Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler +If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST |
On December 20 2011 10:46 r.Evo wrote: TL I hereby ask thee: (thus? I suck at this.)
What's your method of dealing with games where champselect screams OH GAWD TROLLZ OH GAWD.
Think of 1-2 people who ramble on spanish, the obvious ME NO SUPPORT lastpick and where you just smell your teamcomp will be utterly retarded.
My usual approach is to grab some early game dominator (since they work well even if someone decides to lane with you for some reason) and try to gain some kind of momentum to snowball. Stuff like Pantheon. Sometimes it even works. =D
Anyone else got stuff that works for him in those spots? I'm not dumbed down enough by those things to give up, so I actively try to convince people to be cool to each other and show a little respect, considering we'll have to spend the next 30 or so minutes stuck together as a team.
Works 50% of the time. All the time.
I've had success as Renekton against Yorick.
I try to pick something that'll make up for it, for example last game (well, before the Yorrick one) we had Poppy instalock then Vayne (we queued as 3, was a normal). We supposed Poppy would lane bot (we were wrong, she ruined the game with dumbassery after letting Riven top freefarm, but that's another story) so we grabbed Tryndamere for a powerful lategame and Maokai in jungle for the "prevent them from screwing up, clean up otherwise" mentality (he's fast and I think he holds his own very well if he gets somewhat fed early). Basically "don't care too much and pick stuff that you find fun, while being capable of holding the whole thing together if your teammates fail". We manage to allow Vayne a lot of splitpushing/farming, for example, and dominated teamfights with Tryndamere's threat and my initiates, being all in our opponent's faces so she could shred them. Until she went 1v5 despite wards and lost us the game. Well, for those retard actions I don't have an answer yet.
I actually beat a yorick top with corki :X. Bombs q e kills all his ghouls once you're 6 and then you just kill him while all his shit is on CD.
laser (e?) brings memories of early Colossus (alpha if im not wrong)
That slow/stun field looks strong as fuck.
On December 20 2011 10:46 r.Evo wrote: TL I hereby ask thee: (thus? I suck at this.)
What's your method of dealing with games where champselect screams OH GAWD TROLLZ OH GAWD.
Think of 1-2 people who ramble on spanish, the obvious ME NO SUPPORT lastpick and where you just smell your teamcomp will be utterly retarded.
My usual approach is to grab some early game dominator (since they work well even if someone decides to lane with you for some reason) and try to gain some kind of momentum to snowball. Stuff like Pantheon. Sometimes it even works. =D
Anyone else got stuff that works for him in those spots?
There are champions that are good in some team comps, and there are champions that are good in EVERY SINGLE TEAM COMP NO MATTER HOW RETARDED IT IS. Pick Udyr, he cannot be beat top lane, he is GOD Build for dominance at 25 minute mark, and tell your team to group up and push all the way down to inhib.
That is how I deal with retarded teammates. Everytime I see something going astray in pick phase, I pick Udyr, solo top and destroy people, and even if you can't, you're udyr, no one can deny your farm.
At 25 minutes, have some random ass combo of Aegis/Wriggles/Spirit Visage/Randuins/Negatron Cloak/Frozen Heart/GA and boots.
Red pot, blue pot, push down mid, with at least 20% CDR you are literally unfucking killable from 25 minutes to 35 minutes.
88% win rate with Udyr at 1500 ELO, really good considering all the times I've picked him are in retard team comp situations you described.
Sure Pantheon is good if you snowball, but Udyr wins games even if your teammates feed, because unless enemy is megafed, no one can kill you if you played properly and won your lane.
EDIT: credited to The Rain Man's how to get rank 1 rant (when he was actually good that is)
Dyrus just hit 200 CS 18 minutes in as Mordekaiser. Constantly doing your own wraiths+occasionally doing theirs is evil. Edit: 21 minutes - 250 CS. He is also 17 while their mid laner, Kennen, is still 13.
victor looks interesting but not too strong imo
the slow field is very good though
On December 20 2011 12:07 Shiv. wrote: Dyrus just hit 200 CS 18 minutes in as Mordekaiser. Constantly doing your own wraiths+occasionally doing theirs is evil. Edit: 21 minutes - 250 CS. He is also 17 while their mid laner, Kennen, is still 13.
Dyrus is easily the best farmer in this game imo. Just watching him in tournies/streamed games makes me want to cry, thats how well he does with last hitting. His GP is by far the best I've seen of all his champs he has played.
On December 20 2011 12:16 eagle wrote: dyrus number one troll His ult currently takes away 34+27% of a champion's HP. 30 minutes in, that is. And obviously, he hits 400 CS at 35 minutes. What the hell.
On December 20 2011 12:22 Shiv. wrote:His ult currently takes away 34+27% of a champion's HP. 30 minutes in, that is. And obviously, he hits 400 CS at 35 minutes. What the hell.
It steals 34 + 27% of a champion's HP that is
and he has 50% spell vamp huehue
Morde es #1, always shield never die
So reidan has been doing jungle kayle. Her E actually lasts a long time and allows you to farm the jungle easily, because it does flat damage per attack, making her scale amazingly well with attack speed.
United States4053 Posts
For the first time in forever, Dyrus's stream description on CLGaming is relevant
who is more of a terror at low elo - akali or shaco?
It's easier to recover from a bad streak with akali and at low elo I'd say akali is easier because laning is weaker.
WOW dryus tooo stronk taking the nexus at 12 minutes with morde in the middle.
United States4053 Posts
Dyrus speedrunning solo queue, win in ~12:30
On December 20 2011 10:51 Shiv. wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 10:46 r.Evo wrote: TL I hereby ask thee: (thus? I suck at this.)
What's your method of dealing with games where champselect screams OH GAWD TROLLZ OH GAWD.
Think of 1-2 people who ramble on spanish, the obvious ME NO SUPPORT lastpick and where you just smell your teamcomp will be utterly retarded.
My usual approach is to grab some early game dominator (since they work well even if someone decides to lane with you for some reason) and try to gain some kind of momentum to snowball. Stuff like Pantheon. Sometimes it even works. =D
Anyone else got stuff that works for him in those spots? I'm not dumbed down enough by those things to give up, so I actively try to convince people to be cool to each other and show a little respect, considering we'll have to spend the next 30 or so minutes stuck together as a team. Works 50% of the time. All the time.
This is damn great. Didn't think of that myself. The whole "Dude, no matter how hard you rage you're stuck with us for the next 20+ minutes." is awesome.
Gonna try that all day.
I'm not entirely sure if the Udyr thingy will work, but I'll give it a try. Thing is in "trolly" games people tend to rage harder when bad stuff happens and to appreciate it less when good stuff happens. Usually I feel as if I make more impact when im a 3-0 panth than when I'm a Caitlyn with 60cs advantage. Impact on morale and therefor the #1 thing in solo q, that is.