? What tips do you have for 4 tanky dps and one massive nuker or support? Even with a normal team comp, it seems like you can't tear through their health or push them back fast enough to win. I bad, plz help  If you pick 5 Tanky DPS, 5 Support, 5 AD carry, or 5 AP carry as your team, in low ELO you will literally win 90% of your games When you approach 1600+ this tends not to be the case. Now why is this so you may ask? because in low ELO a lot of people can only play certain champions, more importantly will not be able to play champs that can counter itNow say a team picks 5 tanky DPS, if you have Alistar and Vayne you're probably going to win. Simply because Alistar just craps on melee, and Vayne does too much damage. Janna is a free win as well if they're all melee. However, if your team picks LeBlanc, Kassadin, and like Galio obviously you're screwed. If they pick 5 AP, and you have anyone who is tanky enough to survive that kind of burst you're going to win. This is especially the case if you have like Udyr and Galio. Of course, stacking MR will be huehuehue Now say they build a 5 AD carry team, malphite and tryndamere will crap on that so hard. If they pick 5 support, then you just have to pray to god that your team doesn't try to fight them before the 30 minute mark even if you're 20 kills up because somehow 5 support teams always rape in teamfights before 30 minute mark where their base values aren't good enough anymore. The most important part is not counterpicking yourself
5 Support part is the funniest shit in the world. I remember sieging their inhibitor turret for 10 minutes straight, until they finally all died to an ace from us. So much sustain it's broken.
So who counts as a sustained damage mage? I've been meaning to learn AP, but don't like the burst-and-run types (like Brand or whatever). I figure Ryze is one, probably Cass and Swain. Who else?
On December 20 2011 14:35 eagle wrote: karthus Karthus is in a class of his own when it comes to mages. Just farm with q then just turn on your AOE and kill everyone.
I'm a little surprised that people are still trying to pretend they can't play support in 1700+ elo.