[Team] TL B - Page 64
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Canada5484 Posts
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United States27922 Posts
On February 19 2012 19:00 De4ngus wrote: scrim tomorrow 9 pm west coast best coast time. sorry its kinda late for you east coast nubs but thats the earliest the other team can do. twodown you dont like top ok daenius is playing toplane. you can sub for monte since he might not make it. be on whenever you can tomorrow for practice please. Who are we scrimming? And just to be clear, this is Monday night, midnight east coast time, correct? I'll be able to play only one at that point in the night. I'll be on mid afternoon tomorrow. | ||
United States13684 Posts
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5286 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
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United States6533 Posts
On February 20 2012 03:58 Navi wrote: just grind 1v1s vs gandhi heck ill do em for u we tried this and he gave up after 2 games. if he doesnt like the role then im not gonna force him in it. monte is a pretty busy guy so td can take his place whenever hes gone. daenius will be the new toplane. | ||
United States6533 Posts
On February 20 2012 03:21 jcarlsoniv wrote: Who are we scrimming? And just to be clear, this is Monday night, midnight east coast time, correct? I'll be able to play only one at that point in the night. I'll be on mid afternoon tomorrow. nono this is today so like sunday vs microsoft team from that league thing. | ||
United States27922 Posts
On February 20 2012 04:37 De4ngus wrote: nono this is today so like sunday vs microsoft team from that league thing. Well I'm not on today. | ||
United States6533 Posts
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United States27922 Posts
On February 20 2012 04:42 De4ngus wrote: k i find a sub for you then. maybe i try to make my stream work again since soniv cant make zzzz. I sorry. I have returned from my meet, but we're having a party tonight since tomorrow is president's day. I'll be on tomorrow. | ||
United States2707 Posts
On February 20 2012 03:50 Two_DoWn wrote: I guess I should clarify- I dont mind having to play top. Its just I was frustrated cuz I have 2 characters Im really good at top and a bunch I need to work on, and the way I work on characters is just picking them in normals and trying shit. But I guess that isnt the same style the rest of you have. I was just kind of taken aback by the sheer amount of abuse I was getting from Chobz and Ghandi for trying to improve. Do it in solo queue. Time spent during 5s should be spent working on team synergy. If you're not comfortable with a lot of champs, play ranked solo queue until you're godlike at them. | ||
Canada836 Posts
I signed up as top/support but since others got it covered I had to learn to AD http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11951048/cats.png Here are some LoL cats | ||
United States27922 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
On February 21 2012 01:00 Seuss wrote: Microsoft too strong. TL B can not defeat the power of Bill Gates' money. Is there a vod? | ||
United States10536 Posts
Game 1 Game 2 (1/2) Game 2 (1/2) Game 2 is split because when you stream for over 2 hours it gets cut into parts, and game 2 spanned two parts. | ||
United States13684 Posts
Why gank lvl 2 without w? Wasted op at level 3 after she used w. Not sure why ghandi was where he was at the blue fight. Wraiths wasted time- should have had blue- no ken ult, lb with no mana. You knew drag was up at 15:30- but went to wraiths and burned mana- GP should have cancelled that TP- no point the fight was already lost. Chobz & Ghandi really bad positioning in a lot of fights early. 25 minute mark- Chobz should not facecheck into 3. Late game- you guys did a pretty bad job of dictating fights on your own terms- poor warding overall let them come in from angles and get to chobz which lost you a few fights. Shoutout to GP- he did really well that game. Realistically better warding and navi not missing a few ults should have been the difference. But early game is still really really bad. Monty notes (too bad it was your camera) - you need to be more efficient. You burn through your mana on Mao and dont really get anything out of it. Personally I find maxing e gives me a lot more clear power. And you really need to not leave an area where you need to be just to get a set of wraiths. Twice you had objectives you could have gotten but were out of position cuz you left the area. | ||
5286 Posts
idk why people are talking about "dictating fights on our own terms" as that is almost entirely decided by team compisition, and with kennen and janna and sivir ultimate there's no way in hell we can dictate 5v5s as well as they can inherently by kits. the effectiveness of my peel and monte's was cut drastically by janna - i had 1 ult where i should have landed it but failed entirely because i waited a moment too long, but the others were ruined by janna's ultimate forcing me to make awkward flashes in the hope of a max range ultimate on chobz who was blown in the other direction (or him just dying while i was being blown away giving no time for an ult) etc. with a very weak team fight support like nunu (at least vs this much disruption) the effectiveness of teamfighting is drastically reduced. sona and ali would have been much better in teamfights for initiation and peel i agree with chobz that ur picks are your weakest part of your game | ||
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